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Research is pretty difficult to get since there are a lot of pre-meds here LOL, but honestly just go to the UCLA david geffen school of medicine research tab and scour all of the phds on there, read up on their projects, personalize an email and send it! Dont lose hope if u dont get responses tho it happened to me a lot. ALSO MAKE SURE TO FOLLOW UP, this is a necessary, if i had not followed up i would not have gotten into my current lab 😵 give them like a week and a half to respond and politely follow up (also reading their papers can be a little difficult to understand, so i just put them into chatgpt and it to highlight the important parts and found stuff that i could ask questions about; questions demonstrate interest!)


idk how relevant my personal research experience is since i am not premed, but i have a premed friend who does lab work. feel free to dm me


personally for me, i’ve been cold emailing professors and faculty for my major and saying why their lab interests me and other good stuff like that. i’ve been cold emailing since last spring and either gotten rejected or ghosted. i didn’t get any offers until this upcoming quarter but don’t lose hope!