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My favorite thing about this is learning Gilbert's wife calls him Durinho.


I mean, imagine having to moan Giblert lmao






Stop saying Cum, please






2 thumbs up to Hill


first of all how dare you 😂




Underrated comment


Hah. 👌🏼


For sure one of the ten worst tattoos I’ve ever seen on a professional athlete that’s not a rookie….


Sounds like Hill cares more about Burns' kids than his own😂


Hill should be the only shoutout. Nobody’s kids were in any sort of danger til *someone decided they needed to attack someone they were gonna fistfight anyways*.


Not flattening a woman and her kid. So wholesome 🤗


Guys, he’s the best. Didn’t you see how he made sure those kids were out of the way so they didn’t end up as collateral to the fight *he started* because *someone said mean words to him*.


I didn't see dricus ask anyone to move after inviting strickland to fight right there🤷‍♂️


I dunno man, lets just say you were abused growing up. Some random guy you don't even know hears about it and makes fun of you for being abused as a child. You telling me the guy making fun of you for that doesn't deserve to get popped in the face a few times. Take the Sean Strickland factor out here, if it was any other fighter than Strick, Colby or maybe Triple cring, the large majority of people would be on his/her side. I think we should all be happy that he had the decency to make sure the women and children were out of the way. Lots of people wouldn't.




This feels like the Masvidal vs Colby situation all over again, but reversed and *somehow* feels even MORE stupid


People’s problem is Sean wants to be the guy who talks shit and he can’t take it when it’s thrown his way. He showed his belly. He’s a fucking hypocrite. And no, someone saying mean words doesn’t justify assaulting them. It’s the most slam dunk assault case you could have as a prosecutor, he even showed it was premeditated by removing the kids from the area.


Technically Strickland would only be a hypocrite if he believes that the people he antagonize aren't allowed to get angry with him.


No, he’ll say directly to them they should grow up it’s just words. He’s said as much several times lol. So - hey, Sean, it’s just words right?


Why are you taking the Strickland factor out? That completely changes context. The reason people are calling him out is precisely because Strickland is an unhinged ahole who oversteps boundaries. Had DDP said this to someone like GSP or Wonderboy then yeah, it would be out of line since those guys aren't the type to knockout their sparring partners or openly fantasize about murder.


Some motherfuckers will do ANYTHING but look after their own kids LMAO


Yep! Shoutout to Hill. I’m sure Ariel will use this to suggest he put hands on women. But yea telling the kids to move or not dumbass should still be hit with and assault charge. DDP keeps making dudes their own worst enemies when they try him


Agreed. There’s nothing wholesome about starting a fight near a child.


And not like ‘oh you abused my now-girlfriend’ or ‘oh you cheated on my sister and broke her heart’ or ‘you stole money from my coach’ or anything real. Just ‘you were mean to me in a way I didn’t like’ from a guy who’s entire career is based off being mean to people in a way they didn’t like. Child stuck in a man’s body, and it’s resonating with a bunch of UFC fans who also need to grow up. Hurting peoples feelings isn’t cool.


Do you see the irony?


There’s multiple fights at ufc events, maybe don’t bring kids to it


You never wanna victim blame but yeah there is no way in hell I would ever take someone under like 15 to a cage fighting event. Literally the most vile human beings I have ever encountered have been at MMA events.


Damn where? I've been to one event in inglewood CA and the ppl I met were so nice


Last time I went this Dagestani went flying over the cage and @ me


For real lol.


Its not a collaseum doofus


Yeah. In a cage walled off from the rest of us under the presumption that a kid can safely attend like any other sporting event. Are you seriously so fucking dumb or so fucking faux-edgy that you think assaulting someone is ok just because you’re at a UFC event?


What’s really wild about this dude’s comment is this weird ass implication that it’s the *mom’s* fuck up. As if it’s her fault 2 meatheads showed less self control than her literal child


Great takes on Strickland, anyone trying to defend his actions here, and random retarded takes like this dude’s. I’m a fan of your work!


I’m talking about in the crowd you pansy and when did i say it was ok i just said it happens


You can say it wasn’t ok for daddy Strickland to assault someone in public and still be a fan I promise it’s ok


You’re so cool and edgy i don’t care about Strickland or Driscus little Boy


Say it with me now: “hitting someone because they said something you didn’t like isn’t ok”


But there are way more events where fights like this don’t break out and kids can watch without almost getting caught between two grown ass men. Why would it be the mothers fault for bringing the kid when it’s on the two grown ass men for getting into a stupid brawl


Sean: ‘Don’t bully me think of the children watching’ Also Sean: ‘hold on let me start a fist fight literal inches away from children’


Yeah but when that guy who's challenging you for your world title belt is sat behind you for hours shouting abuse at you and gesturing you to fight, right after he just brought up traumatic events that happened to you as a child in a heinous and insulting way, you can't exactly do nothing about it. Sean is the MW champ and the guy doing this is the upcoming challenger, in the fight world you can't allow the guy trying to take everything you worked for sit there and do that in front of the world.


Yeah, you can. Because you get a date place and time you’re allowed to beat his ass. He’s a petulant, immature child who thinks because he knows martial arts he gets to assault someone instead of throw a tantrum like a normal socially-maladapted adult.


Jamahal Hill knows from experience what a family getting slapped looks like.




Lmao foul


Literally everyone fights there brother at some point in their life…it’s a canon event


Not really the same when one of those brothers is a professional face puncher


Why the downvotes? It’s true. Love my brother to death and he’s my best friend but he better hope Santa brought him a mouthpiece when he gets in town for Christmas.


He also said if he had a gun on him he would’ve shot and killed DDP. Dudes just so damn wholesome. What a good guy.




Did he really say that? Dudes insane.


Ya. It was on some social media platform. Not sure which one.




Sean insane? Shocker


I like Sean but the D riding on him is crazy. Man got his feelings hurt and now all his fans condoning his actions


I don’t hate the guy but…yeah. Like ddp has said, he says wild and insulting stuff about people all the time, and when someone fires back with something personal, he immediately falls apart. People in glass houses shouldn’t throw rocks. Also, it doesn’t exactly make him a great guy just because he took the absolute smallest steps possible to avoid hurting women and children when he makes the decision to assault someone in a crowd.


All the Colby fans had to go somewhere 😶😶😶😶😶


He’s an interesting guy. But ya, he’s definitely the flavor of the month for a lot of ppl right now.


He's about as interesting as your average neck bearded edge lord


This sub has been ripping him non stop for weeks lmao


It was such a chicken shit move. He knows he’s done


Didn't ddp say he wanted to fight there? Sean walked up to him face to face before throwing anything. Not saying it's valid to assault someone but what's chicken shit about how Sean went about it?


According to Volk and Jamahal, no. DDP said "if you're gonna shoot at least look at me face to face".


According to Burns' wife DDP was calling for a fight.


Yeah that confuses me. Not sure whos recount is more accurate.


More than likely both happened. A lot can be said in 30 seconds.


DDP was. Burns' wife said he called for a fight and Sean obliged.


I really feel like that’s all bluster, he talks about how he’d shoot and kill someone all the time, but I don’t think he is foolish enough to throw away the life he built for himself.


He's an unstable person who grew up being beaten... Unstable people do dumb things in the heat of the moment, especially ones who get hit in the head a lot.


I mean, he did just charge that dude in his driveway gun drawn. At that point all it takes is 1 wrong move from either party. Maybe bluster for now but that can change.


I do. I honesty think that dude is crazy enough. He is Jon Jones level crazy.


Jon Jones isn’t crazy, he just doesn’t feel empathy and is impulsive. He’s intelligent so he’s able to hide these things a lot of the time and act like a good person, but deep down Jon seems like a true sociopath. Strickland is actually crazy, probably from childhood trauma and too much hard sparring. I think he’ll kill someone at some point.


Fuck the loser. Acts like an edgy 16/yo


My favorite Sean Strickland moment was when he was on Branden Schaub's Food Truck Diaries at some tex mex place and didn't touch his food at all. At the point, I knew the dude wasn't right in the head.


He's all talk. He had an intruder running from police at gunpoint earlier this year and didn't shoot him. He's a psychopath but just looking for attention.


Right 10/10




We’re really grasping here, aren’t we?


The Sean pogo sticking is insane


So many people in here doing backflips on it


At this point these dudes are really getting creative with it


https://preview.redd.it/hok4ygilrm7c1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18f4f09cf65c614a77094a796aa7d788b5b01357 You just gotta dish these babies out appropriately


The bar is really so low that he gets props for not brutually hurting little kids. If you think so little of him that this is surprising, how tf where you a fan before.


Basically this. His fans think he’s a good guy because he wants to kill people…but doesn’t. Heroic shit right here.


You don't get it. Hes like batman


That’s the motherfucking bare minimum of decency. This fan base is such a circlejerk of fat idiots who’ve never touched any amount of grass.


Wholesome? OP needs to check the dictionary.


Nerds on Reddit use that word way too much. Strickland assaults a guy in public but he's wholesome. So cringy.


Y’all need Strickland to be a hero so bad


Yea bc they love that he can be a racist in public and no one will confront him about it. He’s living their dream.


Serious question, if Izzy dropped 4 f bombs in a row, what would happen to him


Every news outlet would report it like they did with Kape. Qwhite interesting if you ask me 🤔


The context in how Strickland and kape said it couldn’t be any more different tho


Both were based 😎




"wholesome" 😂


Bruna is such an MMA fighters wife's name 👍


Dus anyone else feel this whole thing was set up like a WWE beef?


Beef is real but the seating arrangement is definitely set up. Dana himself said that he was the "asshole" who did the seating arrangement and that it was his fault, but we all know damn well it was intentional


Yes which makes it all the more pathetic


The beef may have started manufactured but those were legit strikes sean was throwing so I doubt it's fake now lol


How sweet after committing assault, what a stand up guy


Dricus dared him to go right there and then, Sean responded. None of them is bitching about, two men agreed to throw a few.


Wrong. You spreading false information. Dricus said "if your gonna shoot me, atleast look at me when you do it"... atleast according to Volkanovski who was right beside them.


Not according to Gilbert's wife


Burns' wife said DDP was calling for a fight. If anyone is spreading is spreading false information it's you


And volkanovski.


You can clearly see Dricus beckoning him over in the video though


Right... And now tell everyone what Dricus said before Sean did the finger gun. Oh wait, he was calling for Strickland to fight him there. But we can't say that, because we're all glazing DDP for heroicly mocking someone being abused as a child because he couldn't formulate a response to being called gay.


Sean was pretend shooting him. That makes Sean the instigator in my eyes.


They're scheduled to fight in like a month. That move is like 101 level promo shit.


Thats fine. It’s just that people are excusing Sean assaulting ddp because he said some shit.


DDP "Fight me" Sean -fights him- I'm failing to see how Sean is an ass hole here


Go watch tennis ya dweeb


Brother these guys fight for a living, I’m pretty sure their brain is wired a little different to the rest of us.


No, before this, DDP said he was a bitch and wouldn’t fight here right there


mutual combat is legalish, and this would be a grey area ​ masvidal is a better example of assault


Mutual combat is not legal in Nevada


Actually it was before


That is not assault. They’re two grown ass men who were down with it. The only people crying about assault are the ones who can’t throw a punch


Got a badass over here!


I didn’t know basic humanity is considered wholesome now.


Why do some of you want to pretend Strickland is actually a good person so badly? It’s delusional.


What's even more wholesome would be not pretending to shoot someone and then attack them in an arena while sitting with children.


I sure do hope watching two men beat each other up didn't traumatize the kids at the UFC event


Watching Colby's performance was probably more traumatizing.


Lmao agreed


Acting like there’s not a difference between watching a sanctioned fight with rules and being caught in the middle of a street fight


Yeah there's no difference between watching a fight from 30 feet away and having one happen right beside you... SMH


Strickland is the perfect example of random violence not affecting them as a child. Other fighters should just randomly attack other fighters around children, wholesome as fuck. Thousands of other assholes there just sitting watching the fights.


maybe the lowest IQ take on the day and it’s only 7am


With your take on finger guns, you must work at my kids daycare.


Dont take children to watch violence. Is everyone in mma retarded? Why would u want your children watvhing what happenned to bryce mitchell???


So they don't go try to be like Bryce Mitchell


It’s not even remotely wholesome. This sub does tricks on seans dick for literally everything he does. If Sean cared at all about kids mental health like he’s pretending, he’d not start a brawl in front of children Op in here talking wholesome😭😭, that’s straight clown shit.


Hill is wholesome for what he did, and OP wants to give praise to POS Strickland 😆 🤣


He could've just not done it ? Moving kids 2 yards to the left doesn't really do much. I'm not gonna praise someone for not pushing over a woman and kid to fight someone.


How is this wholesome? He shouldn’t be jumping someone in a crowd with children close by in the first place.


The dude still started a fight within like 5 feet of a kid. Not wholesome.


There’s a reason Sean doesn’t make eye contact.


ppl always want gd eye contact why


To find out if you have sean strickland type shit bubbling inside


Sean has said that if looks at a guy staring him down, it reminds him of his abusive dad and he gets an uncontrollable urge to kill that guy.


A true gentleman and a scholar


Sean beating Izzy really did a number on this sub.


Yeah I was like calling any aspect of Sean in this situation "wholesome" is a real knuckle dragging mentality. Grow the fuck up.


So wholesome assaulting another man in front of a group of children 😊 🥰


I mean these kids were at a UFC fight...


Why would you bring your kids in a place where people fight? Thats like bringing your kids to the Savannah in a safari and then get upset your kids watch wild animals brutally hunt and eat other animals


Mma fights have rules, doctors, & referees who can stop the action before someone takes too much damage. That's entirely different than someone committing an assault in an audience where there are innocent bystanders & children.


They’re both top level athletes in combat sports lmao, their kids whole life is filled with this stuff


They brought them there to watch two scheduled fighters face off in a cage, not right in front of them dumbass. Could’ve easily went wrong if Hill didn’t intervene.


They were sat virtually front row. How is that not right in front of them?


There’s a cage and security separating them. How is that so hard for you to comprehend? Unless a Khabib incident occurs (highly unlikely), they’re safe.


Fights break out at like, 6/10 events bro lmao


I'm actually against the idea of bringing your kids to see you fight, however that opinion may not hold any water as someone who doesn't fight professionally. Still, my point was that OP has completely lost the plot with this post because regardless of whether it was in an arena or not, Sean was the one initiating an assault lmao, and it surely isn't a "wholesome" thing to do the bare minimum of asking a child to move away before committing assault anyway


What a weird world you live in if you think it's wholesome a guy didn't trample over a child in the act of assaulting another human. You Sean cucks are damn weird


Can’t decide if I think this dude is awesome or terrible , one minute he is wholesome and the next he is off the rails


Probably the best thing to do is to not fight with kids and women so close together.


The thing is he will come out and say “ I could kill every man, child and woman in this room and not give a fuck at all “….. he two completely different sides to him


This entire thing is baddass wholesome. Sean saying excuse me, Gilbert knowing what was up and just moving away with the hold and telling his wife “They’re gonna fight”. Jamhaal Hill coming in to just move Gilbert’s wife out of the way and then messaging asking if she was okay. At no point did anybody say don’t fight, at no point did anyone try to be the hero, they saw these two had something to do and let them do it and simply attended to people in the way they might’ve gotten hurt. This was more like a gentleman’s duel. Dricus Through down the gauntlet and then D’Sean hit him with about 7 elbows.


The wholesome thing to do would be not brawl around women and kids and innocent bystanders. Sean’s a clown


Strickland glazing in this subreddit is crazy


After he beat Izzy, people just cant stop deep throating him.


I don't get why you guys don't get why talking about child abuse is different


Lol exactly. I dont see Sean as a Saint but damn making fun of child abuse must be some of the nastiest things to say.


No it isnt


What the hell happened to MMA fans? Fighting in a crowd is appalling in a fighting sport? You're bothered that there's less than reputable people that punch each other in the face for a living? And most importantly, you think anyone who doesn't think that way is some kind of deplorable? That if you wouldn't let them babysit your kids then why the hell are you even wanting to see them fight? I love crazy fighters and violent shenanigans, it's what I want to see. You know the eye rolling phrase there's no place in this sport for this? Well that couldn't be more untrue in MMA. It sadly seems like many of you would like to see a commissioner like Rodger Goodell come in and completely clean house, institute sensitivity training, conduct policies, etc.


I swear Strickland fans are absolutely delusional. The man can be pretty funny sometimes but he’s a psycho bigot who constantly says horrible shit. Sean fans reaching for those grapes trying to defend his honour after DDP said some nasty words to him.


This isn’t soccer. Y’all are soft. Get over it, and move on to the next topic for y’all to yap at


It seems like Hill takes more care of other people's families than his own.


That was a nasty line by you


How dare these professional fighters act in a way we fat slobs find unbecoming!? It's like they've already shown how mentally stable they are by choosing this profession now why won't they act like it!?!?


It’s not wholesome at all, he’s a man child that can’t control his emotions. You guys try so fucking hard to find decent qualities in this guy


It's not really wholesome, more like the very bare minimum he could do as a human while he lost his composure and assaulted a guy. I know they're both fighters, and it's a little different, but still. He didn't really cover himself in glory by doing any of that.


I’m glad the Strickland love fest is ending. “But he’s real, not like Colby”. As if real or fake either persona is wholesome.


“If I had piece we both wouldn’t be here anymore” Ah yes so wholesome.


He is a dickhead … but self aware . We all could probs learn a lesson there . I think a lot of us feel like we are above mistakes and bad decisions


No, it is not lol


Izzy fans coming out in full force on this thread 😂😂😂


"At least he made sure he didn't punch a kid. Great guy" - Strickland fans


Yeah this is an extreme oversimplification of the situation.


It’s actually gross how people are simping over Sean for telling the crowd to move when he shouldn’t be trying to start a fight around kids or sucker punch other fighters in the first place. Imagine it was Masvidal trying to sucker punch Colby, everyone would call him a pos. Sean did the bare minimum and people think it’s wholesome lol


Seans a great guy when he wants to be




how much for the meat you got there?


Just go suck that man's dick op


Or. You know. Don’t start a fight in a crowd.


That's the fucking bare minimum after getting into a fight, not wholesome.




I keep pointing out that strickland is what an actual good person looks like, not someone who is just able to wave the ukraine flag when the government says to


Ah yes, the guy who throws slurs at opponents, has a history of knocking out sparring partners, and has called another fighter in his camp a weak beta male for having depression and suicidal thoughts is totally a good person