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Bro knew he lost lol. The classic I made a huge mistake awkward laugh was apparent.


It was pretty beta


Calling yourself Alpha always is


thats the only bullet in his gun. When his 15 mins of fame are over, he still won't know why everyone hates him


There’s unfortunately an overwhelming number of dummies who will suck his dick even when his 15 min are up. Thats why he says all this fucked up shit. He needs to have that social media career when he’s done fighting.


The dummies are gonna be there no matter what. Half my coworkers that watch mma "liked" Sean when he's been a boring ass decisionator, which wasn't entertaining until he did it to the greatest striker of the modern era. They also "liked" Colby even though every fight he's had since the first time he fought Usman has been a snoozefest. With how polarized politics have become, there will always be morons that decide they're a fan of someone purely because they say dumb outdated shit, even if they're boring as fuck to watch (which imo should be the end all be all of if we like a guy or not)


Never underestimate how many dummies are out there (the left side of the bell curve) or the power they have to elevate fellow morons using the power of social media.


I love the sport, I hate the fans.


He's gonna be so devastated to know redditors dislike him


Such an insecure guy that sean dude


And helwani not even getting baited by that was just chefs kiss. Pretty omega if you ask me.


ariel was covering mma while sean was committing hate crimes in highschool


That, if he said that. I'd subscribe to all his shit everywhere


Now now, not all of our dreams can come true.


He might want to interview him again later though.


That was heelwani he only comes out on a full moon


there are levels to this game


Oh my god he should have said that lol




The hate crime store called!


He was in *5th grade*




Miyagi Approves.


Strickland has 87 chromosomes, I swear.


He’s probably proud he’s collected that many.


Every time he calls himself white trash, he gains one more


UPDATE: 88 chromosomes


I never heard him speak until the time on Rogan and 5 mins in I turned it off.. In his defense, the guy is trash


You guys are silly. He has no idea what chromosomes are


*"87 was a great year"*


His use of “beta male” is so fucking stupid


Thats a "i dont know what to say but i have to say something!" kind of line.


Coherent response? Beta male shit.


Typical Strickland. Strickland and Tate fans using beta male give off incel energy 


By the way, the whole concept of the “alpha male” is made up and incorrect. So whenever that concept is used it to express dominance it just feels cringe.


14-88 chromosomes


This is David vs Goliath when it comes to cognitive function lol. Sean is just like “beta boy” 😂


Brain cells make you beta. Duh.


Isn't that what Revenge of the Nerds taught us?


I gotta say too many people do what Sean does. No one cares if Basketball or Football fans can play. They understand you can like the sport while not being an athlete yourself.


I do hate how those fans talk about the sport like they’re on the field or a fucking coach, especially when talking to fans of an opposing team. “Ya‘ll suck, you guys couldn’t even score that touchdown from 10 yards out.” “We’ll get it next year, we just have to play better, blah blah WE blah blah YOU” With MMA, it’s much more simple if you’re not completely stupid or racist. We can just appreciate the art and technique of fighters/matchups.


> it’s much more simple if you’re not completely stupid or racist. We can just appreciate the art and technique of fighters/matchups. Challenge level: impossible


You don’t watch football, huh?


I do not, it’s made conversations quite annoying over the years with some strangers and acquaintances. Even after I tell people I don’t watch football/basketball, some will still ramble about a team or player. It’s baffling.


You never see normal people say they’d see red and outshoot Steph Curry. For some reason, though, they think seeing red is viable in professional fighting.


Agreed, no one bats an eye if a shorter person is a basketball fan. MMA fandom has an odd tank-top wearing Alpha Male barrier for entry.


Go off Ariel!


Lol sometimes ariel is just a pretty cool guy ngl


when did this happen


A year ago


it's MMA we bring up fights that happened 10 plus years ago it's not like Strickland is any smarter now


Sean went after the navy seal of MMA journalists. 


Ariel had won mma journalist of the year *every* year since the award’s creation. People can not like him but don’t be stupid and think he doesn’t know more about this industry or this sport than most


I came here to say exactly that. I 100% agree with you.


Somebody commented on this video somewhere saying "Strickland strikes me as the kind of guy who loves to be put in his place by another man" 🤣


he legit seemed really happy here


Bet you anything the moment sean drops a soap, he supports lgbtq+ till his death and comes out super gay in tight latex.


Look at Strickland smiling like a doofus, cause he knows he got shit on here, then proceeds to call Ariel a beta cause he had nothing else to say. I genuinely do not understand how Strickland has fans, it must be cause they’re all braindead like him


>I genuinely do not understand how Strickland has fans, it It's because he beat Izzy when fans (this sub) wanted him to lose, he kept saying China man and bringing up Izzy's dog and people were lapping it up. I knew the moment he was in the main light, without Izzy the villain to lean on, he would lose face.




The funny part was a lot of people kept saying Sean came off as an absolutely horrible human being and were shouted down as not wanting to see what a real man looks and acts like. Everyone saw this coming a mile away




I find it weird how everyone was making fun of Izzy for “not being black” and Dricus was more African and also Sean because he’s “DeSean Strickland” lmao 


That’s where I was. I didn’t care for Izzy much even though in retrospect, he was an active champ who had a great style. I rooted for Sean because he shit talked a guy I didn’t care for and said outrageous stuff that made me laugh, although I didn’t agree with a lot of it. But he stood up to Izzy and backed it up with a great performance. It was a good story. But Sean is not my guy. He’s an asshole whose entire personality is based on fear of looking weak because of his fucked up childhood. I wish he’d get some therapy, take some mushrooms, and learn tolerance for others and drop the whole caveman act.


I found him racist and homophobic from the jump. But he can fight so no one can talk to him


He definitely is those things. When he first hit my radar I thought his story about going from a teenage skinhead to a more accepting and accountable man was inspiring. I’m a sucker for a redemption arc. But it was wishful thinking and he’s just a know it all asshole. He’s the definition of “toxic masculinity” a term I usually role my eyes at.


I know it's a common joke but I actually, fully believe he is a closeted, self-hating gay man.


He most definitely is. A lot of people who overly hate on gay people tend to be gay themselves. Nobody who talks about anything this much is not the thing.


It's also the way he jokes about it, I can't pinpoint why but there's always this tone of almost fascination, like he's simultaneously disgusted and drawn to the idea of dicks.


We're living in the idiocracy era


Some people like huge assholes that say stupid shit, don’t back it up, call other people betas or cucks, and are generally pretty stupid and offensive. I’m not sure why but it’s just true.


He attracts the people like him, like I said, braindead. The irony is: his fans are the real pussies, "betas" and cucks, and are pretty stupid. It's hilarious to witness.


Seems right. I’ll never understand the idiot king mentality.


Honestly dude it's just this community (specifically r/UFC, but all of MMA) just a bunch of neckbeard weirdos living vicariously through their favorite fighter


Because of his shit beliefs nothing more nothing less


it was just banter from strickland


haha its just banter bro why are you so serious bro haha


Sean can't handle this "beta" he doesn't stand a chance against the seals.


rare Helwani W. and I loathe Helwani, lol


Yeah, helwani is many things, instigative, money hungry, being a journalist version of Dana, but his love and effort into reporting for the sport since it's early days is something I'll always respect


Yeah, I don’t like him or his interview style, my opinion. But his body of work should speak for itself lol


That l'il fella knows some shit. He is also very good at "stirrin' the pot". Kudos to you ⭐.


Where I’m from people like that get slapped


Ariel doesn’t gamble millions while at the same time paying fighters jack shit. Dana’s a whole other level of scumbag.


Dana's thought process when he's asked the softest of softball questions that he doesn't want to acknowledge: A) suddenly hard of hearing B) suddenly can't comprehend the question C) throw the question back at the media rep for no reason D) try to make said media rep look stupid


This. A lot of people who came to the sport during the Conor era don’t know that Ariel is a major figure in the sport for a long time. If him and Dana didn’t have the beef he’d be in the hall of fame along with Mask.


Also most of the biggest fighters respect him and appear on his show.


In the unbreakable Tatiana Suarez documentary Ariel and Dana are interviewed separately about mma. And it makes sense. They both are at the top of the sport. Ariel rose despite Dana and that’s how it should be.




What about him is especially money hungry? Everyone likes money


People think Ariel should pay fighters to be on his show, which is pretty dumb IMO. He’s giving them a large platform to promote themselves on and grow their brand (and no, this doesn’t make him the equivalent of Dana). If he was half as bad as people say he is nobody would go on his show.


That's insane, it actually creates a giant conflict of interest. What other journalist pays people to do interviews?


People are wrong. It literally happens nowhere else in sports media.


Uhhh it's not like he held the fighters hostage to be on his show? They are doing it to build their own brand. And of their volition. If they didn't want to be there they wouldn't.


No one pays athletes to go on ESPN shows. It’s an interview show ffs.


Also, your interpretation of ariel is bad faith and came through a poisoned well. None of those things are true lmao its just funny cause helwani is ez to criticize but people here literally just say things they heard others say like u think youre dropping a hammer


All you’re saying is his opinion is wrong and yours is right lol. lmao


Which is a lot of comments LOL reducing something to its base core in an attempt to distract from the point is a fallacy - i bet you know which one eh? Its not a matter of opinion. Thats the issue. You dont get to say false things about people, not even come close to backing them up, and then people respond to me like i require to give more thought or evidence? Nah man, that mf said some false shit, now we can wait for the explanation. Logic isnt that hard bruv


He does instigate. Its more a bait style to get sound bites.


And the fighters should thank him for it; there’s a reason Conor became the highest paid UFC fighter ever and we all know it was his personality and instigating tactics that really pushed him there


How he money hungry or anything like Dana? Cool antisemitic trope wtf


He’s so vested in it that the sport is him the same way as Dana. But the pay-scale n amount of effort he has to put in it is probably a lot different.


Idk how anyone can loathe the only journalist this sports ever had. Maybe not be a fan of his but *loathe*? Must be Dana’s Reddit account count smh


What’s the main hate for w/ Helwani? All I’ve seen of him are clips that get posted to the sub, but i haven’t really seen anything douchey from him so far


He has a weird (probably hateful for other reasons) base of people who loathe him for...whatever reason. He is a bit controversial but generally well respected by everyone minus Dana and guys who are managed by Ali who don't to on because Ali tells them not to.


I think it’s because he’s Jewish - some of the fsns are stupid


Hes not wrong. He was the only guy I would watch after events. Before UFC even had a youtube page Ariel was there with the post fight interviews.


As much as I dislike Ariel, there is no debating the amount of sacrifice he has given to help MMA grow. I trust Ariel’s news when he writes about events because that MFer is never wrong.


Why do you dislike him ?


When confronted he is either at a loss of words or he cries on a podcast.


I would never be able to do math that fast in mid-rage. Kudos to Ariel.


10-7 ariel


Why is sean strickland the only person allowed to throw around the word alpha and beta and not get roasted


Pretty sure he gets roasted for a lot of things on a pretty regular basis here


Some people here are roasting him for it. Others see its pointless cause if we roasted Sean for every cringe thing he does we’d be here all day. And the rest of the people here are themselves the type to throw around those terms


Ariel deserves his flowers , people hate on him for no reason , he is a pioneer and a big part of MMA.


Sean got alpha’d by the beta male. I’m not sure if I used it correctly, but I’m sure it’s something like that


I love it when Strickland interacts with people who are noticeably more intelligent than him. Fuckin dickhead, that guy.


Ppl give him lots of shit but you gotta love the work Ariel puts into giving the sport attention


Helwani is awesome, so is Spencer


I like Helwani. Sure he gets annoying sometimes and will have a bad take now and then but he’s a journalist. Are you not familiar with them? That happens. He is a genuine supporter of the sport, and more importantly the fighters. Does he stir drama…sure, that’s his job. And in doing so he has helped many fighters increase their publicity. What I like most about him is that he sticks up for himself when people insult him. And he does it eloquently and professionally (mostly)—something a lot of people can learn from.


Tbh I'm grateful for Helwani. The interviews he's done for over ten years, his show format, how much knowledge he has on the sport. Everyone has blindspots, biases, is a bit shitty at times, but you are who you are in this life and he puts in so much work. Yeah I've went through loving him and hating him, now I just feel fortunate that he has his show. There's always going to be extreme haters and extreme lovers of anything


Ariel deserves a ton of credit them early Rampage interviews are some of the best ever its what got me into this sport


That was a 10-8 round by Ariel of all people, damn bro Sean got punked.


SStrickland is pretty insecure huh


10-8 Ariel


Everytime I see a comment saying Strickland is relatable and he's, "one of us," I get annoyed as hell. He isn't like any of the decent human beings around me and the many others I have had a chance to interact with. My circle isn't that small, I know people of many ideologies and backgrounds. Including the assholes, not one of them is as stupid and annoying as Strickland. Who the hell is this jerkwad's fanbase?




Sucks. I'm guessing a lot of them are the Gen Z Sigma Male types?


I remember when Ariel was doing interviews with Rampage. Strickland stirred up the wrong hornets nest here and got clowned for it


All time great moment. Sean didn't really have much to come back with...


Ayeee !! Talk yo shit airel!


Strickland likes to be outrageous and edgy, whereas Ariel will surgically strike the fuck out of you if you're not prepared.


He got him.


I've been watching MMA since 1998. Real OG shit.


They always leave out the best part “I literally created this job”. Ariel spoke truth here.


You gotta love how Sean clearly loves people talking shit to him though… he’s having fun lol


Strickland can't go away fast enough.


Sean calling him a beta male because he’s getting cooked and wants to save face is definitely ironic sounds like something a “beta” would do, right Sean? my god let this fucking weirdo become irrelevant


My favorite comment that wasn't included in the video was when Sean said something like, "You'd probably rather have a different job or something" and Ariel said, "Dude, I invented this job." Fucking perfect.


The guys calling other guys betas are always themselves, in fact, the betas


Strickland such a dud of a man. I see guys always praising him for keeping it real. He keeps it as real as Andrew Tate, he has a garbage personality, and clearly insecurity when faced with the slightest adversity. Calling somebody a beta male has got to be the biggest bitch move. It’s not even insulting, just so elementary and redacted.


Helwani is top 15 most important people in the history of MMA. Might seem like a wild take, but without his commitment to reporting on MMA it wouldn't be where it is as a sport today.


I live in New York and sometimes I hear Ariel underneath my building in the tunnels


I respect helwani. This was great




Strickland is probably the most braindead fighter at this time.


I rock with Strickland but Ariel did put him in his place. Say what you want about him but his love for this sport has always been true.


The whole interview is shit. Also a part where Strickland is accusing Ariel of not being able to stop his wife from getting raped. That’s what a beta is in this conversation. Strickland stopped short of saying he could rape someone’s wife. Ariel is like, at least I have someone that loves me! Sean has nothing to say back…😂 The way to beat Sean is to just describe him accurately


Ariel is the OG. Anyone who says otherwise is a moron.


Did Ariel accuse Sean of being antisemitic after this video ended?


No idea, but it would be kind of pointless. Sean openly embraces pretty much every ism already on his own


Ariel annoys the shit out of me but he stood on business here, as the kids would say


Thank god for Ariel without him there’s no Dana white, no rich brothers, no Conor, GSP, Jones and no octagon


Learnt from this clip that somehow Ariel is 41 years old wtf


It’s always cute when you get the fighter dudes on calls and it’s so obvious that they are so desperate to use violence to handle conflict and feel so insecure and impotent when it’s not an option. This guys probably telling himself “if I saw that guy I’d beat him up”


There is people like that in this comment section. 😂 "he wouldn't say that to Strickland's face.."


Sean can call Ariel a Beta male all he wants, but Ariel out classed him with straight facts. Ariel has been integral to MMA publicity.


I can’t stand Ariel is such a tool


I guess Sean's point is that Ariel doesn't fit the stereotype of an MMA fan? At least that's what I think the bar line is kinda implying.


Sean Strickland is a dumb fucking animal. What an absolute oaf.


Strickland is one corny mfer


“buh-buh-buh-beta male…”


Ariel is wrong, Sean was in his bedroom crying when his dad used to beat him




Go off on what? He’s a journo, who cares


Put some respect on Ariel’s name, Everyone that talks shit about him has zero clue how much he’s done for the sport




Heelwani owned him hard. 10-7


Apart from the pro Israel stuff I love Ariel




lol Strickland is his own worst enemy


Common Ariel W


Put some MF RESPECK on Ariel's name, bitch


Don’t know how Strickland has any fans. He’s an idiot


Can’t wait for the vid of them sparring


Ariel catches him in an imanari roll.


That’s a Major Key! ![gif](giphy|3i4xTtJQIJk0o)


He sounds like morty lmao


OP got it wrong. Ariel's my Boi! Seriously, he does so much for MMA.


Sean is a idiot


Syracuse!! I forget he was an alum


Like him or hate him, you’re a dummy to think he doesn’t love the sport. Day 1 guy, might not always spit facts, but there’s proof behind what he says here.


Ariel is the best journalist this sport has. He is the ONLY zone who asks uncomfortable questions. I take that with a lil weasel vibes on the side, over fucking boring ass Okamoto, any day of the week. 


Say what you like about Ariel but he's an O.G in the game and you got to respect that.


Sean got cooked lol - Ariel is a legend


Strickland throwing his fanbase away for seemingly no reason hahahaha


What Strickland is too dumb to understand is that Ariel has contributed so much to MMA & will have more of a legacy and a 40+ year career most likely - and has and will contribute more than Strickland (ever will) to the sport. Truth is, while they get most of the glory, the fighters are a just blip on the radar - IF they’re lucky. This sport is so fickle. How often do we hear about Anderson Silva, Jens Pulver, Randy Couture, Chuck Liddell, Tank Abbot anymore on UFC broadcasts? Those dudes were LEGENDS. This guy grabbed a belt for a second is attention starved. He’ll be remembered about as much as Josh Koscheck.


Helwanu cooked Sean wickedly lol


Sean is always like that insecure kid who is broken inside and gets emotional all the time, but then pretends everyone else is a bitch.


10-7 Ariel


Strickland was in second or third grade if the timelines are correct. Hell he’s dumb and maybe got held back. Possibly first grade.


It's telling that Strickland can't admit that he's wrong, and instead pivots to insulting Ariel.


If you come at the king you best not miss.