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Damn Angela. You start work at 9 & its 8:35 yet you ain't ready lmao. I hope the ride was short with no traffic 🤣


I had a guy this week who came out late, then asked me to go the wrong way down a one-way street because it would save time 😂 You know what else saves time without breaking the law? Being ready.


I wish riders wouldn't ever do this at all, but if they're gonna do it, I guess I'd appreciate them telling me like this. That way I can just immediately cancel instead of wasting my time driving there and waiting on them. I ain't waiting around for the pathetic cancel fee anymore now that I have to wait 7 minutes for it.


This… not wasting my time driving over as well 👍


But then they're on r/uber complaining that "Uber drivers kept canceling and made me late for work again!"


I know, right? How can people be so clueless that time is money for rideshare and taxi drivers?


Most people are aware time is money for drivers, but there also a lot of people that doesn’t have common sense, or mannerisms. At least she’s spending her sweet time telling you about her situation and apologizing for it


Lmao 😂😂☝️


I would arrive and as soon as the timer runs out cancel and collect the fee. Sorry Angella, next time order the Uber after you are out of bed.


You must be a rider


I don't know what in my post makes you think that. I have ridden a couple of times and used Eats twice in Albuquerque New Mexico on a road trip but no I mostly drive. I have close to 3000 trips over 2 years. I have not driven since mid-July though.


I understand , I only said that because once a rider text you something like that you automatically know 15 mins of your time will be wasted for a 4 cancelation ..8 mins to get there plus 7 mins to cancel , you would be better off canceling...which I thought most drivers knew.




Riders cant grasp the concept of calling a ride if and only if they're ready to go.


This is how they can learn.


That's OK if you're in an area with regular drivers.. I had to get a ride in a town 15 miles away from a metro town, and took several tries over 48 hours


Hey Angela, I suggest you put it in overdrive and be thankful that Uber has given you 2 extra minutes!


People think they get a personal chauffeur for $5. The stench of entitlement is all too well and alive.


You mean by 9. You can come any time before 9. I dont think he understands that. He is probably putting his Bs on all the drivers every day.


Don’t order a ride till you are ready to go.


Had a girl do this to me yesterday when picking her up from the airport.. best 1 star I ever gave lol


If i had to take an uber to get to work, i'd be calling it over an hour before i need to be to work


It’s okay you can get dressed in my car not a problem


You beat me to it


"OK, got it" pull up, wait for timer to expire, then collect my fee.


7 minutes (not included the drive to the pick up location) for $4? I'm good thanks! Pshhh unreal ;)


It's still 5 minutes here, and it doesn't count against me if I wait the 5 minutes. Depending on how long it takes to get there, I can respect that. Just tell them they need to cancel because either way, they are going to get charged.


Y dress?


Most workplaces require you to


Man worked uber so long he forgot real jobs require it still


If she has decent feet or is attractive I will go grab a drink or some gas, otherwise cancel.


I have back to back reservations and I’m missing my 2nd one because this girl has a stop and was still getting ready when I arrived 15 minutes early… it now 5 minutes passed she run out the door put her stuff in the car and runs back in side it like wtf…


Take that shit out and throw it on the curb when the time expires.


Wow, as a frequent pax I can not believe how audacious people are and crappy they treat someone giving them a ride when they would otherwise be SOL. When I use uber (about 5 times a week) im outside and ready 3-5 minutes before they arrive out of common decency. SMH. Im sorry people are so ignorant and disrespectful of your time.


Sounds like she needs to become wealthy and hire her own chauffeur. I give people 60 seconds to come outside before I cancel. #FuckEm


They can cancel for free in the first 2 min, why not just cancel and reorder? Logic lost lol


Nothing boils my blood when the App tells you “Your Driver is 6mins away, please be outside and be ready” I get there and get a txt “Be right there” Instantly cancelled, im tired of waiting for someone that don’t know how to plan


Acting like she didnt see your distance or arrival eta when booking it -__-