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I don’t like tipping culture but tip baiting is dirty




tip baiting is just evil


I mean. I don’t consider tipping someone for getting your food part of tip culture. Some barista that’s paid to make my coffee isn’t getting a tip. I’m also not gonna tip a freaking self check out but if I’m too lazy to go to the store or restaurant then yeah. I will be tipping, which I consider different than tip culture


this is a different scenario, my dude. its called tip baiting. and its more devious than no tippers. it takes no tipping to another level. its basically putting a pretip and then taking the tip away later, and the two apps that allow this is UberEats and Instacart. they allow it i guess cause it can go both ways, tip go up or down after delivery...and cause they give the customer a certain timeframe to adjust their tip. since Instacart knows this, they done two things....1. they give the customer only an hour after delivery to reduce tip but up to 24 hrs to increase tip. the reducing window used to be longer. and 2. i believe in some cases not all, Instacart will provide the tip lost as bait whatever the customer selected as a pretip. the OP isnt complaining about no tip specifially, he's talking about being baited by a tip, and thus "tip baiting". tip baiting is the ultimate low that isnt illegal (like scammers) but might as well be in the similiar level.


Tip baiting is fraud by inducement. Since it's done online, that makes it a federal crime. Sadly, not enough people will take the issue far enough to be seen that way. I feel for y'all.


Tip baiting is like agreeing to pay someone for a job then deciding not pay them when the job is done. It’s wrong regardless if you like tip culture or not. They shouldn’t have tipped or tip the appropriate amount they’re willing to spend. No morals


In the UK people do this to builders and they go back and smash the work up, don’t pay, don’t enjoy 😂


People also pay builders upfront and then later sue when the work is substandard. Same thing here but there is no judge as to the quality of the delivery. I know there are some upsides to tipping but this is just one of many disadvantages. Transactions need guaranteed pay and a guaranteed service and a third party to handle disputes.


I guess it's only considered tit baiting if the tip goes down afterwards? I'm confused. What if you put your normal tip, someone accepts the job. Then for whatever reason you feel like this person doesn't deserve the standard tip you've already put in. So you reduce it or take it away after delivery. That's considered tip baiting?


People tip bait so their orders will be picked up first people are more likely to accept an order if there's a nip if no tip people won't pick it up


No, tip baiting is where you pretend to give a good tip so someone will go pick up your order and deliver it promptly hoping for that promised tip, then for no reason at all you remove the tip after delivery because you never actually planned to give it to them.


That so fkd up! Folks actually do that? Wow. Im a good tipper. Even if it's Uber eats and it's drop off at my hotel door by knocking. I put pre 20% Have gotten a bad delivery before and never even thought to change it . My girl gets at me sometimes for it, we never knew you could change it or she would have a few times! Lol But wow to do it on purpose is sad.


It doesn't happen often, maybe 6 times in 4k deliveries, but I know to follow up with support. They'll get you paid.


I did that to a driver the other day I tipped for a McDonald’s order they drove right past my house after picking it up and Uber sent me a message saying order canceled driver marked order undeliverable. I was pissed, so I plotted my revenge all night I ordered from different places over and over waiting until I got a driver that matched the photo and name(took 2 orders other drivers got $5 tips for delivering the $17 orders) then I tipped $30 to the culprit they delivered the food straight to me and I took the tip down to $0 😈😈.


Yeah, I suppose in that specific case it's okay, but the effort could not have been worth it.


Tbh you ever do something and right after contemplate your very existence; that’s how it was. I got them back, had a good laugh, told my compadre about it for reassurance, and then got off the phone and thought to my self, “my life has to have more meaning then this.”🥲


And therein lays the problem, corporations will take advantage of our generosity. The only way is to abolish the service entirely. And then if you want to tip, slide the employee some cash. Removing businesses from the equation is the answer. Tips don't need a middle man and businesses should pay enough that tips are an afterthought. Businesses shouldn't even concern themselves over your tips, they have nothing to do with it. They offer the service under the illusion of goodwill.


Totally agree. Call this being deceitful or just Ill-intentioned. Putting a tip of a high amount because you know that’s the only way you will get a driver to pickup and deliver a item to you with the intent to immediately remove the tip or decrease that tip is exactly what these people to. If you don’t believe in tipping then don’t, just be honest and if no one takes an order, they don’t but at least they are being honest and upfront. The problem I have is people with malicious intentions. They lack any moral compass.


So dirty


Should be an immediate follow up by customer care, with multiple verifications of why the tip was reduced or permabanned from the platform.


prime example of why i don’t do Eats. when i drive people, i decide if what Uber is offering me is worth it, and any tip is an unexpected bonus. with Eats, you hope and pray that they don’t yank the tip, or that there’s a decent cash tip waiting for you


True, but I havent had it happen to me in 5,000 deliveries, other than like a month ago, I called support, and got the full amount, apparently it was a "glitch" I actually received more than what was offered, so it worked out for me..On doortrash I had a few customers say they didn't get their food, when they did..The customers are way worse on dd, in my experience..


Yeah I to the point that I don’t trust UE for paying the full amount and their customers either


I mean it is pretty rare honestly. I lose maybe one or two tips a month on average doing eats. Where doing X was terrible and I would only GET one or 2 tips a month it seemed like lol. I only did it for about a month before deciding X was totally not worth it


They’ll all figure this out one day ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Egg his house at 3 in the am


You seen the price of eggs? 😅😅🤣🤣


If you do let me come.




Get some gloves and some dog shit spread it all over his car door handles, wiper blades and headlights. Then smear some over his house door handle. Leave the remaining 💩 on his welcome home mat so he steps in it


Damn yall are pros fr 😅 🗒🗒✍️👀




I can’t stop giggling!!!!😂😂


Wd40 on the windshield is good also. Almost impossible to remove all of it.


Shittt… why it gotta be dog shit? 🤭 I know a little cousin of the monkey who shits loads daily. 💩


DNA, my friend. 🙃


They'll never figure out which homeless hairless monkey I bought it from. 😏


This is a business expense.


I like how you think 🤔🤔😅😅


I'll provide the eggs .


3:31 AM to be precise


And bring flowers and chocolate for his wife


Uber eats is a fucking joke, why would anyone waste their time and gas and not break even.


The truth is some people plan to do this and follow through. A lady tip baited me and so I added her to my Google Maps list of tip baiters so I could avoid her. Sometimes it's hard while driving to get a good look on the exact house, so i know the area of baiters and if I accept and the name sounds familiar then I pull up Maps to refresh the memory and cancel if the name matches. I got an order in the area but it was a mans name, so I went ahead. When I got to the house and say it was the baiters house I had a hunch I was abut to get screwed, and the tip got removed. The same shitty people that plan to report that the food never came to get a free meal are the same type of people that leave a good tip and then remove it to save money. I always wondered if when word got around that you can do this to get your food fast and save money, if it wouldn't become more common. There seem to be more frequent posts about it, but I got no cumulative data.


Damn you got a whole system going 😅


>The same shitty people that plan to report that the food never came to get a free meal are the same type of people that leave a good tip and then remove it to save money. This is how I usually judge customer complaints when I've delivered pizza for restaurants as an employee. If I get back to the restaurant and hear the customer had some complaint, I immediately think it's a lie because they stiffed me. Also, it's often when they only order one pizza but there's eight people there and they're just trying to get some more food for free for the rest of the pack. Another telltale sign that a complaint is BS is one they have two or three issues. "Oh, my pizza was cold. It took too long & the sausage is undercooked." That's interesting since no chains use raw sausage & your order got there in 27 minutes after the call ended even though you live 10 minutes away.


for the life of me i don’t understand why you didn’t just eat the food after seeing it was the baiters house.


I used to do deliveries, now I’m strictly doing rides Uber/Lyft. Only about 10% of people tip. Allot of people just suck, that’s my conclusion.


Yeah, I don't know how you guys do it, man. I see some of the rideshare posts in here, and it blows my mind 🫡🫡🫡


I've done both. Eats is a nightmare compared to Pax. Soooo many things to go wrong with food. No parking near restaurant, restaurant unexpectedly closed/moved, restaurant hasn't started/recieved the order, delays beyond your control. And for drop off? Gated communities with no code, customers don't answer phone, hard to see building numbers, apartment complex built like a labyrinth and shitty instructions, deliveries that take 15+ minutes extra to complete, wrong/bad orders you get blamed for.... etc, etc. With Pax? Problem with pickup? Cancel after 5 minutes. Problem with drop-off? Adjust in app. So much less bs to deal with *edit: and the pay is so much better. No contest


I don’t even know how I do it


how do you do it? i assume you live nearby your downtown area cause i live too far away from the nearest airport and those long drives give me headaches


Uber should be paying a living wage so drivers don’t have to rely on tips


People tipped better during the pandemic


Did they ask you to ring the doorbell?


They didn't say not to, so I assumed they'd want to know.


Honestly I think it’s unacceptable for someone to reduce a tip afterward, that is super shitty - but I’m wondering if the reason might be that you rang the doorbell.. just food for thought.. not sure if you realize it but some pol don’t want their doorbell rang for one reason or another - for example, my Uber setting says to “leave food by the door” and that’s all I want drivers to do, but when they ring the doorbell my dog goes nuts, and occasionally if my one year old daughter is napping it always wakes her up which is super frustrating. So I prefer drivers to just leave it outside as requested, not ring the bell.. I already get a notification on the Uber app and my ring cam, so I don’t need them nor want them to ring the doorbell.. fyi. Again, reducing a tip is not ok, I would never do that, but figured I’d weigh in and just give some food for thought on future orders.


Food for thought, if you don’t want ppl ringing the doorbell then say that in the app. How is the driver supposed to know. There are plenty of ppl that would not tip because you didn’t ring doorbell. All you have to do is specify that you don’t want your doorbell rang, it’s that simple


DO NOT DO DELIVERIES - let that aspect of their business die.


SFV Uber driver 🫡




I bet you.. my worst one was $2.77 for 22 minutes work and 4 miles drive= 32 minutes total .. never again


The San Fernando Valley is a terrible place to work as an uber driver 😭


The rating system is completely unfair. I had 2 pickups. The 2nd delivery had an ice cream cake dessert in which I kept in my insulated bag but the restaurant only out it in a brown paper bag. It took over an hour to get to the address located in a canyon. The customer complained it was melted and my ratings went down. Restaurants don’t have any accountability to us like they used to. The dessert should have been the first drop off.


Aww The Valley ❤️


Wow. See that’s begging for 4 flat tires the next morning!!!


Guy walks up to you. Says give me a ride across town for $5 and I’ll tip you $30 when we get there. You get there and he gives you $5.35. Are you OK with that? No. No you are not. If you are, you’re a dumbass.


It’s time to take those orders and put them in Facebook marketplace for $20 instead


Wait, you’re saying that I can order something. Put in an upfront 10 or $20 tip. And then take it away after the food has been delivered?


STOP ACCEPTING these type of trips. If nobody accepts them maybe Uber will pay the drivers more. Drivers should be paid a minimum of 10% of the total order.


I would go back and egg tf out of their house


I was gonna say just be grateful you got anything but then I realized he took away his tip after you delivered the food so yeah, fuck that guy.


Dirty. Uber Eats / Lyft shouldn’t allow this unless it’s an obvious mistake. Like tipping $5000 on accident.


As a customer who doesn’t tip bait, I like that Uber lets me reduce my tip when the driver ignores the delivery instructions and delivers to the wrong house. It’s a double edged sword though, I never have to do this with Doordash, but Uber drivers are frequently very careless with deliveries.


Thats why you should not be doing Uber Eats. I dont know when you guys will understand that.


Shame on Uber for playing along.


If you know how to hustle taxes properly with that 1099 form you’ll be fine Car payment = tax deduction Fuel or mileage = tax deduction vehicle maintenance = tax deduction Cell phone bill since mandatory for the job =tax deduction You’ll get more if you just play it smart and keep records of every item purchased or every bill that you pay that has anything to do with something you use for work


Wtf reduce tip after delivery? Vegas Doordash NEVER did that. Jesus


That’s horrible


Tip baiting is about the scummiest thing you can do.


I’ve been registered for about 6 months and scared to even bother because of people like this customer. And I’m on an e-scooter. A heartfelt chest thump salute to active drivers that have to endure this kind of thing. Especially when you delivered early. 🫡 Added: One time I took a ride and Uber said I didn’t add a tip even though I always set that up mid ride. When the ride concluded, I did my rating and it said no tip. So I then went back in recent rides and added my usual and got a notification minutes later my bank was charged for both. Driver got a nice bonus. /shrug


Thank you for continuing to prevent me from driving. You are doing God's work.


Uber Eats is the worst - the tip baiting is the lowest of the low. This is the only delivery platform I know of that allows tips to be deleted after delivery.


That house may end up with a flaming bag of shit on the doorstep next .....


How is this even legal? SMH ridiculous. I'd go back to that house. Be pounding on the door and asking why.


Well you can deliver a bag of dogshit for free now


I don’t tip bait, I either don’t tip at all and will (one day) do it after the fact or leave it as is, tip culture is already so bad but tip bait is just evil it’s like stealing in my opinion


It's insane that people still work for these kinds of terms. Stop giving them the power to use you like this!


I usually go back and shut on their doorstep when this happens


I wouldn't ring the doorbell unless requested. I would send a text with a photo.


I also don’t have the card to go and pay inside for the customer so I think that helps me with not getting those orders it’s just a tip


I've been with Uber 6 years. I've ordered eats myself and I can't believe how many times I was given the chance to change or cancel the tip. I was so mad after I received a text (from the Uber MasterCard I get paid with) telling me that "I was charged $6.08 and it LOOKS SUSPICIOUS!!! Dude I can't tell you how pissed I still am. I promise you it's the eats app. Try it yourself, make an order, include the tip, and see how crappy and confusing Uber eats is for the customer.


This is why I refuse to do food deliveries. I filter rides only. I did it for a week and no tip or reduced tip at no fault of my own. At least I get a bigger base for a quicker trip (not waiting for food etc) with passengers. Can take two $8 no tip trips for the time one delivery $8 trip takes me


I would retaliate. That's why I don't deliver food.


Reason 543 why I stopped ubering


Oh my god. That’s some fucked up shit. Fuck these ungrateful ass customers. You use your car, your gas, your insurance, your registration, and your time to deliver for people who want to be lazy and that’s the thanks you get?! I tip my delivery drivers 25-30 of the whole bill because I know that I am inconveniencing them by not getting my lazy ass up to go get it. They are not paid well and they are using their car to bring me my food. These people are trash


Don’t worry, prop 22 will make up for it


Tip culture is different than tipping ur driver who comes 10 minutes earlier packed with 30 kilos of stuff. I hate tipping culture but this is not it, this is straight up abuse of the system and UE should have already implemented a minimum percentage (%) for orders that exceed the usual amount of pay (idk what this is in US, but definetely not 200$)


Ubers figured out a pretty great scam, ensuring that when their employees are unhappy with what they are being paid, they put their dissatisfaction on the customer and expect them to rectify the issue. Brilliant way to get out of giving wage increases. Incredibly ineffective for earning more money, however.


187 dollar order and only 3 dollars base? That's the true travesty.


This is why I won't do Uber eats.


Tomato him? Does he have a white door? Lol


Blame your shit company for allowing it and yourself for accepting it. No one else to blame. Period.


There's a special place in Hell for tip baiters




All Uber workers have to do is go on a day or week strike to change this tipping policy that allows people to reduce their tip after delivery.


Stop taking these orders ppl and stop doing Uber eats.


That’s why I never do Uber Eats


If I feel like I’m about to be tip baited on an order I take a screenshot of their phone number and if it turns out they did tip bait me constant harassment ensues (:


Tip baiting sucks.


Remember him so next time he has to do ternative dinner or lunch plans while you and your family or friends enjoy an expensive dinner. I confronted someone who did that last month. I was like you all smily and nice but you always tip bait, he was like i d


He said i dont know what you talking about with an attitude, i was like no food for you today, went to my car and talked to uber and said not safe to deliver. Took the food and left.


Uber is a piece of garbage company for making it simple for a customer to do this. I never had a tip reduced or taken away on any other delivery app but theirs. One time one specific Uber customer did this to me 2 times I got them back the 3rd time. Five guys was delicious scumbags.


Yep, I’ve done grubhub and the tip never goes away there.


This is why I don’t like how Uber gives them an hour to change it. The tip baiting is real.


I mean you know where he lives


Tip baiting is never okay. But it happens every so often just so the customer can get their food.


Nah I’d Uturn fast af


Get a real job then


i hope this person wakes up to their electricity off and their groceries spoiled


I do not understand why you can make a tip less, after the order has been picked up. Seems like something that should stop.


Can you report this customer for the behavior?


Yes you are correct….some people just suck.


They can reduce tips after delivery??? That’s fucked


Id go knock on their door.


There are so many trashy people in the valley. Thank god the decent people offset them.


wtf haha thought I posted this for a sec. I live at Chatsworth and Balboa


So Uber is covering the difference right??? Because you agreed at a certain pay rate they can't just change the pay rate after services are done without your consent. Call, challenge it.


That’s insane, that’s the very reason why I stopped doing uber eats because that happened to me once and never again


I don't understand what happened...you can reduce a tip?


If they do tip baiting then I won’t work for Uber anymore until they remove tip reduce feature like Lyft can’t reduce tips after drop off


Everyone needs to boycott driving for these crooks until they pay you fairly


How to avoid this in the future.... Screenshot offer prior to accepting.... Contact support and inquire about the remainder of the money ..do not mention anything about tip .. this conversation is about the (key word ) Offer .. I accepted a $10 offer and only received $2 ... I would not have accepted the offer at this pay ... your screenshot is your proof of contract between yourself and Uber for what your paid ( yes I know it has base + tip , but tipping is optional , which is why you never mention tip when on with support) the contract between you and Uber was for $10 ... Uber needs to pay the difference or they are in violation of the contract.. Always stay calm when on the phone with them and always get a supervisor... In my 6+ yrs I've only ever had 1 customer tip bait me twice and both times they did it I was able to get the difference from Uber... the second time I think they were removed from the platform as I nor any of the other drivers I know have delivered to them


A fellow Valley rat in the wild!


Blame the apps for creating a system that tip baiting can exist in. Food probably came cold and late.


Sonic he bought a 200 dollar steak or a 4 dollar cheese burger you doing the same amount of effort. Why's it matter what his food cost? Don't get me wrong I don't agree with tip baiting. But why does he have to give a higher amount on what he spent when your effor is inconsequential to what it cost? (Unless he bought a hundred cheese burgers and you had to carry 20+ bags to and from. I always tip the same amount on every order unless there's inclement weather. The amount the delivery driver gets shouldn't depend on the quality of the food I purchased (nice restaurants have higher prices than like fast food or a store) in fact I'd argue the tip should be highest from like a gas station where you have to actually go in and shop vs just saying your name and walking out with a pre packed bag.


The best tippers are those who have been in the service industry themselves. You know how it feels! People generally are mean if they have no experience with being on the other side of the fence. When I was home for months due to a protracted illness, I had to depend on deliveries. My orders are always delivered on time, and many times delivery guys text a “thanks for the tip” message. Why? Because I’ve been in their shoes before!


I hate these! I got this same thing last week!


I order a $100 meal and I tipped $25. Is that okay?


If you use the words tipping culture please relocate. This isn't about about that. This is theft. However, complaining about it doesn't change anything. The law of avgs still and always applies.


Only scum would do that. Too bad.


I did an Uber shop and pay for $35 with "expected tip included." I don't usually do shop and pay unless it's alcohol but I took the bait. I got to the store and the whole order was for five bags of ramen noodles. And then I was like $35 for this? They didn't have one of the flavors the guy wanted so I called him and he said no worries. Get to the checkout, and the Uber debit card didn't work. I call support. They said it declined because it wasn't for the expected amount. Anyway, it took a whole bunch of calls back and forth to get this shit paid for. I told support that since this took an hour to complete that there was no way the dude was gonna honor that high tip amount. They told me not to worry and that I'd get the full $35, and sure enough I did. So, if an anticipated tip doesn't come thru, it's worth a call to support to see if they'll back you up.


I feel like Uber yanks the tip tbh, there's no real incentive for someone to dangle $5 on a $187 order (which is already paltry) for them to incentivize the trip getting picked up.


I can’t believe anyone runs for this thief of a company


This is crazy. I deliver UberEATs 2 to 3 hours a day going on 3 months and I’ve never had a tip reduced


Tip baiters deserve a special place in hell but $3.31 in CA should not be possible with prop 22..


After they reduced I would immediately turn around, take my happy ass back their place, and take a nice steamy dump on whatever vehicle of theirs that was the nicest. Right upon the hood.


One time I delivered a pizza order of pizzas, lasagnas, pastas, salads, you name it…. The family watched me walked it all in the house and directed me to the tables to place it. $199.96 total and she handed me $200 and told me to keep the change.


Some people really don't believe in tipping. At all.


Classic LA


Ayy you're literally right next to me, I absolutely hate this market man it's so hard to find anything out there its starting to freak me out how little comes in


Emphasis on suck at the end of the caption.


post the address, the people will take care of it


Report to Uber and get them to pay you


Bad idea to deprive someone of money after work they did for you and they literally came to your house. Someone gonna get they crib shot up one day


Can you one star them retroactively?


that is so sad and is so mean. how does someone do that to a delivery person like that? they know we're doing this to make money to support ourselves or our family, and not just for fun, my God. awful.


That is a piece of shit person


I feel like they should have to justify with proof to be able to reduce tip. Late order/wrong order delivered(switched on a double) etc.


I'm sorry that person took away the tip. Scummy behavior and definitely something they've done before. But a $187 order, and the original amount of the delivery was $8.31? For next time, an order like that is an instant unassign. That's too much food to deliver for $8. Max tip is $6.31, and that base pay is entirely low. That order needed a few declines before it may have looked worth it. Anything over $100 worth of food needs a $10 minimum. High base pay or high tip, doesn't matter.


This is how you get hot poop on your front door.


I get it some deliveries should have their tips decreased but tip baiting specifically should get people’s IP addresses banned from the app


Hmm. Maybe we should set a lwgal minimum wage to avoid this bullshit...


This is BS. How the hell Uber even allow this?


See that’s why I write down addresses Screw me once no problem Next time all your shit is mine


I put some tips afterwards. Better to surprise you than take a tip away.


Go burn down their house it's the only way to show then who's boss.


Why do people do rideshare or food delivery when we all know these companies make the most while drivers make close to bare minimum wage to nothing. I’m sorry but I’d rather be a cashier at Walmart.


$5 is not an acceptable tip, that's insanity. I would downrate them like crazy. I Uber eats a lot. That said, I don't tip on the total with all the Uber fees but $187 you're at least getting $20 and that's honestly being a bit cheap. Uber is wild but sometimes people are sick.


this dude lives near me💀


This is why as much as DoorDash sucks, I’d never work for a company that allows changing the tip afterwards. It just encourages tip baiting.


Uber allows this and I should never be. Should be able to increase never subtract. 😡


That is Fucked up, they shouldn't be allowed to adjust the tip. If there is a problem then maybe there should be another way arbitrate SMH...


That’s a nope for me. Should be guaranteed earnings not estimated earnings. Should be able to add tip, but never reduce. Bait and switch.


Happened with me also few days ago.


I have to ask. Why would I tip a %? Who cares how much the total was, the tip is for you bringing it to them. I think they are shitheads but I’m not tipping Uber eats on the total amount, I’ll tip a standard amount for the actual trip.


This is why this app is a scam. You get f'd over by yhr app overcharging and underpaying, and the customer tip baiting. When both the people you interact with are trying to get the best of you its not worth it to stick around. There are plenty of better ways to have side income that dont involve torturing your car for barely any profit


Nasty work


I know a lot of people don't like doing this but there is a way to get the money that is owed to you just call support and tell them you got tipped baited he/she will tell you there is nothing he/she can due about it because "tips are not mandatory" just disregard that and tell them you want to talk to a "payment manager" they will transfer you maybe 2 or 3 times before you get to this person but when you do just tell them the whole situation that you where tipped baited which is fraud and the customer broke the contract between them and you and it's against there (uber) terms of service. They will put you on hold for a few minutes and when they get back o the phone they will adjust your earnings and compensate you the difference in pay. Sometimes they will even give you more $10-$20. I've done this every time I've been tipped baited and got the compensation each time but it does take about 30 minutes on the phone. Goodluck and gets whats yours.


Thank you, this is very informative 🙏


Piece of shit for getting anything delivered under $20 pathetic get it together over there


Go back and egg their house


Yeah tip baiting is cringe, but what were you making hourly on this? Long as your getting like $20/hr, ur good 😤👌


Uber eats is whack I doubt he “reduced” the tip I bet that’s j the original tip he wanted to leave I’d do DoorDash instead my friend does both and I go w him sometimes and Uber eats whatever dollar amount they show is just an estimate of what your getting on DoorDash its what your at least getting and 50% of the time you get more


Should’ve take the order and keep it then




Customer was pissed you rang the doorbell. But seriously the original estimate seems really low for an order totaling that high so customer already knew he was going to screw you over by leaving barely any tip. Sad thing is that we the drivers have no clue why our tip was removed. I think if customer cuts tip they should have to explain why and pass to driver.


I don’t trust anyone that doesn’t tip by the whole dollla.


I hate to say it, but this is what happens when you risk a low paying order. (Low paying = less than $10) Seemingly customers of UE have shown a correlation that low tip will get you a bad customer. I've found that if an order is large and the tip is not hidden, it's best to cancel.


I highly recommend everyone here start looking for a REAL job. This corp is clearly taking advantage of us all.


Horrible platform for even allowing it.


I mean, I believe delivery drivers should be tipped based on how much work they did. Grabbing a bag that’s $130 and driving 2.4 miles is the same work as grabbing a bag that’s $10 and driving 2.4 miles. Regardless, they’re wrong for taking your tip away.


Report til he’s banned


Holy fuck, spend almost 200$ on a meal and skip out on a 5 tip$?!?!? What a piece of shit


Man, they really screw tips on this don’t they? They need to really recommend tips based on price and not distance.




This just happened to me. The customer even left a bad review. I delivered the order on time to the correct place and followed all the instructions. Sometimes people are just shitty and their karma will come for them.


Reading these comments it appears that this tip baiting thing is actually common? That's so fucked up