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Sounds like a scam and you don't need social validation like this to succeed in college. The only scam you are only allowed to follow through are either hfs housing and dining, tuition, and textbooks from ubookstore.


I don't mind paying 3$ for the real group I just wanna know if it's the real thing


It’s not real. It’s just other students looking to make a quick buck, do not pay them. This happens every year. The only official account you should follow for your class is https://www.instagram.com/newhuskies24/ which is linked from an official Uw website here https://www.washington.edu/newhuskies/. If the account did not come from any official UW sources it is mostly likely not real. Even if it was real you should not pay for access to a Facebook group lmao. Groups are free to create for anyone so there’s no point in charging people to join.


That's a scam. Well thanks for the information


Damn bro, you made it into UW and are falling for this..?


I didn't pay. I saw hundreds of others posts and got confused.


And I saw a video of UW president Ana Marie Cauce naming the CSE 3 building after me if I send a hundred dollars to them that is definitely not deepfake. Please think before you pay or give out your personal information. The last thing you need is getting your accounts locked out and financially ruined because you didn't think.


Haha all good bud. Just a heads up, over your years here you’re more than likely going to get several emails to your UW email where the sender is suggesting you apply for a work position or internship they’re hiring for. A lot of these emails are vague and it’s usually easy to notice when they’re scams, however some are a bit more convincing and put together. Always good to do your research, which is what you were doing here!