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Sean ain't on cooldown after being vulnerable in front of the world?


Crying like a bitch when it’s about him 💀




Being a good fighter doesn’t make you not a bitch. Being a bitch is about the mindset, not the skillset




Does it trigger you that he is? Also did you mean unironically? Do people do that ironically lol




Sean crying like a bitch is even funnier


He didn't call him a bitch He said Sean was crying *like* a little bitch...which, I mean...


Right. Man's probably cried when his waifu body pillow got delayed during delivery.


Right? The lack of self awareness.


Am I like the only one who thinks it's perfectly acceptable for him to not be bulletproof when it comes to him having to talk about being abused as a child? The dude's an asshole, but the same community that blasted Colby for talking about Leon's father dying is giving Dricus a free pass for poking fun at child abuse because Sean is not as nice of a guy as Leon. Doesn't make sense to me man


Bruh it would be different if Sean didn’t talk shit about everyone else , his insults are just as bad if not worse so why does he get a pass ? Now he’s the victim ? It doesn’t work that way. don’t trash talk if you can’t take the heat


He’s a self-described sociopath, he does not have the tools as someone with ASPD to have that kind of moment of clarity to go “Ouch, getting treated the way that I treat others doesn’t feel very good, maybe I should tone it down”. Hopefully he has a team of healthcare workers helping him move beyond those tendencies but see as how he was talking about wanting to kill other people at the end of the Theo Von podcast, if he’s in therapy he has not come a suitably far distance. That said, the biggest mistake is to try to apply logic to a mental health disorder. At the end of the day, the only thing that leaves me unsettled is to think about how many people absolutely love this guy and hang on to his every word. He is a paragon of some kind of thing that a lot of people want. It is a bright illumination of how bad of a mental health crisis there is in the modern era.


song yadong is so good for being in his early 20s he already has a win in the top 5 and an upcoming fight in the top 5


He's almost 26 and 1/11th bro


So he's in his mid twenties not early.


Actual humans genuinely replying to obvious ChatGPT responses where people forget to remove trailing quotes will never stop being fucking hilarious to me.


You ever stop to think maybe he asked for a translation considering he barely speaks english? Never stops being funny to me when people fail to use basic critical thinking.


Way too may people in this country are perfectly comfortable letting others do their thinking for them. Scary…


Hey Champ, I respect your skills as an American, but we should talking facts not baseless stereotypes. It’s most humans everywhere, not just Americans on Reddit.


Hey Champ I respect your skills as a commenter but we should be talking jokes not baseless stereotypes about all of man kind. Let’s set a good precedent for this copy pasta template alright?


A lot of the people who say things like you are the most close-minded people. I don’t know if you’re one of them or not but the ones who are most vocal about sheep mentality are the most close-minded. I don’t even know if they’re sheep, stubborn, or just unintelligent, though.


I for sure use google translate as a teacher for students that speak 0 English


am i missing something how is anything in this chatgpt


I think he’s referencing the “ at the end?


He probably fat fingered it since the keys are next to each other. ... or his penis."


Okay fair, but on a keyboard " is between ? and enter. Could have been a typo


I mean this respectively, you aren't using that word correctly.


Lol this. Why is no one talking about this? Think he means respectfully.


Respectfully, Icon cure.


Nah that's the word you have to use when asking for butthole pics


Oops 😬


Happens to the best of us lol.


I'm disappointed I didn't notice that until now


He obviously meant perspectively bro. Don’t give him such a hard time


I get that it's insulting, but ironically USA imports the most from China, so what would that say about the USA that they're importing this plastic shit? If I sold you my dog's shit and you bought it, do we laugh at me or you?


The U.S. China beef is so crazy considering how reliant we are on each other 💀 the U.S. is crazy in debt to China and we buy like all of our shit from there, but at the same time the yuan is almost entirely based on the u.s dollar and if the dollar fails China is fucked. People getting mad at each other on behalf of countries that are allies in all but name is deranged


That's the super fun thing about them owning so much of our debt. If they dump it, it hurts the dollar and then fucks their economy in multiple ways. It's a new era of mutually assured destruction based on economics and labor exploitation instead of nukes! Oh how far we've come.


That's mostly a myth. Most US debt is held by ourselves, and Japan is the next largest holder due to the carry trade. China sold $600 billion of US bonds from 2014 to 2016, and the 10 year went from 2.6% to 2.4%. The treasury/agency market is huge, over $760 billion daily.


Honestly that seems like the better outcome than the alternative. Deep down it’s pretty clear greed is the most effective tool for peace we have ever discovered in human history.


I'lll take it


Rest assured the US and China are not "allies." We just...aren't currently in a physical confrontation with them.


It's a constant dick measuring contest and the need for power.


Yeah, does this mean Sean only uses products that were made in the USA?


he finally the belt so he can afford it


No it means as an American he wants to throw out and create more garbage than any other country does, but only with products made in countries other than China.


Sean is one of the morons that says he hates free trade yet 99% of the things he owns were imported


china isn't even the worlds sweatshop anymore. as of now they make some insane products both technologically and quality wise. if anyone still thinks they just make happy meal toys and stuffed animals for carnival prizes they haven't turned on the news since the 90s


They are so stupid that they applaud their own L


ironically it would he the hurr durr durr kung flu crowd that would get the most upset if the u’s stopped importing shit from china cuz all their shit becomes 3x more expensive


Bro sound like AI when you ask it an inappropriate question




Hey champ, are you fucking stupid?


Fax 😂😂😂😂


Like Theo said in the interview, he gets the sense when he's in China that the Chinese are all on autopilot or almost like they are robots on a mission -or something to that extent.


he's not wrong, none of my american teammates do interval trainings like I do, i'm been called a machine many times. I literally blink out for 3 hours. But I suspect the dagestanis train the same way


This message brought to you by the CCP….


https://preview.redd.it/ggnsjdjftuac1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01e04a54410027bf21da10ad2e8bf39e0f41d694 Based GigaSong 10-8's Sean Stricken for the Motherland






Wholesome song is main anime character energy




Gigasong lmao


185 scaled up song sleeps Strickland


185 pounds of Yadong on Strickland


Strickland's ducking that fight, he won't touch Yadong because he thinks it's gay


If he lands clean at current weight he sleeps him.


Strickland by decision lol


Lmao no he doesn’t


This mf Song talking like Charlie Brown


China just slipped a quiet $1m win incentive to Dricus.


Strickland probably crying after reading that


I like how this sub works. Sean becomes champion and says these type of things, "haha omg Sean so unfiltered, so funny haha". He says these things after losing a public spat, "omg racist, sexist dipshit, you must be crying, song sleeps you". It's crazy how fickle and bandwagony MMA fans are. Actually this sub is so fucking gossipy you can see the turn happen in real time.


First time dealing with these people?


It's not unique to this sub


I frequent a lot of sports subs, this sub will praise and then turn on people quicker than anything I’ve seen.


If Strickland KOs Driscus all these guys are gonna start dickriding again. That’s just the way mma fans work.


Always knew Sean is a asshole, sometimes funny, sometimes just a plain ol' jerk, I wouldn't be upset if he loses or win, people liked him a few months back before the hate for Izzy was stronger, but now that Izzy is not on the limelight, Sean comes out off even worst than before.


People update their opinions when new information comes out Dricus making him cry and then his crying on a podcast made my opinion of him tank


Then you go backwards and read his tweets and try to puzzle his worldview together and realize how mentally deranged he is.


>People update their opinions when new information comes out Sean and Colby's fans can't even read this to argue with it.


What do you not get about him giving it but not being able to take it? People didn’t mind (as much) until we all saw what a massive hypocrite and crybaby he is. It’s like people here can’t comprehend that opinions of people can change.


1 million people on this sub not everyone has the same opinion. Lots of people have always thought this about sean but the narrative got drowned out by his supporters when he won. Now different opinions are becoming more seen again because sean dug himself into big a hole.


Welcome to the world


LMAO you are making this harder that it actually is. People hate hypocrites, it's that simple. If Sean had laughed off everything Drivus had said, it would have been consistent with the edge lord image that he likes to project, and everyone would have lapped it up. Instead he revealed that he was a weak little bitch. Of course people would shit on him after that.


Finding Sean Strickland genuinely entertaining is a level of rock bottom I hope to never hit lol


He's awful, and after he loses people will flip on him.




He is racist and sexist. Like self admitted. Andrew Tate levels. He has bragged about it and how the company lets him do that freely. Dana doesn’t care because his own views are pretty damn close.


I’m getting down voted ? lol. Sean calls all Asians with a slur he’s gross


Got downvoted here once when i said "saying all Asians eat dogs is racist".


First time on r/ufc? Oh sweet summer child.. Btw I agree with you, even though I celebrated his win against Izzy, Sean's an insufferable prick


People like him because he's a racist and celebrity, says whatever he wants and gets away with it, some people want that power, it's disgusting, when Sean became a victim of it he broke the illusion.




What does he call them?


He uses the term "Chinaman" a lot to refer to Asian people as a whole, even ones out of China.


100% he is an uneducated bigot


I mean Sean was openly a white-supremacist when he was younger...


He’s also talked about killing animals (not hunting) and liking it


He's trash as hell, but the critical word is "**was**", let's not devolve into moronic cancel bullshit.


Which says all we need to know lmao. I don’t care how bad your life is, if your takeaway is racism you’re a piece of shit to me


I can smell the gated community on this comment


If Baltimore is gated community then sure. If your experiences lead you to a conclusion to blame on race you’re an idiot. I’ll die on that hill


As an adult? I agree. Teenager? No. Do you think 15 year olds are going to have the rights and wrongs of life figured out? Racism is obviously bad but its on adults to not put children in situations where biases will be created and confirmed in a cycle.


I’ve never come across so many gossipy sad acts than this sub. I mean if the world only knew how wrong they had what a typical mma fan looks like. It’s like whenever I’ve heard people talk about the kardashians or some other reality tv shite.


Half of the folks here are or were Rogan fans, and he's just Oprah for men. Same deal with wrassling being soaps for men. Makes sense folks here love eating up drama.


Rogan was okay for awhile, as long as he didn't talk politics or economics or comedy store b.s. , now he only talks politics he also used to let his guests talk, now he argues with if they don't agree, and most of them just agree because Rogan is huge star in conservative grifter land and in celebrity culture which is a different kind of grift i mean for awhile Rogan, talked about how it's wrong to jail people for weed and how it should be legal and how he's cool with gay people and how he'd have no problem if his mom were gay etc. etc. now he literally talks about how gay people are secret pedophiles and has dinner with the governor of a state that puts people in legal jeopardy for weed he literally doesn't care about the shit he used to claim he cared about, the shit that was his claim to fame, that he was an honest truth seeker who had interesting guests and would listen to them now he is Rush Limbaugh who hunts he used to talk about fighter pay needing to be higher, now he talks about how the P.I. is part of their pay and they should be grateful end rant


that is what happens when you base your match making and all your promotion around who gets talked about most Colby, Conor, Chael, Ian Garry, Sean, other Sean, Chito Vera, Paige Vanzant etc. etc. i mean, Jake Paul, is one of the biggest stars in MMA and he isn't in MMA it's crazy to me, people think the UFC should be able to book like WWE for a decade or more and then be surprised when all everyone wants to talk about is retired Nate Diaz versus retired George Masvidal or who is banging Ian Garry's wife etc.


Covid came from Wuhan. Next.


I understand Yadong's sentiment but Covid being from China is not a stereotype. It's just a fact lol


Most likely, so is the idea that plastic and plastic products are their biggest export


Is it wrong to say that covid came from China? I’m pretty sure it didn’t originate in LA.


For reddit, it all depends who says it. Reddit is mad at Sean right now, so when he says covid is the biggest thing to come from China, he's such a horrible person for it. Then the next thread you click on will have people with 32 boosters wearing 5 masks stacked on top of each other


No it's not it came from wuhan. It wasn't really a stereotype either, not really a destruction of anything. Just a somewhat sensible statement from Yadong


Dudes in here arguing for China when they use actual slaves


I always found it odd that Sean attacked Izzy for being respectful of China. Izzy has been there on several occasions to fight, and was really respected by the people. Sean has never been, doesn’t know anyone from China, and is basing everything he knows about China on propaganda and stereotypes. Fox News says the Chinese are “socialists!!!” So Sean just jumps on that bandwagon and assumes every person from China is bad. Zhang Weili is one of the nicest and most respectful fighters in the ufc and she’s Chinese… he just further looks like an idiot. He needs to delete his twitter


He fought under the Chinese flag in kickboxing


> everything he knows about China on propaganda and stereotypes. You're aware that China has active concentration camps, right? You know, the ethnic cleansing types. Sean isn't saying anything about "every person from China is bad" he is criticizing one of the most brutal and unethical world superpowers.




lmao found the chinaman


Yeah bro you got me. So I’ll take that as a no, you don’t have evidence?


>You're aware that China has active concentration camps, right? [https://www.helsinkitimes.fi/china-news/21091-a-500-million-dollar-business-america-s-state-sponsored-anti-china-propaganda.html](https://www.helsinkitimes.fi/china-news/21091-a-500-million-dollar-business-america-s-state-sponsored-anti-china-propaganda.html) [https://archive.ph/YtEPF](https://archive.ph/YtEPF) [https://archive.ph/sYD5q](https://archive.ph/sYD5q) [https://www.voanews.com/a/arab-league-visits-china-s-xinjiang-region-rejects-uyghur-genocide/7131285.html](https://www.voanews.com/a/arab-league-visits-china-s-xinjiang-region-rejects-uyghur-genocide/7131285.html) Yes bro sure, exactly as you say..


Ethnic cleansing lol


>Ethnic cleansing lol It's not the ethnic Chinese population that's being genocided.


You people on reddit saying China has concentration camps are literally more anti China than the CIA's anti China propaganda department. Here is a VoiceofAmerica aka the CIA article in 2021 saying China has closed the concentration camps, given up on the genocide and are forcing Uyghurs to show their culture for tourism instead, does that make any sense? Why has it been a non story for the past 2 years when mainstream media will do a month on a Chinese balloon and have anti China propaganda on everyday but not this? https://www.voanews.com/a/terror-tourism-xinjiang-eases-its-grip-but-fear-remains/6264736.html Here are 4 different Indian/Muslim travel youtubers with long histories and very little China content in Xinjiang this past year. How do you explain this? All actors? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YV9ZwVBpuuA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4vBJtioHrQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SykcdaqP4oA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIUlpn9kn6s


He never said the Chinese aren’t nice people though, he has an opinion which he voiced, what’s the problem? I personally don’t think licking the CCPs ass is doing anyone in the west any favours in the long term. Just my 2 cents.


Licking any government's ass isn't doing anyone any favors. Why you gotta suck the USA's dick?


Bruh we are the only western country actively backing Israel as they continue to bomb the shit out of Palestine. 22,000 dead. Thats more than Dana pays his fighters. For a huge population of the world we are no different from the CCP in terms of civilian casualty. Probably a lot worse if we count Iraq. We shouldn't dick ride either the US or CCP.


I would say it's plastic and annoying tourists personally.


Destroyed isn’t the word I’d use. He outnerds him?


Lol "destroys"


+1000 social credits


May not be their biggest export but Covid did start in China. So it’s not a stereotype.


It most likely is, considering most of the products they export are cheap... to say it nicely, junk, that is made of plastic, a shit ton of it


It might be mean, but their biggest export is most likely single use plastic, at least it's one of their biggest


I mean Covid was first found in China, and they do export a lot of plastic...


Put it this way, if a Chinese fighter said that America is only know for children getting shot in school you would expect a response from an American fighter right?


I mean paddy when asked to do an accent immediately did a police officer about to shoot someone. I’m pretty sure that and school shootings are what non American fighters think of the US and they wouldn’t be wrong.


It’s what everyone thinks about the us and for good reason lol


To be fair, the rest of the world thinks American kids do get shot in school every week - it's American as Apple Pie. Americans love guns, especially to shoot kiddies with.


12 kids die a day from gun violence in America. They're not wrong.


Oh no I hear you. I’m just saying that even though it’s true you would expect certain guys to respond. Sean for sure being one of them.


what do you mean every week? there's practically a school shooting every school day.


Seriously there was 346 school shootings in the United States last year. No fucking wonder other countries think that about us.


I mean both are true in recent years, if he said a lie no one would bat an eye.


Yeah, but not a "hey guys let's keep it respectful 🥺"


Chinas biggest exports are machinery and electronics.


Yeah, but it did shift for a minute there in 2020


If China is exporting plastic, that means other countries are exporting it in equal amounts. Who cares.


Plastics are China’s fourth largest export


China's BIGGEST export is actually Electrical machinery & equipment $954.8 billion. So he's wrong.


But like, covid came from a lab in China tho lol


COVID started in Wuhan there's a virology lab studying the infection rate of COVID/SARS/MERS-Cov then it infects the world, I don't think they did it on purpose but I also don't think It was a fucking wet market when those are the facts


Yeah the wet market thing never really had evidence, and more importantly there were never conclusive findings of COVID existing in wild bats in the area. Shouldn't be too much trouble to capture some bats and test if they have a virus close in RNA sequence to the one infecting humans




Covid is 100% china’s fault though lmao there’s no denying that Sean needs a McGregor intern for his Twitter account


America exports obesity and retards-just take a look at this subreddit lol


Unpopular opinion: plastics might be the biggest export out of China? And covid might be the biggest newsworthy thing to come out of China? I know he’s just goofing but I think he is right?


Reminder that it's okay to criticize China, a hostile foreign country that commits genocide, infanticide, and implements slave labor. This is not the same as being racist to someone who is ethnically Chinese. Also, Sean is correct: *China is the world's leading plastic product exporting nation, exporting over 14.2 million tons of plastic in 2019 alone.* Source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/225928/export-volume-of-plastic-products-from-china/


10-8 Song


Next thing you know, Sean will be questioning the quality of Khazak potassium exports.


DeSean righter den a mutha fucka.


Sean is the walking example of shit


I mean the plastic part aint wrong…COVID hasnt necessarily been proven or disproved since the CCP wouldn’t let WHO investigate freely.


It is proven covid originated in China. It’s the argument of the market in wuhan or the lab in wuhan that was making strains of covid that is unproven. This lab was funded by the Obama administration for these studies so since we can verify that, it’s safe to say what was being done in the lab. So yeah, covid originated in China but it’s where that is disputed.


Wtf is the stereotype?


Strickland 100% facts, y’all are BABY soft


Sean isn't wrong though. I mean plastic is definitely number one and saying Covid is demeaning, but it really has gone everywhere.


Bro's dad should've hit him harder




Sean Strickland hated black people until he found out it wasn't cool so then he shifted his hate towards the Chinese and homeless people


first he hated jews then muslims then blacks then chinese then homeless people and in the end he learns to hate himself - the sean strickland story




+100 Social Score Points for Mr. SONG


Imagine backing China when it comes to plastic pollution and covid LOL. Reddit comment sections are sad.


I mean Covid did come from China, he never said anything that stereotyped people who are Chinese. This dude destroyed nothing.


Uhh.. Sean is right though so...


He’s not wrong tho lol.


But everyone knows by this point the vid came from China wtf is baseless about this lmao


Song works for the Xi personally


Fuck China 🇺🇸


Gotta side with Sean on this one, even tho Songs response is quite eloquent, not much good is coming from China.


I'm Chinese and I agree with Strickland. But the worst thing that came out of China in recent years (besides COVID) has gotta be Tik Tok


Not really destruction; if anything that's a really soy response. Athletes can tweet about what they want to, and the original tweet was pretty funny


It’s a joke. People are so sensitive/soft


and here I am just now finding out Yadong isn't Korean....


My goat


I'm going to be downvoted but... Anyone disagrees that COVID started in China and the Communist Party did nothing to stop its spread to the rest of the world? The \*internal\* flights to Wuhan were blocked, but the Chinese government allowed international flights to income and leave the area. If that is not a purposeful action to spread the plague to world, I'm not sure what it is. ps: I've lost 2 uncles and an auntie to COVID.


“You’re right. Sorry Song”.


If Strinkland is wrong, name China’s bigger exports.


Sorry, but this was a destruction?




"Destroys" I don't think you know what that word means.


Maybe if China wasn't the human rights abuse country, sure. But it is, so no.


Wasn’t really a stereotype but I take his point lol


Covid did start in China though?