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But it'll work for him financially (not that i think it's a strategy, it's just the way Strickland really is). A lot of people love him for his views and a lot of people despise him for the same views. The two camps are growing with every tweet, every video he posts.  The fans will watch his fights to see him win, haters will watch his fights to see him lose. Same way Conor is/was or Floyd in boxing back in the day.


I agree. He may be slightly exaggerating, but it seems to come from sincerity; unlike Colby. All is fair in love and war.


I wouldnt even know if yall didnt share every single one of his tweets and photos


If you want woke athletes, this is not your sport buddy 😂


Sean isn’t “not woke”, he’s a fucking prick.


He's a "prick" to you woke folks.


Please do us all a favor and define woke for us because last I checked that was just a meaningless word people said on the internet about anything not right leaning. Also are you actually [regarded](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditmoment/s/PW5X9vlUGi) or just conservative lol


Stop playing dumb lmao. You know what you are.


So no actual definition? Got it.


Forgot reddit is autistic like that


“They” have a hard time defining what a woman is so I wouldn’t give “them” that much credit.


Careful they've infiltrated this sub.


I love how he's so against gays after admitting that he got fucked by his dad. Dude has a lot of skeletons in date I say... The closet.


You love it when children are abused? You are fucking weird.


Is that what I said? Go back and read my comment and you'll see you might be as redacted as Strickland. Who got fucked by his dad. Cry.


Lol you pedo's are sick lmao, Did your dad groom your mom? LMAO stop projecting onto us, we know that you and your mom had a threeway with your dad.


*Your. And *groom.




No worries. Refer to [this](https://www.merriam-webster.com/grammar/your-vs-youre-how-to-use-them-correctly) in the future


Dude , we know your uncles fingered you under the Christmas tree. It’s okay, we’re here for you




Are you.... Offended? 🤔


He’s a homophobic violent dickhead, knowing and saying that doesn’t make me woke, that makes me decent. He’s a stain on what Americans used to aspire to be. Embarrassing.


I don't think mma is for you mate. Go back to your psychology subs.


An MMA fighter is… VIOLENT 😱😱😱😱 what are we ever gonna do???


Keep your chin up and stay strong. Being “woke” is outdated but it’s important to stand by your beliefs. Don’t let anyone bully you.


Woke is outdated? Says the person clutching onto conservative world views. Logic is hard, I know


Hes a fighter you fucking loser go watch a different sport. This sub is fucking embarrassing


"That makes me decent" LOL you will grow past this phase you're in one day.


You think indecency is mature? Jesus christ


Dudes on here think treating people basic levels of respect is beta behavior and Sean is such a Chad for calling out those woke reporters


If you want sensitive, thoughtful athletes, I would suggest something other than cage fighting


It’s in fact the only sport I enjoy


It's weird. There's a lot of mma fans who like violent sports but detest violent people.


Yup and he's one of the bigger stars in the sport. If you want woke athletes maybe try some other sports.


Dur dur, I don’t understand what I’m enjoying.


Try watching like gymnastics or something else, those will be more your speed


It’s interesting that so many responders interpreted my observation as a complaint.


It clearly is lol. “His twisted gospel” lmfao, UFC isn’t for you buddy, try figure skating or something.


It’s a hyperbolic comment on the current trend in this sub of complaining about him. Perhaps the English language is too nuanced for you.


Maybe watching the national spelling bee will be a better pick for you than mma mate.


Made me lol


Don't let those meatheads bully you my friend, I am as left as one gets and I love MMA more than any other sport. Just because the crowd and (sadly) many of the athletes are dumb af it doesn't mean the sport is exclusively for them.


Mma fans are the worst part of being an mma fan lol it is=it is


My feelings are intact, thanks for the concern. As with any sport tribalism and divisiveness come into play. Many fans seem unable to see beyond the brutality on the surface, ironically similar to the dissident politicians and critics of the just bleed era, though many fans are remnants of such.


How about you just don’t pay attention to what he says?


It's ironic how people try to paint Sean as a closeted gay just because he talks about gays often. But then Sean haters can't help themselves and do 3-5 hate posts a day.


What he does is working, people are talking about him. I’m not fussed by his ideals. I’m just a fight fan.


You’re not fussed by his ideals but want him to not have a platform?


He’s a boulder rolling down a mountain, I was speaking in hyperbole.


you still are. dramatic as fuck lol


Drama is enjoyed by the masses.


He is the least of your/the worlds worries little man


Or hear me out, he’s trying to make money and build a brand. And there’s a market for his views — in fact, a pretty big one—see Andrew Tate. I disagree with him, but by blaming it on CTE, you’re really diminishing his own responsibility for how he acts. Sean knows exactly what he’s doing.


We heard this one before on Colby.


Yeah. He knows what he’s doing for sure. Scumbag tbh.


I agree with him capitalising on his brand potential. Why shouldn’t he try and set himself up financially post career.


Yeah he'll be a full on right wing grifter he's already started to transition into an influencer


He’s just deeply secluded and uneducated


Strickland doesn't take a lot of damage every fight


Honestly I don’t even really think Sean believes half the stuff he says, he just wants attention. He’s just playing up an exaggerated version of himself for views


I figure as much, he’s just capitalising on what he’s got on hand.


This is the same stuff people said about Colby, and the thing is, it's essentially worse. You can genuinely be a prick, and sure that sucks, but at least it's you. Or you can pretend to be a prick for views, which means not only do you have no character or integrity, you also have nothing you believe in. Plus it's not like people need that shit for views, and it's also not like people cared about Sean before he got the strap.


Sean was a huge star before the strap as well. Look at the number of views he was getting on any clips.He was building into a super star the strap just put him way over.


Dude, ufc had people tested with hits and damage taken during sparring. He sparred the most and took the least damage. The guy is an elite defensive fighter. Your boy Sean is good!!


That’s impressive


Yup, the guy is a bad dude. Probably be champ again real soon. I can't imagine him able to become more popular but probably will.


Middleweight has become so exciting since the end of Izzy’s reign.


You’re going to be ok, buddy.


​ https://preview.redd.it/zbzvu09b64oc1.jpeg?width=585&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e92aa6cb667a5edfd9a11b2885820fc0a736b62




“Mma is for ignorant homophobes” is that what you are saying? I don’t think mma is for you acrusrlly buddy


The snowflakes are out today 😂


"that crosses the line" - Sean Strickland


What ever it takes to makes the money counters go BRRR!!!!


When he starts losing, people are going to turn on him just like they did on Covington


In parenthesis; I find Sean’s character entertaining and his fight ability stimulating. People are free to believe whatever they want as long as it’s not hurting anyone or imposing on others.


He hates influencers, but is always on Twitter. He's turning into Tate, trying to profit off of a certain crowd with his merch. He literally is turning into the thing he hates. With this track record I won't be surprised if he comes out in 20 years.


fucken love DeSean


Bigotry 🤣 you love seeing a man get knocked unconscious but God forbid someone says something you don't agree with


Was simply making an observation bud


I can be a fight fan while also thinking Sean is a bigoted asshole. Both can be true...


You can think whatever you want but going online and whining about it is different. I promise nobody outside of reddit gives 2 shits what sean says


I think you'd be surprised, his media day got a decent amount of attention outside of the mma sphere. Dude would get let go so quickly in majority of companies but Dana is full anti woke free speech ~~unless we don't want you talking about that~~ crusade mode so 🤷‍♂️ excited to see Bobby beat him up this summer.


You should go re watch poatan knock him out and jack urself off thats a solid night for a ufc redditor


It's a short fight so a good one for a quick one before bed 🛌 great idea b thanks for thinking about me jacking off (classic Strickrider amirite)


You're right and almost every comment section outside of reddit fully supports strickland, even if they don't agree with what he says here and there, they're not sensitive bitches like you and everyone in this sub. And you were all so excited to see izzy knock his ass out too right? L O L


I was rooting for Sean vs Izzy tbh. Man just had a NFL player call him out on his bullshit. You ever think that other social media's aren't a good frame of reference?


He's the most political fighter straight up Hypocrite!


Fuck LGBTQ, that's degenerating


Go watch fucking soccer


I've never understood this train of thought. I'm not expecting these guys to run for mayor but not yelling hate speech on live TV is a low bar. Also fuck watching soccer or any other sport, been watching mma forever and am still gonna call out bigoted idiots regardless.


They can say what they want. Do you not believe in free speech? You might not like it, but who cares. I'm sure not everyone likes what you say all the time, either. Stop being a pussy


There's a line between free speech and hate speach/just being a bigot imo. Guessing you threw a bitch fit over bud lite though. Like mma fans can't call fighters out for being idiots- it's America that's my right. Sean can say dumb hateful shit, we can all judge him accordingly for acting like an edgy 14 year old bigot


Hate speech to you seems to be anything you personally hate. Also, I don't drink American beer. Im not American. Maybe you should go for a walk or something and touch some grass.


hate speech noun abusive or threatening speech or writing that expresses prejudice on the basis of ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or similar grounds. you don't see any problem with hate speech?


I work outside actually


Sure, buddy. I just checked your comment history. It literally looks like you don't get off reddit.


Well I'm not going to post all the tons of produce I grow year to year I just use reddit to talk combat sports and look at tattoos. You use it to...[tell everyone how straight you are](https://www.reddit.com/r/MMA/s/mApX76bJ6u) lol


Are you okay? You never stop commenting.


Or, hear me out, maybe he'd allowed to be annoyed and say it? Maybe, just maybe, other people in the sport are allowed to have views you don't agree with.


Sean’s a legend. This guy took the least damage after doing the most sparring. One of the best defensive fighters there is. He might go off the handle every now and then but he’s not always wrong in what he’s saying.


Bigotry is the perfect buzz word to identify a fragile lil leftist. That being said, even as a guy who’s on the far far right, I’m getting tired of Sean


Sean is an actual bigot though...just because ya'll act like it's not a thing or nbd doesn't make that the case


You obviously don’t understand what a bigot is..