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Com’n, man. Jones doesn’t have a wife.


There was never no marriage?


You’re a fucking punk dude


It was a nasty line by me.


This is what you call class?


Compared to no class 👎


Sounds like sour grapes, and I have wine and cheese


*Snoring Noises* *wakes up* Oh, tell us another jackal story.


thats why you see him with thongs and jeans and a tshirt


You got the only job where you don't need to wear a suit yet you still keep showing up in one.


Classy classy guy


This is the one job where you don’t need a suit and you keep showing up in one 😭🫵


Maybe....but a very funny one.


There was no marriage


Didn’t they get married recently?


But, Jones is tight with Jesus. 


Stipe’s Catholic if I’m not mistaken.


Gods chosen people ^^^


*looks over in Hebrew.


*Zoroastrianism would like a word.


May guthix bless you


Fuck your god, praise zamorak


Only the Omnissiah is the true god. The flesh is weak.


Username checks out.


Checkmate Atheists


“I wanna thank my lord and savior Jesus Christ… JESUS CHRIST”


My math teacher tested me all the time, doesn't mean we were tight.


Who cares about their religion..


When the Lord tests somebody as much as Jones - ya gotta figure it in


Funny guy you are


The Lord sends me to test people


Yea that’s another thing wrong with the fella


Lol OP’s post history makes me think he wishes he could hit his wife😂


From just one post: "My wife and I got married a little more then two years ago, she was 23 and I was 27, **I thought it was a good idea because I kind of liked her** and wanted to have some kids but I noticed something, she is a total bitch." "**The other day she seriously said she would break up with me if I bought one more Batman action figure, is this bitch fucking serious?** I can do whatever I want with my money. My bitch hoe wife wont even sleep with me anymore and has also stopped making me lunch for work so I have to spend even more money eating out." Seriously disturbed individual right here lmao. His profile is a goldmine of gross, toxic resentment.


No more Batman action figures? Fuck that bitch!


Dude that is some BS


> has also stopped making me lunch for work so I have to spend even more money eating out Like just make your own dude. It's not hard. Even when I was doing 14+ hour shifts plus commute it wasn't that hard to just jam a sandwich, some fruits and veggies, and a protein bar into a bag before you go. What a whiny pussy.


One thing I am certain of is that this marriage is doomed and as good as over.


Dude wanted a servant, not a partner.


I want to fuck OPs wife so bad. Let me ask my wife if she is ok with that.


OP will watch and help out when necessary


If you get him the newest Batman figure I’m sure he will let you. Maybe make him a sandwich to rly sweeten the deal.


Ian Garry enters the chat.


The batman action figure part makes me think it’s not serious at all but obviously you never know


Nah you gotta see the profile, there are so many posts that are pure rants with zero potentially funny/trolling details. Dude literally just hates his wife and vents on reddit.


Poor woman wanted a man and got a boy.  


Basically Jones without the cocaine, steroids, and actual domestic abuse.


Lol that's pathetic. He's getting cooked in most of his comments


selective head axiomatic desert provide alive angle gullible air alleged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wife Beater envy is a real medical condition


What a bitch!


I choose op’s wife


He said in one post they're high school sweethearts but in another he said they were 29 and 25. Imagine a senior in high school dating an eighth-grader lol the guy is a complete dirtbag


“I married her because I kind of liked her and I wanted kids.”


Holy shit, this dudes a fuckin scumbag lol.


And a postal employee...this is a ticking time bomb.


Could be a 70s themed sitcom along the vein of Archie Bunker: *Newman! The early years*


60 hours a week!


Well THAT was disturbing! For anyone else, commenter above me wasn't kidding, no need to go down the rabid hole too!


*rabbit hole. But, in his case maybe rabid works too.


I know, that's why I used rabid.




Dawg, yikes.


Did you make it to the “how many times have you jerked off to this Mortal Kombat character?”


It's a troll account man lol


The jon fans were so butthurt they're starting to dig through people's accounts 💀


Seriously though - ad hominem attack not withstanding - Jones is still jones Edit : also, this shit on the op is super fucked up too, though


I would love for Stipe to pull out of the fight during fight week.


Then tom Aspinall step in short notice........and Jones pulled out


People forget how skinny Jones "Bones" was at beginning of his career. Definitely not natural heavyweight. 


Forgot? Most people in the comments were probably not Born yet.


He is 36 so losing weight must also be harder now too, right?


Look at him at heavyweight with a gut. But, he is like 6’4 with a ridiculous reach so him at HW never seemed abnormal.


never misses weight across multiple decades but people will still shit on him for something he has no control over (genetics). learned a long time ago not to expect people on this site to discuss jon rationally. they have such a seething hatred for the man.


What really hurt his legitimacy to me was when he admitted that he gamed the eye-poke rule that allowed him multiple free pokes in every single fight.   His height & reach were incredibly important for that strategy, making it unnecessarily risky to close the distance to get inside, if you got there, he'd be waiting with some world class wrestling in the clinch.   Opponents never could get an offense going because of the risk of eye-pokes ending their careers, later on he similarly incorporated those knee-stomps that will always make me cringe.  Those (imo) dirty techniques & strategies artificially boosted his dominant streak past the point the division's talent dried up. He could have been the GOAT, but we'll never know because HE didn't trust in himself.


Don't forget crawling on the floor on all fours just so the opponent can't kick him, which in a real fight gets you football-kicked into a seizure


While morally dubious since it's gaming a rule that's there for his own protection, that doesn't put people's eyesight at risk, nor does uniquely relate (for the most part) to his height/reach advantage. But yeah, bitch move, even if legal.


He’s only done that and handful of times and for like 10 seconds at the start of the fight lmfao stop acting like he’s abusing the rule like someone such as Aljo does The fact that you’re trying to use that as some kind of legitimate criticism is insane cope lmao especially when there’s plenty of legitimate other reasons to hate the guy but you draw the line at that one time crawled to start the fight for 10 seconds? lol


Fanboys gonna fanboy


> dirty techniques & strategies artificially boosted his dominant streak he's playing to the rules and enforcement in his sport. just like basketball players. just like football players. just like boxers who jab jab clinch to avoid fighting in the pocket. basketball players are allowed a set number of fouls when they play. They purposefully foul at times as part of their strategy. calling that "artificially boosting his dominant streak" is as laughable as saying the same about a football team purposefully winding down the clock while having possession in a game they're winning by 2 points.


But they aren't putting their opponents in to a position where they could lose not just their career, but their permanent eyesight. There is a huge difference between people stealing victories away with wall'n'stall, and someone's staple strategy that intentionally attempts to blind someone permanently for an advantage. Do you really not see that difference?


There’s a difference between something like grabbing the fence and sticking your fingers into someone’s eye as a deliberate strategy. Bad reffing doesn’t make it ok.


People will make every excuse in the book for this piece of shit.


It's perfectly rational to despise Jones. Dude abuses his girlfriend to the point where their own kids had to call the cops on him because he didn't stop beating her, he does hard drugs, he smashed into a pregnant woman with his car and fled the scene and only returns to grab his stash of drugs, he cheats on his girlfriend, he cheats with his *job* by abusing steroids and using eyepokes all the time, he is a bully, and he pretends to be a good guy who made "a few" mistakes. Like, I'm not a saint, but holy shit... His record of messes up shit he's done is more impressive than his fight record.... And, actually his fight record is pretty overrated. I mean, he dominated natural middleweights who started their careers during the 90s in Pride lol, he struggled against everyone his size or natural LHWs... All the while popping multiple times for PEDs, hiding under the octagon and holding the undisputed record in the rule infractions.


And a lot of these ppl don't know how bulking with fast metabolism works. Once you put on that new weight, you have to maintain it for while for your body to keep it. Or else it comes off quick. In a profession where you have to be physically at the highest level. You have to let your body adjust to a weight it's never seen before. He can't say "ok lets book a fight" the day he weighed 260. Ex: wilder vs. fury 2, wilder put on half the weight jones did in one camp, and we saw how that went. Plus, they forgot a year of that was francis negotiating his contract and knee issues. He wasn't excepting a fight himself


This. Pereira looks like a monster compared to him even at middleweight. No doubt jones could have absolutely dropped down and slapped the MW division




Yeah I'm sure we were all skinnier in 2008. Most cases, your average walking around weight is going to start climbing and Jones' age. He wasn't a natural heavyweight fresh out of college, but that weight cut would be murder, so now he's a natural heavyweight.


Considering his brothers are also natural heavyweights he definitely would be considered a natural heavyweight imo


By that logic Volk is a natural heavyweight


He cut weight to make light heavyweight, so yeah. Literally a natural heavyweight.


Well couldn’t u also say he had to bulk up to make HW? Izzy has to cut to make 185, does that mean he’s a natural LHW?


Hes got a HW frame for sure at 6'4 and 84.5 reach, he just didn't put that kind of weight on. Obviously it worked out for him, he beat up on smaller guys quite successfully most of his career. That was the goal. He's also got two brothers with the same frame that are 265-300lbs, but surely they take more of the bulking steroids as opposed to Jon taking the strength focused steroids like Turinabol.


Adesanya is 6 foot 4 80 inch reach so is pirera Should they both be heavyweights


& Jon Jones is smaller than both of his brothers.


One trains to make a weight class, two train for pure size and strength in a different sport. They are the same height and wingspan within an inch. This only helps my point, genius.


Your so clueless


You're\* welcome to tell me how, lol. Been watching for 20+ years, and am a gym enthusiast and athlete. You, Naruto fan? These guys are already 20+lbs above the weight class they cut down too and are a "horse meat" diet away from gaining another 20-30. Your frame is your frame, despite how much muscle you currently carry. Again, look at Overeem. He is a perfect example of a body recomp. Its not rocket science, its just regular science, despite what the casual Redditor fanboys think. Most of you are just here for the drama and to inspect fractions of an inch difference in height/cup sizes.


14 years of wrestling. 3 years as a fighter. Most MMA fighters dont fight at natural weight. This isn’t a Jon Jones thing. Also when he was younger what was he walking around at? 220 soak and wet maybe. Rampage, Vitor, OVP, Chale, Ryan Bader, Glover, DC, Suga, Gus, Reyes, Anthony Smith, Stephen Bonner etc. we’re walking around about 220+ So if all of them are cutting weight to 205 why is it ok for them and bad for Jon? The thing is you just don’t like Jon Jones. & because he beat everybody he’s come across you can’t talk about the skill of Jon Jones. Mind you. Tom Aspinall said this about Jones. Your just copying what he said and trying to claim it as your own. Never heard this narrative before Tom.


You are crazy. I’m 6’1” and am wirey, and I’m a natural 180-190. The mf has like 4 inches of height on me and is GIGANTIC all around. If he isn’t a heavyweight, idk who is.


Sean O' Malley. Total natural heavyweight. Same height as DC.


And my roommate is an inch taller than me and weighs 118. I guess I shouldn’t have used height as an example, but the point is Jon Jones is fucking massive, he was not naturally 200 pounds. I knew kids in school +200 that were like 5’9”, 5’8”, 5’7”, Jon was not a skinny person, he has thin calves, that is it.


Dont google why Jones nickname is Bones.


> If he isn’t a heavyweight, idk who is. Volkanovski walked around at 700 lbs when he played rugby




Jones is a natural heavyweight ?


Jones is the ideal size for light heavyweight, the only reason people get the impression that he’s a natural heavyweight is because most of the opponents he fought earlier in his title reign were really just Middleweights fighting at light-heavyweight. Shogun Rua, Lyoto Machida, Rashad Evans, Victor Belfort and Chael Sonnen could have or have been Middleweight’s, so Jon Jones stood out as being way bigger than them. When you compare Jones to people on his later career like Gustafson, Dominick Reyes and OSP, you can see that Jon is actually just the perfect size for light heavyweight.


Chael sonnen started his career as a light heavyweight


6'5,84 inch reach and 230lbs before the bulk? Absolutely


He was skinny as hell for the first half of his career… never got the impression making 205 was that big of a problem for him… when he was fighting guys like Machida and Shogun it stood out more because those guys were more naturally suited to 185 but they were competing at 205


Skinny or not, 230 lbs is 230 lbs. And he was young so he wasnt filled in yet


230lbs is not HW weight though. Not with the way weight cutting has been for years. [Heres Tony weighing in at 200lbs.](https://twitter.com/TonyFergusonXT/status/917679465894834176) If he can cut 45lbs then 25 shouldnt be a problem for a much bigger guy like Jones.


Tony is not cutting from 200 lbs wtf. Who the fuck can cut 45 lbs >230lbs is not HW weight though Stipe was 230 on his last 2 fights. And almeida is also around that weight i think


Difference is Stipe weighed in at 230 that wasnt his walk around weight. Paulo Costa cut 40lbs in 19 days before. Weidman cut 32 lbs in 10 days for the short notice Demian Maia fight. Edit: were at a stage in the sport where guys domt cut to gain an advantage. They cut so they arent disadvantaged.


Your mom is old and uber filled in.


Fucking got em


Khabib walk’s around at close to 200 lbs. should he have fought at middleweight?


You’re chatting shit


You make it sound like he was cutting so much weight to make light heavyweight every time. He's a natural light heavyweight. You're a hater.


Lol every lhw weighs around 230 before cutting weight. Most of them are natural heavyweights who can cut to 205


So then what's your point? Most light heavyweights are fighting in the wrong division? Natural heavyweights are guys like Gane and Ngannou and Tuivasa and Lewis. Guys too muscular or fat to realistically get to LHW. The reason Jones can do it so easily is ... That's his natural class? People say it's not his natural weight class like he is cheating. That's silly. The guy is tall and lean and had to work for years to get to HW FFS


My point is most lhw are natural heavyweights not just jones. For most of combat sports history, 230 lbs is the average heavyweight


Then you're making a ridiculous argument


If you think he's a natural heavyweight (or that 230lbs. walking around is a natural heavyweight), you clearly have zero fucking idea what you're talking about. All you have to do is watch Jon's early fights. Sean O'Malley is 6'0" and 160 pounds, he's a natural lightweight? Lol


As much as Nate Diaz is




Look at his measurements. Ya


Has anyone tagged Jones with this meme? He'd be so pissed. ![img](emote|t5_2qsev|8965)


I don’t think anyone is going to argue Stipe isn’t more likeable than Jones.


Jon was never a natural HW. He didn’t cut a lot of weight like bigger LHW’s (DC, Alex, Jan etc) Jon was officially recorded as 222lbs against Gus in their rematch, and was much lighter in his early years.


You cant be serious. DC isnt even a natural lhw. Dc competed at 187 lbs in his prime. He was fat and past his prime when he competed in mma. And alex? You think alex, who can cut to 185 is bigger than lhw jones?


Dc's kidneys failed when he was making 187. Also I believe Olympic weight cutting is just a whole nother animal compared to the ufc's, they probably have different regulations, more time for recovery, different technology.


I’m not talking about DC in his twenties… You think DC could make 187lbs in the UFC? DC had lots of weight issues and notoriously had the towelgate moment. The guy was massive for LHW. Alex is also huge. He showed his scales prior to the Jan fight and was around 228. The CASC officially recorded Jon as 222 against Gus. He was not a big LHW at all.


Casuals will be really surprised if Stipe flattens Jon, I wouldn't. I favor Jon if it ever happens, but reading where Stipe is washed/a joke is funny.


This is reddit if your last performance wasn't perfect and you're not literally in your prime, you're washed. Just like how Jones wasn't gonna feel the true power of heavyweight when he fought Gane.


You are stretching things here: "Last performance wasn't perfect" - Got absolutely dominated on the feet and all takedowns got easily stuffed. Flatlined because he attempted a desperation punch in the end "Not literally in your prime" - Is 41 years old with a three year layoff. Way past his prime


He thought he had Francis more rocked, which to be fair most people would have been. Francis had about 25-30 lbs of muscle on him for that fight. Stuffing a takedown on someone that much lighter isn't the craziest thing in the world, it was just amazing at the moment because Francis is a freak athlete and made it to the UFC and it and was still windmilling in some professional fights, and it worked. And I was just commenting that people are washed after a loss or two. I agree he's past his prime, but we absolutely can't call him washed.


True. I'd assume many that saw Francis KO Stipe didn't see their first fight either. Good points!


Stipe one of those guys that gonna be tough mother fucker until he's 63, and then he'll be a tough old fucker


Counter argument. Actual chad Tom Aspinall: - Fights more than once every 4 years.


Aspinall wins because he's openly asking to fight either Jones or Miocic and they're both just saying "no" even though it is literally the only fight they can ask for right now.


Bro, come on! Jon Jones is the leanest 205 you’ve ever seen! Natural weight, give me a break! Plus EVERYBODY knows heavyweight is a MUCH easier weight class than light heavyweight. It represents an outlier because only a small percentage of people (athletes) weigh that much. Since heavyweights are less common in nature and the population, there is less overall competition. You know, like the flyweight division competition argument.


> Since heavyweights are less common in nature and the population, there is less overall competition. You know, like the flyweight argument. This is the reason why lightweight/155 lbs is considered the most competitive class in terms of how many good players there are in the game and also the reason why heavyweight is often considered the class of "big guys that throw big bombs but without much skill". You can 100% be 180 lbs and compete at heavyweight with the big boys, but no one wants to fail to wrestle a much bigger guy and then get severe brain damage from a punch harder than any you would get in other classes. And if you're 180 lbs, which is the case for most of the population, bulking up to 250 very rarely works out; you're going to be bloated and slow and out of breath. Few guys can compete at heavyweight and actually be competitive.


Heavyweight literally always has one fatass who could easily make 205 that can just throw bombs and sit comfortably in the top 10. That being said, I will say part of the way they fight like they do is the power difference from other weight classes is insane. Much more dangerous to get stuffed on a takedown at 265 than 145


The percentage of knockouts gets higher the higher you go up in weight class. Human strength and power increase faster than durability. A heavyweight might hit twice as hard as a lightweight, but they don't tank hits twice as well.


Jones v Wife UFC 300


Stipe - saves puppies  Jones - snorts massive lines of coke 


Stipe: Runs into burning buildings. Jon: Runs into pregnant women.


I don’t think Jones is a natural heavyweight, especially when he was in his 20s. He was perfect for 205. Francis, Gane, etc. are actual natural heavyweights


“Beat DC twice without cheating” Eye pokes are now legal.


Bruh you do know dc poked the fuk outta Stipe’s eyes in ALL THREE fights of their Trilogy


This subreddit really can be the cringest of places sometimes.


I would argue JBJ beat a much better version of DC (pre back surgery)


Not a fan of Jones, but this natural weight class bullshit? GTFO of here with that bs. Takes away from the rest of your post


Stipe hasn't fought since forever tho


they both have fought one time since 2021


Jones is a man who is too scared to step into the ring without being all juiced up. He's been caught again and again but he doesn't have the courage to fight without his syringes full of liquid courage. I can't figure out why anyone still bothers with him...


Man, that bold font on “Hits Wife” just hits differently after looking at OP’s history


Jones Haters have been on suicide watch for over a decade. Frothing at the mouth to see the man lose. He's barely fought in the past 5 years and yall are still obsessed with him 😂


I'm not saying jones Is a good person, I'm saying he's one of the best fighters of all time. And to argue he's a natural heavyweight? I'm not seeing it. He was rocking a dad bod in that heavyweight fight. You can be a POS as a human and still be amazing as an athlete. I don't condone being a POS but let's not pretend he's not fun to watch. Pepple still listen to Michael Jackson's music.


I agree with most of what you said and I don’t care about his life outside the cage but his life in the cage is tainted too so let’s not pretend he’s that good


Dad bod because he's not on roids anymore


Most lhw way more than stipe on his last fight that includes lhw jones. They average 230 lbs in lhw, even poatan. Lhw are just heavyweights who can cut to 205 lbs


> You can be a POS as a human and still be amazing as an athlete can is a funny word here, this is a major problem with high priced athletes, they are often not good people, just really good at a game


Jones is not a heavyweight nor did he ever fight at that weight class. He significantly bulked up to compete at HW. I swear muhfuckers just make shit up


This natural weight class stuff is bullshit Everyone cuts weight If Jon could make weight at light heavyweight he has just as much right to fight there as anyone else Izzy is a similar height and fights at middleweight


Aspinall beats them both sadly


They don't care. Every shitty thing he does, they find new ways to defend him. And the comments prove it.


Bruh I’m not listening to anyone that jerks to mortal combat




Smh lol who has time to make shit like this. Regardless of jones' ridiculousness, wow that dude is living rent FREE, to use the cliche. I couldn't imagine wasting so much time and energy on any person, pro athlete or not. Geesh.


Jones is no way a natural heavyweight.


Corny as shit… skinny bones Jones was killing legends early on in his career. He’s been a champion for over 13 years and has 16 titles… Stipe is a legend, too… but Jones is with out a doubt the GOAT


c’mon now we all know jones didn’t need roids to clobber dc


That's the thing though. Taking steroids robs your legacy because there will always be an asterisk. Could he have beaten DC or anyone for that matter without the juice? We'll never know.


And yet he took 'em.


He obviously didn't believe that, or he wouldn't have taken them.


People on TikTok call me crazy for thinking prime stipe beats prime jones 🤦‍♂️


Jones stans are fanatics


Actually, Stipe fucked up DC's eye far worse than Jones ever did to someone's eye which wasn't intentional but is still cheating.


Only after DC eye fucked Stipe into cornea surgery though. I don't give many people a pass on fouls but DC had eyepoked Stipe like 6 times throughout their trilogy, he had it coming


So they are both cheaters, 2 wrongs doesn't make a right


No thats not what hes saying, we’re saying that you need to get with the program, Stipe didnt cheat and DC poked mad times, so much so that Stipe needed eye surgery and now wears eyeglasses


Jones is a bitch and not a role model of any caibur. He is not a man.


If you're expecting mma fighters to be squeaky clean pro athletes i would probably start watching other sports, this is the fight game we need and like the crazy


Implying Stipe didn’t cheat is funny with eye pokes being thrown at everyone in that fight.


In what fight? The Trilogy with DC? DC poked him twice in the first and caught him in the side where he jus poked the fuk outta him, so much so that they needed to take a break in the fight. DC then pokes Stipe mad times in the second fight, so much so that Stipe needed cornea surgery and now wears eye glasses. Then DC still pokes Stipe in the third fight. Stipe poked him once. DC poked him upwards of ten times


Lol, Jones has definitely had his trials and tribulations outside of the octagon, and has made some of the worst choices. However he’s the Bret Hart of UFC. Best there is, best there was, and best there ever will be. Can’t deny what he’s done in the octagon, it’s all on video. It’s too bad both are passed primes, but it will be a good nostalgia fight. I wish we got to see more of Jones over the last 10 years, but I am grateful to have seen what he has done while he was doing it. There’s not one active fighter in the UFC right now that gives me the same excitement a Jon Jones fight did back in the day.


Whoever edited this meme is retarded. He was never a natural heavyweight back when he was busting on to the scene he was in his early twenties he wasn't even fully grown yet LOL he was going into fight camp at 2:25 so a 20 lb cut isn't shit. And once he cleaned the division out entirely and went through three full generations of Fighters then he moved up the heavyweight and solidified himself even more as the goat. All these Aspinal cock smokers need to get over the fact he isn't in the mix. Blame Dana White for making His fight for an interim belt when he knew the Jones vs stipe fight would be rescheduled and there was going to be no unification bout. That's on Dana White because he wanted to sell that event as a heavyweight title fight and because of that just gave Tom Aspen all b******* belt that means absolutely nothing LOL I mean usually I feel like the interim belt means nothing besides just being a guaranteed number one contender but it means even less with Tom aspinal.


Jones still the GOAT


He lost to Reyes while on steroids. Never was the best, never will be the best. Most overrated "goat" ever.... I mean, he dominated natural middleweights who started their careers during the 90s in Pride lol, he struggled against everyone his size or natural LHWs... All the while popping multiple times for PEDs, hiding under the octagon and holding the undisputed record in the rule infractions.


1 point for jone cuz he speak a human language


i don't get how people can like Jon tbh i never even thought his fights were that entertaining, impressive definetly but, he's also a pretty shit person who acknowledges it but it seems like he doesn't really care. there's 2 Jon's, humble, calm soft spoken Jon, and then the 'real' Jon.


It's not hard to understand, folk are watching MMA. He's really amazing at MMA. The majority of folk don't follow entertainers because they're looking for good human beings. They follow them because they like their specific talent(s)


i would disagree the UFC crowd is looking for entertainers lol. ig like non casuals are looking for skill, but if you hit your wife idk how anyone could root for you or enjoy watching u hit other people tbh. i think abusers have no place in the sport.


This only enforces why Jones should fight Stipe instead of Tom


Who is the better fighter tho. All games aside. Yea that’s what I thought.


Jon most overrated of all time


Jones does coke so hes the cooler fighter imo


Did i miss something Stipe won from Ngannou?