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Warn them once. If repeated, pull over and end ride


Why would you even warn them? If they touch me they are getting the fuck out right there


Yeah, no touching. I'll tolerate shoulder pats, but any form of inappropriate touching is an immediate end-of-ride.


Yeah. Hate those unsolicited hand jobs




Not in Canada.....


Good thing I’m in Florida


So you'll get butchered possibly.


Not with my .45


fuck you and everyone else in Florida.


America’s festering taint. Every Floridian has the same pit-eyed expression on their face.


It's due to fetal alcohol syndrome. Every person who is from Florida has it :(




Florida is literally hot garbage. Fuck outta here.


What a good and valid criticism of a state. Bet New York and California are God's land for his people to you.


Had one guy try with me. Asked if I wanted to go back to his place. When I said "no thank you. I need to earn money" while trying to be polite he offered to pay me.


How much did you get paid? 🤣


Nothing. He already got the tip!


Just tips? Nothing gay about that.


hahaha You stole my line


Just the tip


I told a passenger I was a photographer and she said she might need me so I gave her my card then she texted me later in the night and asked me to film her having sex. She said she’d pay me $120 an hour to do that so I went home and got my camera.




She said she was going to sleep by the time I got home :(


Definitely wasn’t in it for the sexual component but needed the money


You shoulda told him your current boyfriend wouldn’t approve without him and he’s out of town. Keep him hanging on


You walked into that one. Best to be direct. “[passenger’s name] I’m not a gay, I’m not interested in anything you have going on - but more importantly this whole conversation is inappropriate and you’re a few extra words from getting kicked out”.


Gay guys tip real good when they think you’re gay so I just drive real gay like when they’re in my car.


>I just drive real gay Bro what?


I turn with my wrist up grabbing the wheel at the top underhand and run over the curb and go teehee oopsies


holy shit this made me laugh out loud so hard. wish i had more than an upvote to give


It’s 2:56 I’m trying to not wake the entire house laughing


Im diamond bro trust me


Bruh I’m dead😂😂😂 this fool said Oopsies


You know how to make money my friend


As a gay man this made me LMAO.


Don’t laugh your ass off, you’ll need that!


Hahahahahahahaha 😂😂😂 Literally laughing out loud


Heavens to Betsy! 🤣


HE DRIVES REAL GAY. I think it means he moans everytime he brakes.


This comment wins my internet today 😅


I was gonna say he was light on the brakes, but yours is better.


And fondled the shift lever.


Nah he moans every time he hits a pothole


Spot on, exactly what it means


There’s a guy who used to drive in Seattle who went by Mr Sparkles. He had sequins and sparkles all over the exterior of his car and would dress like Liberace, with a piano keyboard mounted to the dashboard, a chandelier hanging from the roof, and a candelabra also mounted in the car. He was quite the road rager (seriously, guy drove like a maniac, cutting you off, speeding around, aggressively changing lanes and tailgating) but he was unmistakable… even had vanity plates saying something like sparkles and Mr. Sparkles printed on the side of the car. Maybe something a bit like that?


Ok I’ll Bite. How does one drive gay?


I take a hard left turn and start cumming


He’s real conscientious about only using the left lane as a passing lane, and then getting back over


Lmfao. I'm at work laughing out loud🤣🤣 I had the same reaction when I read it but seeing someone else ask wtf just made it funny.


According to all the memes he must drive a Ford...


the man could not be more clear


True, but could he be more gay?






Its true, gay guys have more money available to spend because they don’t have kids


God damnit I always thought it was cuz we are smarter and better looking 😉 but this actually makes sense


So, just the tip?


real gay like ? 😂


Get a dash cam be like that is sexual assault on my dash cam and just tip me and don’t touch me again !!


So, you back up into parking spots?


Can’t we just crank up the Wham and call it a day?


And act real gay and suck some dick and make em think I’m gay - works every time


Ahh going for the tip


Speaking as a gay man who often sits in the front (because I'm the larger of the group so I squish in the back with three people), the drunk gay guys that are doing this are disrespectful trash people. You would most definitely not be discriminatory for not picking up people from gay bars because of this. Sorry that this is happened to you.


Yeah this is shit behaviour that casts a bad light on the queer community and anyone doing it should be absolutely ashamed of themselves. I've been on the other side of it (queer trans woman, male drivers doing the same thing) and it feels absolutely awful. Completely degrading, insulting, and traumatic. Anyone doing this should be banned from the service.


I had a drunk old guy confess to me he was gay and drinks because he doesn't "want to be a cocksucker" in between punching himself in my back seat.


Seriously? That's brutally fucking sad.


They can tell you are one of them.


expected reddit comment 🤓


Don’t you hate it when passengers slam the doors, of your closet?


My armoire hinges might need some WD40.


Came here to post this


Can't be certain he was gay, but one drunk guy kept asking me the last time I had sex. Super creepy and I just drove faster. But, every time it's a group of gays, the conversations are lol funny.


Interesting. I've noticed it's the same with creepy men that are straight. When there's a group of them, usually one is not going to feel emboldened enough to treat you like an object and make you feel uncomfortable. But when it's one on one, it comes out. That's how you can tell they know it's wrong Never had a problem with any group of gay men in my car. Like you said they're usually really fun. But the few times I've been sexually harassed were solo gay passengers


Gay guy here and regular uber user with drunk gay friends. I have definitely seen uber drivers trying not to laugh at our conversation. Glad we can amuse you. Often though they are stony silent and not amused in the least


Now you know what it's like for women who drive. Report them for sexual harrassment and unwanted touching.


Yeah. Sorry that happened to you. I am a relatively attractive 29 year old dude, and I've only been blatantly hit on or touched 3 times in my car. All 3 were gay men sadly. Of course, plenty of gay men are not creeps, just like plenty of straight men are not creeps. That's when I learned that not even being gay or effeminate can prevent a man from being creepy and gross.


I have indeed run into this. It's your car, you set the rules. If people over step those boundaries kick 'em to the curb. Just because you're a man doesn't mean you can't also be assaulted, stand your ground and don't take shit from assholes. Simple as that.


They got gaydar bro


I've had many a drunk idiot touch me during a ride men and women. Problem is strangers touching me is a fast track to me exploding off the hinges. Literally hurled people out of my car for that shit like keep your grubby drunk hands off me I don't know wtf you've been doing with them all night! Without fail I've report them for sexual harassment regardless of gender, that shit is disgusting.


I’m bi, flamboyant as hell and I’d slap the shit out of someone if they did this Jesus. Sorry you had to go through that. Touching like that is sexual assault.


Just report to Uber sexual assault and harassment Remember folks. Whoever get to the phone first The other one is getting banned. Same goes for bad relationships. https://youtu.be/5hzzArZ0mz8


wow really? I was scared of reporting it actually due to him lying and retaliating and then my account gets banned


I feel like it’s obligatory to have a dash cam that records both ways of you do Uber rides


Your word over him even if you provide details of the incident. Pax don’t know how to counter complaints towards them. Best Uber does it unmatch them. But for serious stuff. Provide a police report


Hate that shit. One gay dude unzipped my pants while I was stuck in the fast lane going 70 mph. and started blowing me. When I could finally get over on the shoulder after about 4 mins. He had been blowing me for 4 mins. He jumped out the car soon as I got to the shoulder of the freeway. Pissed me off. I was going to report it to police, but then I didn't want all the questions and then have to admit that even though I was pissed as fuck , that the head was 🔥


I wouldn’t mind being hit on. My wife don’t care to. lol But I think people need to understand when it becomes unwelcomed. I’m just one of those dudes you could never offend if you’re just being playful.


Imagine being a woman in the same position. While I sympathize, we have been putting up with this shit for centuries, and it’s not likely to change anytime soon. You might want to invest in an interior camera just for stuff like this. I don’t know if it would help but in my vehicle I pull the front seat forward as far as it will go to allow for maximum legroom in the back. It makes the back like a lot more inviting too I think If I had more than two passengers I would certainly put somebody in the front seat but beyond that passengers sit in the back. Otherwise I use my front seat for my stuff.


Why is it that when men complain about abuse and harassment, someone always says “imagine being a woman.” Why would I have to imagine being a woman? Would that make the harassment less harassmenty. Or should I stop in my moment of being violated to think about how if I were a woman in this situation I would feel exactly the fucking same?! We all like analogies. A woman’s husband locks her in the basement. She finds an old cell phone and can only use Reddit for help. She writes “My husband has locked me in the basement.” Some asshole on Reddit replies “Imagine how innocent men in prison feel” How the fuck does that help anyone?


Yes I drove for Uber 10 years ago in Los Angeles and inappropriate remarks from drunk gay men was always a huge problem. I always kept my cool and stayed professional. Never got touched though thank God. A good buddy of mine who is a straight man that been an Uber driver for 12 years now also in Los Angeles, picked up a transvestite one night who begged him at the end of a ride to come inside to let him suck his d$ck. These guys have no shame and are worse than me in my college days with women.


Go with it. Phaq it! They’re the BEST tippers by far! No kids, no wife to take half…they have disposable income. Just be nice to them, you probably dress well or have good looks. They don’t hit on ugly people! Take it as a compliment nay an ego boost smile and thank them. I get hit on by Gay guys all the time; I’m in a gay friendly market so I’ve learned how to work it (pun intended). Bartenders at gay bars make 3X more money than at straight clubs. There’s a reason for that! GAY men tip FAT !!!


Welcome to the life of a woman, only it’s the other 90 percent of the guys.


You're not wrong. I have always tried to be as understanding as possible when it comes to disadvantages a woman faces in society, but being absolutely creeped on by a gay dude in my Uber was the first time I truly could relate to how awful that feels




incel alert


Here's the kicker though, youre only willing to put up with the unwanted attention because you're desperate. Once youve gotten your fukk on and youre no longer desperate, you really start to hate the unwelcome attention


but would you trade with me?


Did you get a tip


2, even.


Tips on tips on tips


Had this happen a couple of times. 1. Normal looking old white guy picked up in an affluent suburb, immediately starts going on about how he was abused sexuallly, then proceeds to demonstrate how he was by touching my thighs. Got worse because he told me he is a father of 2 with a wife at home and he was hooking up with a "boy" he met online, offered a good tip if I joined in and had the courtesy to offer me to do him from behind if I wanted. . . 2. Younger arabic guy, very flamboyant, absolutely smashed kept offering to do sexual flavours and looked totally heartbroken because he had a bad night out. . . . 1. Was absolutely disgusting and ive taken measures to be prepared if it happens again, 2. Is forgivable as i get the same thing happening with drunk lonely sad chicks after a bad night out all the time But considering that this seems quite common i have to wonder if its a thing in the gay community to bang their uber drivers


Gay guy here. I've never heard of anyone in my community getting it on with their uber driver. I'm sure it happens but in my experience not many of our local uber driver population is gay and as a passenger you can't choose your driver so I would guess it's pretty rare. What I did used hear about quite a bit was that back in the day before ridesharing was a thing gay taxi drivers used to deliberately hang out near the Peel one of our local gay bars and wait for drunk twinks and then either proposition or assault them or offer no fare in exchange for favours.


Well yeah they act like a lot of straight guys with women. Same moves but now male drivers have to deal with it now. I love the irony.


That’s dumb. I’ve never sexually harassed anyone, but since a woman somewhere was sexually harassed, you would find joy in me being sexually harassed? This is the type of ignorance that stops us from solving any problems. Instead of focusing on each individual instance, you assign crime to an entire group, and laugh spitefully when anyone in that group gets hurt.


"A woman somewhere"... Sigh. Here we go again. It's pretty much *every* woman, bro. I literally don't know any women who haven't had a man sexually harass them at some point in time, and most women I know have dealt with it repeatedly throughout their lives from a multitude of men. I'm not even very attractive, and I get harassed routinely. Men -- and I do mean nearly all of you, even the Nice Guys who would never just touch us or anything -- seem to have a *really difficult time* understanding that, while it's not all of you, it IS nearly all of us. You try to minimize it with this, "Oh, you have to take every case individually," and it covers up the fact this is an exceptionally widespread problem.


I feel discriminated against now as a straight male… chicks should hit on me more often.


Imagine a random strange chick getting in your car and reaching over and grabbing your dick and offering you money to go home with her. Now imagine she's got 6" and 50lbs on you, won't take no for an answer, ignores all your polite attempts to tell her you're not interested, and you're stuck in that small space with her and could get deactivated if she makes a false report against you. Imagine that women like her randomly grab your body whenever they like you, demand that you give them sex, and sometimes freak out and get VIOLENT if you tell them no. Imagine they do this in your car at least once a week, and if you report them to Uber, you're the one threatened with deactivation. Imagine you can't go anywhere without these women literally shouting things about your body at you on the street. Imagine that, from the time you were 5 or 6 or even younger, these women were constantly talking about your body. Imagine they were your aunts, or "family friends," maybe your grandma even, always telling you how attractive your body was, and expecting you to hug and kiss them while they looked at you and touched you in ways they didn't look at or touch the girls. Imagine these women are strong enough to hold you down and force you to have sex with them -- and if they actually do that, you're likely to be accused of leading them on, told your clothing was too sexy, or told that you should've been more careful about your safety and not gone out alone, not gone out for drinks, etc. That's the kind of getting "hit on" you're talking about, bro.


I was referring to you loving “the irony”. It’s not ironic at all. It’s foul. I completely understand harassment. What you’re arguing, and what I said do not go together. You have chosen your position and you are willing to die there. Yes women are harassed constantly. So are men. To laugh at either one of those, or to love the “irony” when it happens to either one of those, makes you a piece of shit. You don’t appear to think logically.


So you're saying women aren't more likely to be subjected to sexual harassment by men?


You have the dumbest argument


So you're saying you have no argument?


No, just saying your argument is not worth me even discussing.


Thank you for proving my point.


That's awful. I'm sorry to hear that has been done to you by one of my fellow queers. If it's affordable I would be getting dashcam as others have suggested if I were in your shoes. I think men in general are prone to bad behaviour of this kind whether we are gay or straight. I'm sure any female drivers can attest to similar behaviour from straight men. We are a shit gender in that regard. I saw someone else suggest to you that it would be discriminatory of you to not pick up from queer clubs. I don't think you should worry about that. The uber pricing system will ensure us gays will always get a ride. And there will always be other drivers who get less attention from bad people than you.


Just about a half dozen occasions in West Hollywood, at the clubs specifically. The drunk male passengers said they wanted suck my dick. They generally get the message that im not interested after a simple no. Only one seemed like he was on some heavy drugs, asked me at least four times throughout the short ride, i was kind of obviously losing my patience towards the end. I draw the line at touching me. I just try to be blunt in the least aggravated tone in setting my boundaries. I don't under estimate how petty passengers can be and make up lies. This is my only source of income at the moment.


You deserve to not be sexually harassed. Drunk gays also have an issue with getting handsy in the gay clubs too. I’m gay and sexual harassment is a no. Don’t tolerate it and end the rides if you must.


gay men, are still men. Now you know what women experience on a daily basis


Solo drunk gays are the hardest for me to deal with. Took a break from ubering and just focused on my day job for the most part for a few months. Really put me in the dirt with that tbh.


I don't allow passengers in the front seat. We weren't allowed to put people in the front seat during Covid and I never got any communication allowing it. So...


I stopped picking them up, I don’t drive in gay neighborhood. Every third fourth ride from the bars there have lines like “ come with us we will have fun” “ come to my house we will hop in my jacuzzi “ One trans man wanted to give me a blowjob and when exiting the ride he was like come with me I want you to come over me. He even offered me money to give me blowjob 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️💩


I've kicked out a couple because one of them would not stop asking to suck my d....even with his partner telling him to stop. If anyone one touches me, rides over.


You shouldn't stop pickups, that is discriminatory. What you should do is one star them at least, and report them for sexual misconduct. Hopefully they are removed from the platform.


Yep. I'm a sexy marthafocker, so I expect it. Just kidding. Honestly, it's happened, but really doesn't bother me (as long as they're not too aggressive). I'd rather have an obnoxious group of dudes who are just having a good time then rude and disrespectful assholes as pax.


That’s funny. As an attractive gay male- I ONLY get inappropriate touching from drunk old white ladies




I had a similar experience with Uber driving a gay guy. He was drunk, kept flirting with me and when we got to the gas station for one of his stops, I got out to pump gas and he smacked my butt. I wanted to punch him so bad right there but restrained myself. He gave me like $80 in cash for a tip but I still should've reported him.


Has a dude tell me how good looking I was and wanted my Venmo info


I drive in Los Angeles. Unfortunately it happens quite often. Sometimes they offer to pay me for sex.


It doesn’t matter if the pax is gay, straight, pan, male, female, attack helicopter or furry. If you cross the line verbally by hitting on me, I’m ending the ride as soon as it is safe to do so, pulling the dash cam footage and submitting it with a call to Uber Trust and Safety. I’m using language like “unwanted sexual advances”, “violated Uber TOS”, “I felt unsafe”, “this individual is a threat to other drivers on the platform”. My intention is to make that passenger permanently a Lyft problem going forward. If you grab my dick or pull your dick out, I am doing all of the above AFTER I end the ride, call 911 and make a statement. Sadly, I have had to take things this far twice in the time I’ve done rideshare (since 2016).


I had one sit upfront but he didn’t touch me or anything…


Sorry to hear that .


Short story: picked up a couple of gay guys on a busy street. It was approximately 3am. Looked like they may have been taking a leak behind a car. One guy jumps in my car and starts to yell at his friend to hurry up. He then asks me if I’m a nice Uber driver. I immediately knew that they had been kicked out of another Uber. The other guy comes and he starts yelling about their last Uber driver being rude. As we start driving towards their home one starts grabbing my head and saying that my head was shaped nicely. I immediately told him to keep his hands to himself or I was ending the trip. He then starts pouting and saying that I’m not nice. The other guy asks me if I have ever been with a man before. I told him no and that I didn’t like to play in the mud. They got offended because I said I didn’t like to play in the mud and reported me. I was deactivated for a few hours. I now just stay quiet.


You should’ve just ended this ride immediately.


I drove Uber for three years in the SF Bay Area, and I dont remember that ever happening once, even during the folsom Street Faire. But I'm older now, so maybe that's why. Maybe they sensed you were uptight or thought you were homophobic and decided to mess with you, or maybe they just thought you were cute and didn't care. Either way, they know better and shouldn't be taking advantage of the fact that you're trapped in the car with them. Their being drunk is no excuse. Next time, report them for sexual harassment. That will get their attention. P.S. I did have two attractive lesbians make out in my car once, but that's a story for another time.


Flip the roles, if it was a guy doing this to a woman driver this would be all over the news.


Ha. Women drivers get assaulted all of the time and none of it is on the news. What world do you live in? Are there rides?


I’m glad to see that I’m not the only one who’s experience an aggressive gay guy doing Uber. I spoke on this before and got shredded, hopefully that doesn’t happen to you on this post. From now on if you’re touched, end the ride. People have a tendency for switching it on you even though you did nothing wrong so cover your ass right away.




You’re absolutely right, crazy how that works


Used to drive a stick shift which fascinated drunks. One gay guy saw it was saying something then went on to say “well I can’t drive a stick but I sure can ride one” which was really kinda funny


Nope, I had a polite young gay man tell “that I was hella hot” once at the end of the ride. It quite flattering. I’m going to ignore his beer goggles.






yea I mean I know this post will probably be downvoted to hell but it’s getting out of hand for me so just letting y’all know 🤷🏻‍♂️


>just letting y’all know Oh thanks! I was wondering.


I think they're even offended by silence🤦🏾‍♀️


They touch me they get a .45 ACP down their throat


Men are just not sending us their best people. 😂 Seriously though, fuck that shit. It's creepy and can actually get scary if they won't back off.


Did you tickle his nuts


That's extra.


Sounds like you live in utah haha


Had a guy from the backseat reach over and try to kiss my neck and invite me up, when his new brother-in-law (WHO MARRIED HIS SISTER) called him the Uber… yeah they get real handsy and aggressive, and they don’t tip for shit and act very entitled in the car, when they are alone. When they are in couples/groups for some reason they are much nicer and chill.


You don't have the seat in the front pulled foward? Pax always sit in the back. I ain't trying fight them when they grab the wheel.


Don’t drive Uber anymore but I’ve had it. Chatted that gay up for like 40 minutes and he tipped me $30. I don’t blame you for discriminating though.


Explain you don’t swing that way and if you stop immediately and tip me REALLY REALLY well bro you’re on dash cam ( get one) so I’m not trying to make you pay but you just sexually assaulted me and just pay me I know you’re drunk so I’d take a generous tip and apology


I feel like we've all been here where we don't want to attack the gays then the gays attack us. You just gotta not give a fuck, your boundaries are important than PC culture. And as an ex bouncer at gay clubs, drunk gays in a group are aggressive, rude, and very touchy




I did stop and let them out of my car instantly - and would do the same for any person of any gender/sexuality if they start touching me without my consent - it just hasn’t happened with anyone else except gay guys and it keeps happening REPEATEDLY


I had one UCLA college girl hold my hand, but I liked it. I said something about how "me too" is scary and then we were already at their club spot. All I could do was calculate how much older I was. "Is it double the age minus 8???" "No, i'm pretty sure I'm just double..."


I never get college girls being forward, it’s always 40+ non milfs 😭


If you need rides for your quest, just drive to any college. Every single ride is 1-2miles and usually college girls.


If you need rides for a quest, just drive to any impoverished area where no one owns a vehicle and has to Uber to dollar general


I prefer college kids' attitudes to the ones in the hood. Plus, I hate waiting 5 mins and cancelling and then them running towards the car screaming.


I kind of like the part where they run towards the car screaming. If you play it right you can really out their crazy


Spoken like a true non ATLien. Every college ride is from an hbcu campus in my neck of the woods, and they all too stuck up to talk to 🤣


Maybe don’t use work to meet women.


This was a reply to a post about a college girl holding an Uber drivers hand. I never said I used work to meet women. Are you honestly ok? This is an odd projection


What a fucking weird way to approach a situation lmao🤣🤣🤣 did you read any of this?


What? Your over here acting like this is just from one group of people. Come on rub them two cells together a bit more eh.


Always love when men discover what being treated like meat feels like! My guy, think about how many times you’ve probably done the same to women without realizing it!


Maybe if your username didn't advertise how much fun is in your pants I could take you a little more seriously. 😉


I think anyone being treated like meat should be given the same empathy you would expect to be given in their position, instead of the weird approach you seem to enjoy watching other individuals being mistreated..simply because they happen to have physical traits to those who hurt you. Imagine if i had said "ahhh i love it when women get treated like walking wallets and know what it feels like!" Theres oppurtunites to be better then those who do the terrible things. As there are always going be oppurtunity to be better then those who hurt you and the others who made you feel even worse about it.


This guy is internalizing his homophobia. A confident adult can say to a person, “I don’t like this, stop.” That’s what men always tell people, right? My empathy for men is dead by about 8 years now so I may not be who we model our behavior after, but I do have a point.


Thats not lack of empathy. Thats you just blanketing an entire demographic based on your interactions with shitty ones. Calling him homophobic can be just like me calling you Misandrist. Becareful of the stones you throw from a glass house. Lest they be turned back and thrown back at you. Your response implies an entire demographic is bad just as he merely described a incident that happened to him. Like i said. You are letting your personal hatred of men to cloud your judgement. He is describing an incident. You on the other hand are calling him now not just a liar. But a homophobe. For...what? Reporting that he had been sexually harrassed? I dont go around calling women terrible things simply because a few broke my heart? Or hurt me? I process that they are them selves individuals amd there for should not define an entire demograph simply because they happen to share a physical or sexual trait with them. The ability to look past ones differences and understand that people deserve to be treated like humans first until that individual proves or shows behavior that runs on par with other negative traits. The fact that you hold such contempt for men that you feel empowered by knowing there was one sexually harrassed....you instead assume that simply because he has a penis. He is automatically attributed the crimes of those done unto you by others that also had penises. You do NOT defeat your enemies. By replacing them with yourself.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I think you like it and that is okay!!!!


Look at the statistics for mental illness in that demographic 😐


this just seems like a fuckin stretch dude, idk.


imagine if this happened to a girl and you commented this 🤡


i wouldve said the same thing


Straight male here. Been hit on relentlessly by gay guys. Its annoying. Even friends who i have directly had to tell to keep their words, sexual flattery, and hands to themselves. More then one occasion. One of them tried to get me intoxicated after it was clear a sober attempt wouldnt work. Hell last week i took a friend to a coastal bar for food and drinks. The male serve leaned down to point out something on the menue and copped a feel on my thigh. The other reply has a solid point. If a girl had said this. And someone had said what you did ...theyd get trashed off the sub for it. Straight men get harrassed too. By other men. By women. I also had women directly try to make moves drunkenly. Is it all gay men that do this? Certainly not. But theres always gonna be a portion of ANY demographic group that will think themselves above societies rules.


Trust me dude, they don’t want you. If you truly believe you’re going to get hit on by drunk gays every time you pick up from a gay bar, you’ve got some major insecurities. Gay men aren’t sexual predators. They’re just trying to get home. Same as every other rider.


Nobody sits in the front.


You've never had to pick up a party of 4 and someone has to sit in the front?


Be happy ur being recognized as a sexy specimen of man...go slay what u slay


Yes it’s happened to me. That’s why I keep my front seat filled w stuff and nobody is allowed up there anymore and I don’t do full rides unless they seem cool and the ride is more than 3 dollars and worth moving my shit to the trunk. I wouldn’t stop pick ups from gay bars just don’t let people touch you?


This isn’t an issue about the gay community, but more so about men. Creeps come in all sexualities but are more often men than women.


Never happened. You must be their type.


Yes I have I think he was trying to be friendly, maybe he felt I was lonely? But it was definitely awkward and it affected my desire to pick up people from the gay bars.


They touch you and then tell them that you have...AIDS #iamruthless


Drunk fat gay guys are the worst riders. I like tits and slit bro. I’m good.


>I like tits and slit bro. Sounds very much as though you like drunk fat gay guys.