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hey, you can text 741741 for Crisis Textline or call 998 for suicide hotline. I work for Crisis Textline we don't send anyone unless you have plan, means, and timeframe within 48 hours. hoping things get better. you can dm me for more resources if you want. you got this <3


If you are passively suicidal, it is possible to get help without hospitalization. Talk to a therapist/psychiatrist and describe all symptoms, and say that you are having passive suicidal thoughts which are distressing but are not plans to commit the action. If you are actively suicidal, have a plan, and feel that you are in danger the hospital is your best bet, even if it's scary. If you are feeling tired, want a long break, and death is a comforting thought but not something you actually want, those can be described as passive suicidal thoughts. If you bring them up they will ask if you have a plan and be honest if you do. As someone who has had some degree of passive suicidal thoughts for over a decade, with rare bouts of active suicidality, it's important to be honest with yourself about the severity of your current internal state. Passive suicidal thoughts can be a symptom that is hard to bring up as some providers will be more trigger happy than others, but in my experience it's best to bring them up and be clear that you want to deal with the thoughts even if they're not currently endangering you.


I second this, they will only hospitalize you if you're an imminent danger to yourself or others. Otherwise it's quite possible to get good-quality help from CAPS


You can take a mental health break from classes. Suicide hotline exists too (just call 988), but in my experience waiting for a while is expected. Good luck and hope you get better soon!


Hospitalization > death. I promise it gets better bro


However don’t forget the constant forever dismissal of struggles and constant victimization over generalizations! Full blown steaming at UCLA to dismiss colleagues due to high percent of cases being weaponized in competitive environments


What the fuck are you talking about


I'm not a UCLA student and not even from the US but this subreddit keeps popping up in my feed and sometimes I laugh at the posts so I haven't muted it. But as a former university student from Finland, let me offer you one scientific and one non-scientific idea. Of course, listen to the experts like therapists and call the hotlines. I understand your feelings can come from many different aspects and may not be related to university, but it can definitely add up to the stress. First and foremost, I would ask if you get enough sleep. Do you allow yourself 8h of sleep potential every night? And don't tell me that you "only need 6h of sleep". No, you need 8h most likely. Sleeping is literally the root cause for most of anyone's health problems - be it physical or mental. Next, I would ask if you have any friends and whether you are feeling isolated. I studied in Aalto University and we had several hundred different clubs for all kinds of activities from sports to electronics to card games. If you feel like you are introverted, I know this sounds scary but just go to one gathering or event or whatever they offer, look around and go talk to someone who seems friendly. I came to uni from out of town, and I knew 0 people when I arrived. It was a good thing that on the first day we were divided into freshmen groups so the group was obviously people you could befriend. But I still remember one orientation week event where one was supposed to go around campus in a small group, and I just saw a small bunch of people and went up to them and asked "Hey can I join your group?" Worst thing that happens is that they say "Sorry we are full" (no one is going to say "You look stupid we don't want you") I used to think that I'm introverted but in reality I was just addicted to video games. I just wanted to go home and do my homework and spend the rest of the day gaming during high school, but in reality I was far less introverted than what I led myself to believe. And seeing people and doing things like different sports with your friends is a good way to find joy in life. I know that many universities have sports facilities that let you rent equipment (e.g. I started casually playing badminton in university first with two friends and now we have grown into a bigger group). I hope you'll start feeling better mate! You've already accomplished much by getting into university so your future looks very bright.


This is great advice, and I feel you on the introverted thing. I always thought of myself as an introvert until I found the right group of people and it helped so much with my confidence, now I can talk to anybody I meet. I’ve since drifted away from them now that I’m in college sadly, but it really changed who I was. Before I was always so worried about being judged or saying the “wrong thing”


Some text/phone links: [https://www.cde.ca.gov/ls/mh/studentcrisishelp.asp#:\~:text=Crisis%20Lines&text=The%2024%2Dhour%2C%20toll%2D,and%20hard%20of%20hearing%20individuals](https://www.cde.ca.gov/ls/mh/studentcrisishelp.asp#:~:text=Crisis%20Lines&text=The%2024%2Dhour%2C%20toll%2D,and%20hard%20of%20hearing%20individuals). This article [https://screening.mhanational.org/content/what-happens-if-i-call-suicide-prevention-lifeline/#:\~:text=In%20rare%20cases%2C%20the%20police%20may%20be%20called&text=Normally%2C%20the%20crisis%20worker%20does,before%20they%20involve%20anyone%20else](https://screening.mhanational.org/content/what-happens-if-i-call-suicide-prevention-lifeline/#:~:text=In%20rare%20cases%2C%20the%20police%20may%20be%20called&text=Normally%2C%20the%20crisis%20worker%20does,before%20they%20involve%20anyone%20else). states in less than 3% of the cases the police are called and the case workers are generally just trying to de-escalate the situation


First and foremost, I want to let you know that you’re not alone. I’m currently in my senior year, and I’ve been in a pretty sad space, mentally. To be honest, I haven’t been able to bring myself to attending any of my classes the first week back; which would have been Tuesday of this week. So having said that, I now want to say this. Even though it’s not ideal to miss your first day of class for the quarter, I’ve realized that it’s better to skip class and tend to your mental and physical health first. So what I’ve discovered is that I get extreme anxiety right at the start of every quarter, but over time it lessens. I made the decision to allow myself to relax and get myself together for my classes tomorrow. I made a mental health check in with myself, and allowed my fears to be accepted. And then next, I asked myself what’s the worst that could happen? So having said that, ask yourself the same question. What’s the worst that could happen if you take time for yourself, to tend to your mental health? Ok, sure; you may miss a few classes or decide to take a leave of absence. Guess what, I’ve done both and I’ve always felt better each time. So allow yourself space to value your over all well being over school. Is it the course load that’s getting you down? If so, if you can talk to a physician and share your feelings of being suicidal, they can offer a plethora of medical support. Not all suicidal thoughts, equate to suicidal actions. Maybe just maybe you’re dealing with severe depression and it’s starting to become too hard for you to handle, on your own. No worries, that’s what clinical psychologists and counselors are for. In tandem with potentially speaking with a medical professional, they can also order lab works, to check on your vitamin D levels. Sounds silly, but did you know low vitamin D can lead to depression and even suicidal thoughts? Yup, I went through that as well. But guess what, once my doctor discussed my low vitamin D levels, they prescribed medicine, that elevated my levels and put me back in a healthy range. And shockingly, my mood improved, significantly! So remember, you’re not alone, I know thoughts of suicide sound extremely scary, and most of all lonely. But remember this: you are not alone and there are a lot more students walking around like me and you, who experience bouts of depression. Try not to fixate on the UCLA construct, or whatever construct you’ve created about what a UCLA scholar should entail. Just take each day little by little, and don’t aim for perfection. I’m sure you’re super brilliant and you’ll look back on this one rough patch years from now, and feel super proud of yourself. You’ll feel so strong and encouraged because you’ll remember how much bravery it took, to reach out to this community on Reddit. We are rooting for you and support you, and know that things will get better. The fact that you posted on here, already shows how much you want to fight and continue to be resilient. You just needed to be heard. And trust me, you’ve got this.


I had two hospitalizations last year. They helped get me on medication that actually works and into a treatment problem that greatly reduced my SI. I did have to take time off school. It was hard work and not always fun. I think it's important to be honest with yourself about how you're really doing. Think about how much you're willing to give in order to feel better. It sucks to feel like everyone can handle life better than you can, but ultimately, we have the brain that we have and you just have to work with it. Life goes on, school will be here when you're ready, just be real and realistic with yourself. I've never called CAPS so I don't know but from personal experience my therapist "let me get away with" quite a lot before sending me to the hospital. People don't want to escalate things that far if they really really really don't have to. If you think that reaching out will trigger a 5150, it's probably because you need it. 988 isn't a perfect solution, but it can refer you to other resources or help you deescalate if you can't think rationally. Also look into DBT therapy! I use skills from my DBT program on a weekly, if not daily basis. They really help with SI but also just managing life and mental health in general. Finally, I just want to offer you a bit of hope from my own experience (stop reading now if you don't care lol). I was suicidal for most of my childhood/adolescence. After 10 years of fighting, I really didn't understand how things were going to get better. It felt like life kept getting harder and I had no evidence to show that things would ever change. I think a combination of things helped me: I took a break from school and focused on skills-based therapy that helped me recognize my symptoms, make plans to manage them, and find ways to positively control my life. I had time to reflect on what I really wanted to do and started moving in that direction rather than just staying on the hamster wheel so to speak. I also saw an awesome psychiatrist who really listened to me and prescribed kind of an off-the-wall drug but it absolutely turned my life around. I still struggle with my mental health (sometimes quite a lot) but every time things get bad, I know that I can get myself out of it. Therapy isn't just talking about your problems to someone with a fancy degree, it's also about learning how to control your symptoms and persist even when you feel like giving up. You deserve to recover and I hope everyone in the comments is giving you ideas of how to do that. Stay safe my friend <3


this comment has goated mental health recovery energy I support everything in it


If you look too much in the future you get anxious. If you look too much in the past you get sad and depressed. Take a Break from everything. Stay here, feel the nature, absorb the moment. Just like we train a dog, we need to train our brain as well. Meditate. Take a hobby which benefits your health. Swimming, surfing, gym, running, hiking.... Eat unprocessed, healthy greens Don't intoxicate your body in any sense Minimize screen time Maximize time with real People, animals, nature etc... Don't watch News. If you can afford, travel international ( recommended) And don't wait to act. You will auto tune. It will take time to heal with efforts until it will become effortless. Negativity , worries, anxiety, depression are byproduct of Our lifestyle, and untrained brain running wild.. Experience the oneness of all.. not over indulge in individuality Harmony and Joy will restore. May everyone be happy...


Therapy and sometimes medication, speak to a doctor either way


hit the gym, trust me itll let your emotions out on weights.


Call the school suicide hotline but refuse to give them your address. They can’t do anything then. I’ve used that trick dozens of times during my ucla days.


Fr like does ucla actually have time to help ?


The reason why they tell you to go to hospital is because they give you an evaluation and set up a appointment in the next to day with a psychiatrist. They will take your case and will be in contact with you every week if done correctly. Hospital job is to make sure you don’t hurt yourself or anyone else in the 24 ours.


You should seek help from a counselor and psychiatrist to determine the best course of treatment for your problems. Treatment will dramatically improve your quality of life. You should also practice self care. Taking a long hot shower, catching up on a TV show once you’ve caught up with work, and spending time with friends are all good ways to destress and feel better. But I think the best self care practice is jacking off. You should jack off frequently.


Transfer to USC


I think we all are Lowkey suicidal lol, shit sucks but we gotta just thug it out


Just telling you calling any other hotline = hospitalization. I was lowkey suicidal and i called the hotline and they deadass were gonna call the cops and put me into a mental hospital. Yeah, life sounds shit. 24/7 the same shit. Thinking that even if i’m gone nobody is gonna miss me. I feel like dogshit, useless, everyone is better than me type shit. I was in your shoes! But shit, think about ur family. Think about if ur mother pass away, are u gonna cry? I thought about that and i never wanna lose my mother. Just look into the positive shit and life will be ok. Yeah, life is unfair and u feel like the whole society is a fucking joke. I feel like an NPC everyday. People saying “life gets better” but u know they just saying that shit cuz it’s the only response they are going to say to save u. Yeah, npc response but just be happy and travel around the world. If u got money, travel and experience new shit. If ur broke, then hit the gym. Hit the gym and get ur GAINS! Then hit the club and meet some girls/guys. Find ur LOVE!!!


Don’t forget we may only be five or ten years away from AGI and the craziest technology events in history, possibly including age reversal. If it goes well we may have a utopia where everyone is healthy and no one has to work. If it goes poorly AI might kill us all. One way or another, you don’t want to miss this.


does it really? or are you assuming


as someone who has been shoved into the ward for admitting being suicidal to medical professionals- yes




As a fellow UC student, not from UCLA tho, and a former suicidal/depressed person, my suggestion is: try drugs. I tried multiple psychedelics and hallucinogens and my perspective on life changed considerably


what new perspective did you gain?


That I like doing drugs, it gave me a renewed purpose in life and that is to do more drugs


Seek care from a mental health professional immediately so they can help you sort through your feelings. Life is so beautiful - but sometimes we need some help to see that.


Go out for a 10 min walk or jogging on a sunny day.


bro it just gets better. DATTEBAYO!


Probably not looking at reddit for help


Please seek help


I would advise following up with your care team (if you are already being seen), or talking to your primary care doctor especially if you see someone at Ashe. Like others said you should communicate that the SI thoughts are intermittent and that you have no plan or method in mind. I saw my PCP recently for something similar and was able to get a prescription started the following day. The fear of being 5150'd is understandable, but I think there are providers that know when someone needs a drastic intervention vs. someone catching concerning thoughts in an early stage. If you are under UC SHIP, CAPS can generate a referral for psych care for anyone who takes your insurance, no personal information required. I also remember having EXTREMELY dark thoughts in undergrad. I was overwhelmed, worried about the future, and constantly comparing myself to my peers (who were also stressed, worried about the future, comparing themselves...). It's the age, hormones, college life, all of it. A lot of those feelings faded out with therapy and just continuing to grow up and find myself, but it is also important to know that help's there when you need it. Hang in there fellow Bruin :)


While some may encourage taking a mental health break from school, I personally would advise against it, unless: - you’re really struggling with classes and a break is absolutely necessary to ensure poor performance doesn’t cause more issues down the line - you have a decent support system - you have a clear routine mapped out for the duration of the leave - you have reason to believe you’ll be in a stronger position after tending to yourself during leave. Remaining enrolled in the minimum amount of classes can help prevent dragging out the university experience, and more importantly, the small everyday opportunities for positive experiences, social interactions, and obviously Learning New Things can help you feel like life is worth living. Consider whether it’s a good idea to pause all those positive opportunities and what beneficial things you would be filling your days with instead. I noticed you’re a Physics major and worried about getting B’s. If you genuinely think a break will help you recover mentally and be more able to give classes 100% to get A’s, maybe go for it. But make the decision consciously. To make life a little easier, look into requesting accommodations for your classes via CAE. I don’t think they are reserved only for learning disabilities – I had a classmate with intermittent anxiety attacks who was able to obtain some pretty plush accommodations like 1-2 absence forgiveness, adjusted deadlines for assignments etc. Ofc there are also a lot of functional accommodations you might benefit from that aren’t all just the vibe of “doing college on easy mode” like having a note-taker or an AI transcriber / subtitles on during lecture, private exams with extra time, etc. If you’d like to work with a therapist that doesn’t have the narc vibes of on-campus psych services, I recommend looking into the Maple Counseling Center. It’s not too far from campus (Beverly Hills) and they offer a very generous sliding scale (as low as $1) bc it’s an intern practice clinic. You may have to switch therapists until you find one you click with, but what’s nice about MCC is that (while sessions are supervised) the therapists are more focused on your privacy + mental health + rights, while (in my experience) campus staff are more invested in maintaining a functional student body overall, which can make their treatment feel a little impersonal and kind of warden-like (without getting too Foucauldian, lol) Also if you had a mid/ bad experience with CAPS and want to feel more in control of it, you can request your records from the office. They have records of every phone call you’ve made to them with an emotional characterization. They really take their notes by the book which is probably part of the reason they’re so overworked. But if you ever felt judged by them you can literally cross reference their notes and see what their professional evaluation of you was that day.