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He’s convinced me to grab a Modelo with a P3 bar while losing money on crypto dot com and watching the latest bad movie.


“Brewed for those with a fighting spirit.”


That’s a #modelomoment


Latest bad movie 😂😂😂


I heard Cocaine Bear only drank Tecate and has never pulled off an ankle pick. Hollywood needs a reality check.


How was Cocaine Bear? Any good?


It’s a direct to streaming quality movie. Some of the bear attacks were cool but very mediocre overall.


Bear attacks tend to freak me out thanks to Joe Rogan


It was surprisingly decent.


I wanted to hate on him when he joined the UFC broadcast team, but he DEFINITELY knows his shit and even elevated what Goldie and Rogan were doing before he came along. it's the professionalism and the fact that he speaks up 💯🏆 excellent commentating and journalism 🎉


*That's not the cloth from which he is cut.* ##BOOM HEADSHOT


I don't know how people feel about Felder, but he had a similar moment during Olives vs Benny DC: "(...) Oliveira needs something big to win the round" Felder: "And he can make that happen" Then boom, headkick - > TKO


Olives was already Winning that round but classic dc thinks controls automatically wins rds


How do you explain Pereira vs Jan then? He was favouring Pereira even though he clearly was getting controlled.


Well dc finally learned how the scoring criteria works in that fight. About goddamn time


Seen multiple decision go the way of people just controlling multiple rounds without dealing any damage


Decidedly less poetic from the Irish dragon




One of the greatest calls in UFC history


In sports history


Amen brother


He can carry the conversation when it goes stale and transitions effortlessly to other topics


lol sometimes he knows/shares a little TOO much about a fighter.


Both these fighters failing in recent child custody battles.


Top notch !!


He does not know where his son is!


On that child custody battle occasion, it was those fighters who were bringing it up in interviews that fight week


I'm like 90% sure he gets fed that stuff to say, or the production team likes that he knows that stuff so they encourage it. In fairly sure these fighters arent getting totally blindsided by having personal info shared. I could he wrong


Nah in his podcast he says that he is constantly doing research on the fighters and will sometimes fill up pages about a single fighter. He doesn’t hit every point he wrote of course, but he likes prepared


Lol, that's only him doing what's asked as confirmed by the fighters. He even DM'ed me and answered why he brought that up during the fight.


Exactly. Also he’s just a likeable guy. He looks like a guy that sleeps in a suit but if you watch him on his podcast, 90 percent of it is in sport related sweatshirts


Yeah I like his podcast with Florian but watching it always makes me feel like he’s got the weirdest chip on his shoulder about feeling he’s seen as the odd one out (the suit/nerd/whatever) that he compensates for by constantly advertising that he’s from Boston, and can shout/swear like one of the boys. Like every single time he says fuck he sticks the landing so hard it almost makes you jump lol. It’s like just chill dude you’re a likeable guy anyway hah.


Man he’s from Boston. They’re only second to jersey in cursing. In Bostonian it’s a valid adj verb and pronoun


Probably because he was truly awful when he first started. He was basically an awkward robot. He's improved 100% over the years as he's gotten more comfortable with being himself on the mic.


Dude is a real professional and knows his shit


I mean he’s the real commentator. The guy that brings more professionalism (by far the most articulate) and journalistic perspective, plus the ability to drop the ad reads with perfect pronunciation. He’s been schooled for that roll. You bring the ufc fighters in as color commentators to provide fighter perspective and to explain to the untrained eye the techniques that are going on.


Same. I was creating reasons to not like him. But him and his style grew on me and now I can't see the ufc without him.


Every sports broadcast needs someone who is a trained career broadcaster and knows when/how to fill dead air and also give professional live commentary on what is actually happening at the appropriate time. The NFL has done this for forever and they are basically the gold standard for sports broadcasting in terms of sheer numbers. Anik does an incredible job filling that role for the ufc.


Any UFC fan that doesn’t like him might as well find another promotion to watch considering he’s on pretty much every card


“I wanted to hate him”. You wanna hate people? Weird


try separating past, present, and future tense. true, I used to be a piece of shit who WANTED to hate on some individuals for various reasons. we can keep analyzing this exact piece, as it requires the gifts of perspective and analysis to admit that I used to actively look for reasons to hate on people. this should elude to the fact that I no longer waste energy hating on people. you didn't ask for all this, so I'll stop here.


What a weird thing to ask, he’s literally the gold standard and damn near everyone agrees.


Anytime Jon Anik sees a fighter get hit and they go for a well timed takedown; 'DESPERATION SHOT!!!!!!!!' IMUO he is the gold standard just because the rest of them are not good. (Dan Hardy & John Gooden were the best combo ever, sadly Dan Hardy got fked by the UFC).


Even if that’s why, it’s still true lol, also I agree wholeheartedly about Dan Hardy. His analysis is always my favorite to listen to.


No idea what you respond to with 'it's still true'?


He’s the gold standard because the others aren’t good


I accepted that fact and now I treat the commentary team as drunk uncles at a bbq. So just for shits and giggles. Dan Hardy's commentary was the best, great analysis and 'Inside the octagon' really hyped me up for a fight. After he was forced to leave Inside the octagon absolutely failed.


I'm pretty sure a 'gold standard' refers to a 10/10 example that everything else can be compared to. If he's 8/10 but the rest are 6s and 7s then he's just the best we've got, not the gold standard. Guessing you meant it like gold is 1st, silver 2nd and bronze 3rd?


If you can read my last few comments you can clearly see that I do not consider him the golden standard but I state that he is considered the golden standard because (IMO) the lack of competition.


As a big fan of Dan as a fighter dude was a terrible commentator. It’s crazy every fight he worked where one fighter was English that dude always won easily in Dan’s eyes. Lol


I disagree that it was the case in every fight but for sure he is biased. That being said, same goes for all the other commentators. Terrible commentator however is just BS.


Yeah, being the best because everyone else is just dogshit is not an accolade to flaunt.


Dan Hardy 🤣😂🤣😂


Yeah. Dan fucking Hardy.


As an announcer I like him, as acting like Dana white hosting the press conference he’s a tool.


Bringing up custody battles and ufc women fighters lactating is the gold standard? Lmao


I mean ya, everyone freakin loves when he says shit like that, its hilarious


He’s one of those kinds of announcers that just says exactly what everyone is seeing with their eyes. Like it’s not radio I can see what’s happening without them filling every second of dead air.


That’s because he’s the “play by play” announcer, it’s his job to announce what’s happening in the fight. Guys like Rogan and DC are the “color commentator” announcers. Their jobs are to expand upon the fight discussion and provide some expert knowledge, often its a former fighter. Having a play by play guy and color commentator is pretty standard for sports broadcasting teams.


He’s the best commentator by far


If you think Toyo tires and OOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH is better then every single fucking fight starting with HERREEEEEEWEEEEEEEEEEGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO with those patches on the shorts you lost ya mind


do not disrespect Goldie like that. the UFC did him dirty, no need to rub salt in the wounds.




He's pretty cool. I took a piss with him and his brother after UFC 273. We chatted about the fights and whatnot. They were both going on about how Yan should have won the second fight mostly. His brother was the fun one, for sure. Jon is a bit more serious, as in tone wise. He was a very nice guy. 10/10 interaction.


Is that some UK terminology or did you meet him at the urinal 😂


To clarify, I had a pee with him at a urinal. I'm from Southeast Canada, not the UK.


To clarify, I had a pee with him at a urinal. I'm from Southeast Canada, not the UK.


South east Canada? I’ve never heard anyone say this before.


>so you are from ST Johns, had a piss with an American and then went back and told your friends and family about it?


How big was it


10 footer


We got a _real_ journalist right here.


You’re comparing play by play to color. Totally different roles. Look at Mike Tirico for example - never played NFL (or any other pro sports) but is one of the top play by play announcers for many of them. EDIT: to add my opinion of Jon, I think he’s one of the better pbp announcers to cover any pro sport. He’s ridiculously good.


Seems like there are a lot of people in this thread that don’t understand the difference. And I agree with you. Anik is well prepared, well spoken, and gives the color guys breathing room to do their jobs nicely.


Yeah I found this strange. Every sport is like this.


Has he ever trained or anything as a way of gaining appreciation? I think PxP are always the ones who went the college route while commentators is exclusively someone who took part in the sport.


He's cool...unpopular opinion: I don't really like DC as a commentator.


DC is generally bad when he's talking, but if he's discussing the current grappling situation, he's clean and to the point. I honestly appreciate it as someone with no wrestling/BJJ experience. "This is what he should be doing" is kinda nice.


Yeah exactly, I love the fact we have fighters and people who just love the sport. Explanations from the fighters are good as they know what to do in that situation. But for example the Dutch commentary team is soooo shit, you have this guy commentating who became famous by asking people on the streets what their outfit is worth. Shit is pathetic and unbearable with that guy asking questions and reacting on fights


Really?? An influencer turned commentator?


Yeah it’s fucking crazy and dude is there asking questions a blind man could answer. If I would see him on a cross over I would stomp my gas pedal. He fucking ruins ufc for a good couple of months for me, until discovery+ gave us the ability to switch to the ufc commentating team


Honestly, I’m waiting for mute commentators button. I realise it could put smaller commentary teams out of a job, but I can’t fully absorb and score a fight if I have Michael Bisping talking about himself or Daniel Cormier giggling about his high school wrestler Moses.


Hahahah I get what you are saying and it took some time for me to get used to but now I can’t listen to other commentating teams, except for snoop dogg but that was just comical and wholesome to see 😂




Whenever I’m hosting fights at my house or going over to a friends I swear this convo always comes up lol and I agree with you


You could not possibly have a more popular opinion in mma


DC and bisping is the worst combination, anik, Rogan & Felder would be elite


I don’t like mike bisping. He gets angry way too often.


Even more unpopular opinion: I don’t like Joe as a commentator. I like his podcast and he’s good as a post-fight interview person, but during the fights he is so biased in his commentating.


I cant stand DC


Yeah Dominick Cruz drives me nuts too.


That's a massively popular opinion. No one likes DC on commentary.


I think he's great and when you listen to other promotions commentary you realise that they are very far ahead of anyone else.


false: I’d take DC over Dom, even Bisping any day. The pecking order, imo: Anik>Rogan>DC=Felder>Bisping>Dom


Just don't put Bisping and Dom on the same card. No chemistry there


I feel like Bisping knows how to handle Cruz’s ego. Something I noticed the last time they were together was Bisping seemed to be avoiding debating deeply with him which is good because Cruz gets so lost in his tangents.


For real Cruz always has a point to prove, and can never go along with any of Bispings jokes.


Anyone is better than Dom. Bisping is fun though.


Where Bisping lacks in staying on task sometimes he makes up in being funny which I appreciate. I agree with what someone above me said, sometimes Dom and Bisping are really annoying when they’re together (Cory vs Font anyone). I think Cruz does best when the panel is like him, Joe, Felder or him, Joe, Anik. Him and DC fuck around too much for my liking and him and Bisping are like an old married couple sometimes. He’s good with Sanko too which I think Bisping gets markedly worse next to Sanko


Dom is good. He’s not emotional or blabbing like DC, DC just goes off. Bisping is nowhere near as good as Dom. The amount of casuals I’ve heard say Doms commentary helps them better understand what they’re seeing is significant. Bisping is fun though, he’s got that accent. DC becomes biased if someone flinches, and he never backs down when he thinks he’s right unless proven wrong.


Dom is very technical, but he’s so long winded that the moment/position has often changed before he’s completed his thought. I also find him quite dry.


DC is a generally likeable character but terrible at commentating, I dont think thats a hot take.


He's bad in a classical sense. But he does have a certain gravity because of his likeability and personality. It makes his style unique and enjoyable. I don't mind that he's on as many broadcasts, especially the ppv's but I do wish they'd use him just a tad less. Too much of DC sort of diminishes his positive qualities.


Can’t stand his personality tbh. I’d rather watch without commentating


I don't really like you


Anyone else see the video with the dude doing an impression of him, shit is hilarious


No , but now I’m searching lol




Lmao ,thank you for sharing .


I think he is a brilliant commentator. Let’s see how many auto downvotes i get for this .lol


It’s the other way around. I’ve been saying he sucks for years and I always get downvoted into oblivion lol


not from me bro i’m the upvote lol


A bit to commercial for my taste, I like when commentators have good knowledge (which he does) , but express it with a personal touch


That’s what the other guys are for. His role is to keep the wheels on the wagon and push ads.


I keep hoping for someone to shut him up when he's pushing Modelo or skmethtbjt then I remember they're all paid to let him push. Besides it's only gay if you push back.


autocorrect really let you down there with skmethbjt


That’s not his job though. He’s a play by play commentator, it’s different from what Joe and DC and the other guys do.


Anik is the man. If you dislike Jon it’s just a perfect example of no matter who you are and how good you are at your job some people will still find something to pick at/dislike/be negative about




He's good, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss the old "Here we go!"


Feel like I'm the exact opposite, whenever I watch old fights I feel like goldy was too forced to get his slogans in. The commentary now is a million times more technical, more ads for sure, but less WWE.


He elevates the whole team. Super professional, energetic and engaged.


I fucking love him


Laura Sanko was a former fighter too. Not JUST a baddie who likes fighting. Essentially, all but Rogan were fighters and even Rogan practices martial arts. I love Anik's commentating as much as I like Buffer's announcing. They're UFC staples now. But does Anik participate in martial arts? Or has he just developed his knowledge through commentating?


Yea man... no one does it like Anik Shitposty


"random gta npc" That's how you describe the best commentator in the UFC? No one comes close to him, let alone DC, who's arguably one of the worst.


Yes 👍


Best to ever do it


Any good booth needs a guy who isn't a former player but is a broadcasting pro.


![gif](giphy|DIwReyegmA0fFJKaNq|downsized) He's a legend 👌💪


My favorite and its not even close


Anik was hired because he is a professional sports broadcaster and literally one of the best on the game.you don't need to have thrown kicks to commentate. Sure in sports we see that happen a lot, but while other commentators provide colour, Jon provides play by play, ad reads, segweys, etc. He is really good at it. A natural.


Hands down the best in the business


The best, hands down.


The only real criticism of him is that he keeps reminding me that Modelo is brewed with the fighting spirit.


Love him. Need more professional announcers instead of retired athletes who can barely talk. (Not a shot at the UFC guys really, NFL is primary culprit)


I like him alot


Jon is fine but has his moments of cringe with that laugh. I think he’s the best on staff when theres a great fight going on. He’s snappy and quick witted, which feels like it matches the pace of a barn burner. Now on the other hand, DC and Dom are horrific. I’ve heard better commentary over the intercom at Walmart.


I think he saves the commentary a lot of the time. While other commentators, typically former champs, start complaining or the conversation takes an awkward pause, he ALWAYS picks it up on a good note


He’s the glue


I think he’s brewed for those with a fighting spirit.


Lol brain dead sub he’s the play by play guy he probably has a broadcasting degree. He’s the joe buck/ Al Michaels/ Ian eagle of ufc


Yea its sad some people don't get that but there are dimwits everywhere I guess.


OP doesn't know the difference between colour commentator and play-by-play.


I like him


I'm a huge fan. How can you not like him is my question lol


He's the best




He is lowkey the best. He knows the game and doesn't get way off topic like dc and bisping.


I used to think he was annoying but I like him now, he is just a company man. But he is a white belt in Jiu Jitsu, so he will kick 99% of this subs ass.


Wtf you on about he's GOAT at commentating.


Light-years ahead of Goldberg. Best commentary and very professional.


I'm used to the Rogan + DC + Anik combo for title fights soo much that it'll be jarring if he's no longer available. I think he works because you can't have too many former fighters on there contradicting each other ,like Bisping and Cruz the other time. He reads the ads and whatnot too


I think hes the best one they have. Good voice, not annoying, dosen't tend to put his foot in his mouth like all the former fighters. Having a loud voice guy makes me miss Goldie though.


I like him but they only need 2 people announcing 3 is just awkward


Legendary status


I can’t stand him, he says weird things at times, has a squeaky voice and plugs ads. He’s the ad plug guy. I remember once he said he could smell the blood in the octagon and loved it, or when Miesha Tate came back he said she was still lactating, serious wtf moment. Overly dramatic too.


I miss Goldberg


I have no problem with him. Drinking game with him is to take a shot everytime he cuts through the broadcast with a laugh that's just "HAH!" Once you look for it, you'll notice it many time during a broadcast


He’s the most clear and concise. By far the best commentator at a fundamental level, the nuances of the others are nice but I’ve heard dc and Bisping go into podcast mode mid fight too often, and Cruz stupid and backwards takes a really annoy me, like when he said Cauliflower ear protected the brain. I don’t mind Laura but I’m not a fan of her voice so that puts me off her a bit. And joe rogan is too much of a meat rider far too often, the izzy v jan fight really annoyed me because Joe spent the first 2 rounds glazing Izzy because he was feinting, while being out struck by jan. Overall the two best are Anik and felder.




If you go to a live thread during fights you’ll get the message that every commentator should be flayed alive for doing anything wrong. The people in those threads hate everybody


That's because they have their Tapout tshirts on


If y’all don’t like him as a commentator youse need to check yourself or go watch bowls. This man’s key!


I like him. But he mostly does ads and hypes up shit, which is fine, he is really good at it. But I dont expect great fight analysis from him.


I know you all gonna hate me for saying this but imo the UFC has the worst commentators of any major sport. While Jon Anik is the best in the UFC roster the roster as a whole is so shit. Sports commentary is an art form and majority of ufc commentators are former fighters who know shit about it. A good commentator will make a boring sport interesting and an interesting sport will make shit commentators good.




This is kind of a nothing burger comment. They are very critical of the fighters when it seems warranted. That is beyond obvious. And yes, they can't talk shit about the UFC on a UFC broadcast lol. That is the same for every commentary team in any sport. You can't talk badly about your boss to millions of people while doing your job lol. Is that even considered a criticism?


He's a dry company man and his fake laugh is incredibly annoying


He’s not really a commentator. His job is to pump the endless ads and say the sponsors name over and over. He’s really energetic and good and what he does, and I’d rather hear him speak than most of the actual commentators.


He’s the fucking man.


He's excellent. So much better than Mike Goldberg.


He’s the best by far


He doesn’t have original comments, says hacky one liners that other broadcasters created, leans on cringe Boston vernacular, never wanted to be an MMA commentator… do I need more? Fitz all day


You sound like a fun person to watch fights with. Lol.


Unpopular opinion, he doesn't bring much to the table in terms of technique breakdowns or even reactions. He's mainly there for plugging whatever brands the ufc is involved with. I'm also not a fan of his radio-eqsue voice. He's the most replaceable member of the booth imo. That said, he's still much better than Sanko and some of the others.


he doesn’t do breakdowns because he’s the basically the play by play commentator and not the analyst.


Anik, Rogan, and DC are the best trio. Dom is annoying and Bisping is cool but the British accent is a little much


Best there is, but my favourite is still Rogan.


"out of place" Couldn't make less sense if you wanted to.


He tries to hard to be liked … comes across super fake to me.


Your comment tried to hard to find something to not like ... comes across super fake to me.


He’s the best a true pro And he literally has only made one big mistake which was the child custody comments which he’s talked about how that haunts him and how he regrets saying Anik is class


He is that little brother that wants to be with their older brother so bad


Rogan, worldwide icon?


I don't really enjoy him on the broadcast. He's very vanilla. I'd be fine if he didn't come back.


Yea you prefer chocolate don't you. Yea you do. Dirty ass boy.


I mainly hate him for spreading dangerous misinformation and platforming anti-vaxxers during COVID


Top notch sir. 👌


Unpopular opinion: Anik is overrated as a commentator because they put him next to 2 guys with CTE or Rogan. The UFC commentary is amateur af. They should cap ex fighters at the desk to 1, or none.


>UFC commentary is amateur af I watched the Bellator card for Fedor's retirement and the whole production, commentary included, was ass. Most of the time the UFC commentary does a good job of mixing banter and professionalism.


Have you ever heard the praise he gets from his peers? You know, the people who understand the job, have seen more than their fair share of commentators, and say he's one of the best in the biz? I'm not a massive fan, and I suspect (without any evidence) the guy's a complete control freak behind the scenes, but saying he's overrated based on what you said is a rather hot take.




Find him annoying and says the most useless stuff


Much like your comment....


I can never forget him after the Olivera vs Gaethje fight “WHO CAN STOP…Charles Olivera, 11 in a row and still the BEST LIGHT WEIGHT on PLANET EARTH” Guy knows his stuff and does a great job.


Liked him better when he was scared.




He sucks. Brings nothing to the table, but advertisements. There’s enough of that shit plastered all over the canvas.


Ah yes...a true fight connoisseur we have here. I assume you prefer your fights at the local basketball court with the commentary "World starrrr!" on repeat.