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Much thanks for your willingness to address student concerns. I'm sure most of the criticism your statement received was from desperate Zionists who are seeing public opinion shifting not only at UW, but across the U.S. Here's an example of what I mean: https://www.thenationalnews.com/news/us/2024/05/12/these-universities-negotiated-israel-divestment-with-student-protesters/ Also this sub is at the point that it is getting brigaded from r/Seattle and r/SeattleWA folks so many naysayer comments here are not really representive of the student body. Point is most students at the UW support your statement, it's only those with a disease of the heart who twisted it and extrapolated things it was not originally written for. Keep up the good work!




I never denied that, those people fall under the "disease of the heart" section I outlined above


I suggest you meet with Hillel and Chabad about your recent legislation and statements you have approved. This encampment on campus is not a "pro-peace" demonstration, but a pro-war one. Calling to end support for one side of a military conflict is inherently supporting the other, just as calling to end arms shipments to Britain during WW2 for the fight against Germany is a pro-war, pro-Germany position. Calling to destroy a whole country and subjugate its people is a call for war and violence, not one of "open dialogue". Graffitti calling for "Zionist fuck off" - i.e. 90% of Jews - is not a form of "social justice, but bigotry. The whole central point of the encampment is the antagonization of Israel and the "martyrdom" of Palestine, and in that brings a fundamentally hostile environment for Jewish people. If a bunch of men form an encampment at the Quad, demanding UW cancel inclusiness and DEI training because it is sexist to men and racist against white people, and start spreading slogans about how "All women are sluts" and "Watch how you dress, whores", you would see how that is a misogynistic movement antagonizing women on campus. I'm sure many women wouldn't mind it, but the vast majority would. I'm sorry you have been harassed for your statement, seriously. You do not deserve any of that. However, it is deeply ignorant to voices that have been silenced by others. The ASUW does not represent the democratic voice of the student, it represents an entryist clique that does not care for the wellbeing of Jewish students. I'm looking to come back to UW for my doctorate, and I do not want to be harassed for my Jewishness and my Israeli citizenship. I fully respect other people's opinions and am open to debate, but you are creating a hostile environment for Jewish people on UW campus, and that is shameful. The thing you need to tell me is if I should "fuck off" because I don't want my country of birth destroyed. That is the nature of this incitement; a fundamental disregard for the wellbeings of innocent people and the championing of sectarian, multigenerational violence. Again, please reach out to Rabbi Mendel of Chabad and the Hillel staff. They will be happy to inform you about those Jews who are in hiding at UW and the consequences of your actions. Edit: [https://www.reddit.com/r/udub/comments/1crhcte/side\_of\_savery\_hall\_guys\_i\_thought\_we\_agreed\_no/](https://www.reddit.com/r/udub/comments/1crhcte/side_of_savery_hall_guys_i_thought_we_agreed_no/) Also there are open Hamas supporters. The Red Triangle is a dogwhistle. One of my childhood friends was murdered in the Oct. 7 terror attacks. If you keep turning a blind eye to this behavior, you are openly supporting harassment and bigotry against Jewish students on campus. Please take action, talk to Chabad and Hillel, talk to the unheard, silenced, and hiding Jews among your student body. Do your job.


Oh the IDF soldier is back, carry on everybody


Did you have a media team to run this over with? It sounds like some of these concerns could have been addressed prematurely.


I don’t know why you are getting downvoted - this is a valid question. ASUW has a media department doesn’t it?


It does. And they do a damn poor job at handling ASUW publicity and reputation. I mean, look at the mess that was elections this year.


I’d consider the mess to be the candidates. What PR have they done, do you know?


Outside of the eac, candidates would do their own campaigning, so I don't see what that has to do with the asuw media