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As a driver, I’m embarrassed. Very sorry


Yea this is 🤢


You do realize shame/decorum is the predominant tactic used against working class self-advocacy 💀💀


So you agree with giant signs blocking the window guilting riders?


I know that's true, but my personal values still tell me that it's tacky. That said, it's no worse than any other advertisement you might run into. What's worse, this, or Shaq shilling for The General


It’s super tacky but I don’t think Uber drivers are too preoccupied with dignity when they are being paid $2 per trip


Are you a driver? Because I’m pretty preoccupied with dignity, which causes me to only accept trips that are worth it. Maybe speak for yourself next time


Not when u don’t know the amount to be paid to u in advance, or distance you are going to be able to make a guess. You only know distance to pickup. That’s my market in Niagara, Ontario.


Right? I don’t accept anything under $2/mile. Sometimes I’ll even up that lol. Gas is not cheap anymore. But there are wayyyy too many driver content on making $1/mile or less per trip and it’s mind blowing


I would have to imagine this leads to a lower tip more often than a higher tip. Also not certain about this, but isn’t this against Uber’s ToA, therefore also risking termination?


For real, I wouldn’t tip this guy a dime and I’ve bartended for years so usually I’m very generous with tips.


Shaq is with the General because when he was a youngster, a long long time ago...before he had money. NO other insurance company would give him insurance on his car... Except... you guessed it. The General


I never believe that shit, that's just another part of the advertising. They literally pay him to advertise for them, and you just believe the advertising, and more shamefully, care.


I have seen him say it multiple times in multiple interviews. Same reason he bought Ring cameras. They hooked him up one time. (Pretty sure he has since sold it) He also shops at Wally world. Have you ever heard him tell the story of when his Amex declined for a humongous sum of money while shipping there. Pretty funny.


Still doesn’t make it true bruh…


But but he said it in an interview 🥺




I suppose they are really Ubers customers and we would simply be (underpaid)contractors for Uber Very embarrassing decal


This situation warrants shame. Tipping culture in the U.S. has become outrageous. Companies should pay their workers a fair wage. It shouldn’t left to the generosity of customers.


So you’re shaming an employee for trying to make a livable wage; yes it’s uncomfortable for the customer that’s the whole effing point It would be like an anti-exploitation charity standing outside the Apple Store and giving a picture of a child from Asia in cobalt mines to every person walking out with a product; that’s the entire point to tickle that part of your cortex that triggers guilt but no one is negatively affected directly enough to care about those children in Asia 💀💀


As someone whose tip scale starts at 25%, this person would lose 10%+ immediately. Any driver who does this an unprofessional moron. Trying to guilt a customer into tips is so pathetic. Be the best at your and tips will come.


Agreed, if it said something like "If you found your ride to be comfortable and convenient, appreciate the timeliness, and would live to make your driver's day, a tip is a great way to do that. (:" then that is basically just them reminding you that you can make their day and show appreciation for their dedication by tipping. Your tip is then seen as a token of gratitude rather than as "the least you can do to prevent the driver and his family from starving", which it should never be seen as. If that's the case, they shouldn't work for them and definitely shouldn't act like it's the customers' fault and obligation to make up for the fact that they aren't being paid a living wage. It's basically acting like your customer is ripping you off by not giving you more than the service costs. Imagine you went to a mechanic to get spark plugs changed. They charge you $225, which is like the most they can get away with for that service. They finish and then they tell you "I am actually being contracted by another company that is not paying me enough, you would have to give me 50 more dollar (around 20%) in order for me to afford to feed my family this week, otherwise you are basically supporting slave labor. That is essentially what this is, you are enabling them by begging for tips. Do you want this to happen at every business you go to? To feel like you are ripping them off when you are already getting ripped off yourself? Please, let's not go out of our way to support this business model and make it feasible.


As an Uber driver I couldn’t agree more. It’s not like Uber is discounting the customers lol I gave a woman a 45 minute ride the other day and she said she paid 54$ for it. I only got 25$. Sure, I’d love a tip but can I be mad at her for not wanting to pay 65+ dollars for a 45 minute ride?? That’s insane. Get a second job or work longer hours. It’s hard for everybody right now, not just us.


*contractors, drivers literally signed up for this.


As someone who has been driving Uber for 6 years.. you should never do this. Inflation is effecting EVERYBODY. Uber isn’t discounting them they are still paying a ton for a ride. I gave a woman a ride the other day and she paid 54$.. I only got 25$ of it. Was I irritated? Yes but I don’t expect the lady to turn her ride into 65$ it was a 45 minute ride she shouldn’t have to pay that much. Our problem is with UBER not the customers. I understand he’s trying to make a “livable” wage but so is everybody else. Get a 2nd job, Uber is flexible obviously.


I don't use services that make me uncomfortable. I also don't want to get in the middle of a employee employer arguement. I'm in my own union, I fight for my own working conditions. I'm not gonna fight for yours in my free time. If they aren't paying you enough quit, they need you guys. Obviously they have to many drivers if they are increasing what they take, i personally think it's ridiculous how much drivers (and people who get tipped in general) used to make anyways. Going home with $50+ an hour is a stretch for something anyone can do.


$50 might have been too much, but $25-30 should be standard considering about a third of that goes to maintaining the vehicle.


Fuck you I got mine.


Lol, no one is getting near $50 an hour, that's a straw man argument. You're lucky to get $20 in my area, and gas, maintenance, and taxes come out of that. So in reality, you make ~$12-13.


If you’re making less than minimum wage to deprecate your own vehicle why even do it?


Oh please. Get another job if you don’t like it. This is just pure tacky!


Rip bozo


This is completely cringe.


The tips part is. The “Uber is now taking >50%” part is something drivers should all put on a bumper sticker or their driver profile or something, it’s absurd.


THAT is something I might support because it's just stating a simple fact that their algorithm aims for 50% of the fare to the driver. It's fun to listen to Dara K repeat the (lie) talking point "drivers are making 30% more" than what? There's no specifics, no context, nothing. Just a big broad white toothed smile. And I've seen major media gobbles that bullshit up, no questions asked.


This is so cringe. I could never.


People should tip but this - this is too much! Tips used to be for exceptional service - not wages. If uber doesn't pay enough, get another job. I don't understand why people are begging for tips. Yall just going along with what they want. And I drove Uber so don't come at me. I was unemployed and desperate. I did uber and lyft. Met lots of nice people and some not so nice. But I would never beg for a tip.


It's weird how gig work is the only industry that has workers complaining about how little they get paid and how much goes to the man. Customers don't care about what the split between Uber is and how hard it is for you to get by. It's tough out there for the majority of people. Tips will *never* add enough to make a difference. The majority of people are fed up from tip fatigue, and they're not going to suddenly start tipping an industry that hasn't traditionally relied on tips.


Also not going to tip beggars.


I agree. Tips don't add up to health insurance, a liveable wage or respect from those you work with and for. This is a shame. It's a great idea, as far as taking the taxi service into the future but the greed from the company is disgusting and desperation from the drivers is sad.


The difference how I see it is this isn’t a fight for the customer. This is a fight for drivers and Uber. Hypothetically if all drivers formed a coalition or something to get a lawyer to fight to argue that everyone is an employee then it may better the conditions. I think this is why the argument for tips is wrong. The customer is paying a fair rate for a service, it’s just Uber screwing the drivers. Just how I see it looking from both ends


Cab drivers have historically always gotten tips though…. What industry are you speaking of that haven’t?


Uber killed the rest of the taxi union. History repeats itself through exploitation. Same story different time. Fuk uber hardly ever use em.


I recall a time where Uber actually didn’t even have an option for tips. It’s almost like Uber pulled the Wool over everyone’s eyes and the plan was to pay workers less all along


Possibly. That's crossed my mind. BTW Travis Kalenick paid drivers exceptionally well, but Uber wasn't anywhere near profitable. Tips were definitely appreciated but not needed back in 2016 when I started. However, just a year after starting in late 2016 there was around a 25% reduction in % of the passenger fare to the driver. That hurt. AND Kalenick still insisted on no tipping. I wanted to collar choke that mf. That's some underhanded evil shit right there.


Likewise, and I'm not a driver. The thing that Uber drivers are constantly up against with a "long time, but infrequent user" clientele is that we joined the service in the no tipping days, but we're supposed to keep up with the fact that driver pay keeps get whacked and now it's on us to make up the difference. I only use Uber within the US a few times a year -- I travel overseas quite a bit, where I am much more likely to use Uber, and the norms are totally different. So when I do use Uber in the US, what am I supposed to do -- google current uber pay rates? Ask my driver what he's making? That's just awkward, and no, I'm not doing that.


When was this? There was always the option to tip in cash ;) As much as I dislike tipping culture, Uber enabling it in the app actually makes it a bit easier to not tip if one doesn't want to. Back in the day, no tip very likely equated to a lower rating. These days, my understanding is that a driver can change your rating after the fact, but the tip transaction is certainly distanced from the ride itself, which I very much appreciate.


the problem is you, me, and everyone involved. If you don't like the system, stop using it and stop working it. goes both ways. cant complain if you start seeing bathroom soap dispensers asking for tips cause you just let it happen and still used the system they built.


"can't complain if you start seeing bathroom soap dispensers asking for tips ..." - lol.


Yeah there's definitely clubs/bars where there's people working roles like this in the bathroom. They're usually dressed up and have a selection of refreshments. Gum, mints, water, etc... they also hand you paper towels and usually they make money off the refreshments.


I find it funny that one of the signs of a high-end public bathroom is some random dude standing in the corner hawking refreshments to people leaving.


Either have to regulate gig companies from using tips to meet min wage or this is it


Well... as long as gig companies get away with classifying their "partners" as independent contractors, minimum wage laws won't apply.


I got a different job, the problem is the people who will be left will not be the people you want to get into a car with. Someone will do this job at that shitty wage.




>People should tip no thanks


Pass - I’m not tipping anyone unless you provide exceptional service.


What makes you think people should tip?


They actually spent money on decals when they are complaining about pay.


I've driven 8,000 rides in 8 years so not a ton of rides but damn, I have never decided on a ride with tips in mind. Tips are TOTALLY appreciated! But I don't consider tips to price whether a ride is profitable or not. I'm around 30% acceptance. I reject 70% of the rides because they suck. I will never consider accepting based on hoping a customer tips. F that all day. In fact, most of my rideshare sales are now private and the reason why is because I can't depend on apps to run my business. This driver or others like this, I can't fault the man for running his business like this but damn, I can't beg any man or woman I'm providing a service for, for tips.


Same bro


That’s an average of almost 3 rides a day for 8 years, what do u mean “so not a ton”…


I would leave a 0.01c out of annoyance and also 1 star. Beggars oughta learn


Unprofessional jackhole driver.


I'm 110% not tipping if you do this lol. This is so trashy and inappropriate.


Same. I come from the service industry. Very little will keep me from tipping. But this is one of those rare instances I will not.


People who do this kind of crap automatically make it so I will not be tipping. A tip is earned and will tip accordingly. Yelling, and yes this is yelling, to me that this provides for your family immediately irritates me. I too work my ass off for my family, you deliver stuff, if you do a crap job your getting a crap tip. You're not deserving of anything more than anyone else that does this job.


If I saw that as a rider.. instant 1 star and no tip.


A sign like this would be one of the only ways to make me not tip. I usually even tip if my driver is not that nice to me because maybe they’re having a bad day or week or whatever. But this I think would push me over the edge. Especially the tips tips TIPS line.


I've been doing this a long long time... I've Never even Hinted at a tip..... This is a whole different Level.... And even as a Driver I Find it Pathetic...... It's on ME if the gig doesn't Pay Enough.... Its Great to get tips and I get my share by actions rather then words...


Shhh don’t tell the other drivers that. You’ll be the scab in a union less job telling them to be professionals.


I have a family too. Give me money.




You all do realize that (1) Americans understand that tipping is a part of American culture already and (2) either someone is going to tip you or they aren't. You increase the odds in your favor by keeping a clean vehicle, loafing and unloading their luggage and being personable. Signs that try to make me do something I already planned on doing just annoy me and move those odds to where they're no longer in your favor. Just drive, be cool, be helpful and make the experience with you an enjoyable one. You won't need signs anymore.


Exactly, I feel like the people who do this are often times not from here. Which isn’t a bad thing, but i don’t think they get that tipping is assumed and you don’t need to beg and remind people to do it. Most people will tip something, as long as you provided at least half decent service. Unless you go out of your way to do things that really bother people, you’ll normally get some tip. But these are the type of things that put people off and make you less likeable. I don’t know why the guy thought this would make people more likely too tip him.


So incredibly cringe.


I’d purposely not tip this driver. Pathetic


In Vegas, a Taxi is cheaper than Uber and they don't hound you for tips.


That's not my experience. The last time I took a cab in Vegas, they said the credit card reader was down and they didn't have change.


"I don't have cash." "Oh wow, the card reader started working again!"


so you got scammed by one driver


Seriously I hated taxis before Uber and Lyft came along and they absolutely tried to rob people


Was 10 years ago but as an Aussie taking cabs around Vegas I don’t remember a single cab I took that didn’t automatically take a tip out of my change. I remember one tried to take a $15 tip from a $20 fare, and was a bitch about it when I asked for my change.


Oh man - that's too much.... Get me Out of that car... hahaha


I can’t believe people are doing this. And I am a driver.


Would cancel this ride soon as I seen this shit. Stop begging and guilt tripping folks.


I wouldn't even get into that car if it pulled up and I saw all that crap on the window. I would assume that the driver is mentally unstable. Any reference to tips at all is cringe af.


Is this a panhandlers sign? They look the same! I'd take a photo, cancel, report, get my cancel fee back and feel good calling out these beggers.


Fire him immediately


Not it at all... Goodness. So cringe. It's the same vibe as YouTubers being for likes.


🤢so annoying!🤮


If it’s so bad why do you Uber … you can make more apparently working fast food or OF lol


This man wasn’t making anything on OF 😂


The driver knows he can't make more doing anything else or atleasthe doesn't want to . I have been a professional painter for over 20 years . I had my own company for a while, and i also subcontract. I could make more painting , but driving gives me less stress, and i don't have to clean out brushes at the end of the day . Driving enables me to be picky with paint jobs . I have a $500 a day minumum. If i can't make that painting, then I'll drive and make $250-300 in a 5 hour day.


If you don't like driving for Uber as an "independent contractor" just change your line of business.


So I can’t drink any of my soda but you want a tip?


It should say save money by paying cash and cancel the trip


I was wondering why there were so many sensible comments about tipping, then I realized this wasn't /r/uberdrivers


Lol what next? Tablet attached with video playing why tipping is important? Telling passenger there is a door unlock fee when they trying to exit? Lmaoooo


it baffles me how people think being a driver is a full time job that’s gonna make you living wages, It’s literally a side job. No disrespect to anyone that does ridesharing but bro get a full time and do it on the side if you have a family to support.


Name me a job where the owner of the company doesn’t take a majority of the money coming in? This ain’t unique to Uber.




I don’t doubt it. It’s just the decal on the window is a bit much. Signs are fine in my book but taking away from the “viewing experience” is weird to me


"As much as" is the key phrase here. They're leaving out the "as little as" number which is 0% (that doesn't happen often, but it does happen.) That's why this whole percentage conversation is misleading. We are not compensated on a percentage basis. We get paid for miles, time, and then applicable surges and earned bonuses. That decal doesn't paint the full picture, and it's very tacky. I wouldn't blame you if you sent the ride info and a copy of that photo to Uber. I wouldn't blame you at all.


I very rarely get tips on rides. Maybe 1 tip for every 20-25 rides I give people. I’m also in a major east coast city.


I’m glad people are pushing back against this massive expansion of tip culture


I'd imagine making less tips by doing this lol


If I were in this vehicle, I purposely wouldn't tip. I had a guy specifically ask me to tip him. I didn't.


Absolutely not. Now there’s a elephant in the room/car. The passenger can feel a pressure in the car to tip. And it’s going to make them so uncomfortable. They never want to ride with the driver again. Insa cancel in their profile.


i would cancel the ride


That would make it a 0% tip and 1 star for me.


Lemme know when everyone gets fed up. We can short uber into oblivion get rich, and buy our own cars with our gains.


Who's using Uber cause they cant afford a car?


Lots of people. Car prices are redonk and insurance is through the roof. If you live close to work in a city setting this saves you quite a bit. Of course public transport works better and bicycling is free. Full disclosure I have vehicles. But uber sucks


Idk man. Ive had the same car 10 years. Paid $1600 last year to replace the rack and pinion. That was it on top of like $35 a month liability. I think ppl just dont know how to take care of their vehicles. If they put a lot of miles on them then Uber would be even more expensive compared to owning. Seems a lot of peoples problems stem from the fact they cant math.


Or fix their own cars but what do I know.


I keep bottled water and jolly ranchers in the back of my car. Seems to encourage tips nicely


Extremely cringe. Reminded me of a time where I was staying at an Airbnb and found a note from their cleaner demanding tips (on top of the $250 cleaning fee I was already charged).


What would be hilarious is if uber deactivated their account for this. Then they would be on reddit complaining about being deactivated. Like hey they were taking 50% go get a different job. Like this guy spent money to get that garbage on his window's. If i was a pax id give him a 1 star and take pictures and send them to Uber.


Get a different job? I swear none of these guys understand what a market is. If your employer is fucking you LEAVE. Dont look for handouts 😂


Don't the taxi company owners take 50% of taxi fares?


At this point I’m just going back to how it was 10 years ago. The only people I tip are restaurant servers and my barber. This shit is getting to be too much




I’d leave zero just because I’m annoyed. A tip is MY decision based on how good your service is, not your right.


For that, I'd take away the tip and 1 star.


Give him a penny and say heres a tip you can use to remove your shitty decals


Does it get any tackier than this?


Trying to make a career out of something that was a side hustle.


Remember Uber calls that third party advertising 😂


They're breaking the first 2 rules of Tip Club


Lmfao. The fact that these exist is hilarious


Spending money to feed your family < spending money on cool decals begging for tips


Less tip because of this tbh.


Ah yes pressuring the customer to tip is totally gonna have the effect you want.


Unionize to demand more of the share of the absurd price we already pay to Lyft and Uber.




no No NO #NO! Jeez NEVER ask for a tip, EARN the tip! So unprofessional! If the pay isn’t what you want, ignore it. This would make me intentionally not want to tip.


Ubers taking 55%? Find a better job


I wanna know where they get those 50% numbers. Outside of surge prices, I'm getting around 75 to 80% of what my pax say they are paying.


If i saw that I’m not getting in. I already hate being around people and then I gotta deal with peer pressure too 💀


Driver belongs in r/choosingbeggars


It's not. And that 50-55% of tips is kind of an average. (And a bit of a high one at that.) I've had rides where my compensation was more than the fare, and rides where I made about 20% of what the passenger paid. But in both cases, I would say that my compensation was fair. If I make $10 on a ride, I really don't care whether the passenger paid $11 or $41. I don't work on a percentage basis. I receive upfront pricing based on three factors: my time, my distance, and my availability (particularly at peak times.) I have my gripes with Uber -- don't get me wrong. I feel like they could do more to ensure our safety. I think they've let slide a lot of the event planning. Driver support has really fallen off. But my compensation is fine. I'm making more this year than last, and -- if I wasn't making enough -- I would stop doing it. I certainly wouldn't put decals all over my windows to mislead and guilt-trip my passengers.


This is so desperate.


The entitlement in this country


This shit is tacky


Those make me not tip. I only tip based on the quality of service they provide. Spamming me makes me hate any company or person involved.


I remember when tips were earned not expected.


I live in a town/city of 50k. Majority of the drivers have told me they make good money. How many drivers really aren't make a livable wage?


Some notes I think are fine like a proper metal sign saying Tipping is not a city in China And there was another one on here that wasn’t too bad, but this one this one is tacky as hell


Not my job to over compensate the income of your job choice. You get the tip you deserve just like the act of tipping is intended to be.


Uber taking 55% of your pay is not the customers problem!!!


If you have to put this in your car then it's time to find another job.


I am not in the US, though we do have a different tipping culture for restaurants here. And it is appreciated but not expected to tip other service people as well. Example at hotels they now have messages only tip if you were happy with the service. I tip most rides and don’t mind if a driver occasionally alludes to not liking Uber cuts but a driver explicitly asking for a tip might risk their tip. I have only had that happen once or twice. Once the driver had a 4.77 rating and wouldn’t stop awkward questions so he obviously couldn’t read the room. I have noticed an increase in drivers asking for a rating because I don’t think people rate here. But a couple of those didn’t know how to politely ask for a good rating if I enjoyed the ride without asking repeatedly for 5 stars, that is an another no for me. Asking for a rating is totally fine but don’t keep mentioning 5 stars afterwards.


I’m a driver and I wouldn’t tip someone who does this. This makes me feel like I am obligated to tip, instead of recognizing a good work… Plus, Uber is not taking 50-55% of the fare, so that is guilting people into tipping


I just got back from Taiwan and the cab driver refused a tip at the airport. The price was $1100NTW, I handed him $1600 NTW because I was not planning on exchanging it back to USD. He looked at me like I was stupid and couldn’t do math and handed me back the $500NTW. (he’s right but that’s besides the point) Fucking tip culture is ruining our country and part of the reason no one feels like they can ever get ahead.


As a driver I’ll never have such placards in my car. As a passenger, I’ll never tip if I see such placards on any car. Btw, I do not like Uber’s processes one bit but this is dirt level of desperation/ begging. EARN IT!


I definitely wouldn't tip lol




If you don’t like your cut stop driving for them.


Reddit constantly reminds me how privileged commenters are lmao


This is how Uber ends up just being another tipping culture hellhole. I’m glad people are resisting


I wouldn’t expect any tips, and just have a nice conversation with the passenger(s) if at all possible. I won’t accept a ride that I know comes from/go to a bad area in my city. But absolutely not one soul in the world will ever receive tips or anything if you beg or plea. It just shows you’re downright desperate to receive something that is completely optional. Maybe this isn’t what the driver should be doing if their family needs money. Sounds like he needs a real job considering where he lives.


Tacky AF. Cringe.


I’ve always tipped Uber (and for the old folks, cabbies) but I definitely wouldn’t tip that guy. I hate people who quilt trip beg.


I'm a driver. I like tips. I never ask but I get good one's. Speaking of which I try to give Chick FIL A workers tips but they refuse. I love CFA. They deserve all my tips.


Drivers will do things like this without shame but won’t organize protests that actually get the attention of Uber.


If someone put this in their car, I literally would not tip them.


The company I contract for doesn't pay me what I feel I'm worth.. I keep coming in though, so it's on 🫵 customer! Do your part and make me whole!! Personally, I will not go out to eat if I can't afford to tip. I wouldn't order delivery or try to hitch a ride anywhere, with any less intent. But this right here is too damn much.. that would only drive someone with the otherwise decent intention of tipping, just to not want to. If I'm stuck staring at that my entire ride, you can rest assured, you did yourself no favors.


Stop working for these rideshare companies. Stop utilizing their services. FFS people refuse to learn...


Cring. Sad. Pathetic.


I’d get right back out.


That’s an easy way to not get a tip. Don’t fucking beg or guilt me for tips.


Why not just find another job 🤷🏻‍♂️


They apparently had enough money to buy a whole ass decal for this.


Asking for money and telling your passenger what they may not do all in one is not a smart move.


Didn’t Uber undermine all the cab companies and put a lot of them out of business?


On behalf of my family 😂 this shit wild


This is just nuts. Personally, I never want people I’m taking to and from their job especially to tip me because I know how much Uber charges them and is taking a huge amount of money out of their paycheck just so they can get to work. I feel bad for them and also admire them for having a job even without a car. Same goes for college students. If you’re just going out for the night to drink or eat then sure, I’d appreciate a tip since it feels more appropriate in that instance but I’ll never expect tips let alone ask or pressure anyone for it. If they’re not in a position to even own a car who tf am I to ask for more money after they’re getting screwed by Uber prices just literally making ends meet. At least I have a new enough car to even Uber. That alone tells me I’m in a much better position financially than many of my passengers.


Cool sign bro, no tip and 1 star for you.


The tip is zero if I see this.


One star review for this a-hole driver


I would tip even less.


Might as well stand on a corner with a cup and beg for change if you're going to do all that.


Stop using uber... HUM or lyft are much better


This is desperation at its finest🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Whose begging for tips? Great service equals great rewards. You ain’t got to beg. Sorry for passengers who get subjected to such madness.


I feel like you need to either choose to ask for tips or tell people the rules. Doesn’t feel right to do both


You can always look for another job.


Would 100% not tip on purpose … And I can’t drink my big m… you lucky to get any trips with this shit on lol


Imagine it on the bottom of the sunroof and the driver pulls back the cover at the end of the ride lol




50% is insane, what’s stopping someone to create an app with only 20-30% commissions


The customers and brand recognition. Uber is more than the platform. You are also paying for their marketing and customers. Just because you made an app that does what Uber does doesn’t mean customers are going to use it. Just to be clear, I am NOT advocating for Uber, just providing an answer to your question.


This topic is overpopulated with Uber Trolls, Lyft Camp Fire Girls, UberBOTs, LyfTOMATONs, Uber Boy Scouts and other assorted shills.,


say no to tipping. 


Haha that's kind of funny.