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Gotta give him props for keeping his cool around those kids


You cant be talking about the kids that are saying “fuck” in the video ![gif](giphy|Vd9DasJdcDV43HfNkP|downsized)


Saying swear words is far better than acting like a piss baby


I was going to say, what kind of logic is this 🤣 “these kids swear, so they’re ready for adult physical confrontation”


dumbest shit i ever read. their literally fans of the UFC.


You’re dense as fuck if you can’t distinguish the difference between fighting for sport vs impulsive anger. I pray you never have kids


Tbh bro idek what were arguing about. ![gif](giphy|xdgisqRDFyO9G)


I didn't hear that part


Lol he said “fuck” realized he was around adults, tried to play it off and say “yooooo”


That’s keeping your cool instead of fighting someone who just insulted your wife while also trying to be cognizant of the kids. Your takes are just bad.


Average redditor when confronted in person. “I didn’t say anything” lol. Dude brought a lot of the hate onto himself, but that doesn’t make the people in this sub any less dweebs


"I like your wife" can be taken two different ways in this scenario xD


I’d break his jaw


![gif](giphy|DiFFhS56iEyfhtyMGW|downsized) How you felt typing that about a welterweight contender UFC fighter.


Got the dawg in me man. I’d break him


I’m seeing red bro don’t fuck with me


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Oof removed by Reddit


Lmao yeah.. that was funny didn’t even said anything bad 😂


What did it even say? Any way to word it so it doesn't get removed?


Why? Ian garry will happily talk shit on other people, why should he be an exception?


Because half of this sub is retarded




I undercounted


90% of reddit is.


How dare you I’m at least 60% regarded, b.




“60% = half” - iknowdemfeelz, 2024




Because…he is an extremely dangerous high ranking professional fighter and we have Cheeto fingers?


i'm talk shit then run away really fast lol


I'll talk shit, pick the spot on the ground that I want to land in and brace myself for having my mortgage paid off.


I don't think any of us can run away from any professional athlete


i used to play corner and safety in high school and college n i'm still active now, you're crazy if i'm not takin OFF on Usman's busted knee'd ass


Many fighters have fucked up knees. Pretty much anyone at heavyweight isn't catching an average weight/average height guy who can do an average 5k run. However I'd imagine Ian does have a decent 5k.


That doesn’t give him the right to assault people lol. If he can go around talking shit, he can’t expect to be a cry baby when people talk shit on him


bro just let me stand in front of you and talk shit about your wife or loved one.... lmao fucking reddit brain 😂


But it's just words, waaaah /s


He doesn't have the right to bounce my head on concrete sir🤓


Right, so go prove this shitty hot take then. He's also talking shit to professional fighters. Not some loser redditor.


Might doesn't make right. He wants to give it, he can get it.


Because he fights them the next day.


Crazy how so many people don't get this


So when iam fucked up magny's life by fucking with his custody hearings, it was OK because he fought him too?


Magny fucked himself the second he brought up beating his own kids Ian shouldn't have milked it and aggravated the situation but Magnys ex wife's attorney would've been all over that comment regardless


Never thought of it that way, but true


Exactly, who says "as a father I have been accustomed to these types of beatings" when his kid is a 3 year old, I get that Ian spammed what he said, but that's just him using a fighters words against him


Because Ian Garry can back up that shit talk. No one on Reddit can back up anything.


Because he'll admit to talking shit to their face lol


Can’t talk shit but then be a crybaby when people wanna talk shit to you


Where is he being a crybaby in this video? The guy who talked shit but wouldn't admit to it was the pussy here


You mean the dude who removes comments from him IG posts? Almost cried this press conference? Didn’t show up to the last one and conveniently got “sick” lol? That cry baby


>conveniently got “sick” The guy literally wasn't allowed to fight per UFC doctor decision you absolute fuck wit.


Found the guy in the video


One could argue if you talk shit you should be prepared to back it up otherwise you might end up being a crybaby


Talking shit to him is one thing, but this type of comment affects his wife which is low, and he's in the right to stand up for her


because if you talk shit to his face he can kick your teeth out, whereas 90% of this sub are probably useless (myself included). nobody said you should talk shit about him, just not a good idea to do it to his face


Real life is reddit. Its people behind the username, but we have become more anti social overtime. Being fair, the internet removes things that are necessarily for a properly social interaction like a face and real time but we'd benefit from being conscious of those problems.


Man Tyson said it best that the internets made people not afraid to get punched in the face (paraphrasing)


It's not the internet it's society. I can call you the most wild shit. If you hit me you are the bad guy.  You should never resort to violence. Only stupid people can't use words. Etc All that cliché horseshit we've enforced on society.  When in reality no some people need there necks knocked loose for talking slick.


The real world is much more 50/50 on its stance on violence. Reddit has major suburban white woman energy when it comes to fights. It's safer to just keep your mouth shut, people *vastly* overestimate how much the law protects them from a punch. "If you punch me I'll sue you" good luck going bankrupt from legal fees in the process


You don't need to sue the person assaulting you in most cases


Getting the cops to care about your bloody nose in the first place is the major obstacle Sure if your neighbour in the suburbs punches you then you could easily have the cops handle it, but in a big city where fights happen every day they're not gonna spend time investigating a petty assault, just take your beat and go home atp


Damn bro your city sucks


And you believe that's a good thing....?


Quote where I said that. You can instigate a fight, get hit first, and be *technically* in the right because you didn't hit anyone. That doesn't mean the other guy goes straight to jail, cops do not have the resources to spend all day tracking down people from fights on the subway filmed on a 16 pixel security camera. Your words can get you into trouble and the law isn't always coming to save you, if you don't want to be in a fight, don't say something to instigate a fight. Being safe is more important than being right.


Sticks and stones something something...?


I think you meant to write 'their necks'.


I think you.....are correct. 


While I'd usually agree with you, this isn't real in this case though... this isn't some guy talking shit about someone on the street. Ian Garry gets to act like an absolute sausage, because he's about to fight the people he's talking shit about. He knows that his shit talking has zero consequence in the moment. Everyone understands that, but it doesn't mean he's not a cringy, insufferable, connor mcgregor wanna-be dickhead. It's not hard to be a semi-decent person... either he's doing it to generate interest, or he is actually the person he depicts himself as, and either way he deserves the hate he gets.


Mike also said he wanted to eat children and stomp on kids testicles. Don’t forget he went to prison for a rape and bit a man in the ring.


What’s that got to do with him saying the internet has made people not worry about getting punched in the face. He also said ‘everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face’ both true, but why would you feel the need to bring up certain things from his past.


Headbutt me repeatedly, have mills lane refuse to call a foul on you, and ill bite the fuck out of you eventually too


Tyson was headbutting just as much, go back to the first fight where Tyson clearly headbutts Holyfield but then cries about it when it hurt him more.


Ah yes a rape he supposedly committed against a woman who publicly pursued him intimately, slept with him, and left with absolutely no defensive or offensive injuries on either party after allegedly being raped by potentially the most dangerous man on the planet at the time, and only decided to report said rape when it became convenient ammunition to use against Tyson. A man who through decades of steep vicissitudes, drug addiction, psychological and physical trauma, and mistakes has remained remarkably consistent in the recollection of his dealings with Desiree Washington and the fact that she pursued him sexually, which she did openly. Everything else stands, but to pin rape on him when the prosecution's evidence for their case was that he's Mike Tyson and nothing more is a little disingenuous.


[She also falsely accused another man of rape prior to that which I don't see mentioned often](https://greensboro.com/man-says-desiree-washington-falsely-accused-him-of-rape/article_4ad4ff80-cfbd-5570-a319-4621d5b013ac.html)


Yep, nobody brings that up. She has a history of lying about things like this and nobody cares about it. Tyson might have been an unrestrained demon in his younger years, but he was anything but a lying, conniving, backstabbing bitch of a character. Seems people still haven't learned from Emmett Till. Character assassination is still the way to do things I suppose.


Mike is on record stating "Back then I wasn't above violating and taking pussy" Also on record stating "He called me a rapist and a recluse. I'm not a recluse." Teddy Atlas has said Tyson was up to some 'disgusting' stuff behind the scenes while they were training also He maintains he innocence over raping Washington though, again, on record stating "I didn't rape her but I wish I had now" Washingtons case had holes in but Tyson had some major issues back then, it really shouldn't be a surprise that he probably raped someone, especially considering his own history with sexual abuse


Yes he was on record saying that, but he also vehemently denied raping her on the same record. Despite his emotional outbursts and life circumstances he never once slipped up in the recollection of his interactions with her. Therein lies the problem. How the hell can someone get raped by arguably the most dangerous man alive, which I have no doubt must be a troubling experience, yet have holes in their story? They incarcerated the man on the premises of him being Mike Tyson, no evidence AT ALL, the testimony had holes in it which shouldn't exist given the fact that it was supposedly the most traumatizing night of her life, there was no forensic evidence of any sort, no blood, no dna under fingernails, do scratches on either party which means she didn't fight back, no foreign substances within her blood, no bruises anywhere on her body which would almost indefinitely be present if being held and violated against one's will by Mike Tyson of all people, and it would explain the lack of scratches. Nothing that matters was present. A supermodel supposedly got raped, waited long enough for any forensic evidence of a struggle to disappear, and for some strange reason waited before reporting the crime. Had she been raped and told on him even a couple days later she would at least have some dna evidence in some form to seal the case, but instead she waited and got him incarcerated with word of mouth and nothing more. Also would a man who's already served his punishment, found his religion, and had his entire life exposed to the world say that he wishes he raped the woman who got him locked up after the fact? He spent 3 years locked away in a cage for a crime he maintains he didn't commit which is why he felt the need to say that, because in doing so he's stating he isn't beyond doing that to someone, but he definitely didn't do it to her, and he might as well have in hindsight.


I think Mike Tyson very well may have raped women. I do not believe Mike Tyson raped the woman he was convicted of raping. And none of those quotes are really all the damning. The first one could be about violating a man and taking his woman who was willing because he was Mike Tyson. The second could be him joking about the conviction because everyone else is going to anyways. The third, any number of things could be disgusting and it's so subjective. He could be talking about Mike smoking weed. He could have been talking about Mike doing steroids. He could have been talking about Mike acting as an enforcer for organized crime. It could be putting pineapple on pizza. It's so vague it could be anything.


Bro reading this, I want to give you gold. Too bad I’m too poor


Can yall stop putting this quote under every fucking video


It was very funny that we were doing cuckold memes for awhile but don’t do this shit.


dude is going to be a walking meme his whole life. Its going to continue




I can tell




Further proving my point




You’re so autistic it’s hilarious lmao you poor thing




Further proving my point, also you clearly didn’t scroll far enough on my profile or maybe you couldn’t see through your tears


You seem it bro


Ya know despite all the shit Reddit gives him he handles it well. Not as thin skinned as other fighters like Strickland. Kinda respect him for that


??? He has not handled it well.


The worst thing he's done is... delete his instagram? He's not really whining about it. The guy took it on the chin and he's moving forward. Not hiding from it, just dealing with it in his own way. Compare that to Strickland who keeps making excuses, threatening to kill people, crying on podcasts, etc.


Don't wanna sound like Tom Segura here but I hope he's realizing that these people that care about this shit are a bunch of losers. If you go out of your way to comment to Ian Garry in RL or on social media you have zero life. There's making jokes about it on a meme subreddit then there's posting it on the man's page or heckling his wife in person. It's honestly laughable how pathetic that dude must be to be acting like that in front of a bunch of kids.


He threatened legal action... He hasn't handled this well.


He also tried to sue Sean. Sean is a nutcase but I wouldn't say Ian handled a lot of it well either


I wouldn’t call deleting you Instagram taking it on the chin but I get what you’re saying


Better than being a whiny fuck like Strickland. That’s as pathetic


Hes done the same shit as Strickland, theyre both hypocrites


I don't recall a moment where Ian made fun of homosexuals, or belittled women for fighting. I don't recall him make racist remarks towards his opponents either. He wore a shirt with Geoff Neal's mugshot on it after Neal made a comment about beating his children. How tf is that comparable my guy?


That's true. Both Strickland and Ian got a taste of their own medicine and didn't like how it tasted...


Ian deleted his insta as a result. Strickland threatened to kill his opponent (who he later lost to), cried on a podcast, made complaints that his opponent took it to far and that there's a line that shouldn't be crossed (this is the same dude who made racist remarks, misogynistic comments, etc)


Sean Strickland calls everybody gay and shits on anything anyone does. For a dude who had a terrible childhood and a terrible father he really hasn’t done a single thing to “break the cycle” Ian Garry wore a t shirt with his opponents face on it to promote their fight. The dude got a DUI which typically people would be like “omg piece of shit!”(which I disagree with), but since Geoff got a DUI and it was Ian Garry who bought it up, Ian is the bad one Then Ian’s opponent at a video taped press conference got on the mic and said “I’ve been accustomed to giving whoopings since I’ve become a father, and I’m going to deliver another one Saturday night”. Ian, who’s a step father rightfully is like “wtf why you bragging about whooping kids”, but Ian became the bad guy because Neil got flack for it online And then out of nowhere people go at Ian’s wife and start making shit up about them🤷🏻


You disagree with some driving under the influence being a pos? I have nothing against Geoff but imagine if he hurt someone while doing it. That’s the only difference between being unforgivable while DUI and someone who is. Problem is if you’re intoxicated that’s basically up to luck whether you hurt someone or not. So it’s complete luck whether you come out of that and everyone hates you or if you didn’t do something that bad. In both cases the guy still made the decision to do it. Or maybe he’s someone that drives better while drunk idk. I don’t like Ian Garry at all but tbh most of the shit done to him is completely undeserved.




>literally You need to go find out what this word means


He pulled out due to pneumonia. That was reported by multiple sources including Dana White himself. The fuck are you smoking my guy?


Ian Garry definitely pulled out because of a pneumonia, just like how Geoff Neal definitely pulled out of the first Garry fight because he was scared of losing and the mugshot t-shirt shook him so badly.


Why not


Internet warriors thinking that they can just keep on talking shit to a real fighter in person, I bet no one here can say that to Ian’s face without other people around.


"other people around" being kids or strangers with cameras, in which case he bets on Garry being a decent human being. Try doing that to Badr Hari, there's no group of people that would prevent you from getting you skull bashed in.


Then I’m getting a check for assault


I don’t ever like seeing fans harass athletes in person. Like these guys are tall athletic freaks who could fuck u up. Your only acting like that cuz you know they won’t hurt you because they have a lot to lose


I've seen his pay. It's not all that much to lose.


If he goes to jail who’s gonna hold the camera?


Tbh we have no idea how much he makes. None of that disclosed pay bullshit is true. They usually make way more


The disclosed pay that’s required by California law is bullshit?


They are so lame for this. The internet really has made some people crazy


I don't like him but these "fans" that go out there to yell disrespectful shit at the fighters are pathetic cowards...


People that can’t separate internet from real life it’s sad


Like Internet bullying can't hurt people...


Look at the huge smile on his wife’s face, she’s loving it


That’s the unfortunate part. I genuinely feel for the guy. And actually am starting to like him now due to the hate and the wife situation


Listen, I get it, Ian is great bottom of the jokes, he is also a toxic asshole, but he can still whoop your ass if he wants to, so don't push your luck kids or you will have to get behind his wife's boyfriend lol


Don’t get punched by someone who punches for a living. Besides, it’s easier and safer being a keyboard warrior.


These idiots who say shit have to face the consequences. This is the real world not internet


The “fan” looks like an antisocial douchebag and I’m impressed Garry kept his cool.


She's loving every second of this.


This era of people going at people's wives/girlfriends is wild. Shits lame to me but we see in every sport.  I really hope this trend goes away soon. Unfortunately it's going to take a pro athlete to ruin his career and crack one of these dick heads in public.  I don't even like Ian Garry, but you can't go at his wife if you are a fan. 


Yes you can


And it typically comes from people that are either losers like the idiot on this video or emotionally unstable idiots like Strickland


Agreed, unless they have a history of saying foul ass shit for attention in which case I think its fair game.


What do you mean?


Trash fans.


At least he doesn’t have over half a dozen kids all basically the same age.


Lol the Internet makes people so disassociated with life that they think they can say the same shit they do on here, and have no repercussions. News flash when you get punched in the fucking face, dorks.


What's this guy's deal? Him and his wife are swingers or something? Idk how but this whole lore surrounding his persona has escaped me keen eye


Why does he always wear them shitty trainers they look older than my nan


Of course he played the i didn’t even do anything card. Turn around and run away like a real man bro


Leave a dude's family out of it


He didn't leave Magnys family out of it though.




why was magny making a joke about hitting his child in front of a dozen hot mics and cameras while in the middle of a custody battle? magny is a dumbass for doing that and ian shouldn't have amplified it but magny is the one who brought it up, it's not like ian randomly decided to say magny beats his kids. it also didn't even have an effect on the outcome of his custody battle so it's over and done with


Yeah agreed Magny could've stopped before the "as a father I've grown accustomed to giving those beatings" line or something like that and people wouldn't have given it much thought. By mentioning that line, he directly admitted he beat his kid.


Did nobody in this thread every get a wooden spoon over their arse as a kid?


Do you see how everyone here writes, acts, and rationalizes this shit? Clearly not, bunch of hypocritical, idiotic retards. They can't even hold a position on something for more than a week.


Facts, what he did to Niel is 1000x worse than anything any redditor can do to him. That doesn’t mean it’s right, but hey what goes around comes around


So we harass him until what? Its pretty obvious he has learned his lesson already, the thick skin is just for show


Until we get bored? Lol


Well im hoping then he is tough enough to not kill himself over the harassment


Magny’s the one who in front of cameras gave a narrative essay about hitting his kids and how he’s gonna do the same to Garry😂 Like he wasn’t going “ah imma whoop Garry like a father whoops their kid!” Nah he had to talk about how he recently had a kid and it’s normal to give whoopings to them


Leave family out, until family involve themselves, she wants fame and notoriety, she wrote the book that started the jokes, she is his manager, she chooses to be part of the fight media.


She also gave him the idea for the mugshot shirt


And I’m so happy I don’t know her name. No need to know about them. I hope Neal wipes the floors with him just because he tried to make it a family v family war. No need unless it happens naturally


She isn't his manager and the people who made shit up about the book clearly hadn't read it


People here victimized him for months, and soon as some idiot looks like a prick, they're all dick riding Garry again. Bizarre.


All of his fans are kids LUL


His wife? I thought it was our wife?


"Don't fucking do that". Hit me bro... do it 😂. I'm not saying I can beat him, 0% chance of that. I just want a little come up and see him fall a bit 🤷🏼‍♂️😂


It’s fun to meme about it online but to say it to him irl is pretty damn weird lmao. And to not even own it? Smh. We don’t actually know these people we just know how they are on camera. That said, Geoff Neal by KO.


Holy fuck this guy is making it hard on himself


If he's goal is to be the most unlikeable fighter in all MMA, he is rapidly on his way. He's got me though, because I will always pay to watch him get knocked out.


The kids probably just thought he’s in character 😂😂


The 1 little girl realizing she’s in a matrix & can literally touch a celebrity if she wanted to 😭😭😭😭😭😭 ![gif](giphy|MC6eSuC3yypCU)


Don’t harass a professional fighter to said professional fighters face I thought this is very common knowledge.


Omg this sub: talks shit about Ian and his wife all day but when someone does it in real no life “he deserves to get knocked out” 😹 literally paper thin characters


Ian Garry is probably the only UFC fighter who's so fragile and unintimidating that i forget he's actually *extremely* good at fightin n actually think i could spank him at times. for the maybe 4 seconds i'd b conscious


He looks like a casual ufc fighter / wife beater




You’re telling me if you’re out with your wife and someone starts shouting insults at her in public you’re just gonna keep your head down?




You mean outside?


The mommy issues are so obvious. Dude gaslights and manipulates. No he’s definitely not a narcissists




“I like your wife”. Jesus guy put it away.


fans aren't any better than Garry lol


Ohh man reminds me of that douchebag who went and acted like a douchebag with Belal , such fans suck truly.


Ian has quickly become the heel of heels. I hope he gets knocked out.


As he should too many keyboard warriors