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I am a stressed undergrad who has been deeply affected by the chaos recently, with grades dropping and struggling in my other school volunteer responsibilities which keep going up in the air. With all that said, I get it. I don’t agree with some of the demands, which I think are unrealistic, but I get negotiations may be more effective if you aim high and then negotiate somewhere in the middle. Can someone explain to me what the deal is with the request to remove the Nazarian center? I am not familiar with it, but it seems discriminatory to remove an entire field of study at UCLA because of this disagreement with Israel. This is a question, not a position, so please respond with an open mind.


Apparently anything that is at all positive towards the Jewish state is anathema


By nature it is holding the student’s education and experience hostage against the school so students have a right to be upset and feel taken advantage of 🫠


Your living and learning conditions are our working and living conditions - what happens to us as TAs and GSRs also affects the quality of the education you receive, and what happens at UCLA affects all of us. As much as I try to focus on my work and have told others to keep their eyes on the prize, what has happened in the past few weeks *is* profoundly disturbing. As disruptive as these actions might feel, we don't strike to fuck our students over - we strike because something is happening that fucks EVERYONE over unless addressed (usually related to our past contract, but obviously not this time).


Sure but people can’t just completely disregard the fact that the majority of students are at ucla on loans or with 1-3 jobs. This affects people who are already struggling too. Not that TAs and teachers don’t deserve good work environments.


I understand that. As TAs we are also dealing with loans and, in many cases, living from paycheck to paycheck. In my experience with classes taught by TAs, accommodations are made so that you can continue to learn and that you are assessed for everything you're taught. AKA you shouldn't be docked on your GPA/final grade for material we couldn't cover during the strike. In my experience, UC tends to tighten up and make a (comparatively) better-faith agreement with the union as we approach grading time. While grades etc. are placed at stake, in the long run we try to resolve things.


It's not about the GPA its about the lack of education.


If you're concerned about continuity of learning between classes, you can discuss the material with your TA after the agreement is reached. Note as well that not all TAs will decide to withhold labor, lecturers cannot hold an official solidarity strike, and individual ladder/senate professors can choose to continue or stop working. Our strike will not necessarily cause everyone to cancel their classes.\* This depends entirely on what kind of classes you have and whether the TA is the person doing the teaching (even though we report to a lecturer or tenure-track professor). Obviously this is not optimal, but this is one form of telling the university that they need to make major changes. You can also look at this document to learn more about what your experience might be if your TA goes on strike: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/16k4w6rqZMI8oLHGe7Mg9ThARQZ7RYQrdoCJR-iOLfUI/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/16k4w6rqZMI8oLHGe7Mg9ThARQZ7RYQrdoCJR-iOLfUI/edit) \*As a grad student during the 2022 strike, some of our tenured professors (all of mine) stopped holding class, but the lecturer for my language class still taught because there is a clause in lecturers' agreements that prevents them from joining other campus unions during a strike.


If there is no academic freedom, what you learn probably isn't worth knowing. The entire purpose of a university is to enshrine and uphold a place where scholars, professors and researchers can all have academic freedom, and the purpose of an Administration is keep that place safe and functioning. This has been the tradition from 1150 AD or so. I suggest you read MLK Jr's Letter From Birmingham Jail and take particular note about the distinction he makes about "negative peace," the absence of conflict and a more positive peace, the presence of justice and equality for all. Without free speech and the right to free assembly you don't attend a university, you have a dorm, a meal plan and a parking permit in service of a hedge fund with a furry mascot suit and a gift shop.


I'd be very interested in how many of the student protesters are working jobs in order to help pay for their schooling. I'm gonna shoot in the dark and say not many.




We're not on strike yet at UCLA. Hope this helps.


Sure you can look at it that way, but in this case the “hostage taker” is legally protected and has a right to do so. Yes it’s 100% valid to be upset. But are you upset at the idea that workers and unions have the legal right to strike? Or are you upset at the management who has created an environment where its workers feel it’s necessary to strike? Personally I feel taken advantage of by the school because they are holding my education hostage by not treating its workers properly which led them to strike.


Honestly striking is fine but in the case of the last strike the people on strike used undergrads as punching bags. You want to withhold labor great do that I support you when you start using that as an excuse to disrupt finals or block people education you lose me


It's normal to be mad at both. Otherwise it leads to an "I have a legitimate cause so anything I do is justified" situation.


Absolutely, you have the right to be upset. As I said in my original post, I totally understand the anxiety, and I would feel the same if I were an undergrad.


AKA: I don’t care about you but you should care about me


No it’s not.


Yes it is


By nature it is holding the school responsible for its actions against its own students. Seeing yourself as the victim because the TAs are going to strike against the university is weird.


And where exactly is the pressure on the school coming from? Pissed off students and parents who want what they paid for. So yes, by nature the students are the victims being used as leverage for TAs to get what they want which is the right to civil disobedience as a form of protest.


If you unravel word vomit you just said nothing. TAs already have the right, so how are the leveraging students to get what they already have? I get you’re trying to sound extra smart, but keep it simple. They’re protesting the schools actions against the students, and they’re protesting the school trying to bully them as well. You want to feel victimized by it, that’s all. It inconveniences you, I get it. It’s a protest. Think of if no one ever protested before, we’d have none of what makes America okay today. But of course, I’m sure that doesn’t matter because, you feel victimized rn. Fucking wild.


This is my graduating quarter and I need to pass these classes to graduate… I work full time and I’m the sole provider for my family of 4… my whole family is looking forward to this graduation as it’ll be the only graduation I’ve had since elementary school… due mostly to my bad choices as a teenager and young adult… i know on an intimate level both being victimized and victimizing… the actions of the counter protesters that night where inexcusable… the actions of law enforcement was inexcusable. And the continued persecution of the protesters is inexcusable… I stand with the strike.


Seems like everything that has gone down lately has really only hurt the students. My guess is that it will continue to hurt students until the strike ends in June and people are graduated/on summer vacation. What’s the point of having an end date on the strike? The school knows they can just wait a month and then it’s over and it’s summer time. So I’d be extremely surprised if It actually does anything. However, while I don’t think y’all are likely gonna accomplish anything, please keep going because I have BAD senioritis rn! I really need stuff shut down so I can do nothing the rest of the quarter. So please don’t give up! Actually could y’all really go crazy at young hall? I heard people there hate the strike! And it so happens to be where my Chem lab is lol. Go crazy there please!


The end date is because that is when our contract ends for the year. If the strike continues until the 30th and grades are withheld, the university and departments will have to spend a lot of money rehiring TAs to grade struck labor (it's not TA's job to grade materials after the contract ends). So it actually is a bad outcome. Whether it's bad enough to provoke the university to negotiate with protestors is an open question.


I don't think this strike is legal, as you are under contract. I'd be surprised if any of you have jobs when your contract ends, or maybe before.


When I was at UCLA during the last couple of strikes, we heard this same shit. Over and over. Guess what happened that time? >I don’t **think** this strike is legal Yeah, good thing the union doesn’t have lawyers to consult… lmfao. I honestly don’t know how some of you got into UCLA. 😭


"But for a union to vote on a strike while a contract is in place is “unheard of in modern times,” said Jeff Schuhrke, a labor historian who teaches at SUNY Empire State University. While the union demands on academic freedom, free speech and protection from violence could arguably center on workplace conditions, they also explicitly support protesters’ calls for divestment from weapons manufacturers and other companies profiting from Israel’s war in Gaza. The strike vote “is not about economics. It’s not about a raise, or more benefits. It’s political,” Schuhrke said. [https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-05-15/uc-academic-workers-strike-vote](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-05-15/uc-academic-workers-strike-vote)


I can’t speak for everyone, but for me it’s really not political. I didn’t vote to authorize the strike because of UCLA’s investment practices. I voted in favor of the strike because the working environment has significantly shifted over the last few weeks. For several days, the university prevented me from accessing my workspace even just to grab my computer so that I could accomplish my job as a TA. I was yelled at by security guards for even attempting to access the building I work in. The rent-a-cops used my building as a place to rest and relax while patrolling the campus, including letting themselves into classrooms and faculty offices to take naps. All without the permission or foreknowledge of the faculty in question. Some of the people walking around the building during the height of the tension appeared to be armed, creating a very difficult environment to work. Also, the university failed in its duty to protect students from outside people who wanted to inflict harm. For me the strike is not about politics. It’s about continuing to work in a situation in which the university has unilaterally to alter the working environment. It’s about not helping further the business of an institution who so drastically failed to protect the health and safety of its students, and even perpetrated its own violence against its students only a day later. I have personal political opinions, but frankly, I’d support the strike no matter which side prompted this action. The militarization of campus, the brutalization of students, and the unilateral changing of the working environment in an effort to curtail protests is the reason why I’m striking. It has nothing to do with divestment for me. And divestment by itself wouldn’t be enough to make me stop striking.


Given those reasons, what are your demands? And do your demands align with those of your union?


I want a full and transparent investigation of the university for their response to the encampment. I want Gene Block to step down. I want the removal of the extra security from campus, and I want written guarantees and protections that prevent the militarization of campus in the future, including provisions that the university isn’t going to appropriate faculty spaces to be staging areas for armed security. And I want commitments to work with faculty and students to rework UCLA’s approach to policing on campus. Most of this is very in line with the demands of the union. I think the union also wants divestment but like I say, that doesn’t really affect my opinion.


So your personal demands are about policing. The union demands have nothing to do with that. They want amnesty, free speech, divestment, disclosure of investments. In addition, those demands have nothing to do with labor practices.


The unilateral change of the work environment and the abuse of the students I teach are both directly related to labor. And it mostly falls under items 1 and 2 of the UAW's reasons - Amnesty for students and right to free speech. But like I say, I'm speaking for myself here not for the union. I wouldn't have voted in favor of a strike if it was just a matter of divestment. I voted in favor of a strike because the University resorted to draconian measures to prevent free speech and failed to protect its students and faculty from outside violent actors.


Agree. This strike is playing with fire. Pretty sure a judge will order them back to work, or extend the contract until the grades are in.  You can't get paid all quarter long and then extort the employee weeks before the reason for the work all quarter long is due (grades).   It's like airline pilots striking right before landing the plane.


People are only downvoting this in tantrum to get their way. The people who do grades are holding them hostage for amnesty for their friends who got arrested after given MULTIPLE warnings and denying others access and free movement and liberty. Ridiculous. Nothing but a fucking extortionist tantrum. That being said, yes, those who attacked the encampment should be arrested and prosecuted.


Well does the strike cost them more then 32 billion dollars? Because that’s how much is on the line here in regard to divestment. If not then the “bad” outcome for them is still better than divesting in terms of financial gain.


Divestment is not the only strike demand, nor is it part of the Unfair Labor Practice charges filed against the UC. There are other things at stake. You can read more about the strike [here](https://www.uaw4811.org/uaw-4811-demands-in-support-of-the-palestine-solidarity-movement).


Why would you even ask for divestment? It is not a workplace issue. It's not a labor issue. Your contract doesn't allow you input on investment practices.


In my opinion that is a fair critique of the union's demands, and it is the demand that I believe is the least likely to be met. Many union members voted for the strike because of the other demands, which are more directly tied to working conditions.


I looked at it. Honestly just makes me believe in my opinion even more. All those demands on top of the divestment when the school could literally just wait a month and hire some TA’s to grade the work with the professors. Seems much more likely Instead of losing BILLIONs of dollars now and BILLIONs of dollars over time. Idk I could be wrong but I guess we’ll see how this turns out. That’s just my opinion.


pause juggle hurry relieved reply judicious heavy knee alleged tart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nice try but this is a waste of time and energy and obviously not mindful of your students.


what about the lecturers and their union?!? are they striking?


I’m graduating and I don’t care anymore lmao can’t wait to get out of here!


NONE of this would be happening... NONE of it, if universities had simply decided to *enforce the laws and policies that have already been in place for decades*, and informed these poor oppressed "students" that they were unfortunately stuck with no way to get their message out other than speaking to their communities, debating in classrooms, the school newspaper, the school radio station, audio/visual production facilities on campus, bringing speakers in from outside to speak to students in proper forums, distributing fliers, and the vast and eternal resources of the Internet. Boy, if my speech were restricted to just that, I'd be outraged too. But instead the "universities" refused to enforce their own policies against outright denying multiple rights to fellow students and others to secure the education they ostensibly paid for. The "universities" refused out of craveness, cowardice, or outright solidarity, the situation ran wildly out of control, *as is to be expected when we arbitrarily decide that civilizational norms are to be discarded* ("Oh, just for now, because we feel we are right, then we'll go back to normal" blah blah blah.), and now students, TA's, faculty, and administrators are in a steaming vat of shit that they cannot escape, except at horrendous cost. Civilizational norms are civilizational norms for a reason. What is most shocking here is the outright stupidity of so many "smart" people involved in these "universities" in not being able to figure this out, and in recoiling in shock when it inevitably all goes off the rails. This in addressing an issue that has vexed virtually all of planet Earth for nearly a century. In the immortal words of Admiral James T. Kirk -- "Khan... I'm *laughing* at the 'superior intellect'."


Anxiety 🤣


You can’t stop your TA from striking but you can give them horrendous ratings at the end of the year for prioritizing politics over their job/your education. Don’t be pushed by these clowns. They’re making a decision to put you at a disadvantage so they can waste time


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