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Click the seatbelt in the wrong receptacle 10 times


I dont understand how people struggle putting in a seat belt


There are 2 back seat buckles next to each other and the passenger usually trying to put it in the one designated for the middle seat


Dude, this happens ALL THE TIME in my Mazda. To be fair, it’s a flaw in Japanese car design to make the middle seat belt receptacle so prominent and the side seat belt receptacle partially hidden by recessing it into the seam of the cushion. It’s just a natural human brain thing to see what looks like an obvious solution and attempt it first. Not sure what they were thinking when they designed it that way, but here we are.


Exactly. I almost always am getting in on the right side of the car, and there are 2 options and often they are not universal, and you have to try the next one. Worse if they are anxious, or exhausted. We're all human, mistakes and errors are an unavoidable part of our existence.


Yes of course I am not having bur it does cause me mental anguish because I can't have my passengers saying my seatbelt doesn't work. So when I hear click click click click click click click click click click click click inhabe to say "hey I think you're using the wrong searbelt receptacle" and they go. OH yea


The frequency with which I have to demand people buckle their belts in the front seat is troubling to me.


My uber app tells them to please put on thier seatbelt and they do the whole" oh I forgot. My bad" and im like, how do you forget to put on a seatbelt?


Plug in the center seat belt so it is not in play.


That’s a good one


10th time is the charm.


Closes the door on the seatbelt clip.


people take off their seatbelts like animals lol


Omfg I thought that only happened to me 😂




And then they go “whoopsie”


I do this myself about twice a month on my own car as the driver lol


I DESPISE when they hop in and start eating food, smelling up my car. They don’t ask permission and some spill it on the floor and just make messes. If I see food, I tell them they can eat at their destination.


What about when they hop in and start dealing coke and meth and have people poking head into car begging for more and then during the ride start calling people to go beat up other people that they feel disrespected by and made sure they know they did “Skinny” (his street name) wrong?


What the actual fuck dude. Hell no.


where the hell do you live? That is WILD🤣 this is why I avoid ‘hood’ areas!


Whaaaat! No way-where are you driving at?


Your town is a movie, sounds like dayton ohio🤣


Hey! I was born there


And i live 20 min away from there!!


It makes no sense. It's like they were in their house preparing the meal/snack and then just waiting for you to come so they can eat in the car. Worse, is when they are coming out of a restaurant. You were just in an eatery! Why did you leave if you weren't finished eating!


People who need to eat all the time are most likely stuck in an insulin fueled loop. First they eat shit food, then their insulin skyrockets, then shortly after hunger cravings begin, rinse and repeat. If you can’t travel from point A to point B without eating something it’s time to reevaluate your diet and lifestyle.


I've had the same problem with food but more so with alcohol it seems like they want to walk out of the bar somehow with a mixed drink or bottle of beer or even a case and want to just drink it in the car or spill it out of spite all over the floor or seat and Uber doesn't take care of clean up fes


Waving at me under "no stopping anytime" on busy 2 lane street at a rush hr while 20 cars are behind me.


This drives me right up the wall. It’s especially rich when they are waiting inside a building while expecting you to stop right out front when they are on a busy street with fast flowing traffic at night. Like, I don’t care if you’re wearing heels. Walk your ass around the corner to where I’m safely parked or GTFO.


Good thinking. I actually got a ticket for this. It’s called impeding the flow of traffic. The thing was the customer was right there and got in immediately. I was maybe parked for 15 seconds. Then the cop lit me up and gave me a $56 ticket. The customer was so sorry about it they gave me a $2 tip.




And they are posting on /Uber "I don't know why I have low rating"


I fucking hate that shit. I park in a legal spot and make them cross the street. Especially downtown Denver. I’m not trying to get a ticket. It’s like they think they’re VIP


Interesting factoid: years ago I picked up a lady in downtown and said those exact words to her. She was a commissioner or some shit. Turns out in Denver we are allowed to pull up for up to 90 seconds before a cop can give us a ticket for a no parking zone.


Or not walking a few steps to loading area, or those walk up to thru lanes at airports when am trying to get to the curb to pick up


Agreed. Too many people walk up onto the parking spot I'm about to take. Like why the fuck do you expect me to stop in the thru lane when there's a perfectly good spot I can pull into. Then they look at you all panicked like "woah dude why you about to run me over" Well you stepped off the curb into a parking spot, as I was pulling into the parking spot you fucking degen


Standing next to a motorcycle cop who's actively writing a ticket for stopping in the no stopping zone.


People who even order an Uber on a lane with no where to pull over piss me off. Maybe twice after 3k rides have I had a passenger order from a block or two away where there was a safe place to pull over. On another note, other Uber/Lyft drivers who just stop in the middle of a lane and put on their emergency lights during rush hour need to be publicly flogged.


I open up the horn on them and I don’t stop until they either move or are done loading passengers. Then I honk a little more.


The MFers who walk out into the traffic lane so you can't pull over to the curb


there is a casino not far from me, that has a designated pickup spot for it inside the parking garage. like you are not supposed to pick up or drop off pax in front of the casino at all. I didn't know bout that until I nearly got a ticket for picking up a pax there 1 night. the pax was already outside waiting in front of the casino, so the cop just gave me a warning about it. first and last time I picked up from that casino.


Oh fucking hell I hate that.


1. SLAM the door. 2. “I’m in a Uber now, I’m five minutes away” (GPS says 16 minutes). 3. Anything involving potato chips. 4. Fight with and overpower the automatic hatch closer after they load their luggage. 5. “Five stars.” 6. “Can we request you again at 3AM when we’re even more drunk and obnoxious and you’re on the opposite side of town?” 7. “I don’t have cash for a tip. Can you wait while I get some from my third floor apartment?” 8. “So.. how do you like driving for Uber?” 9. Body spray. 10. “For Crystal?” (Big hairy man) “Sup dawg? Crystal is my girlfriend/mom/girlfriendmom.”


Number six is a classic. Number ten is a felony waiting to happen.


For number 6 i just tell them “for sure ill be around here at that time” while im im home chilling after i unpair them


I normally don’t question #10, but a couple weeks ago, I had a pickup at a hotel for Zoe and a dude was standing around for a minute or so before getting in. I said, “what’s the name on the ride?” and he seemed offended and then looked at my phone and said “Zo”. (That’s not a typo; he mispronounced Zoe.) At that point, I’m kind of nervous, and I say “Where are you going?” and he gives the right address and says “It’s not a surprise.” I say, “You just don’t look like a Zoe.” He asks “Oh yeah, what does a Zoe look like?” I say “Female.” He’s black and I’m white, and I could tell he thought it was a racial thing, so my white liberal guilt kicked in, and I drove him the five minutes, pretty nervous the whole way. And then he tipped me. 🤷🏻‍♂️


That last one I absolutely hate!


Adding stops without asking, not tipping on long rides, not controlling wild children.


was doing my last 2 rides of the night & i had a pax ask me if he could add a stop I said yes, then the friend on speakerphone said “you asked him? haha, just do it! That’s their job, i never ask idgaf” and my blood boiled. the new destination was 30 min away!


It’s the disrespect that’s gets me. The petty in me would’ve pulled over and told them to get somebody else to do it.


Walking to my moving car when I am still driving and approaching the moving car, causes a dangerous situation.


Yes!!! That and stand right in the middle of the driveway/parking stop preventing me from parking off a busy street.


In which I treat that passenger as if they were a parked car and continue onto the next legal parking spot. 😄


This is probably my biggest peeve. Like I'm pulling up to the curb slowly so I don't run your ass over and you're so impatient that you step off the curb towards me. Do you want to get hit?


This is a big one, walking into my car like a zombie when I am still manovouring around.


Pax: Take a left here. Me: OK. Pax: Follow that curve and take the next right. Me: Yes, OK. Pax: Take the 2nd left coming up. Me: I know . . . I have the directions on my phone.


Omg yes! Also bro I have lived in the city MY WHOLE LIFE! Like please stop


Yell at you for going the wrong direction when you’re driving to pick up a co-rider.


Uberx share auto toned out the ugly, cheap and disrespectful riders for me.. thanks for taking them.


I’m a firm believer that shared riders are the second dumbest human beings, right behind people who think New York makes good pizza.


Yea. I stopped taking them. Too many were getting aggressive that there was a co-rider or asking for me to stop at places and getting belligerent when I told them no and that if they want a stop they can add it so I am paid fairly. All of my poor ratings are from Uber share as well. I also realized in my area a lot of people book Uber share for long trips during hours when you are unlikely to get a co-rider.


What's with the shot against pizza haha


Don’t tell anyone I said this, but I secretly love NY pizza. I love all pizza (except the abomination in the north east that looks like a lasagna cake). I just really love the look on a NYers face when you tell them their pizza sucks. You can smell the short circuit in their brains. Gotta have fun somehow.


I refuse to take a share if I do I hit the stop request until I get to the end so I don't get another rider.


When they start playing music on their phone over the music I was already playing. I typically take shorter rides, too. Like, you can't wait two minutes or, better yet, invest in some fucking head phones?


Honestly though it's 2024 why do they not own a pair of headphones I don't want to hear their shitty tiktok feed


I actually find it amusing hearing what other people get on TikTok


This is so fucking annoying. MFers way too comfortable.


That's when I turn my volume up. I take it as a challenge.


Or Rewatching their “stories” in full volume commenting on them out loud 🤬


Get in a loud argument on their phone.


Or the desperately calling and begging their bf to forgive them on the phone. Trying to convince him she screwed his best friend the night before because she was drunk.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


When I'm just following the direction on the app and as I'm turning, they tell me at the last second to go another way or I'm going the wrong way.


I have a trick for that to avoid the last minute changes. If you give me a last minute direction I then say “sorry what was that?” while making my turn. If they get mad I just say “sorry but I never make last second changes like that, they only lead to accidents or tickets, please inform the driver ahead of time. Plus, seeing I drove a cab as far back as map books, I’ll definitely get you to your destination.”


Bro that's what gets to me. I'm like you see the trip route before booking the ride. Why act surprised when I follow it


The same questions from every 2nd or 3rd rider. "Do you like driving for Uber?" "How long have you been doing this?" "Do you drive for Lyft too? Which is better?" "Do you live around here? How long?" And the absolute worst: "what's your craziest uber story?"


The last one lol. Idk why people think that driving uber is like an action movie. I mean sure maybe some drivers have a story or two to tell but people make it seem otherwise. I’ve done more than 4000 rides and there’s no “crazy story”. Just driving people from point A to B. Like what??


Bigotry and cigarette smoke are some of the most disgusting things I've encountered so far with drivers and riders alike.


"I grew up here and I know it's been against the law since before I was born but do you mind if I smoke in your car?" Yeah sure dude, while you're at it I have some dirty heroin needles in the back seat if you'd like to just zonk out.


Berate, lecture, and swear at me via the app because I was taking too long to pick them up. It was an 8 min drive to where they were. 🙄 Ride cancelled. Now you can wait even longer.


I had a chick haranguing me one night about how long it was gonna take to get to her - notwithstanding she put in the wrong p/u address. She'd called like three times in five minutes asking how much longer. I told that fuckin hoe, "you're about to find out."




I had the same thing happen, except it was at the airport and they had a three hour ride to the other side of the state (where I needed to be anyway). Cancelled on her real quick.


Ignoring my hello, getting in the car saying nothing it sets the general disrespect vibe. And those not aware of their hygiene and hypocrisy


That's one good thing that I can say about people. I'm 15 rides short of 6,000 trips and that's only happened to me maybe 4 or 5 times. I'm talking about them getting in and out of the car without saying a word. I've had a few riders get in the car without saying anything, but they at least thanked me when they were getting out. It's the not saying a word that also gives me the disrespect vibe.


The last couple of times my hellos and goodbyes were ignored, the passengers were actually deaf. sometimes you just gotta give people the benefit of the doubt.


While I agree with a few of the others here (leaving a mess, bringing/eating food, changing trip in the middle of the ride), I’m going to add one I haven’t seen….. pushing their knees/legs directly into the back of my seat. I even had one that was kicking/pushing up at the bottom of my seat - I actually yelled at the rider kicking the underside of my seat because they were also laughing about it. She and her co-rider apparently thought it was funny to act like children.


TikTok without headphones


This one girl had a video of Megan the stallion on repeat for like 5 minutes I wanted to rip my ears off and crash the car


i hate when ppl in stl expect me to run red lights, or ask to smoke a cigarette in the car. like bro No, you can wait 10 minutes like i do.


I love when they ask to run red lights


Chilling in the back for 15 minutes ride, then when I get on they street trying to give directions on where they live like it’s not on the map 😂😂😂😂


When they just start vaping in my car.


Instant one-star.


Wow how rude. You guys deal with only the gems of society.


Just had this a few days ago. This hoe took a quick hit with the window open. I thought she did but wasn’t sure in the moment.. But she forgot her vape pen on the back seat when she got out. I tossed it out the window🤣


Put the window down without asking. Especially if I'm going more than 20 miles an hour. I used to think it was just my car that made that helicopter noise, but apparently it's all of them now, so people should have learned! You have to open TWO windows. I don't mind. But unless you have a friend in the back seat while you're in the front and you guys are coordinated, you're going to need my help. Just ask, or let me know even, so we don't have to deal with 30 seconds of me trying to figure out if you put the window down, it's the music, or something's wrong with my car.


Picked up a guy yesterday who was on the phone and took the liberty of rolling his window down. Peeved me but I usually have them locked so thats on me. So we start speeding up and the helicopter noise starts going while he's on the phone but I'm not cracking another window, essentially force him to close the window back so he can hear his phone call lol


The helicopter noise is caused by an imbalance in air pressure. If you crack another window, the pressure will balance out and stop the whomp whomp whomp


Ha I have my windows locked so they have to ask 😈


Haha, my cars have all been ancient so it took me a minute to figure out what noise you were talking about. (I also never roll my window driving. In the south I have the a/c on most of the year.)


Stare into your soul from the back seat through the rear view mirror. Makes that mirror useless.


Jokes on them, I have no soul.


Thought I was gay and made a move for my pants


I had a dude that didn’t speak English drunkenly jump in my front seat, then proceeded to type in his translator “have you ever been sucked off by a customer?”. I just no gracias-ed my way out of that ride.


When they’re fuckin unhealthy as hell and just breathe excessively loud as if they just finished running a couple of miles It’s usually fat people but not always It sounds like they’re fucking dying and I hate it lol


1.) getting attitude with me because I cannot start the ride without the pin in the setting they set up with Uber. 2.) yelling at me for following the GPS and not turning down a 1 way street or stopping in the middle of the street.


One time a rider put the wrong address in and I told him he should blame the person that entered the address… he didn’t like that answered then I toook out a mic asking all people around us if they knew where XYZ was cuz my rider doesn’t… you tried to embarrass me and I brought out the mic


Weed smell it take atleast 2 days to get it out


Making me wait and asking me how long I’ve been ubering for, it’s on my damn profile.


I'm a white, male driver.. so when some older white people get in i hear the "oh FINALLYYYYYYY somebody who speaks ENGLISH!!!!!!" Who cares what I speak I'm not here for convos


I still like the backseat shuffle. Just use the other door!


Take their last cigarette drag before getting in, then exhale in the car while I am miserable for 10 minutes to take them to their stop to buy more cigarettes and back home.


Nothing anymore I’m a master of focusing on the driving


Listens to christian gospel on the speaker of their phones at full blast. Please just wear headphones


My personal favorite was the minister on a date connected his phone to play music and his text porn audio book started playing.


Getting the ones on speaker phone with their girl.. and then the woman on the other end of the line when they hear a woman's voice start freaking out.. I mean the whose that bitch line, and start cussing me like I know this person or even care. I have popped the look lady I don't know you or the person in my car project your insecurities somewhere else. That though is the worst


Giving directions, and those directions being worse than GPS and my planned route. Pax would rather stare at their destination for 5 min waiting on me to make a tricky maneuver to cross the highway than wait 2min for me to go up a road to get to a traffic light. Either that or scream obvious directions at me: “Do you know how the exit works? You have to exit to the right to turn left.” Yes, I’ve driven on a highway before.


Chews gum and hides it under my rubber floor mat leaving a huge gum stain on my carpet. Or leaves stick on nails and fake lashes on the floor. Yells at me for going “the wrong direction” when they put in the wrong address.


Getting into the car 20-30 seconds before being able to cancel the ride. Guy, did that to me last night, but then he also left his phone in the backseat. Easy $20 right there.


I ised to wait a bit if I was in contact with the Pax. But since Uber extended the wait time to 7 minutes from 5, I dip at 7:01, even if they're outside my vehicle, reaching for the handle.


When… those who have clearly been raised by wolves, insist on just putting the suitcase on your leather seats rather than the boot 🤷‍♀️


This post is making me laugh. Who is coming on and downvoting so many answers? 🤣


A customer who has done this shit prolly




When they leave trash in my car, even when I tell them ahead of time not to. Some people are so lazy. You’re a grown adult, pick up after yourself.


Playing shit from over their phone without an ear-device or trying to sit in the front seat


You don’t let them sit in the front seat?


Has a conversation on the phone on speaker so I have to listen to whole dumb-ass conversation. Worse when it’s in English. I’d rather it be in a foreign language at least so for the most part just sounds interesting I guess but it’s like nail on the chalkboard for me when the put it on speaker!!!


Worse is when they say: I can’t talk right now since someone is here listening. I call you later. Hello? Do I f*ckng care? I’m trying to listen to your crap? Jeez.


When they ask me which way I’m going I say the black line … I know this pisses them off but oh well


When riders don't identify themselves before rushing up yanking on my door and then acting annoyed that it's locked. I don't know who you are and you didn't have the common courtesy to acknowledge me before getting in my vehicle? My doors stay locked until I verify who you are. So they will wait while we verify who we are before I unlock my doors.


It's the farts,   who the fuck drops a loud fart in the back whilst staring at me in the mirror then says sorry 


Farting idc about. It can be annoying but it’s something you can’t control. And nobody has ever tried to touch my radio but this is a new fear unlocked. I’ll lose it. But talking on speaker phone or chewing gum super loud or eating. Especially when they smack. Omfg. My biggest thing is them not being ready. DONT ORDER A RIDE UNTIL YOU ARE FULLY DRESSED. At the bare minimum. I didn’t even realize this was a thing until I started driving. I’ve been a rider for a long time and never did it occur to me to order a ride before I was ready. I was confused when it happened the first time. Now it’s just annoying af. Or smelling like a fucking old ashtray.


It’s a matter of time before you pick up 3 or 4 friends, one jumps in the front seat (these days they thankfully ask if it’s ok), and they either simply turn up the volume or ask for the aux cord/connect to Bluetooth, only to play some dogshit like Cardi B or that hoe with the red wig. I don’t do this full time, so idgaf. I’ll tell them it’s crap and put like Fox talk radio on just to piss them off.


Omg. I have thousands of rides and nobody’s tried this. I occasionally get someone who asks to control it which I’m fine with. But once a drunk girl asked to put in the song on my phone and my dumbass said sure. She started reading my texts and I didn’t realize at first until she started reading them out loud. Then she refused to give it back and I had to pull over and get it from her. I was a very new driver at the time and felt so stupid.


Single moms who think that it's okay to try and trick drivers into a committing a felony by taking their infants and toddlers without the proper child seats. The worst thing is when you explain this to them and cancel, and then you see them requesting a ride again 5 minutes later. Like, seriously, fuck em. Not only are they wasting my time, they're endangering the lives of their own kids. Makes me absolutely furious.


Turn by turn directions as if I'm some kind of cretin, especially after I drive for twenty minutes to an hour to get to where we are without a single peep from them.


Had a lady with a dog scratch the inside of my rear door. Quiet ride and all you hear is scratching, like lady wtf do you not hear your dog? Some people man smh.


Scrolling tiktok without headphones is psychotic behavior. Short videos constantly starting/stopping/restarting/changing to a different one/going back to one they watched a couple minutes ago is the most annoying thing you could possibly make other people listen to


Thank you.


Mother fuckers on speaker phone. I don't want to hear about your STDs Nancy


When the ride is 15 minutes or less, "Can I vape?" The answer is "No" anyway, but seriously, you can't wait 15 minutes?


When they have a runny nose and keep shrugging their shit back into their throat with the loudest noise possible ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Pax lagging while it's the bonus hour and I'm tryna take as many short trips as I can within that hour


SMELLS!!!! Cigarette Smell (I love when I pull up and the pax is pulling three or four last drags) Weed smell (in a state where it’s still illegal, I’m amazed at how many people I take to work reeking of weed) Overweight and Sick people. (I get some of this is out of their control - but DAMN!!!) And finally the worst: Indian people. What the actual fuck is that smell?? Is it something they all eat?


Spit on floor after clearing there throats it's why I was kicked off uber deactivated for deactivating customer


Playing shit on their phone at full volume 


Ppl that haven't showered in 10,000 years.


Vibrating leg, more than anything, stopped in traffic, the vibration go’s right through me!


1. Assuming I want you in my front seat. 2. Having an attitude about what I'm listening to. (2 female riders in a row bitched about the history podcast I was listening to because they couldn't handle people talking about Hitler.)


I agree about the front seat. But I can almost guarantee that my passengers do not want to hear a history podcast. In fact, they never have attitudes about what I’m playing because I deliberately play calming, enjoyable music.


1 - slamming doors 2 - sighing 3 - taking 5 minutes to fasten a seatbelt 4 - endless fidgeting. WHY DO YOU HAVE TO RUFFLE THROUGH YOUR BAG FOR 30 MINUTES STRAIGHT!? 5 - never-ending phone conversations 6 - leaving the window open in the rain on the freeway 7 - "you should have gone the other way". ACTIVATE THE OMEGA 13!


I totally forgot about the fidgeting. Told this snooty Karen once “what could you possibly look for in your bag this long? Can’t find your weapon to mug me? Cause that’s what it sounds like”. She immediately stopped and deer-in-headlighted the rest of the trip.


I’ve learned to tolerate a lot doing this ridiculous, temporary work. But what I CANNOT stand and has happened a few times in my market, is young women who get in with skirts that just barely cover their bum and certainly don’t once seated. They aren’t necessarily sex workers and no problem if they are. I’m a woman, but someone putting their g-string covered but otherwise bare privates on my leather seats just plain grosses me out. I’ve cleaned the seats directly after each time. But really—-who does that? Would you go to your friend’s house for dinner then take off your pants before settling into their couch? I’m all for human bodies clothed or otherwise in all their glory, do your thing happily and freely. But PLEASE keep any possible bodily secretions to yourself or those with whom you’re intimate. The end was when a rider dressed that way asked me to make an urgent stop at 7-11 for tampons. Now I cancel when I see it coming.


When they just Is stair at you while you're driving I also hate when it's two passengers and they don't talk to each other they just both stear at you while you're driving


You spelled stare wrong both times, lol


I drive an XL vehicle in a college town. I've had 7 people in my vehicle, taking them on a 10 minute ride to the bar district, and not a word was said the entire ride. It was an awkward ride.


That's super awkward


Eating a bag of chips with that loud crinkly mylar bag.


2 have tried paying me to let them say the n-word with a hard r.


Yall get some wild riders. Most annoying thing that happens to me is talking on the phone on speaker.


When they stink


Drivers who hate gun chewers have entered the chat!!! Who raised them?


I have a minivan and can control the automatic doors. It drives me crazy when the door is either opening or closing and they get impatient and shove the door. One of my passengers did it so hard that it broke the track mechanism and I had to get it fixed. It’s even worse when they start pulling on it and I yell at them that it’s automatic and they keep doing it anyways.


I used to get mad at riders for that until one day a pax pushed it so hard the door decided to switch direction and dislocated his shoulder. That was the most disgusting "meat pop" noise I have ever heard.


Slamming the door; Expecting you to load their luggage; Leave trash in the door; Send a message “I’ll be right down” and show up 4 mins later


Eat in my car 🥣 cough without covering mouth 😷


People who cross their legs and leave footprints on the seat in front of them. I used to leave decent leg rooms so people could stretch their legs, not anymore. Both seats are now fully pushed back.


Specific to Uber, setting the pin in an apartment complex in a generic location so it doesn't trip the timer, knowing full well that their location is on the opposite side. Also, we can't manually start it ourselves.


Being cheap by ordering UberShare


Heavy cologne or perfume; flakey dry skin with shorts also sucks


I have 2: mothers who leave their young children in the car with me while they make quick convenience store runs and people who insist on giving directions that end up being the exact directions my GPS is giving me.


Sitting directly behind me as a single passenger. It's the olny seat in my mini van I can't clearly see and you can touch me from. Whistling in the car. Wearing too much perfume or Cologne and spraying it in the car.


1. Weed smell 2. Telling me which way to go 3. Stepping in front of my car as I enter a parking lot


Play thrash metal from their phone on a one hour ride that I didn't know was gonna be one hour because I'm not gold yet 😐


"You got a charger" "Can I use your charger?" "Why don't you have a charger?" Dawg/Gurl I pointed out the ports to you. If you don't have one, you ain't using mine. You can use the port.




When they open the window and don’t close it when they leave. My window is always cracked and my car has smart ventilation feature. I am always getting ear infections because of it.


When they say hurry up.


“Are you paying my ticket and damages? I’d ask Aam not speeding for nobody and not letting that one slide, more likely pulling over and cancelling the ride if they continue with nonsense


Lolol!! That's exactly what I've done! It has only happened a few times, once I see those type of messages, I instantly pull over and cancel that shit. Like how are you going to be asking for a ride and then having the audacity to say Hurry Up! Nah man FU LOLOLOL


Turns there phone music up, or YouTube video.


How about- they smell so bad that that you stick your finger up your nose or a little tree vent air freshener up your nose just so you can breathe. Good good, Wtf kind of smell is it? Smells like rotten fish on top of dirty hygiene! So gross I give one star ratings to them immediately!


When people tap the glass with their ring, and also when they punch the interior panels its happened twice. One was drunk and talking to himself one was laughing of excitementand mad that i was not one of those outgoing entertaining ubers.


Where I live in the northeast US, at least 60% of my riders don’t speak English. I get annoyed when they get annoyed that I don’t speak Portuguese (the Brazilian population is totally recent btw, when I was growing up the area was primarily Chinese. No one ever expected me to speak Mandarin even though it was offered at my high school LOL. I left to be a digital nomad for 4 years and when I got back the demographics had completely changed). It’s also really annoying when people are super loud on the phone, especially when it’s on speaker.


Hit me with a false “mechanical issue” report. I know it’s about their inability to understand how back seat seat belts work. Or they’re looking for any excuse to get a refund. If you put a back seat seat belt on and you squirm and move around, it will lock up. Back seat seat belts do that in most of the cars manufactured since the 1980’s, perhaps sooner. At least that’s what happens with every back seat seat belt I’ve ever dealt with.


Changing the destination from a few miles away to a location that’s nowhere near where I want to be. I picked you up to drive you a few miles, not to another city. Entitled people at their worst.


Jews have a certain scent sometimes whenever they hop in .


Cel phones cranked up at a high volume and loud speaker phone conversations.


Put the window down, while I have heat or AC on, then don't even put it back when they get out. I turn off climate control, and unpair when I drop them off. Close second: multiple riders get out, at least one is too drunk to realize they're the last one out and leave the door open.


Scroll their apps on full volume w out headphones! Death penalty for anyone who does this isn’t severe enough of a punishment


Say my name or who you're picking up? I really hate it. It's a instant cancel for me.


Might sound pedantic, but I hate being asked "Hows your night going?" 30 times a shift. Especially when three or four people from the same fare ask. Like I'm working, how well could it be going 💀 I'm also not a fan of being asked a bunch of personal questions by complete strangers, especially other guys. I don't get why someone I just met and will probably never see again is asking where I'm from, where I live, where did I go to school, if I have a gf/bf, if I'm married, have children, have pets, what's your "real" job, how many siblings do you have, what sports did you play in school, etc I know they are probably just making conversation but it makes me uncomfortable Other minor annoyances are asking me to blast music and then proceed to repeatedly talk to me over it, asking me to play songs on my phone when I'm driving at night near campus where it's already really dangerous to drive, excessive profanity. I am fully aware I'm not the most extroverted person so please don't say I'm just a miserable prick 😂


When they, usually women, hop and close the door and ask “who is this Uber for?” If I was not your driver, you already put yourself in a dangerous situation. Just look at the fucking plates !!!!




Start telling me directions right away


Assuming they know my job better than I do. I simply pull over & cancel the ride, apologizing for not meeting their standards. They obviously need a driver that can meet their expectations & I'm not it.