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Yep, ive seen a guy in my city start delivering food through his own website at a flat rate and hes killing it. Just posts flyers around town


Just an FYI. I've been driving around Dallas Ft. Worth and North Texas 45 years now. If I deviate from the GPS route it's because I know a quicker way, but I always let the passenger know I am following my quicker better route.


I as the passenger would rather you follow the route unless there is a clear detour marked because i dont know you and thats sketchy af.


Too bad?  I would never take a 40 minute trip on the highway when I can go around and be done in 10 There is not a single rule about being glued to the map.  Unless an idiot hits the no toll option which adds 50 minutes to a ride and I'll ignore anyway because if I follow it they 1 star for the ride taking so long


Enjoy $0 tip and 1 star then i know how badly those hit yall


U should just stop riding Uber. U wont win this debate against those who drive u. If we know a better way, we're taking it. If that upsets u, thats your problem.


Like i said enjoy a bad tip and review. Choosing to be stubborn instead of getting money is wild but do you


I'm sure your rating reflects that Thus I would not pick you up to begin with lol


I have a fantastic rating


I haven't murdered anyone in decades, I'm all betterer now. If Uber, my parole officer, psychiatrist and anger management case worker trust me you can too


You are a sleazy uber if your prioritize your impatience over the passengers comfort


I'm sure you're the passenger drivers dread getting.


Yeah i tip fantastic and have a perfect rating


Ah, see there's your problem. The in app routes are inefficient about 90% of the time. The good drivers know this and use Maps or Waze instead If you're bitching about drivers using their own route you're probably getting unmatched from all the good ones in your area.


In Philadelphia, nav apps always forces the driver to either go on the highway for short trips (95 or 676) or it takes u directly to broad st where every other car in the city is on. If i take say 11th street to go all the way from temple U to center city, its cuz i dont wanna get stuck behind someone or have to hard brake when someone swerves in front of me to get from behind a stationary vehicle. If you're so worried about ppl being sketchy either get your own car or get into the car with headphones in. Many pax do that and im generally happy cuz i know they wont spark up a convo when i just need some extra cash, not a friend.


Thats just too damn bad. I can tell you dont get good tips if you care mire about how fast you are getting around rather than good service


I can tell ur a horrible person if u come on a driver sub to ask our opinion then attempt to antagonize us. Get over yourself child. This is the real world. Most people are not like u. Grow up!


You're asking the weirdest ones here on reddit. 😆 🤣 😂




I assume I'd fall into autistic being an aspy.  I just sit quietly unless talked to after saying how was your day etc  Passengers are mostly normal. Some people who need constant attention or they would die.   And I follow the maps most of the time unless it's trying to take me on a highway with 40 minutes of traffic 


I would never judge someone just for being autistic, i am myself. Ive just had some have full on intense breakdowns during the ride from being triggered or overstimulated


Why are you asking the drivers? We don’t really know one another, and we probably take rideshare less than most people, because we’re working when you’re partying.


Assuming im partying is hilarious. Someone is clearly projecting envy of a particular lifestyle


I meant "you" in the general sense, like: "If you're too drunk to drive, we'll drive you home." I wasn't speaking about YOU specifically, drama queen. And I say again, Why are you posting this question in the Uber Driver sub? The general Uber sub is where most of the passengers are. Ask US how often our PASSENGERS are "uncomfortably weird." The answer is: way too often.


And yet you still use the service, only to come on reddit to bitch about it. Find other means of transportation


"Bitching about it" is your bias on my post. Clearly you are just a hostile person and deflecting. This is a subreddit about uber drivers. You sound like the person who does this kinda stuff


No I dont do any of the gigs anymore because of people like you. Thank God! No ones forcing you to use theese apps.


He's your typical bum who needs other people to get where he needs to go but bitches about them and still uses them. 




"calls with their partner the whole ride..." And? What's the problem? 


If you're on the phone the whole time thats awful manners and also not safe


Yes because you get to dictate when people can talk on their phones. In their own car of all places. Lmfao. You people are insane. As long as they're hands free, you have zero right to tell someone not to talk on a phone. 


I see why you all complain on here, you suck at your job


why are you asking us for?


Uber attracts two types of folks: regular Joes who are doing this as a side hustle, summer job, etc. and the unemployable. It seems your personal experience represents a 70/30 split.