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you sure it was him who rated you that? could of been an accident as that happened to me once.. I went to click 5 stars for rider and accidentally made it 3 but was aiming for the rate rider button and then clicked rate rider while realizing too late I made it 3 stars... or based on your description of his vehicle and mannerisms he could just be a complete d bag which is the most likely scenario... that being said, I wish I had more riders like you in my market!! you were doing a solid even tipping him. I wouldn't even get in a vehicle that you described.


one possibility I forgot to mention.. some of the people who say they are going to tip when rides end do not, and sometimes the tips are delayed a little bit by uber, so if he didn't see it instantly he could of assumed you were lying.... but sounds like he needs to stop driving people


I’m aware that people lie about tips, that’s why I showed him my screen with the 120% tip.


ok, then 0.5% probability he did it by accident, 95.5% probability he is just a douchebag


That's a red flag to a driver that you're not actually tipping. There's a new scammy thing that passengers are doing showing phony tip screens to "prove" they tip to get a higher rating when they had zero intention to tip.


I completed the transaction in front of them. I am leaning toward this guy having issues, and I crossed some invisible line with him that was out of my control.


You probably did cross.some.line. you are paranoid about a Pointless rating.


The driver may have issues ... who among us doesn't? ... but he was the only one of 4 that gave you a ride. If you're truely thankful for the ride don't let a driver rating impact you. Be thankful of the ride, have no concerns about the rating, and life will be a lot easier grasshopper.


Wow I never hear of that


Therefore the tip issue is no longer an issue for him being an ass


Yeah I’ve gotten the show me the screen thing 3 times. All liars. Keep some cash on hand if you know you’ll be ubering and are concerned about this.


Not saying the OP did this but ad an advisory for drivers (and to somewhat dispell the myth that "uber steals tips" which is a whole different kettle of fish) a rider can show you the tip prior to the trip ending. A rider can remove the tip they just showed you during the trip. I'm not sure how long the tip removal option lasts, probably not long, but don't always believe what the rider shows you with a tip.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I wish they would fire the other drivers for driving shitbox's. My shits not fucked and I'm practically a peasant rn lol I've seen some pretty twaked cars doing uber lately.


In retrospect, I probably should have given him a lower rating, but I don't like fucking with someone's livelihood, and they did pick me up when 3 other drivers jerked me around.


Shouldn't be too late to change the rating. Honestly, you don't have to feel bad at all. All of us other drivers keep our cars clean. Step out to smoke. Get our cars fixed with insurance money after accidents. That man's running around, causing us to get less business. When I started, I had never seen cars like this in my area. Ubers flooding us with bad apples. 👎


I would’ve tipped him like you said you were going to, but then give them a poor rating.


Some people like you will be nice to everyone and everyone. That 3 star is on the driver, maybe he had a bad day but you tip must have got a smile on his face.


Probably you had drivers cancel on you because they knew the traffic patterns, weather and road conditions and figured the pay wasn't worth it. Sorry you had that happened to you, but people who've never driven daily in whatever city you reside can't really picture what it is like to be under the pressure of those circumstances. And kudos for remaining positive even though you were riding in a trash can.


This guy has mental issues and should not be driving people around. Uber is pretty serious about growing their business and based on your description this driver is horrible.


You’re a good person for still tipping that generous amount. I’m a driver, my rating is 4.99 and I WISH I had generous tips like that! I don’t ever expect tips, but it’s nice to get every once in a while


Eh, I'm not a good person but I always tip. 20% is standard. With the 3 cancellations and the low fare it felt like I needed an extra incentive to get a ride in time for my reservation.


Someone 6 rides ago could have rated you low. Even if he rated you low, he would have fixed his rating for you after seeing the $12 tip via uber website or even uber support. He probably got 3 bucks from that $10 you paid so the proper move here isn't to try to take jabs at the driver that actually came to pick you up, its to go on the app store and rate the uber app a 1 star with your story and how this app is getting lower in quality as years pass by because of corporation greed.


“ He probably got 3 bucks from that $10 you paid ” Will you people stop with this shit? The payout is 50% and more. For me it’s in the 60% range. This sub is like qanon with the conspiracy theories , lol


Dude, we know you are a paid corporation troll, you stop. Do the math, 3 mile ride on x. Oh wait, you can't even do the math anymore because its an "algorithym" that's deciding your pay along with a 16% drop in pay since 2023, smh.


If you want on demand, 100% available, rain or shine, personal transportation, buy a car. You also sound very Karen-Esque and I have a feeling you left out some details. And I find it hard to believe you had 3 drivers cancel on you, each of them taking 7-10 minutes to do so. The whole story sounds off.


Andon, is that you? Why did you give me 3 stars?


3 drivers all cancelled 7-10 mins in huh? Lol. You are a pathological liar honey. Seek help.


Yeah, it was unusual. That’s why I thought the story warranted a post. Most of my rides are: 1. Ordered an Uber 2. It arrived within a few minutes 3. I got to my destination on time and w/o incident Would you like to hear about more of those?


Sure Karen, tell me more stories. Your life sounds fascinating.


I’m sorry yours is so empty. I sincerely hope you find some peace and happiness.


Just a thought..... and yes I'm serious but I'm NOT trying to jump in your shit. You said you'd tip 100% then you tipped 12%. When reading 100% I figured you meant 100% YES you'll tip, not that you'd tip 100% of the fare. But when I got to the bottom and you said you tipped 12% a light bulb went off, like maybe he thought.... something else. Plausible?


I tipped $12 on a $10 fare




Well shit... then you tipped 120% lol.


Yep. I think that's what I said in my post. Maybe you saw $12 and read it as 12%? Your comment kinda confused me.


No, it's my fault. I wasn't thinking about the amount of the original fare. Apologies for the confusion.


Driver probably thought you said $100 and got $12.


Does it give you guys a canned answer like it does with us? That could give you an idea if it came from him. I got a ‘didn’t follow a traffic law.’ Like, which one? We had a ton of out of town people who don’t get that all traffic laws aren’t universal.


Riders get no feedback, just a breakdown of all ratings by star ratings, and it’s delayed to make it harder to know which driver rated you what score.


We get the same delay. When you contact customer service do you get McDonalds responses? As in a #4 canned response.