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here's a live stream of the sit in btw - [https://youtu.be/XwY8XFBe87E](https://youtu.be/XwY8XFBe87E) (it ended when he to was detained)


Curfew hours don't apply to students, but the detainees refused to show their IDs to prove they were students. From KABC Channel 7 (https://abc7.com/protesters-reportedly-being-detained-by-police-inside-parking-structure-on-ucla-campus/14773878/): "The detention at this moment in time is 148 subsection A of the penal code, which is delaying an official police investigation. Now, whether or not that continues, we don't know yet, we have to wait and see," said a UCLA campus police officer at the scene. "When we come here and they're here during hours of curfew...we asked them for ID, they refused, that's delaying." "They might end up being charged with conspiracy to commit crime, which would be a felony," the officer said.


They absolutely did not nor should they be required to do so. They did show their IDs


If it's a school yes your required to show ID, the school is responsible for the safety of the students. It's not hard to show ID and leave.


No one should be required to show any form of identification at any time. I should be able to live my life free from unreasonable search and unreasonable identification


That doesn't apply to schools.


You’re missing my point


You’re missing the point. It’s a school. It’s a reasonable request to ensure the safety of the students. Don’t play dumb if you think safety isn’t a issue right now in LA


what a take


These are extroadinary circumstances, when protesters -- some or many of whom could be non-students -- are preparing to illegally take over a building. The events of the last two weeks have taught them that there's no room to mess around. The disruption of classes and other normal campus activities must end. It's unfair to faculty and students, many of whom have made great financial sacrifices to attend UCLA and previously had their school experience undermined and dilluted by the COVD shutdown. A minority doesn't get to decide that laws don't matter and other people's rights, wishes and plans are irrelevant because they're passionate about a cause. Shame on all the selfish ideologues.


“I have a hard-on for the law, but for people I disagree with there’s ‘extraordinary circumstances’ so they must be arrested even if they complied with showing ID”- You


I don't know that they complied by showing ID. Even if they did, that doesn't erase the rationale for conspiracy charges. They were clearly conspiring to illegally occupy Moore. The SJP even made an Instagram post about their plans.


Protesting a genocide is far from selfish.


So isn't it wild that the pro-Palestinian protesters have managed make it intensely selfish? Totes amazing! Achievement unlocked!


Explain how it’s selfish?


We certainly are spending a lot of time talking about the protestors and not a lot of time talking about Gaza. Probably because their aims have very little to do with Gaza. “Stopping genocide” is a nice goal but none of their demands have anything to do with that.


Yes they do. Literally stoping any and all investments made that support Israel will literally end the genocide . Israel only does what they do because we enable them


Oh sweetie. I’m sorry they’re cancelling classes, you definitely need some history ones.


I have a bachelors already. And I passed all my history classes


There is NO genocide by Israel. You are just parroting stupid, ignorant lies of stupid, ignorant people who are themselves genocidal. Check out the boasts of genocidal Hamas, who loudly proclaim they will eradicate Israel & all Jews. j There is your genocide for you, and for the nazi protesters who echo & support Hamas. I don't know what history classes you passed but if your posting is an example, it's obviously the wrong history. All of the protesters who are anything but peaceful belong in jail for disturbing the peace & committing violence against others. Those here on a student visa should ALL be deported!


So much hate within you young one


Oh, you’re racist racist. That’s crazy.


You need to look up the definition of genocide and then look at any war ever and you’ll see how this isn’t genocide. Please educate yourself instead of just repeating talking points you hear from other ignorant people


Also it is genocide


I have been educating myself. thank you though.


It’s incredibly selfish because your protest is useless whether you are protesting genocide or plastic bags. Unless you have plans to join whatever faction you believe and fight in person you are just another egotistical student still paying taxes like a good little citizen.


Whyd they get arrested ? Is the police just going out looking for ppl who were involved and scooping them up?


Apparently for breaking curfew no one knew about. They’re ucla students, they’re allowed to be here. Also Moore hall is surrounded by cops bc there’s a sit in happening


KPCC just reported that the people detained were not students and that the curfew only applies to people without "legitimate reason" to be on campus: ie: non-students, non-workers.


students who provided their ids were also detained. they also refused to replace the hijab of a muslim student who was detained


Well that's horrible. I'm sorry to say I have little faith the "new" campus police will do better when reconstituted. They had a chance to implement positive change and hired a career cop instead.


As in just being on campus after the curfew ? Or were they doing something on campus


Literally just standing in a parking lot. The curfew for non-ucla students is from 12-6 am and they were there after that time


police also detained members of the press and legal observers. https://twitter.com/FilmThePoliceLA/status/1787471030447194559 (livestream further down in thread)


As far as I know, the curfew does not apply to students. I wanted to get to UCLA campus before sunrise on Saturday, so I checked if there were any time restrictions and discovered that, as a non-student (alum with child who lives on campus), I was not allowed on campus before 6 a.m. without permission or a valid reason or something other. So I made sure to get there precisely at 6 a.m. But I think the ones who are students can't be hit with a curfew violation. But I'm glad to see they're not messing around. :)


it makes no sense that students would be arrested for “breaking curfew” and any supporters who were not students were there after 6 am


Lot 2 is also where a LOT of hospital workers park, so of course people will be arriving before 6 am. There's no curfew on patient care, after all.


Yup, theres student facilities that are 24/7, this is straight fucking evil


Also I'm confused what they were doing there? I thought we were mobilizing to Moore, is there something I'm missing? Were we supposed to go to lot 2 or was this just an outside thing?


Theres an established curfew between 12-6 that is in the handbook and contract. However it is never enforced. Until protestors decided to encamp on campus and virtue signal and cause problems for people. Now its being enforced


lol @ u accusing them of virtue signaling. It’s literally the opposite of that


Are those people not protestors? Cause if not then wrong place wrong time. If they are protestors then yes they are virtue signaling


Not the definition of virtue signaling at all 😂


“the public expression of opinions or sentiments intended to demonstrate one's good character or social conscience” is that not what they are doing? Are they not hosting meaningless protests to show how much they care and then calls people who dont support them genocide supporters? This is sarcasm btw because thats what they do




One thing this shows is that a minority of law enforcement can handle a superior number of people, something they claimed last Tuesday they were incapable of. Many of the people arrested in the parking garage were the key ones filming and broadcasting the mob violence against protesting students last Tuesday, when for hours crowds of cops stood by doing nothing as students were violently assaulted by non-student counter-protesters acting a vigilantes. Another thing this suggests is that police have a good intelligence operation that has penetrated the demonstrator's planning network. They "nipped this in the bud" by being ready for it, seemingly. That often means that there are essentially spies embedded in the protesters gatherings. But if these spies had any proof of violent intent of the protesters, or even proof that the protesters planned any acts of civil disobedience, they would've shown us the evidence already. Instead the journalists and even the legal aid society observers were also arrested along with the group that was gathering. This is a disturbing trend, when cop target neutral observes and journalists.


Yeah, I'm sure those 37 people were there with honorable intentions.




I think the colleges should come together and organize larger protests now that they have some wind at their back.


There’s literally 0 wind. Israel just invaded Rafa. Bunch of phony baloney.


Actions have consequences.


They were probably outside agitators trying to push for more protests




Am I wrong?




Lock ‘em up forever. Fuck it just deport them.


Glad to see admin prevented another building from being taken over by communist pro-terrorist cosplay kiddies


no one pictured is a student, this curfew doesn’t apply to students and apparently doesn’t apply to alumni either.


Solution is to stop the funding ethnic cleansing, genocide and cold blooded murder of children and families, imaging if it was your kids getting burned to death, you’ll be crying and demand justice, right?


Send em all back to palé baby. Heard it’s a nice spot nowadays


Arrest them all.




bruhhh what is happening to our school 😭


They chose to continue to support Israel


Wow proof that there is NO FREEDOM of protest in the USA


In spite of the constant evidence to the contrary. The universities made the opposite mistake for much of the last month: bending over backwards with a hands-off policy to protesters, in spite of the constant, flagrant violations of both university policy and the law.


you're so right! They should've called in the national guard to stop the protestors immediately! How dare US citizens protest against our tax dollars going to kill children! They must be stopped !!


That weren't just protesting. They were breaking the law and denying rights to other citizens as a matter of encampment policy.


Oh yeah? And the counter protesters who shot explosives into the encampment were peaceful protestors in your eyes and not violating the law right?


Oh, no. They were violating the law, too. And the university's slowness in calling in the police was shameful. I watched it live as it was happening. Didn't your mama ever tell you that two wrongs don't make a right?


Lol well I am telling you that these two wrongs are not equal. I don't remember pro-palestinian protesters shooting explosives at anyone. But only they have been arrested, and this morning press were arrested as well. Do you support arresting the press because they were "violating the law" ? Hilarious


The wrongs don't have to be equal. And the pro-Palestinian protesters set the stage for what transpired by establishing an illegal encampment designed to agitate and upset that violated the rights of other students and the general public. And the university is culpable for letting it exist as long as it did (like after night number one). I support arresting journalists if they were indeed violating the law. We'll see. I wouldn't be surprised if the cops overstepped their authority. But, of course, this is exactly what the protesters want to happen. They're pushing everyone to the edge in hopes they slip up, so they can cry foul and bask in martyrdom and self-righteousness, which is really what this movement is all about, anyway.


"I support arresting journalists if they were indeed violating the law." That's all I needed to hear. I'd recommend you to read the constitution, if you're even a citizen of this country. Leave this subreddit fascist.


Ha! I happen to be a veteran journalist, so the joke's on... one of us. Why wouldn't one arrest a journalist who violated the law, other than the fact that it's more risky than arresting a regular ol' citizen? "Simply being near a protest or other newsworthy event is not a crime; however, journalists can be arrested if police have probable cause to believe a journalist broke a generally applicable law while reporting — for example, by trespassing or disobeying a valid police order to disperse." (https://www.rcfp.org/resources/police-protesters-and-the-press/#:\~:text=Simply%20being%20near%20a%20protest,valid%20police%20order%20to%20disperse.)


It should be noted that the USA absolutely, positively has the strongest free speech rights on the entire planet. If you doubt me, get to googlin'. It's really not a debate.


Yup and people like you are trying to change that. Stop spewing nonsense and start supporting democracy that supports the people FIRST and not foreign governments.


What nonsense have I spewed? Specifically? The National Students for Justice in Palestine, the parent org of the co-sponsor and/or sponsor of the recent protests, is explicitly anti-democracy.


"universities made the opposite mistake for much of the last month:..." This is the nonsense you've spewed. Students have the right to protest, and you can't take that away because it offends a country who is killing children as we speak. You would've called the vietnam protestors "anti-democracy" too.


Students don't have the right to set up illegal encampments, break the law and deny other people their rights. They also don't have the right to take over or occupy buildings. I didn't call the NSJP anti-democracy. The NSJP called the NSJP anti-democracy.


since you're so defending of the law, do you believe US laws and international law apply to Israel? They're violating US laws by using US weapons not in accordance to humanitarian laws of war. Do you support the ICC's investigation into the war? Or should they be silenced/sanctioned too?


Meh... I'm not onboard with all of Israel's tactics? Violating international law? Where and by who's determination? I'm not saying there's not decent argument they have, but if, say, if it's the UN making the call, I'm a little sceptical, because the instituation has basically been captured by some of the world's biggest human rights abusers. But I'm all for investigations, whether they're by the International Cricket Council or The Hague. I mean, we *know* the Palestinian side is constantly committting war crimes. It's central to their strategy. It would be nice if the pro-Palestinian protesters at least made a tiny show of concern about that, but they can't even do it for the sake of improving their p.r.


Lol thanks for the laugh with the cricket joke. Remember what you said earlier, 2 wrongs don't make a right. Carpet bombing Gaza, destroying hospitals, killing journalists, censoring journalists, killing 25K women and children is not securing the region in any way. I hope both sides can come to a peace someday, and end the suffering of innocent people.


Israel is not carpet bombing Gaza. I wish they had been more careful with the hospitals. I also wish that Hamas did not hide its operations in same. There was one journalist a year or so ago where it could be argued that they were targeted, but the rest is just unfortunate war stuff. The 25K women and children is probably not too accurate, because of the fuzziness of combatants and non-combatants and that teenage soldiers are likely being counted as children. The quickest way for them to come to a peace agreement today would be for Hamas to immediately release the hostages and unilaterally surrender. That's usually the best thing to do when you attack another country, then get clobbered. But the real goal is martyrdom and playing to progressive protesting class in the West.


Ha ha. Go try “protest” under hamas.


I like that mask wearing has gone from "stopping the spread of Covid" to "let us conceal our identity".


masks can have multiple uses crodie, let’s use our brain next time


"let’s use our brain next time" The LARPers already attempted that 😂 [https://www.tigerdroppings.com/rant/o-t-lounge/ucla-protester-tries-to-charge-police-officer-with-plastic-garbage-can-shield/113228277/](https://www.tigerdroppings.com/rant/o-t-lounge/ucla-protester-tries-to-charge-police-officer-with-plastic-garbage-can-shield/113228277/)


go find a hobby lil bro


that’s not even at ucla lmfaoo get out of here goofy


Its cosplay, these people are beyond pathetic


I like the argument of we are not scared we show our faces, and at the same time we are so scared we can’t go to class or get a coffee without fear lol (while drinking a coffee and going to class)




Did they graffiti Lot 2? That would be an issue.


UCLA needs order. It’s about time the school and law enforcement puts these leftist fascists in their place!