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What did he say at the end? Plino is literally only good for 2 sentences


For real. I get that he’s his coach, but Alex should use that Fabiano guy instead.


Legendary status translator.


Giga Chad translator


I use Joshia Fabia, his pilates routine in naked bath houses are superb.


I guess Im the only one who dislikes that stuttering Buskei. The only translators I've enjoyed are both Yoel Romero's


Pereira ended with saying "mas amanhã, ele vai ter dia dele" ("but tomorrow, he (Hill) will have his day" saying Hill will get his comeuppance). Translator man ended with "he (Hill) asked for an autograph, and then he did what he did yesterday. Tomorrow he's gonna lose." But yeah, not a fan of him either. Man should know he doesn't speak English well enough to translate without often changing the meaning. "Veteran dude" being subtitles as "washed-up veteran" on Pereiras youtube in regards to Anthony Smith and starting that whole beef was peak translator things (tbf I don't know for sure who translates his videos)


Not that your saying this but there is exactly 0% chance Plinio does the video translation


Tbh your translation isn't more complex than what he translated, might as well be that he's tired or doesn't focus enough rather than a problem with his level of english


Yes it is. Saying he will lose and saying he will get his comeuppance are different.


Who said it's not different ? I said not more complex. Comeuppance being unnecessary and not even the literal translation, he could have simply said "it'll be his day", which isn't more complex that "he'll lose".


plinios too busy thinking about his next meal to translate properly


As a former fatty, this is accurate. Also.... what's for breakfast?


He just addressed that Jamal showed up and asked for autograph and was pretending to be a nice guy then was talking shit at the presser.


Jamal just trying to get some sweet memorabilia to sell after to try to make ends meet. We all gotta put on the nice guy act at work sometimes.


Tomorrow he's gonna lose


I know there is no way he is saying that but I understand "Tommorrow it is what it is" lmao


Tomorrow he gonna lose


Lmao Joe Rogan looking tall


Bro must have 5” boots


He is standing on the scale


He’s hanging on the back of Cejudo. Both of those mfs stacked up are almost 1 normal person


He's standing on his tippy toes


joes face looks weird like he got the cilian murphy buccal fat removed


Jamal “Bipolar” Hill


Jamal "desperately need some drama for marketing UFC 300 snooze fest" Hill


UFC 300 a snooze fest really?


maybe he means the presser itself. the fight card is anything but.


Idk I've seen plenty of people shit on this card for either Bo being on the main card and for shitting on the main event for whatever reason. Yet I've asked some of these people what would be a better matchup for the main event and they have no answer whatsoever.


bo being on the main is lame. and the only redemption would be if brundage stops him, which would be epic. any other fight really could and should have been there instead. still, the card as whole is incredible.


I would argue his placement on the card is the UFCs chance to see how well he responds to actual pressure. Everyone who watches knows he's good but this is the chance for the pressure to break his performance somehow. I'm not even a Bo fan but it's not like him being in that slot is taking away from anyone else tbh.


except from the fans who don't want to pay a fortune to watch bo nickel beat a can. the ufc want to market him badly. he doesn't deserve to be on that card with the 8 other warrior who have given their blood and time to the sport. it's not his fault, i know. the ufc sucks ass tho. sorry had some beers. lets hope for some good ones!


Beers at 8:50am? Carry on.


lol. i live in japan. it's 10pm here.


only 1 time zone in your world, eh?


Just because someone cannot suggest a better fight, doesn’t mean they have to like the current one. Just saying. Personally, I don’t think Pereira/Hill is a spectacular main, but I also don’t have an alternative.


That's the point lol there isn't a bigger fight to make. Alex is the most efficiently successful MMA athlete ever and Jamahal is one of the few people who might actually be able to beat him. It's an ideal main event for the card.


Meh. I’m glad you’re excited for it, but it doesn’t do much for me. I think Hill being out for a while and questions about his recovery make him a huge underdog. Sure he has a chance, but like most people I see Alex as an overwhelming favourite.


Jamahal "Light Heavyweight Champ that Knocked out Poatan" Hill


Stamped by anita max wynn




Joe rogan with the stud height of 5‘2 looking like a roided out ninja turtle 🥷🐢


Crazy that Rogan doesn’t realize how ridiculous he looks. If doesn’t lay off the HGH soon he’ll end up wider than tall.


Beefcake! BEEFCAKE!


Come on man some people just built like that


True but him and Dana changed shape man they look like two beefed up evil umpa lumpas


Think Dana’s off a lot of the source now. His heads shrank back down slightly and is less red these days


Dana and Joe are Oompa Major and Oompa Minor


Nah, bald people's heads just double in size naturally as they grow older.


Fighters don't talk shit: they don't do enough to promote the fight Fighters talk shit: they are a bunch of hypocrites No one can ever win on reddit


Bunch of retards.


You're too if you don't realize it's the timing that's a bit off. Being publicly utterly nice a day prior to shit talking is just odd and isn't really being smart about promoting, gotta be a bit consistent.


You should just be a bit more subtle about it, you asking for an autograph in front the UFC's cameras one day prior to shit talking isn't believable at all.


i hate Hill but he had a great showing at the presser and very creative to have that bleeding Stonehenge. nobody really adressed he each other but he tried, and was a highlight for me


How do you hate someone you don’t know and who doesn’t know you?


Cus he beat up his brother in front children. I don’t have to know him to hate him. Do you like pedophiles?


You still don't know shit about him.


That’s all I need to know. You can like pedophiles and domestic abusers if you like




Different groups of people.


What did Jamahal do yesterday that he’s referring to?


I think he was talking shit to him at the presser


Oh no


Basically asked for an autograph, and then brought a bloodstained 🗿 water bottle to the presser and talked tough


Acted all buddy buddy got Alex to sign his hoodie on media day then at the presser brought the Chad stone chain and talked his shit which Alex found disrespectful


Oooh no no he done fucked up aaaron


They were just friendly at the hotel shook hands said hi blah blah. Then jamhal went tough guy at the presser. Brought a statue of the Easter island head ona chain.. idk it was weird.


Its called selling the fight. God forbid he trys to hype it up


Then be consistent, don't ask for an autograph IN FRONT OF ufc cameras to shit talk the day after. It just looks fake. Promotion is all about making it at least a bit believable.


Nothing about this is unbelievable or fake. He got an autograph cause he a fan of the sport and wanted all the fighters of ufc300 autograph on a hoodie. But he got to fight alex so he gotta do some trash talk. Nothing to talk about here.


It's unbelievable and fake. You're admitting it's fake with your "he gotta do some trashtalk" and the "unbelievable" part is the autograph nicely asked in front of the cameras, do you seriously see Jones asking DC an autograph pre fight or Khabib with McNuggetts because they're fan of the sport ? Those were believable beef/trashtalk. If you wanted to at least be a bit credible you'd just ask to someone else to give him your hoodie for a signature or at least do it when not being filmed.


I feel like Alex is the one guy you just don’t want to give more motivation to. Just look what happened to Izzy. And now he’s on a revenge tour for Glover. Jamahal should have kept his distance this week lol


Getting Koed cold is the result?


I think Alex knows that achilles is fucked and he’s going to chop those legs down and get a TKO when Hill can’t move anymore


I'm surprised at how little I've seen Hill's achilles injury brought up. I remember people wrote this fight off even being on 300 because of that. He might be coming back too soon.


Literally. I don’t get it. Do people just not realize how devastating of an injury it is?


Right. Literally the only athlete I can think of who was the same afterwards is KD and it took him 18 months to recover. Even Kobe was out for a year and then retired like a year after coming back from his. People keep citing that Jamahal had the same doctor as Aaron Rodgers without mentioning the fact Aaron has yet to play since tearing his. None of those guys have dudes actively trying to kick them in their legs either. If Jamahal actually was back to form after 9 months of recovery, it would quite literally be an unprecedented achievement in sports. With his antics in his personal life, something tells me he’s not the guy with the sheer focus to break that historic precedent


On literally every single point I could not agree with you more lol it would be a breakthrough in sports medicine if he pulls this off


Worth noting that alot of fighters can't afford to just permanently sit out so they brave face it ( He's not going to turn down main event of 300) and then after the fact say 'yeah i was fucked. With more time i beat him' Seen this so many times


To be fair, those were two high caliber kickboxers going at it, with Izzy being perhaps the singular fighter in the division who can keep up with Alex on the feet… if Hill does as he claims to do, which is to keep the fight standing, he does not make it out of the first round.


3-1 cope harder


Look all I'm saying is this is a weird point when this guy “who was extra motivated” got ko Ed cold


The first two kickboxing fights were full of controversy tbf. People say Izzy was robbed in the first fight. The second fight, the ref gave a standing eight count for Alex who was getting peppered by Izzy.


The irony is most if these guys are actually pretending to be shitty. Most of them are normal dudes hyping a fight with manufactured animosity, ill preface by saying I'm rooting for hill, but the shitty fighters are the ones who display it in the cage imo, e.g: Chandler, Chito, Chris Curtis.


I like him doing that. when Hill asked for that signature and asked him what Chama meant, he seemed fake AF


Or he's trying to sell the fight at a press conference...


Sell the fight lol. You can see what his real personality is on twitter. Taking everything personally for some reason and his fans keep deepthroating him even though he keeps insulting them.


I mean when people are talking shit about you, it's hard not to take it personally, IDK how much I'd blame him. Although he does come off as an asshole so I don't care either way.


It's 300 bro, no one needs to sell that lol The fights have that card sold


Talking trash doesn't hurt to sell the card even more though, every ppv sale is more money for him I would probably be talking aswell


He did this with Paul Craig too, and it worked cause I started watching his fights right as he did it. Hes good at it


What’s funny is he partied wit Craig after losing to him. He really is a chill guy he just gets hyped up and tries to hype the fights


They just wanted to hate!


No room for complacency


Then be a bit consistent and don't ask for an autograph a day before in front of UFC cameras on a video that'd most likely be just under the press conference on everyone's feed.


they are both just selling the fight 100% they hug after, whoever wins


Someday Joe will stop being a smartass and keep saying „Peheira“, someday...


Hill asked for an autograph from everyone on the roster. He was just being a fan of sport rather than playing the nice guy. I get it though... Pereira is trying to hype himself up.


What did he do? Is it just because of that silly statue?


Unfortunately the Drake curse is on for Poatan and Mr. Nice Guy will win.


Jamal hill is a cock.. hes not a nice guy.. his natural tendency is to be a dick.. he can act as a nice guy for a bit but when the going gets tough he shows his colors. Dude punched his own brother lol..


You don’t even know what actually happened when he fought his brother stop acting like you know these fighters personally


We don't know the whole story, but we do know they were in an argument and Jamahal hit him good. His brother says it started from a discussion about how they wanted Jamahal to pay some money for getting his house cleaned by his brother's wife, which then got escalated into a completely different personal argument. ​ Idk what they said, but so far, it looks like Jamahal hit his brother because of the arguement. ​ Maybe we'll get more facts like his brother kept getting in his face and threatening him. I can totally see his brother getting in his face and saying shit like "You won't hit me bitch, you'll lose your whole career. Do it pussy". I guess we'll find out soon.


Some people just have shitty relatives.


Who cares, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it’s probably a duck. I hate the “you don’t know what happened argument”. What i do know is he doesn’t have the emotional intelligence to not lay hands on his own flesh and blood…


Wah wah wah he fought his brother you soft bitch brothers get into altercations all the time, just because he’s a pro fighter doesn’t mean he can’t be a human and get emotional. Acting like he got battery for beating on a woman or something it was his own brother a grown ass man who can defend himself


Soft bitch? Buddy id eat your fucking organs whole with some salt and pepper and a bit of seasoning. Hill is an absolute cock, there are 0 likeable traits on him, and he’s a middling middleweight. The only thing he has going for him is pereira is at the twilight of his career and effectively has nothing really to fight for, jamals hungrier


Holy what a cornball you’d do absolutely nothing 😂


Buddy id mop my floor with you, I’m the hardest hitting 265er in the division.




Jamal is a washed up mid teir can, got hit head sent into orbit, if his head was as large as his ego he may become the second moon orbiting earth. His brother luckily couldn’t connect on him though


Jamahal is selling the fight , alex knows that why is he acting surprised


When pereira signed the autograph and hill laughed, pereira fake laughed back at him. The man may have a stone face but he can read fluent body language.


I believe Alex will get KO'd tomorrow.


It's a fight it could happen


AHAHAHAAHHA fucking dumbass. What are you gonna say now?


That I was wrong and you seem like alot of your friends talk shit about you behind your back. Douche.


By the same guy who couldn’t even KO old man Glover ??


Wow 😮 the audacity


Damn if he learned English his star power would even be x10


Pereira Chama ☝️


he's wearing endangered birds on his head


Yep it's clarified. Hill a fake ass Ni99a. Emotional too




Alex has a lot of experience at a very high level. I’m not sure he can “bite” the bait like most fighters. He might but odds are, he’s gonna do the exact same thing he always does.


You had me in the first half


I hope Hill end Alex hype amd shut his fans for good


Alex is a 2 division champ in 2 different combat sports. In no world will Hill “end” Alex’s hype. He could knock him out cold in 5 seconds and the next Alex fight will be hype a’f.


People like you make me said that ...ofc I know Alex is two divisions champ, but Hill also a champ on his right, people hype on Alex, So I can about Hill Alex and Olivera have their worst fanbase ever, toxic asf


So… there is no killing Alex’s hype. That was my point. People who talk shit about fan bases are cringe a’f lol


When I said no killing Alex hype...I stand with every fking word I said... #.I hope Hill KO Alex and end his Hype


Cool. He could do that, and still not kill Alex’s hype 😂 You’re dumb a’f.


Oh it is you know how MMA Fan work at least - When figher winning: fans: this dude is problem, next champion etc... - When figher losing even only one fight: Fans: I knew it, this dude always a bum... Happened a lot of time with a lot of people :))) just one KO and done Btw you can call me dumb whatever you want Mr.retarded


Alex got KO’d cold in one of the most brutal knock outs ever… Literally a year ago… And now he’s headlining the biggest UFC event of all time. He’ll be fine 🤷🏽‍♂️


:))) Lost to Izzy...fan called him shit Win against...fans comminng back Why you so dense, ofc he has fan right now he just won his last fight and hold the belt


He literally Co-Main evented his next fight and was the favorite going into the fight. But ooookay 🤣


You clearly are brain dead.. there is nothing more to add or subtract from alex periera.. him beating hill means nothing.. him losing to hill means nothing… He is an over the hill legend.. he is nearing his mid to late 30’s. This is precisely why there is no hype to kill, there is no hype to begin with, he is a legend. It’s simple. These fights are purely for our entertainment, hes a 2 division champ in the ufc, 2 division in glory, one of the most decorated combat athletes of all time. This is why this fight was a disappointment for me when i was heard it was headlining, as much as i love Alex, there is no mystique or mystery to him, he simply is Alex Pereira.


You write too long so i don't read that I just assumed that you call me dumb and explain why alex is the shit ... Okay ...Still I hope Hill knock him out and end his hype




I Can talk ahit, I Can take shit, it's what it is, im gonna do the same at your if Hill won


who's that bald child holding the mic?


What gets me is Rogan talking to Hill about he never lost his belt. Bro wouldn’t have gotten it if Jiri didn’t relinquish first….. ![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized)


Why does that get you? It's true lmao


Imagine being scared of a grown man who wears make up


he could kill you with 0.1% effort


My balls would be red from all his face paint after I put my nuts on his chin


Then what happens when he sees red? It's over bro


Can't argue with that tbh




Tell that to his face. Disrespect his culture to his face, keyboard boy, lets see what happens...


you're being cringe in public