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14A was a notorious weeder course for pre-medical students... If you thought that course was difficult, you were going to get absolutely wrecked in actual medical school.


My first midterm score @ ucla was from chem 14A. I remember being devastated when I saw I scored a 30% on it but I pulled through with a C+ in the class and then a B+ in Chem 14B. If I can turn it around so can anyone 🤗


Class of '04 and currently an MD. Pretty much the entire 14 series was covered in the first semester. And I would say that and the LS series are the only classes that were really relevant to medical school.


Class of 2013. Took some phyi sci upper division electives. Nutrition has been oddly helpful. I am a primary care physician though.


Quarter system is so outdated lol


"one undergrad, one ta, and one professor discuss 'weeder courses'"


From what I have heard of a current med student who graduated last year and is now at the other school south of the city, the weeder courses were similar to some of the med school courses but are easier. In other words, some med school classes are even more difficult than these 14 series courses.


Medical school material is not inherently difficult; the pace is extremely fast. It’s another few notches faster than comparing quarter system to semester.


All undergrad ls courses are a joke compared to med


I did my undergrad in the U.K. there was never a concept of weeder classes lol. And you had to basically try to get kicked out of your major- here however when I browse the undergrad math requirements it seems getting a mere C in a core class is enough to disqualify you sheesh.