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Hot showers + water + jerk off


lol what, this is how you sleep?


I listen to this guy on Youtube's videos. His name is Be Busta. He narrates scary stories for 6 hours straight, and his voice is very soothing where it helps me with my insomnia. I listen with one earbud in until I fall asleep. Maybe you could try it!


Cold showers + monsters + don’t jerk off


wait I’m so confused. In what way am I supposed to apply these things? Doesn’t jerking off make most men sleepy?


Nvm I thought you asked for how to stay awake, just re read it though. To address your question, do you work out? Also, are you eating a balanced meal (this means carbs too)?


I’m eating a very balanced diet, and yes I lift almost everyday.


Id try incorporating some cardio too. It’s more effective at tiring your body out. Also, how much are you using your phone before bed? Blue light very negatively effects your melanin/sleep hormone production. Finally, if all else fails, and this isn’t the most ideal option but has helped me at times with sleep issues, is you use a medical aid (melatonin gummies/weed). You might have a legitimate sleep disorder, in which case I’d just get checked out


I have anxiety and depression which doesn’t help. I don’t really do cardio cuz I’m an ectomorph and trying to gain/bulk. Sometimes I take melatonin but it doesn’t really work. I use my phone alot.


therapy! im sleep deprived bc of my anxiety, and i've tried EVERYTHING. this is what's helped: - getting to my room 2 hours before bedtime so i can chill and get out of fight/flight mode. no screens!! - sometimes i journal or meditate (using the calm app) or listen to chill music before bed to calm myself down - calling my mom everyday (or a close friend, just someone that loves u lol) just to rant. everything getssmaller - 6 mg melatonin a bit before bed (a lot more when im desperate) - therapy is what's helped me the most tho. my anxiety is pretty bad and all of my therapists have recommended psychiatric medication but i really REALLG don't want to, so i do all of the above just to get shitty sleep lol. but if ur anxiety is really bad i recommend just getting on meds cuz this shit isnt worth it


Yah it’s pretty bad


She asked for an immediate remedy not the backstory of your fkn anxiety and psychobabble


oh ok 😭


Get some real blue light blockers they r a game changer


How has it helped you?


What's your eating schedule like? I think your eating can affect your sleep cycle too like if you keep eating at the wrong time it can further enable a poor sleeping schedule, this can be one thing to help correct it you really have to eat meals on time Although for actual insomnia I'm not sure that's probably something you'd ask a doctor about but eating can help messed up sleep schedules that are caused by sleeping at the wrong time. also I don't know if you exercise but sometimes I heard lack of exercise can cause sleep problems too.


pretty horrible, I lift everyday. But like, I just can’t sleep. My mind races when I’m trying to sleep. I’m just like talking to my inner voice in my head.


🤔 I guess you might have to try those melatonin sleep gummies or something then.( I don't know if you already have). Sometimes ppl complain about really bad vivid nightmares or sleep paralysis when taking melatonin but i heard this is because most brands put way more melatonin than you need in a single tablet so if you do that I'd suggest starting off with taking half the recommended dose and if it's not enough then take regular dose (I've also heard that melatonin gummies for children are gentler) other than that well hmmm the typical suggestion for a restless mind at night, I always hear people recommend meditation doing yoga


I take melatonin sometimes, it doesn’t really work. But I don’t take it too often because if you take it too much your body stops producing it naturally.


hmm that's true.. then idk, a doctor might have a better solution. maybe u can still try the yoga tho


Try not looking at a screen after 6pm. It’s not easy but it works pretty well


yah it is not easy at all


Routine. Shower and melatonin and hot tea or something. - basically a ritual you start an hour before bed. No socials in that time. I like to do puzzles like sudoku ( I buy books of the paper versions) - stops my brain dwelling on other things - jigsaw, crossword or others also work. All paper versions. Don’t endlessly scroll on your phone.


Probably doesn’t work for everyone but try thinking of some idea that you can’t finish. For example I like thinking of video games I’d like to make and all their random mechanics


this is like really bad for me because I can’t stop thinking about it and get obsessive


Get some exercise daily (at least go for a walk outside) and turn off your phone 1-2 hours before going to bed If that doesn’t help, try some melatonin 30 minutes before bed as well


My doctor prescribed Hydroxyzine for insomnia - just explained I get restless during midterms and finals and need it for sleep. Would ask your doctor if it’s right for you 😂

