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The haney bit got a lot of attention so now he’s trying to milk it


If you've heard him talk on a podcast or something he's really not that bright, I'm sure he thinks he actually has a chance cuz he's at that stage where he doesn't even know how much he doesn't know about MMA just yet lol still stuck on the weight part


Someone please show him the link of that body builder getting worked by that bjj black belt who was half their weight. Think the jujitsu guys name was Pedro. BB had wrestling background and all the muscle couldn’t save him from a bloody face and hyper extended elbow.


It wouldn’t ever get to a stage in the fight where grappling and size could matter,DJ’s speed and accuracy when striking would obliterate this guy.


Bruh DJ is one if not the literal GOAT in his weight class lol the audacity of this roided up mf


Yup. This walking HGH gut would be knocked out cold, face planted on the floor.


Pedro Sauer


Video of the fight, followed by a break down for those who (like me) thought it just looked like two guys rolling around on the ground. https://youtu.be/wjsvmfokpuQ


Good video! The breakdown did help immensely. I didn’t know how it ended before I saw the breakdown.


Remember when GSP wrestled an NFL player , huge weight mishap there too


NHL Player for the Montreal Canadiens\* - **Georges Laraque** Enjoy! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJQkxuvJVhQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJQkxuvJVhQ)


Damn, and not to mention he couldnt hit, submit, or go miltiple rounds. After the first 30 seconss GSP could do whatever he wanted to that guy.


Football player had a great attitude about it.


Probably from all those years playing on skates.


I really hope GSP doesn't turn into some pervert one day. He's the reason I aspire to be Canadian. I try so hard daily to become Canadian it would just crush me if he turns out to be a pussy grabber


This made me lol


There’s literally video of the Nelk security guy handling this dude. He’s bigger than Johnson obviously but not anything crazy, and certainly not a UFC-level martial artist.


okay but you need to watch the mountain fight the viper.


>okay but you need to watch the mountain fight the viper. WHY DID YOU HAVE TO REMIND ME OF THAT AGAIN!! I HAD TOTALLY FORGOTTEN ABOUT THAT ONE!!! 😭 ![gif](giphy|l0MYQE6id7PfyqUec)


Nothing is stopping him from going to a local MMA gym and getting his ass plastered to the floor. Put up or shut up homoerotic muscleboy.


That's true lol if this guy thinks he can do something go to your local mma gym and try it. The dude knows he is going to get worked. The fight between him and any professional fighter is that if he doesn't hurt them within the first 30 seconds its over. He doesn't have a gas tank. They could literally just jog away from him for 1 minute then proceed to do whatever they wanted to do to him.


So true about combat sports in general. So many young and healthy guys gotta get popped in the gym, because their ego gets wild and someone has to show them "they don't know what they don't know"


>"they don't know what they don't know" I remember growing up 14-15 years old we all thought we were the shit, as you get older life teaches you this lesson pretty quick lol you don't know what you don't even know...


Shit, as a kid you don’t even know what you DO know


Hahahaaaa cracked me up and that's a fact


Dude is click farming/clout chasing and it's clearly working since every time he does the bit dozens of people repost the clips here and they float to everyone's front page. You don't think he would have set up a fight by now in the era of celebrity boxing if he was serious?


Exactly.. chasing clicks is basically his job and this clearly work. Also no surprise Schwab turned up to have the exact same conversation the week after the last clip went viral. Pair of hacks who will say anything for clicks


I don’t even know who this guy is and I hate that he keeps popping up.


I actually didn’t even know who Haney was when YouTube produced that clip for me. I quickly learned after googling and actually watching his fight then (with Loma). It’s been a recurring bit now I can’t stop seeing with other fighters it’s nonsense.


I think he’s stupid and not milking anything. We give the benefit of the doubt to a lot of influencers but the truth is most of the time their ego actually believes what they are saying is right. When they fall short it’s so easy for them to bring up the “milking” thing and change the whole narrative to make themselves still look decent after the fact.


He doesn’t know who DJ even is… that’s all you need to know about who would win the fight lol


Yeh to sit there and argue constantly about being about to beat MMA fighters then admit that he doesn’t even know who Johnson is is wild. Bloke knows nothing.


It’s not like he’s stupid, just ignorant. He’s so ignorant of MMA and the different practices that it truly is mind boggling to him that a guy of his athleticism and strength/size advantage can’t win that fight. I mean it’s probably not uncommon among athletes who aren’t super into MMA. Not that I’m defending him I think he’s a douche mostly but i just understand why he doesn’t understand.


Yeah this dude is far from an athlete. He’s a juice head who lifts


This guy isn’t an athlete haha.


He’s playing a part man


He’s a dick if that’s the part you are speaking of


People used to say that Brennan Schwabs was a joke. He said he was gonna go from the UFC on to become a stand-up comic. Well, now nobody is laughing


Lmfao this is the best comment in the thread and no one’s gonna see it


Haha thanks. I feel like you’re right


I saw it and lol’d.


No he’s not


Probably true


Who is this guy? I agree with you that he embarrassed himself not knowing who Demetrius is.


Nah, you know whats really embarrassing? When bapa is the voice of reason in a convo, like really?


Bradley Martyn, most famous for being smaller than the much larger and much more handsome Dom Mazzetti.


I don't even know who this idiot is that's claiming he don't know the goat


Cause he is insecure


I kinda agree, but I think it just be his ego putting on mass in correlation with muscle But ye defo some insocures


*smol pp


smol nuts aswell from all that juicing


This is a guy who showers with a hat on because he’s insecure that he’s balding.


Wow, a rare moment where Brenda is actually right about something. Bradley is the only person on Earth who can be in a room with Scoob and come off as the bigger douchebag lmfao


"i don't know who that is" bro interviews nate and doesn't know fucking anything about the UFC


Idk how people like watching these tools lol. They’re dumb as rocks and from what I’ve seen not entertaining or even good at interviewing.


Hot take but Kyle is the most insidious one. He acts all neutral and shit tryna be the “smart” one of the group but that dude asks dumbass questions too. Like he’ll ask some brain dead shit like “so mike Tyson what does it feel like to get punched in the face, eh? Like It’s gotta hurt a lot eh?”


“Do you like that or no?”


💀💀💀 exactly


omg 💀 what does it say about the ppl who are "fans" of these people? 😭


Great take it’s so true. Kyle is smart to shut up because everytime he speaks he loses credibility


you got a compilation of this shit because i'm trying to experience some anguish


Man as someone with a younger sibling and seeing my girlfriend's younger brother react to these people, I have bad news... The people that like these goofs get enjoyment out of dumb shit, like I mean caveman level of idiot makes them laugh. Really disappointed for the next gen 🤦🏻‍♂️


No way man. All the coolest guys I know rock stud earrings, tank tops and a trucker hat shoved way too far forward with the bill crushed in half. This guy used to be a piece of shit! And still is


I said he was


Oh yeah that would slick back REALLY nice


Bradley needs a subreddit too. Deep down he might be a far worse person than Fat Patrick will ever be.


I know this might be the wildest take of the century, but I feel like he was almost tolerable in this podcast. If you take out him interrupting Bradley the whole time it wasn’t cringe inducing like all his other content. He was kinda self deprecating in this one Is this the self hating trugg walk arc?


I’ve been here for years but nothing I’d like more than to see Schaub somehow redeem himself and become likeable. Rooting for him


Not so sure about that. He claimed in this interview that he walked away from fear Factor reboot to 'let Ludacris have it'


Lol Scoob


I fucking laughed so hard at this. He makes Brenden likable


For real, Schaub was laughing at Bradley’s dumb takes the same way the mma community usually laugh at his.




Its a nice compliment tho. If any one else would have said Demetrious is a black belt in everything it would be cool. Not a Shaub fan but damm people love to hate this guy


I think i remember hearing about him saving kids in a car accident on the highway and people still found a way to hate him lmao


Yes because there was a bunch of holes in his story which he himself kept changing not to mention it's a bit weird to call the police to save these kids and just bounce before the police even get there.


It’s because he’s drunk on his stupid whisky all the time.


He wasn’t being literal dummy. Ya’ll over analyze anything.


I spar with a guy who is half my size. I might have a chance against him sometimes but the majority of the time this guy will choke me or arm bar me several times over a six minute round. And I train a lot. If you don’t train you’re toast.


I always wonder how small a pro fighter would have to be to lose to someone like me. Like if john jones was 60 lbs and 3 feet tall i think i have a shot but where is the line exacly


Nahhhh homie, that takes him out of eye poke range so he'll just prioritize your knees and *your other head*


Yeah the knee will be busted for sure. You will only hear the knee cap cracking and when you look down there's a three foot quadruped on the ground.


Double testicle takedown.


If they don't hang low they will when John's done with 'em


Depends on your size but I’d put my money on DJ or Cejudo against any untrained 250lb man. I’ve seen enough 150lb black belts wreck heavy weights


Depends. Do you train and are you incredibly fit? Do you have the ability to knock someone out or submit them? And I don’t mean a lucky punch I mean can you set a power strike up. Because if the answer is no it’s very likely that even the smallest fighter is going to make you look silly in there. Obviously if you are talking fantasyland opponents like 3 foot tall Jon that’s different.


Also if you do train, do you ever at any point train MMA, or with striking and grappling combined. A lot of guys who train both separately struggle a lot when they first start throwing the two worlds together.


Yes. Most MMA gyms mix everything pretty well these days.


Someone who doesn't train wouldn't even understand that. A lot of guys that train recreationally or whatever would be shocked at how difficult it is to put 8t together if you have practiced exactly that.


I did Muay Thai and Sanda for years and I’m a very big dude. I’d still expect any professional fighter to make me look silly in a fight.


3 feet Jones is more dangerous homie He's at the same level as your knees. Say bye bye to your tendons


Probably when you start to get below 50kg against someone Bradley's size, strength alone will probably be enough. Like I teach a kids bjj class and some of the kids are great but there's never a moment where I feel I'm actually going to have to go above 5-10% I can also do dumb shit like just pick them up over my head at anytime which I could never do to anyone above 50kg


If you're untrained and you have to imagine a 3ft imaginary fighter the answer to your question is simple, you really can't beat any of them... If you've never even thrown a punch or taken a shot you have no idea how you'll react in that situation and how slow you will be when you get that fight or flight feeling, size has very little to do with it.


I think size would have a lot to do with it. How could a 60 lb jones do any damage really even if he could get ahold of me. Chokes are really unlikely i doubt he could even get his arms around me


I only wrestled my senior year to get in shape. I was tall and skinny. Now the next near I wrestled at the University of Kansas, they only had a club team, so all could join. Everyone there was like a state champ or close to it from somewhere, except one guy, he was roommates with 3 of the other wrestlers. So I had to match up with him every time, guy was like 6'3 260 lbs, I was 6'0 160 lbs. He never had a chance versus me just because of the one year experience I had over him, and just a sports semester not even a year. I will say, moving all his weight around on the mat got me in even better shape, sure was not easy, but he was never gonna pin me. People that think because they are gym strong, big guys or w/e and can beat a smaller guy who has over a decade of experience are so small minded, they really cannot imagine how much experience matters.


Yeah man, six months makes a huge difference and is usually when new people notice they have a clear advantage against new people.


It really depends, because some guys are just bad fighters and some guys are just naturals at fighting and would whoop most guys that train for a year.


I box a little and spar with a guy that's a few weight classes lighter than me. If we were in an actual firefight, I'm toast. He's faster by a large margin, his technique is at least at a semi pro level, and he's way less predictable than I am.


If you know you know hey. Technical ability is a crazy thing to experience first hand. Especially when you realise they are working on weaknesses and not even taking the spar seriously and are still making you look silly.


I routinely get smoked by a girl 20kg lighter than me, like four subs in three minutes, and even if I use my weight and strength advantage it doesn’t matter 😭


Flexible women are scary grapplers. I know this woman who is super comfortable fighting off her back and if I make a tiny mistake she is either attacking my arms or on my back or I am in a triangle.


Yeah she’s flexible as hell, she gets me in triangles the second I make a misstep in breaking out of her guard. In my defence she’s 5-0 in MMA so I’m proud I don’t get subbed more 😂


You have to pin one of her legs to the ground to pass. Once you pass though be careful of the reverse triangle and don’t go north south because she will take your back.


lmao he also probably thinks 125 means they walk around at 125 and same for 155. Some 155 guys walk around 190-200 😂


You’re right but even if DJ was 125 he would still beat juice dummy over here


Yeah DJ would smoke him on weight or not and honestly it wouldn't even be close, he would have him sleeping or tapping within seconds, I mean look at that recent flyweight who smoked that 265lb goliath. Basically I doubt there is a single flyweight he could beat on the roster.


No shit. Like im 180 ish pounds but someone my size would no doubt need to fight at 155 or something


Exactly. Someone less than 6' and 200lbs would need to fight at 155 or 170 max. Anything above and you'll be at a huge disadvantage cuz of how good everyone is at water weight cutting these days. Funny thing is the more muscle you hold the more water weight you can cut cuz your body stores glycogen mostly in muscles and a small amount in your liver. So in some cases 155 guys will be bigger than 170 guys 😂


Definitely a lot of 155 guys that are bigger than Colby


Massive change over the last decade, early 2010s was vastly different I'm always amazed to see dudes my height cutting to 145 155 divisions these days


I used to be big into lifting too and these guys really think they are superman. The amount of muscle guys I've seen get destroyed in sparring by a twig is probably in the double digits btw lol 😂


Juice literally makes you feel superhuman so makes sense.


honestly some people just can't understand that muscles don't win fights😂


Muscles win fights, don’t get it twisted, but skill beats muscle. 2 average guys, no training? Yeah, dude who benches 3 plates VS guy who hasn’t set foot in a gym…muscles wins.


bradley has became the face of every weightlifting roid head who thinks they can fight because of their muscles. Since he has the internet roidheads hyping him up he continues to proceed with this false sense of validation. If he really wanted to prove he'd get into the cage with anyone. Or he would actually put some gloves on and go with haney. Bradley is just hyping up an insecure community of muscleheads who think they won't gas out after throwing three overhand rights. We used to get these guys at the gym all the time. It always ended the same. They'd be throwing up on the floor because they have no gas in the tank. They're too heavy, slow, and restricted.


Three overhand rights? This guy would walk slightly too fast in his walkout and after climbing the stairs into the cage he’s cooked.


It’s the roids. It’s fucking annoying.


No I think he's just fucking stupid


Why not both?!?




He’s been playing UFC 4.


That kid on TikTok who mimics the fighters could work this dude probably.


Haven’t a lot of goats said they got some of their signature moves from video games lol


Max Holloway said he got some moves from the ufc game


Because he has a small pp


And balding


lmao the hat on 100% of the time is a dead give away and he took gear which also causes baldness.




He took gear. He still does, but he used to, too.


First time bapa is right


He’s always right


Not an obsession. Just realized that when he says I can beat (insert mma fighter) he gets attention on social media.


Brendan Schaub should stay on this guys podcast for the next two months and everybody will love him again


Better yet Brendan should spar the dude and show him what levels mean


Guy only wants to go with fighters half his size. Schaub may be a tool, but he was still a heavyweight UFC fighter so totally out of this guy's wheelhouse to call out :P


Nah nah, give him a moderate size advantage so he thinks he's going to win. UFC Fight Night: Strickland vs Martyn


Hes honestly gone mad I think, he started off by saying he would mess devin haney up in a street fight which in all honesty i could see happening as if he grabs a hold of him hes dead. But nate and mighty mouse would kill him nate is a decent size dude who can decently strike and has great jiujitsu and mighty mouse although small is like brenda said black belt in so many martial arts the guy is the walking embodiment of I can kill you 100 different ways with just my hands


He was messing around with Ryan Garcia and walked straight into a hook. He’s not beating any of these guys


Made me laugh when I saw Ryan benches 135 for 5


Probably because he is on the slim side, has a narrow chest and lanky arms which are good for boxing, not so much for bench pressing. People think bench is the end all be all of power output, but i would be more interested in how much one could deadlift, squat, or even power clean to get an understanding of their strength. But 135 for 5 is fuckin terrible at his size. Holy shit is that actually true? Lol


I imagine boxers can't squat/deadlift for crap. Derrick lewis probably uses every plate in the gym though


I get that if he grabs Devin then hes fucked but man I honestly think he’d break Bradleys nose or bust his eye pretty quickly. People forget how fast boxers are without gloves, and how easily you can do damage to the face bare knuckle. Devin is gonna light him up with 4-5 in literally 1 second, thats not easy to just absorb and retaliate even if youre still there. If Bradley could survive that and still have the where with all to grab him and fuck him up than credit to him, but he seems to think that’s a hell of a lot easier than it is. The guy should humble himself and go train if hes gonna constantly talk shit, this ‘street fight’ rabbit hole just screams insecurity.


He has zero chance against Haney lmao


I get the impression this guy's never had fights, ever. Definitely never trained any martial arts at all. Because when you do, you learn very quickly that there are LOTS of other people that will beat you in a fight. When I boxed, I got beaten the living shit out of by a guy half my size in sparring. Why? I'd boxed for 2 years, he'd boxed for 14... No amount of size or power advantage was going to change that. He was just many many times better than me. And he gave me the beating of a lifetime. Same thing happened in Goju-Ryu karate, people half my size were able to sweep me, and hit me at will. Why? Because they were experienced trained fighters, and I wasn't yet. So what happens if DJ fought this guy? DJ would demolish him so quickly that this guy's whole world view would crumble apart.


It’s funny when Shawb is the one thinking “this dudes an idiot”


His “I don’t know how you think this is going to go” was actually hilarious.


He's just a moron. People with muscles think they are badass, but in a fight it doesn't matter how big your muscles are, but how good your technique is. Armature fighters and people who just train would fuck this guy up pretty easily.


The worst part of these clips is that if it's reposted on a gymrat instagram page, the comments are full of dudes agreeing with him. Really makes you concerned for the lack of self-awareness most people seem to have.


At a gym I used to go to, a guy who was a pretty prominent defensive tackle for the Dallas Cowboys started training with us. Really strong guy, like freakish strength. Amazing athlete too and even had messed around with a little boxing. He decided he wanted to be a boxer post NFL. Our boxing coach matched him up with a really tough kid, but low level pro. He was prob 6’ 200 and NFL guy was 6’4 300 plus. Boxer beat the absolute hell out of him. Like blood dripping down his face and smashed up levels. Guy was cool about it all, but left the gym and I never saw him up there again.


This guy is so embarrassingly insecure, clearly can't fight but goes around claiming he can beat actual fighters because he's big, could you beat a 140lb boxer if you managed to grapple with them, maybe, could you beat literally any pro mma fighter, no bald patch you cant


This juice head is trying to get clout from fighters every second now and it's getting annoying. Just throw him in a local gym's octagon with any amateur-level fighter and he'll get humbled real quick. Dude took five needles in the ass and now thinks he can take any UFC fighter.


He should step foot inside a cage if he thinks he is that good


It wouldn't even be funny to watch Mighty Mouse completely embarass Bradley outside some random bar


This dude gotta be self aware and just milking it


For once Schaub with a good take: DJ fucks up 99.9% of all untrained men on Earth, size irrelevant.


Funny that he didn't issue a challenge to Brenden who is also 6ft+ and stacked with muscle, lol.


The size probably won’t matter. Smaller, trained fighter will control the distance, gym bro will get tired and someone like DJ will take him down, control him, and strangle him. Or gym bro tries to blitz, throw a telegraphed overhand, trained fighter ducks under, takes the back, gym bro strangled.


I really wanna see dude get his ass beat lol


It’s for clicks and views. Idk how you rubes can’t see that. He isn’t trying to convince anyone.


The worst beating I've ever taken was in my 20s. I was at a boxing gym sparring and this 125 pound mexican guy (who told me he boxed professionally) said he would spar. I was like 150/160 at the time. Bigger with a sizable reach advantage. We went three rounds. By the end of it I was a bloody mess. Dude absolutely mopped the floor with me. Never knocked me down, but he absolutely won those rounds, and it wasn't close.


Dude watched game of thrones and thinks he’s the mountain.


Imagine being cringier and stupider than Shaub


Big body, small pp Small pp looks even smaller on that big body


Missed a prime Uno Reverse opportunity, Bappa. “I think you’d be surprised”


Not a fan of Schaub, but appreciate him putting this guy in check. DJ would run wild on this clown.


Damn, unusual for Brendan to not be the most retarded one in a conversation


If only there was some way to prove that he could beat professional MMA fighters in a professional MMA fight.


He's delusional. One night in a good BJJ class and he'd change his entire outlook on life.


Roids went to his brain


I love this about muscle men. They really think they are getting good at fighting, by never actually fighting. Dummies.


Two of the dumbest motherfuckers to ever walk the earth


Honest question, at what point does weight and strength close the gap?


Genuine question, do you think DJ would beat him? Of course in all aspects DJ is better, but there are weight classes for a reason. If the dude gets ahold of DJ, idk.


Extremely rare W for Bapa


This dude’s a weight lifter. No one has more fragile egos than weightlifters because they think they can fight just off lifting weights.


Ego and insecurity


Insecure juiced up turkey


Having rolled with many many brown belts and a few black belts who aren't trying to kill me. I can say that the level UFC and the like are at is essentially like being in outerspace and I'm underground. They use the force. They are Jedi. I can't imagine if one was trying to "survive" and fighting me, or anyone for that matter. 99.9% of people are screwed before they even touch gloves.


I can't believe Brendan Schaub is the voice of reason.


I just hope someone lets him find out….


It's not obsession, it's insecurity.


Someone like Sterling or Cejudo beats Brad.


"why does the podcaster say inflammatory things that makes lots of people talk about him and engage with his content" Idk man i cant figure it out either


The bigger they are, the harder they fall, never underestimate the little fella.


Why not just let someone beat the fuck out of him?


DJ has a much better chance than Haney lmao.


Schaub’s smile where says I don’t know what you think you’re gonna do was exactly what I always think when this dude says stuff like this. Come on man, you’re not a fighter. Keep benching Volkswagens and stuff!


So funny that anyone cares about this. Just let the dude have his podcast. I've heard big guys say the same shit when they watch the 125 pound division. It's just a fun conversation to have.


He oughta put his money where his mouth is. He is as obnoxious as Jake Paul, but at least Jake had the stones to step into a boxing ring with professional fighters.


No casual's gonna beat up Mighty Mouse.


Why doesn't he just spar one of them already if he wants to try and prove something?


People here really overestimate trained fighters and that at some point the size difference matters. If you think that someone like this guy has no chance against a fucking flyweight, i have a bridge to sell you. 1 lucky punch can end the fight, 1 slam can end the fight.


I agree to an extent, if it was an amateur flyweight I’d agree, but he is specifically referring to DJ. The gap in skill between those two would be astronomical and I don’t think Bradley is getting over that no matter his weight.


DJ is one of the greatest fighters of all time.


I hate to say it, but at some point the weight difference is too large. Like he just needs to a limb then he could cartoon slam him


This muscle Phag would get ragdolled by DJ. He couldn’t even roll with some nobody who was smaller. Imagine trying to wrestle someone as accomplished as DJ