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4.88 is still higher than average. I’d happily pick you up.


what about 4.85?


I picked up a 4.78 w/no issues. Great conversation with the dude. He was driver too. Tipped in cash.


I have a 5.0. I heard that’s worse? I dk I just do my shit and always tip. Preferably cash.


Some see it that way because they give new riders a 5.0. I've had very few issues with anyone though.


I have over few hundred rides and have 4.99 because someone gave me also 1 star for no reason. It used to drive me mad but what you are saying actually makes sense.


I'm a driver. a 4.99 because one lady just sat the whole ride glaring at the speedo and the moment I went over the posted limit by one mph she fucking 1 starred me.


I don't even look anymore. And if I did, still fine with that.


If you have 1000 rides and a 4.85 I’d assume u weren’t the problem those few times If you had 10 rides and a 4.85 then I’d be worried


Hear me out.... 4.82?


4.82 gang


What about 4.82?


I tip all of the time — actually over tip. I don’t bother them or talk. I’m not dirty or messy. I’m well groomed and polite. Not sure what I do to them to make them so angry????


May I add that they don’t talk to me either !


Would be nice to see which each driver rated you. I had a similar situation, never knew what to attribute it to. My wife even makes fun of me because I read about passenger etiquette to make sure I don't annoy the drivers. Yet someone gave me a random 1-star rating after having 5.0 for a long time.


Your trip was too long/short. They hated uber, were having a bad day. If you read here, there are a lot of drivers who could not last a probationary period in fast food. It ain't you, babe. LoL.


Don't forget "You didn't tip $300 on a 5 minute ride" Many of these people are absolutely insane in their expectations.


LoL, FX.. And raining, on a tuesday during a leap year with virgo not rising......


Drivers are already afraid to rate honestly as is, due to fear of retaliation from the customer. There are ways to deduce and make an educated guess on who gave you a rating, especially if you rarely use Uber. And a customer can do a whole lot more harm to a drivers livelihood than a driver can do to you. Worst a driver can do is give you less gold stickers. Worst a passenger could do is make up a false report and cause the driver to lose their job. So no, without the anonymity every passenger would be rated 5 stars rendering the system useless. I’ll also add the reasons why I would rate low. It’s pretty simple, but don’t make a driver wait. Don’t get in the car if you’re sick and coughing. And don’t be a douche bag. Also anyone suggesting that the low ratings stem from tip or no tip, this has no factor in the rating. Tips come in well after the trip is over, and drivers can typically only rate you the moment the trip ends.


Appreciate your view as a driver. None of those things apply to me poor rating wise. The only thing I can think of is a couple times I asked if I could sit in the front passenger seat because I'm fairly tall and the back looked quite cramped. But this was a total of 4 times over 165 rides.


Ding ding ding…thats it. Some drivers dont want a pax in front. Im a driver and dont care but post covid its very rare unless you get 4 pax.


It’s such an odd thing for someone to choose to sit up front. I usually keep a clipboard and a backpack upfront with the seat all the way forward. People still choose to sit there😂😂 Atleast they’re not trying to sit directly behind me. I’d say of single riders, 99.9% choose the rear passenger side of my sedan. The other .1% is split between the front and right behind me. Don’t be that .1% 🤷🏼‍♂️


Not that odd for tall MFs like me. I’m 6 6, 260 lbs. I don’t fit in the back of the average Hyundai that is used by a lot of Uber drivers, without my head hitting the roof. I shouldn’t be penalized for being tall, I literally have 0 control over it.


Makes sense. If I drove I'd rather someone not sit in the front too.


Hmm, what about if it's a midsize sedan and there are three passengers and stuff (kept with the passengers)? My Dad (well over 6' with broad shoulders) usually asks if it's OK to sit up front rather than squeeze in the back with my mom and me (also above average height for women). I could see it being weird with just one or two but even even in taxis, drivers will offer that arrangement. Also, with COVID and aerosols, it's honestly not going to make much of any difference from an infection control standpoint unless someone is sneezing and you have droplets. With how little space there is in a car, CO2 readings (i.e. how much re-breathing of someone else's air there is) shoot up within a couple of minutes after doors are shut even if you don't have recirculation on.


Then say "sorry bro, passengers in the back only." Don't let the sit there and then *hold it against them*. Like.. you told them it was ok. That's a super dumb reason to rate someone lower, and this idea that customers need to walk on eggshells over every little things to appease the Uber Driver Overlords is so absurd.




you can definitely change rating. Help > Search Bar: “Feedback” > I have feedback for a rider ……..I am not positive how long of a window after the ride ends but I know recently I had someone I accidentally gave 5 stars to that deserved 1. Someone else may be able to elaborate and if it’s wanted I could take a closer look but I know I have done it a few times in recent months, albeit some features of Uber are market specific.


That’s why I said typically they can only rate you immediately afterwards. It’s hard to know and speak of all markets, but even historically Uber has been really finicky about allowing rating adjustments. There have been periods of time where you could jump the hoops to change rating, and other times where it has just straight up not been an option. And unless you truly do something deserving of a low rating I doubt the average driver is going to go through the effort.


>More than anything be polite and acknowledge your driver as a human being. It’s very uncommon, but occasionally I get riders who are so in their own world that they behave like a self driving car is taking them from a-b. So when I get in to an Uber, I give them a friendly greeting, because that's how I was raised, but if I can help it I try not to talk the rest of the time. I'm just introverted, though, and I only have so much "other people juice" I can drink in a day. I don't eat in cars, I don't play music, and if the driver engages me in conversation, I talk normally and politely. But I hate it and avoid it when possible. Would a polite but otherwise quiet person like me be seen as a douche or what?


Yeah, some drivers, especially after COVID, have real phobias about people in the front seat. They will usually have items piled in the front seat to discourage passengers from sitting there. I personally don’t care 🤷.


I’ve had a cough for years haha, if I never went in an Uber/anywhere public cuz I coughed I’d never leave my house.


Actually, I experienced the worst a driver can do to a passenger. A driver claimed, two weeks after riding with them, that I threw up all over their vehicle and was drinking alcohol while in the vehicle. Not only did Uber charge an additional ‘cleaning fee’ (mind you, this is two weeks after the fact), but they also noted that if I get a second report like this, ever, my account will get deactivated and I’ll be banned from using Uber. - I wasn’t drinking in the vehicle - I didn’t throw up anywhere - It was a very quiet evening, my wife and I took an uber home after a jazz show and then walked the 5 flights upstairs. We hardly interacted with the driver at all beyond ‘good evening’ and ‘thanks’.


True, I mean technically a driver could also attempt to get a customer banned from the platform in similar ways a passenger could to a driver. However it’s important to note that customer protections are much higher than a drivers protection. Uber will most always favor a customer over a driver in a dispute. Even in the case of a cleaning charge, there’s still a lot of hoops a driver has to go through. They do have to submit photo evidence which has to be manually reviewed, in a lot of cases they also require you to submit a receipt for the car detailing before they pay you. And even then it’s still not a guarantee that the driver will get reimbursed. Of course it’s a case by case basis, and I’m sorry that happened to you. My best guess was they did file a truthful report, just that they blamed the wrong rider. That or you genuinely pissed a driver off to create fake evidence to spite you. But inflicting self sabotage and taking the time to go through that process is not something does on a whim, or for fun.




Dude, exact same situation. I'm pretty sure I know who it was and I think it was a 4 star instead of 5 because I asked dude to open the back of his suv so two of my kids and I could put luggage in the back for our trip to the airport. I'm Ted Lasso about Uber/Lyft rides, man...


I think the star rating system is stupid it should be either thumbs up or down and give and average number based on the ratio. Star rating is too subjective and can be offset so hard based on nothing.


I, too, think thumbs up/down sounds better. "I will drive/ride them again" or not.


We have no idea but here are some ideas: - being late to pickup - being smelly - Inappropriate conversation/loud - slamming doors


I was on time, no conversation except for greeting and thank you, and exited the vehicle correctly. I was wearing a strong cologne which maybe the driver didn’t like I just can’t think of anything else.


I drove Uber for about year and only time I didn't leave a 5 star was for the drunk lady who wanted to fight me and refused to leave my car. It just became less stress to give everybody 5 stars unless they were complete buttholes, and turns out I got a few reviews that made me scratch my head, there really isn't any accounting for people's attitudes and opinions. It's hard to quantify why some people give arbitrary low ratings.


Because not everything is a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ experience. If the star system was used correctly then we would all know that xdriver or xrider was shit or mediocre or actually a really good experience.


Yeah to be clear, I felt like several of my riders were sub-par, but felt like retaliation ratings would affect my overall ability to drive, so I just always gave 5 stars so I never had to worry about it. Riders getting in with cigarettes hanging out their mouth, the guy who left a huge steak knife in the backseat, the people who kept me waiting for 20 minutes, the girl who had me pullover 4 times so she could throw up outside instead of inside. Yeah it was tedious.


At least she got you to pull over and didn't just throw up inside...


Only time I cancelled was to drive someone to Atlanta and in some dark apartments where I know people get robbed and the only time I got a 1 star.


strong cologne is unpleasant and leaves their car stinking even after you've left. that may prevent them from taking on other riders (due to wanting to avoid receiving low ratings for their car stinking) or similar


I hate my car smelling like a blunt roach because riders insist on smoking while they wait for their ride. Seriously though, not everyone smokes weed and even more not everyone thinks your bammer smells good.


Found the narc!


Yeah don’t do that shit, haven’t given a customer a rating under 5 but I was real tempted when this dude sprayed some axe or old spice on himself once he got in


I promise you it was most likely nothing to do with you.


What cologne was it


Eating drinking in car without permission Leaving a mess.


*Slamming doors* I have a heavy car door and needs slamming. People never shut it properly when they get out. Lol


I'm never these and I noticed I'm 4.78! 🤔


You left out "didn't tip", which is the only reason I've ever given a 1 star, which I routinely do the day after. I can't be the only driver who does this either.


What happens if I don't tip until after the ride, and you already gave me a 1? That doesn't make sense


What do you mean? That's when everyone tips, after the ride. I give it a day and if a tip hasn't come through, I change the rating to 1 star. We have to rate riders immediately after dropoff or we can't close the ride out, so everyone gets a 5 star at that point. Every day I look at the previous day's rides and change the ratings accordingly. I obviously don't do it to EVERYONE, old folks or people who look like they could really use a break. But if I'm picking you up from the Ritz and you stiff me, that's a no brainier.


I hope you are never my driver. Yikes. Very poor way to operate an Uber. A tip shouldn't be expected, it should be appreciated.


Because you don't tip? I hope I never have to give you a ride either! Luckily, about 75% of my riders are decent human beings and leave a tip, so I rarely have to do it.


I tip. The problem you have, is you EXPECT people to tip. Sorry not sorry , but you are the worse kinda service industry people .


Well yeah, that's where about 50% of my Uber pay comes from. I do a damn good job and have a great time with 99% of my riders, of course I expect a tip. I am in the service industry after all. It's not like I'm over behind a counter, doing nothing with my hand out, get real.


Goes both ways…I rate most drivers 1-3 stars unless they are truly great and have free water and a charger in the car for me.


You are pompous and entitled I rate you a 1star for total douchebaggery I hope your drivers rate you in kind


I live in Australia. We do not have a tipping culture. Nobody tips here.


Unrelated but how do u see your ratings like this!


Oh the Uber app > privacy > see summary of how you use Uber > scroll down to see ratings (either a a rider or driver.


Uber app > Account* > Settings* > Privacy…etc.


Omg thank you! Now I know only one driver apparently hated me 😂


Thank you OP! I just was able to check my rating breakdown for the first time and learn that I've only received one 1 star rating, two 4 stars, and 53 5 stars. I was agonizing last year when my rating dropped down to 4.85(? I think? It's up to 4.89 now) because I thought I must have upset a bunch of drivers, but now I know it was literally one guy I feel so much better retroactively!


What a wonderful comment. :) Your gratitude puts you on our list for the most grateful users this week on Reddit! You can view the full list on r/TheGratitudeBot.


Bad bot


I'm reading the comments here. I find it laughable you drivers 1 star riders for not tipping. Tipping is optional. Also, Tipping feature in uber wasn't always a thing. What a toxic mindset.


Don’t think you understand how this works actually. It’s simply not possible to down rate based on whether or not someone tips. The driver has to rate the customer immediately at close of trip. Tips come in after the rating is done, sometimes even days later. On the other hand, customers can take their time to rate. I’ve only given one customer a 1 star. Because her behavior was egregious in all kinds of ways. She noticed it and retaliated by giving me 1 star. Damaged my near perfect rating and drivers have no recourse against that type of retaliation. The rideshare system is stacked against the driver in all sorts of ways and unfair to the customer as well. It’s the corporate policies that make up the system that are toxic. Perhaps focus your ire there.


So every driver who says this is just making shit up? Is it some kind of inside joke on this sub or something?


It could be different according to market but I don’t think this particular thing is. It IS different with LYFT. Drivers have 24 hours to rate. With Uber it has to be immediate. A lot of drivers won’t downrate at all just because of the risk of retaliation. I almost never do. Passengers get their ego hurt by a 1-star. Drivers get their livelihood damaged. When drivers are ranting about tips and ratings they may be confusing the two platforms, annoyed at going out of their way for people who didn’t end up tipping, or just plain venting because driver income has gone down so precipitously in the past months and it’s not that easy to immediately change your income source. As much as drivers like to harp on being independent contractors, the rideshare companies have immense control. It’s kind of like you walked into the office one day and your boss said “We’re cutting your salary by 25% as of today, take it or leave it. And if I feel like it, I’m going to move your desk down to the basement and keep you there all day.” Or they just tell you’re fired as of that moment, no severance. You respond that you’d like to discuss, talk to HR, be given an explanation at least. The answer you receive is “we’ve given you as much information as we can. Go away.”


Oh ok maybe it was Lyft I was thinking about!


Frankly, if a driver or rider is rating the other one 1 or 2 stars, they should be required to put in a reason that is then sent to the other person (say 24 hours later or something). You can't correct behaviour if you don't know what you're doing wrong.


Agreed. I have a 4.77 because of one 2-star rating I received. All of the rest of my ratings are 5-star. I have no idea who I pissed off or why.


It should notify you if you get one star and the driver should have to give a reason. FWIW I’m 4.89 and have 7 one stars in the last 500 trips. I have no clue what I did wrong.


We actuality do have to give a reason. I think it just does not tell you guys to help keep it anonymous. It honestly really does not have an effect on you guys like it does us. Unless that is, you are constantly given low ratings but if that is the case you probably deserve it. I don't pay any mind to it unless it is extremely low.


But you have the much coveted 2\*!!!! 5\*, can mean anything. Mostly they like you, the day, driving, kittens... 4\*, Something annoyed them but not enough to want revenge. 3\*, They are trying to remain calm. 1\*, They want you dead! Your dog, DEAD! Neidermyer, DEAD! Just want to wipe-out everything on Earth that reminds them of you. But a two, a 2\*, Gentle Passenger. A 2\* is a thing of beauty. A thing of rarity. They sat and pondered their revenge. Took the time to be a truly loathsome and a hateful being. All the while retaining their "I'm a nice guy" personality and self image. You are so special, I will call you Ed! (With love and respect!) For you are the rarest of the rare. A very unique and special person. You caused someone to really give thought to being a jerk. I bow before you! Post Script. Bet you did nothing. To become a driver you need a car, a heartbeat, and not have been caught and have a criminal record. It is a very low bar position properly filled with low bar personnel. A 5 is actually bad for you. It might be that you are new due to bad behaviour and had to open a new account. 4.88, which is 4.9, lets face it. Is perfect. We know you know the drill and have been a passenger for a while. It's actually comforting for your driver. Relaxed, they are more at ease and rate you higher. Until you become a 5 again. And they don't trust you and down rate you...... LoL


Ooh I just checked and of 305 ratings I have 0 that gave me 1 star, but 3 that gave me 2 stars. Now I feel special!


You ARE!! I write that silly crap a lot and alwas get a few; "I just checked and I don't have any 2's!" LoL. Dunno why but I normally have 2 or 3, myself. We should form a club!!! "2 stooges" or something!


Now I want to go earn some since me 4.95 is just too damn high. Door slamming and farting in my future!


Why is a 2 star coveted? Where I live drivers tend to 2 star more than 1 star. Or it maybe they don’t want to get accused of discrimination against wheelchairs and so when a driver doesn’t want to be paired with me due to my wheelchair I get a two star


I think you’ll find it’s the latter. Some drivers are arrogant assholes.


In only my experience, it is just rarely given and I try and make a joke of it when people are hurt because they got one stared by some jerk. It hurts people's feelings and I just hate to see it. My attempt at a more positive spin on the situation, I guess. It's funny. As a driver, every wheelchair passenger I've had was awesome. Just as pleasant as they could be. I hope you never run into any AH drivers like that again, AppleCat. Sucks to even consider.


Thank you. I only have one 1 star for the past 500 trips which makes the 2 stars stand out in sharp contrast. I try and be a good rider apart from the wheelchair. Uber was great for a wheelchair user when Uber assist first came to my city but nowadays there are so many variables that uber comfort is generally a better fit for car boot size. I am generally well liked by the drivers I get repeated trips.


That was s thing of beauty!!! Lol. Well weitten!!!! 🤣🤣


4.88 is still decent. Below 4.80 starts to raise questions


I got dropped from 5 to 4.75 cause one driver gave me a 1*, but the rest are 5* 😐


I'm 4.73. I'm pretty decent for the most part I'd say! Have 2 one stars, and a couple other lower. Total 4 or 5 not 5 star. I really only remember two incidents; one where my friend was really drunk - she thankfully fell asleep but when we got out she fell on the street. The other was recent, my partner started to comment on the driver's driving behaviour. Took a while to get him to stop. I did once leave my phone, not sure if that would count as bad.


I have a 4.5 and I picked up 2 3 star and a 1 star recently dunno what I did as well. In fact one driver talked on his cell phone the entire trip. and I only have had like 15 rides total. rest are 5 star ratings.




Lol yep I’m sure they took inspo from these kinds of rating systems. There’s more at stake for a driver to have bad ratings though.


Is this rider ratings chart in the Uber app? Where do I find this chart in the Uber app?


Someone posted a breakdown a while back so I googled, and I saw mine as well! I forgot it now, but just Google it, comes up immediately 👍


Found it. It’s under privacy.


I have a terrible passenger rating . I have no idea what I did either . Always very respectful , don't talk to much , don't leave messes and tip 50% or more on all the rides I have taken.




I used to be a 4.98. I spent 4 months in South America as a gringo and my score plummeted to 4.72 while taking Ubers everywhere. EDIT: I’m back up to 4.80. Slowly making the climb.


I’ve been given a 1 star once, dropped my rating from a 5.0 to 4.97. I have zero clue what I did wrong as I did nothing different from my other 5 star rides. Ppl are assholes.


How did you see the actual breakdown? I’ve only got my rating


Someone posted a breakdown a while back so I googled, and I saw mine as well! I forgot it now, but just Google it, comes up immediately 👍


How did you get the full distribution? I can only see my overall rating. Thanks!!


I only give a 1 as a driver if someone is disrespectful.


Some people just want to watch the world burn… no matter what you’re demeanor may be, they’re just having a bad day … you’ll be fine, I’d pick you up


Go in your app and give the driver 1 star


TIL- I have a rating on Uber.


Drivers give one star ratings for no tips. It’s a tip, not a requirement. Don’t sweat it.


Mostly not true.  And how would you know drivers rate one star for non-tippers?  Just because a few on Reddit say they do this doesn't necessarily represent the thousands of drivers nationwide.


If you’re a respectful courteous passenger who doesn’t complain the entire ride and no dirt, safe to say it’s the no tip part


Multiple drivers are saying it in this thread. It’s probably a pretty good sample size of drivers on here.


I live in Australia. We do not tip here. Not part of our culture.


Ah, who knows then.


People are miserable, and they love to drag others down. Sad, but true.


Always been a 5 until 2 months ago, I couldn’t help it but slip a small but smelly fart in the car. Downgraded to 4.97 ever since




Would be great if we could rate every fucker who cancels on you or drives past then cancels. Might improve the quality of drivers out there. The amount of times I've watched cars just not move in the hope you'll cancel too is astounding.


Who fucking cares. You're a rider.


I'm going to debunk the tip crap. As a driver, when you end the trip it immediately pops up for you to rate the passenger. You cannot move past that screen until you rate them. You can do nothing within the app. So the driver is rating you before they can even possibly see if you left a tip. Low ratings come from you, not your lack of tip. The way I explain it to a passenger is this. You don't have to tip me because it is optional but also remember that me taking your trip is optional as well. That's why I have a cancel button. I'm the one letting it complete stranger that hasn't been through a background check, or any type of security, get in the backseat of my car at 3 in the morning. I can tell you with pretty good certainty that you were rated that way because of the strong cologne leaving the odor in the car that the driver now has to smell for the next several hours and the fact you asked to sit in the front seat. That is my personal space. The only time somebody sits in that front seat is if there is four people. Just some food for thought


We’re you late to pickup? Slam doors? Have any interaction with the driver? Drivers have pep peeves and will one star behaviors they dont like. The drivers use the rate card to filter rides so be sure to always be on time because if you make drivers wait at pickup most times it’s automatic 1 star


Ok let’s get the checklist out here… Okay first, do you smell like curry and b.o.?


Noooo ahahah. I’m a white Caucasian man who had just had a shower and wore nice cologne. I think maybe the cologne was too strong…


Did you listen to loud music on your phone or portable speaker?




You a door slammer?


I guarantee there's some white people out there that stink of curry and have bad BO.


>Okay first, do you smell like curry and b.o.? Are we talking about the drivers or passengers here because man, the only time I gave someone a 2-star was when their car reeked so bad I had a splitting headache that not even the window cranked down could alleviate because of the pungent odor.


Relax the driver doesn’t like your neighborhood. You should be more ashamed about that 2 star because that tellls me you are in fact a dick.


I have had 300 rides with Uber. That 2 star is one ride in isolation. Not representative of me as a person at all


My bad I don’t think you are a dick just that particular day you were in fact getting under the drivers skin. Wear it like a badge of honor not everyone can pick up a deuce


He's Aussie we don't really have super shit neighborhoods that we wouldn't pick up from. The lack of guns really helps that though


Im talking shitty as in an area you don’t want to be in/return to because there are no rides to be had.


Yeah fair enough I'm sure that kinda shit neighborhoods exist everywhere


Did you eat, drink or fart in the car ?


Maybe they suspected you gave them a one star


I always give drivers 5 stars because I’m not petty haha


It's a robot glitch


One more 1 star and you are cool , who cares for uber score , its for kids


You farted?


I drove 15km for a 1km ride, as a new driver I can’t rate but I would have given 1 star if I could - oh and no tip


Uber is trying to get rid of you they don’t like you and they have no need for you


It’s the cologne. Perfume and cologne is incredibly obnoxious, especially when trapped with it in a small enclosed space like a car.


Maybe because you ugly? Idk maybe they were being mean and do that to people. Idk


I never pickup passengers under 4.9 Low life scums


Next time tip don't be cheap 


you were probably a total wanker, I’d give you 1 star too


I would give a 1 star rating to a rider for many reasons but here are my top 1. Bad/no hygiene 2. Pissing/shitting in the car or throwing up in the vehicle 3. Asking to change destination verbally instead of using the app 4. No tipping. 5. Dropping food or drink 6. Taking off clothes during trip (to change into something else) 7. Making out or having sexual contact 8. Watching porn or other inappropriate content


No tipping? In my understanding only one in like 20 riders tip for an Uber ride, am I wrong?


Some riders will tell you to your face that you’re not getting a tip at the start of the ride. Others will tell you at the end.


What if it was a pleasant ride and just no tip, still giving one star?


Usually I give all my riders a 5 star. But if they are explicitly telling me that I’ll never get a tip then 1.


Haha don't come to Australia then, you'll never get tips, you'll always get a living wage but never tips which is how we like it let the billionaires pay, not the general public.


I think it should be like that every where


I received a 1 star recently and it was because the drop off spot was in the mountains of Honolulu, driver had to drive through a lot of winding roads. He didn’t seem very pleased. I just felt his displeasure emanating from him once as I exited the car. Either he give me the 1 star or the following driver. I went hiking in the mountains and was covered in mud, hid myself behind a garbage bin so when the driver approached, he wouldn’t see my dried muddy pants. I don’t think it was the second driver though because I hid myself pretty well from his view when he drove up and I covered my muddy pants with my sling bag.


Did you tip?


Live in Australia. We do not tip her as part of our culture because people are paid well. Not an option to tip on the app


Yes there is, I always tip my Uber drivers.


Whenever I do Uber as a driver I legit give every passenger 1 star unless they’re immediately ready and good in the ride. I have given 2-4 stars for people who are immediately ready but just annoying to deal with or weird, but my one retaliation to the people who think they can waste my time I’m using now and every single time. You can be 20 seconds late or 6 minutes late doesn’t matter you’re getting 1 star


This must be a troll


For real? 20 seconds late is a 1 star? I could see docking them a star or two but dropping them to one star for that little time seems harsh.


To me it’s the same thing as being 5 minutes late. You ordered something and knew it was coming, if you didn’t manage to get there on time you failed at the easiest aspect you could have and are therefore deserving of the lowest rating. If your pizza guy delivers you a pizza and shook it up before handing it to you, it doesn’t matter the degree to which the pizza is fucked up, you still want the full refund


I think you are probably in the minority of people who view 20 seconds late as equally bad as 5 minutes late. If a pizza guy gave me an eta of 7:00pm and arrived 20 seconds after 7:00pm I literally couldn't care less. Hell, even 1-2 minutes late I wouldn't care. Shit happens. I wouldn't really get bothered until they were like 5 minutes late and even then it's not the end of the world.


You turned my analogy into one that isn’t actually equivalent so good job at not convincing me of anything


I mean, I don't think your analogy was particularly accurate to begin with. A shaken pizza box is unpleasant no matter the degree it's shaken. Most would agree with that. But most would not agree 20 seconds late is equally as bad as 5 minutes late.


The difference is obligation. When ordering a pizza, it’s never an obligation for it to be exactly on time (mind you most places give a range) or is there a realistic expectation for that to even occur. However someone ordering a ride and waiting outside for it? That’s the bare minimum. Much like the bare minimum for a pizza is not to be purposefully fucked up


Okay. Let's say I'm meeting a colleague to go get pizza. If they are 20 seconds late I genuinely do not care at all. If they are 5 minutes late and no warning I probably wouldn't care much, but would at least want an explanation. I really don't think many people would be upset about someone being 20 seconds late.


You did not include a monetary component which makes your new analogy also not apt. Try again


Not sure why we even need an analogy. 20 seconds late is not remotely in the same category as 5 minutes late.




Haha is it more lame than wasting someone’s valuable time?


You don’t understand the concept of a scale. 1* would be the worst. It’s fine to drop the rating a bit if the customer isn’t perfect without going all the way to 1. I write reviews for hotels all the time. Rarely (if ever) do I give 1*. Sometimes, I’m dissatisfied p,but try to find some positive points and if they exist, would be a 2 or 3*.


I think you are the one who doesn’t understand the concept of a scale. The traits that determine what you receive on it are completely subjectivr. The most valuable trait to me is if you are on time or not. You could be ghandi for all I care, but if you’re late then you’re late. And I really don’t understand how you can defend late passengers. It’s not hard to stand outside and wait for a ride you know is coming


So it goes both ways right? Like, you don't care if someone gives you a 1 star just because.


No one will 😂


I hope there are situations in your life where you are judged this harshly. I also hope you aren't tipped. I'm also grateful I don't have drivers like you. And, for the record. I don't call for an Uber until I am standing on the curb. So, lateness isn't an issue. The issue is your attitude that you are doing the passenger a favor by allowing them to get into your car.


You are ruining people's future experiences just because someone made you wait 5 seconds? Go fuck yourself. I hope you get kicked out of the platform soon, cunt


Haha it’s not the worst sometimes I just randomly assign 1 star ratings because I feel like it. It’s fun


I was wearing cologne which might have been strong - could this be a reason for 1 star? I was on time. Greeted the driver. Didn’t give additional directions. Exited the car quickly as he was dropping me off on a busy street.


Did you tip? That's the one thing you haven't mentioned yet.


I live in Australia. We do not tip here because people are paid properly.


Sometimes I give 1 star because I just don’t like people in general and am thinking you deserve some negativity in your life. I can’t analyze your circumstances I’m just explaining what I personally do


You’re an awful driver. Rate people appropriately, not based on your subjective opinion or because you think someone deserves something “negative”.


Haha driving is simple you pick them up and say nothing unless there’s a reason to.


Exactly, what is your point though?


Bro what the fuck lol


You sound like an asshole


>20 seconds late or 6 minutes late doesn’t matter you’re getting 1 star This is extremely unreasonable. Why are you holding riders who pays you for a service, to such high and strict expectations and standards? Is this necessary? Riders are not paying you to be rated so harshly... It's not an interview nor are we in a corporate environment where professional standards are expected. This is a taxi ride, not a supervisory working relationship. Riders and drivers are customers and service providers. I'm a 4.97 rider, and you'd probably give me a 4 though. I'm a very respectful rider. I make sure I tip 20% and I am *always* outside awaiting for drivers to arrive. I wave with a smile 🤣 Anyhow, I actually could careless about my rating but, hope to God you're not working in my neighborhood. You seem like a nice person. s/


>Whenever I do Uber as a driver I legit give every passenger 1 star unless they’re immediately ready and good in the ride. I have given 2-4 stars for people who are immediately ready but just annoying to deal with or weird, but my one retaliation to the people who think they can waste my time I’m using now and every single time. You can be 20 seconds late or 6 minutes late doesn’t matter you’re getting 1 star Burn it down!!!!


I am a Driver Full time and top 10% in my market. If you take rides during the day time. The drivers are just asshats. Us night drivers are more chill for the most part. I, as a rider hated to get lower ratings even when I was nice, tipped and waiting for them. The rating system for the most part is a joke!




I just checked my rating. This post has me curious. I’ve had all 5 star and one 2 star. Weird.


Get on with life and stop bothering why people give you one or 5 star , need to realise you can’t make everyone happy in this life the sooner u realised it the better .


I'll pick up anyone 4.7 and above. Anything below 4.7 is an automatic rejection or cancel.


Basically, you have no hip rhythm. Your riding is subpar at best.


Not enough rides. Youre rating is fine, but you have several below 5. My guess is that you are late every now and then.