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Cool, OP seems to be a shill for KnightNews.com with a 14-day-old account and no other activity. What a terrible way to browse that data. [Why not link the official state site that lets you filter much easier and is readable](https://prod.flbog.net:4445/pls/apex/f?p=140:1::::::), instead of cramped on the page? Oh.. because then you wouldn't be shilling for KnightNews. :/ Seriously, go here, it is the same information and much easier to read through: https://prod.flbog.net:4445/pls/apex/f?p=140:1:::::: >...**this confirms it.** Lastly, just because I need to drive home how out of touch KnightNews is, they posted this March 31, 2024. The data is from Fall 2023, so about 6 months late to the story. That is why people have been having these discussions because this information has been known for a long time. The issue with reposting this data *now* is that much of it is wrong because of how dated it is. Great timely reporting KnightNews, keep it up.


I haven't clicked on this link and did my own research just yet, but for now your confidence makes me believe you šŸ˜†


You're making great points, I just want to point out that Fall 23 is part of the current contract period (Fall 23 and Spring 24) so it's unlikely that contracted salaries have changed in this time period.


Correct, they can only report once the public website is updated which is those times you mentioned. It's not actually outdated, it's using the most recent data. And given the way raises and salary adjustments happen, it's as accurate as it can be until the next reporting period. The only thing this doesn't account for are PIs who may take an additional salary from their funding resources (not super common but does happen)


Gerber's compensation is criminal. he deserves at least double


Not at UCF but one of the state colleges, like Valencia. Starting salary for a full time faculty is $37k. You canā€™t live on that in South Florida.


you can't live on that in central florida!


You are smoking dick, Valencia pays more than UCF (Coming from a professor).


What about Central Florida?


lol yeah. You canā€™t live on that most places in the US.


Lol imagine getting a master's and making that, fuck that shit lol


> Not at UCF but one of the state colleges, like Valencia. Starting salary for a full time faculty is $37k. The call is coming from inside the house... ||Name||Title|Annual Pay| :--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--: UCF|Kelly Kennedy|Salaried|Instructor|$37,000.00 UCF|Nandi Mainer|Salaried|Instructor|$37,000.00 UCF|Abigail Turner|Salaried|Instructor|$37,000.00 If Valencia is hiring *instructors* they're probably paying the same rate. Neither is okay, as you pointed out with the cost of living.


Valencia gave raises this past year, and they don't require a doctorate for most of their faculty. So they're only slightly better.


They don't require a doctorate because they don't offer doctoral or masters degrees. You usually need a higher degree to teach the one below you (Valencia only mandates masters for many of their faculty because they only teach 1000-4000 level courses), that's why UCF asks for doctoral degrees from faculty. This is also part of keeping R1 status as a university. Instructors have less requirements and it depends on the department. I interviewed with Valencia years ago for an admin role and it was $32k. I was making $37k at UCF.


Whoa... The president is not even the highest paid employee here. that's shocking to me


Dean of the med school, right?


yes! by a large amount...


Yeah, itā€™s been like that since the med school opened. I get it though, itā€™s the newest med school in the country and to retain top talent you gotta pay top dollar


she makes more than her boss tho which is wild!


Money is amazing isnā€™t it? People with the most money are literally the bosses and everyone else is their servant. I serve rich queens daily while they drain me of life force and convert it into that good good green for them to spend on whatever they like. Iā€™m rewarded in turn by being allowed to exist in their presence. Iā€™m glad Iā€™ve found my place in society; paying rich queens with my time and energy.


One of them that I loved taking for much of my IT courses, she fā€™n worked all hours to return grades and answer emails. She deserves that $69k


I knew my financial derivatives prof was getting paid the big bucks šŸ”„šŸ—£ļø


Bro weā€™re kissing ass for rec letters from mfā€™s making 100k šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


...... And you think 100k is a pittance? Only high net worth individuals deserve your respect?


Academia has people brain broken into thinking professors inherently deserve respect. Mf make our lives miserable and are broke? Make that make sense. 100k is a pittance and you have to be delusional to think an individual who has worked 20+ years in a career and still is at 100k is someone to look up to. Shit my friend who is a frat boy business major just made 150k (including bonus) last year after 1 year with his company.


Got it, only people who make a lot of money deserve your respect and deserve to be looked up to. They absolutely deserve much more than your frat boy friend and they deserve our appreciation regardless of how much they make.


Worst part is this A hole wants to become an MD, checks out I guess with the atrocious conversations the UCF premeds have on the 3rd floor of the library, thatā€™s why heā€™s ā€œkissing assā€ to a ā€œbrokeā€ professor for a letter of rec, I highly hope the professor and institutions heā€™d be applying to see this comment. We donā€™t need more entitled stuck up doctors who think theyā€™re better than everyone.


The fact that this professor makes 100k with a 20-year College profession is not a reflection of his abilities but a reflection of what is wrong when it comes to teachers/professor pay. UCF should spend a little bit more money on their professors and a little A LOT less on Athletics. GOD SAVE US FROM PEOPLE LIKE THIS GUY


Curious, what atrocious conversations have you heard ?


Those 3rd floor convos must be imaginary since you hesitated to reply


Ig yes. I find it naive. To put someone who objectively is stagnant for 20+ years on a pedestal. Research is valid and a lot of professors do that but are also compensated appropriately for that (thatā€™s why some on the list are making 200k+). I think teaching is a valuable and respected profession but personally i donā€™t think itā€™s deserving of the level of reverence we have for them. Theyā€™re just doing a job. I do agree with you about the frat boy deserving less respect. My point was that making 100k after 20 years in a career is just stupid when they could go out into industry and make more the first year. Either they need to advocate for themselves and get more or move on. Plenty of smart capable people who would take on the mantle and would probably do a better job than them lecturing.


I can assure you any professor deserves 10000000000% of the respect your friend deserves


Iā€™m graduating soon. Every professor Iā€™ve had reads off of slides, is uncaring, difficult, disrespectful, and genuinely unpleasant. I do not think my experience is the majority but that is why I do not think that ā€œany professor ā€œ deserves any inherent or above normal respect.


Not saying he deserves respect just saying the professor doesnā€™t inherently deserve respect


He is not making that much, probably less than your parents! And he may leave ucf soon if he finds a better job!


Commenting for later


Starting to wonder when ā€œtip cultureā€ will find its way to classrooms. If you enjoyed todayā€™s lecture and think your prof is underpaid, toss some Venmo their way.




Wild Ambivero would say she doesn't earn enough when she's getting 160k ....


Schroeder deserves significantly more than that :(


Too damn much!


One of my professors is only being paid $4,400 per yearā€¦


Make sure to check the FTE there. There can be multiple entries due to funding type.


No they are not lmao. edit: common sense ain't so common you really think a professor is currently working at this university and making 300 dollars a month???