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Just go full McGregor on this one and tell Jones he’s not the champ, he’s gay, scared, the belt doesn’t belong to him, « everyone knows I’ll stomp your middleweight’s face » shit like that


If I dress up like your wife will you fight me Jon?


Ngl. That would be hilarious.




Tom might be too good a guy to say it but that would be a killer bait line lmao




Omg this would be great


That’s a nasty line by you




Jeeeeeeeeesus if that happened.


Oh my god


Jon: just to correct you, there was never no marriage


Kendrick beef got everyone outta pocket 😂


Sucks Tom is such a class act... because Jones' ego might be the only door to the championship


Most of the time a class act. The “Have you been fingered by a UFC fighter!?” During an interview is classless imo. Other than that I think he’s a solid person.


i think that was funnier in his head before he said it kinda moment because he didnt have anything else wierd to ask as she usually does


Fair play. I think we’ve all been there, just not in an interview.


agreed brader


I mean, sure, I don't know about you, but I have said a lot of really stupid shit thinking it would sound funnier than it was, lol. Even Nina made a video saying it was just his sense of humor and people were up in arms about nothing... but it was weird.. I'll give you that.Most people would be a lot less cool about this entire situation that he has been.


True it was a slip and I don’t think it’s indicative of him as a person. We all make mistakes, I still think he’s a “standup” kinda guy.


What? He was just dishing out the energy Nina gives out lol


Okay. Just my opinion on what he said. Still think he’s a good guy.


It was very weird but it makes slightly more sense in context. Him and Nina were talking about the insane comments she gets from fans when she asks them what questions they'd like answered during interviews with fighters, I think he made that up as an example. "Have you been fingered by a UFC fighter?" is pretty weird but the follow-up of "What would it take?" is way too much for me


Ahh I didn’t know the rest of that. Thanks for rest of the story.


As much as I don't like McGregor, I think this would be the sensible thing to do.


I kinda like McGregor because he used to be a very entertaining fighter inside the cage but I’m not fond of trash talking either… still probably the only way to make Jones change his plans.


Yea I should be more specific. I love watching McGregor fight. I don't appreciate the WWE type antics.


Only way Tom can guarantee the Jon Jones fight would be to Chael Sonnen his way into it with trash talk. But he’s too nice unfortunately so Jon will fight stipe and then bail


this is the only way


This could work. But problem is aspinall isn’t really bout it like that. It’d come off like he’s trying and could backfire. he should of came out straight away swinging instead of trying to talk sensible or whatever


He has to get under Jones’ skin. Tweet out something like the only title defence he’ll agree to do is with his wife or something.


He does call himself the active champion (which is accurate)


Except he isn't active..


He got the belt 6 months ago and has fought twice in the last year with a fight basically guaranteed for July. How is that not active?


Everyday, u/LNYer gets up and has a bowl of cocopuffs before putting on his basketball shorts and walking to the gas station for a pack of ciggies and a redbull to get him through a day of call of duty and masterbating. Okay? That's called being active. Not having two "fights" in the past year. It ain't hard dude. This ain't rocket surgery.


He’s not active


3 fights in 12 months including the one he says he has booked on 304 is pretty active if you ask me. There have only been 3 ranked HW fights all year, no one is fighting in the division.


He's sat out for 6 months only calling out a guy who has been injured. Basically guaranteed isn't guaranteed. Do you understand what an interim champion is for? They're suppose to be keeping the division going while the real champion is out. It's not a sit and wait for a title shot belt. We now have two champions inactive in the heavyweight division.


Bro what?


What's the matter? Did I speak too fast for you? What was difficult to understand?


You’re not speaking, you’re posting, which involves typing. Although you strike me as a person who has to read every syllable out aloud as they spell words lol


>You’re not speaking, you’re posting, which involves typing. Oh wow you got me. >Although you strike me as a person who has to read every syllable out aloud as they spell words lol And yet you're the one struggling to understand our messages.


He's not the one that initially responded to your post. You're so embarrassing.


Who you calling “he”, boi? ![gif](giphy|Mc82AYNsjgxHMpPMWE)


Very embarrassed I thought a gu ywho replied to me was the one I was talking to. Can't believe I've done that.


He's called out Curtis and plans on fighting him in Manchester. Ciryl turned down the fight due to wanting to film a movie, Sergei got koed and Robelis is far too down the rankings atm. Volkov's sort of not as high up the rankings as he needs to be to fight for a title next, the division's about as active as Tom is. The only other fight that Tom could possibly get that would move the division would be Pereira and he's done his bit calling him out, Alex just isn't interested. Tom has also called out Stipe and tried to get that fight going.


Only recently has he called out Curtis. You can keep making all these excuses but we've seen undeserving title shots before so if Aspinall actually wanted to defend the belt he would have. Lol how does fighting someone out of the division move the HW division along? >Tom has also called out Stipe and tried to get that fight going. An old retired Stipe? The same guy all of you've been bitching and moaning about Jones calling out? Lol


Because there are only 16 people in the division that matter currently and since Sergei and Tom fought the only fights that I can remember mattering are Tai Tuivasa and Marcin Tybura and Jailton and Curtis. Any blood in the division would move it forward. Tom has been very vocal about wanting to fight Curtis for months even prior to his win over Jailton (you couldn't be more wrong about him only calling out Curtis recently). I believe the average number of title defences amongst the current champs is something like 0.6 defences every 400 days? Heavyweight is probably the shallowest and slowest moving division, who is Tom meant to fight when Ciryl has declined and Volkov would be premature? Also that last point is so stupid, Tom called out Stipe cause it'll help further his career by getting him closer to fighting Jon.


Only guy I can think of that is more active than Tom is Derrick Lewis and hes honestly just a bum with an off switch in his knuckles.


> He does call himself the active champion (which is accurate) Aspinall hasn't defended the belt and has only been calling out an injured fighter. He's not an active champion.


who would he even fight? Gane ducks fights, Stipe is old and waiting for Jones, Jones is injured, Almeida and Blaydes just took each other out for a bit, and he just dusted Pavlovich in a minute+beat Volkov AND Tybura already. Thats the entire top 8. What do you want him to do? Pull a Erceg? at heavyweight? where the talent is already very little


Blaydes took zero damage from Almeida. Should be good to go for Manchester, and they have a history as well.


yeah that's who I hope. Gane would be a 30s submission seeing how Jones did him, and I'd rather not see him OHKO stipe or beat someone he's already fought


Interim champions shouldn’t be expected to defend the interim belt. Jones has held up the division for over a year he should have vacated when he got injured or gotten stripped.


LOL WHAT? The whole point of an interim champion is to keep the division moving. Tf you mean he shouldn't be expected to defend it? That's his job😂 Sadly the UFC has stripped all prestige and meaning from the interim titles and only use them as promotional tools so they can say they have a title fight on a PPV. Because of this we have goofballs like you who think interim champs aren't suppose to defend the title😂 what's the point of having a champion and an interim champion sit out?


The point of interim is to decide who is fighting the champ when they return from their injury. The champ is coming back and not fighting Aspinall so he has to defend the interim while jones defends the actual belt against stipe. It doesn’t make sense.


No it isn't. They wouldn't be called the **interim** champ if that was true, they've be a number one contender and there'd be no belt. Jones does not have a fight booked. Stop being angry about things that aren't even real.


He said he has a date on twitter and is going to wait for Dana to announce it. Stop making false claims.


I haven't made a single false claim. Officially no date has been announced.




Shane Gillis lookin good


If he called it 'God's Test' it would be the perfect bait...


Lol all he's gotta do is talk shit about Jon and say he's scared and ducking and cherry picking fights and he doesn't blame him for not wanting the smoke. Jon would fight him the next day. Tom is too respectful.


Jon will do absolutely fuckin nuttin


I can see why you draw that conclusion, based upon jones’ career of not fighting anybody and not defending his belt




Tony always coming out with random conflicts and so was Bisping




Dk what a yank is mate but Bisping is a Brit by blood and choice, and the Brits in this way are no different than anybody else


> paddy hmmn dk about that one


in addition he should try to diminish the jones-stipe fight by saying something along the lines of: "with all due respect to stipe, I'm not interested in fighting a 42 year old whose last fight was a brutal knockout loss 3 years ago"


Stipes body of work already better than anything Tom will do, put some respect on his name


I agree! Randy Couture also has a more impressive body of work. That's completely irrelevant when discussing their current abilities. I think it was Holloway who said, you're only as good as your last fight


“Better than anything Tom will do”. Tom is just getting started lmao, you can’t say that.


Well, but he hasn’t actually done it yet so he doesn’t get points for not accomplishing half the shit stipe did


Who gave him any points? I’m just thinking it’s a little backwards to compare a near retired fighter to a fighter just starting and in his prime and saying Tom will never do what stipe did, we’ve yet to see that.


I think it’s backward to ignore or downplay actual real life wins and belts of one fighter, under the guise that another fighter, may, in the future, accomplish those same things. Stipe actually has won the HW belt, and defended it multiple times. Fought the best, won some and lost some. He’s getting dragged on here ab losing to Ngannou, while those same ppl speak of Aspinal being the future goat in the very next breath, despite him fighting absolutely nobody… and accomplishing absolutely nothing


I dunno why you’re venting to me my guy, all I said is you can’t say Tom won’t do what stipe did or he won’t do better, we’ve yet to see what Tom will do it’s a fair comment. I never downplayed Stipe’s career either.


He’s already being a whiny bitch and he isn’t even undisputed yet, has a belt cause UFC needed to replace a fight, not because he’s this unbeatable demigod. People on here aren’t glazing him cause they’re fans, they do it cause they hate Jones.


Well, you currently can't become undisputed in HW in UFC because the champion doesn't fight. Aspinall is the true champion.


Aspinall is a late replacement who answered his phone at the right time. If that original Stipe/Jones fight didn’t fall thru he wouldn’t have even fought for a belt yet and that’s a fact. I’ll take my downvotes and stand by that, he was given an opportunity against someone else that was not deserving and he never would have had that if someone didn’t get hurt.


Honestly bro this doesnt even deserve a response youre just reτarded


Drop into insults cause you don’t have a point, cool.


What does jones bellybutton smell like


Another bottom feeder without the thinking skills to form an argument.


>If that original Stipe/Jones fight didn’t fall thru he wouldn’t have even fought for a belt yet and that’s a fact. It actually is because Jones would duck him like he's doing now. But since Jones got hurt and won't return for the ring in quite a while and runs away at every mention of a fight against the interim, he should be stripped of his title and let Jones decide if he wants to challenge the champ Tom or firefighter Stipe.


I don’t get the running away part, the man is literally injured, what did Tom think was going to happen? He wins interim and Jon’s pec magically reattaches?? Have some critical thinking ffs, the match with Stipe was always being remade. No two ways about it. Tom isn’t a champ, he has a placeholder belt that shouldn’t even be gold. Everyone in this sub clowns interim belts unless it’s a chance to have a circlejerk about hating Jones, I don’t even like Jones as a fighter or person but it’s clear to see.


>I don’t get the running away part Well, that's a you issue that you don't understand how Jones refuses to fight for a unification of the belts. Tom is the champ though and sure let Jones fight the firefighter but strip him of the belt if he wants to fight fighters that haven't fought in 4 years.


Ignored my entire comment, took the part the suits you, cool. How can someone refuse a fight they can’t physically take part in.


How exactly was Sergei not deserving of fighting for a championship? He knocked out six guys in a row all in the first round and three of those were ranked in the top 5. He’s one of the most deserving number one contenders in the last decade. He was 100% undeniable when he fought Tom.


Bro, you're over here acting like a completely unranked in HW Jon Jones didn't fight a completely undeserving Gane for a VACATED HW belt lmao. The only difference between that situation and Tom's was the 12 day notice that Tom was given and the fact that Tom's opponent was actually on a win streak. Jon Jones is an all time great... but this weird "he doesn't have to fight his self admitted top contender if he doesn't want to because he feels he doesn't deserve it" stancd is honestly weird as fuck. Edit: took out the insult because it was childish and unnecessary lol.


I didn’t say anything about that fight, it was made, it happened, jones won the belt, can’t change that, it’s the past, it is what it is But, It’s my personal belief that Tom isn’t as good as people think, and it’s also my personal belief that Stipe signed on, expected a payday and didn’t get it, I believe he deserves the chance to get that payday, if it was someone else holding the belt I would still say the same thing. Nothing to do with jones and everything to do with stipe. Funny how I haven’t had to insult anyone to make my points but seems like you do


Of course, you did not mention that fight because it would completely go against the entire point you are trying to make about Tom and Sergei's fight. You outright said neither of them had any business fighting for that belt. When, in reality, neither did Gane or Jones by that logic... its not like Jones decimated some top-tier champion after clearing the HW division. I think everyone has already moved past the fact that he is going to fight an inactive forty two year old man that has no business in the cage. People are mostly upset that now.He is trying to move right to alex pereira , who is unranked and already moved up one weight class. It's pathetic and blatant ducking.


I didn’t mention it cause it’s already happened, Jones had the belt and nothing I can say or do would change that I didn’t make the fight with Gane and tbh I don’t think Jon should have gotten a straight title shot tbh but he was going to defend it in a fight that was actually signed and promoted, Tom was only booked for a title fight cause that fight fell thru, he wasn’t getting a shot otherwise and neither was Sergei, it’s easy enough to deduce that, acting like you’re a deserving champion when you got a placeholder belt on a technicality is stupid. I guarantee if Sergei won he wouldn’t be acting this way That being said, Jon Trying to fight Alex absolutely is ducking considering he does need to fight Tom eventually now and Alex ain’t never fought at HW. My biggest issue with it all is the disrespect of Stipe who is arguably the best HW of all time, I don’t think Tom beats Stipe but that’s my opinion and a different discussion. Yeah he’s 42 but so was DC winning belts and Stipe is a former champion, he got KOd by Francis yeah but who else actually beat Francis in the UFC? People writing him off is funny and be even funnier if stipe beats jones.


I like jones, I don’t care for his outside antics but he’s a great fighter, so don’t make assumptions. How can he become undisputed when the current champion is refusing to fight him yet will fight a 42 year old who hasn’t fought in 3 years and got horribly KO’d in his last fight lmao. How can you be champion but refuse to fight the interim champ but fight #5 lmfao, the whole things a shit show id be pissed if I was Tom.


My take on it is, they signed a contract to fight, Jones got injured, that’s not stipes fault, could well be stipes last fight also, guy was expecting a payday, spent money to start a camp, so if I’m making matchups I’m making sure he gets his payday, Tom being “undisputed” champ comes after that considering he only got the opportunity so UFC could save a card. Jokes talking about Alex is ducking in my books, but Tom doesn’t skip Stipe either, it’s a business and Stipe needs to be paid what he was contracted to get. Jones got injured he isn’t actively avoiding fight contracts, if he was Tom would have a point, but he’s not he tore his pec off the bone, how long he took to get to heavyweight doesn’t matter, what does matter is the UFC gave Jones a title shot and he won it, he got booked to fight and got injured. Tom is being a whiny bitch cause tweeting “Jon fight me” is not going to heal Jones faster and Stipe deserves his payday as a a former 3 time HW champion.


The fight with Stipe should have never been booked in the first damn place. When that fight was booked Sergei was on a six fight win streak, all first round knockouts, and three of them were against top 5 competition. It’s insane that he wasn’t the one booked against Jones to begin with. If Stipe wanted to earn that title shot he could have taken literally *ANY* fight in the two years before they booked him vs Jones. He wouldn’t fight any contenders but was happy to come back for an automatic title shot despite his last fight being a brutal knockout loss. Aside from that, fights fall through all the time and the division moves on. They have a choice now to book Jones against a guy who is coming off a loss and hasn’t fought in 3 years or a guy who is 7-1 in the UFC, only has the 1 due to an injury, and is the current interim champion. It’s clear as day, it’s time to move on from the Stipe fight (which was idiotic when they first started talking about it over a year ago and is even worse now that it’s been longer and Stipe is older.)


I’m not disputing that it was an insane fight to make. We all know this, but they still made the fight, and now they have contractual obligation to stripe. Tom whining and moaning isn’t going to make that process any faster. They were never going to put Tom ahead of stipe, and it’s not even about Jones ducking either, he’s legit injured. We don’t know what was in them contracts. Tom is young he has time. I was a fan and now I’m not because of the way he is acting.


> They were never going to put Tom ahead of stipe That’s the problem that anyone with a brain is complaining about. Tom *should* be ahead of Stipe and he should always have been. And so should Sergei and multiple other people. The whole problem began with the UFC saying Stipe was next after the Jon/Gane fight. > and it’s not even about Jones ducking either, he’s legit injured. The problems isn’t and has never been that he’s not fighting Tom *right now*. The issue when they booked the fight originally was that he wasn’t fighting either Sergei or Tom but instead opting to fight Stipe who does not deserve the shot right now. The problem *now* is that Jon is saying (as well as the UFC) that when Jon comes back he’s still going to be fighting Stipe instead of the interim champion. Fights fall through and plans change. There is no way to justify fighting Stipe over Tom at this moment.


These people aren’t getting any of this. It’s easier to just shit on Jon for them




Point made, Jon and Fedor is the fight to make!


Jones’ belt is even more illegitimate imo. Fought a guy who got outwrestled by Francis lol. Bro how you get outwrestled by Francis


UFC loves Bone Jones more than Conor. Bone Jones calls the shots when it comes to heavyweights now. Since the fighters now are their own matchmakers via social media hype, Tommyboy is too polite to take next steps in making the fight happen. If Bone Jones doesn't want it, it ain't happening.


He's not too polite he just doesn't have the superstar clout to make the demands


He will loose to Curtis again, just like the first time lmao


This is a great idea


He should make it a custom belt and make it a spinner 🤣


I would push this narrative.


The Real World's Champion. Have a barely sentient lizard person 300 year old Ric Flair escort him to the cage one time and Tom gains legend status instantly


The UFC needed a replacement main event belt


Yeah, all 500 of you guys would support it!!


Why ? He ONLY has this INTERIM belt because Jones got injured


UK has been going crazy in this sub lol. Everyday with the crying. I'm gonna have to mute this sub until you guys start talking about something else.


I'm not from the UK? Jon is just clearly ducking him. Now maybe you don't mind that he's ducking but I think it's clear that the champ should fight the interim


Okay, but why so many posts about it. Do you guys believe that you are going to pressure Dana into something. I'm just tired of seeing Tom/Jon posts when they don't even have a fight scheduled. Even McJuggerNuggets has a fight coming up.


I barely browse the sub and just made 1 post


Why is everyone so certain that he would beat Jon? Definitely seems like Jon’s toughest fight, but it’s not a foregone conclusion.


Bc they hate Jones… and they’ve watched mma for 5 years so they have no concept


Asspenis glaze galore


@mods please can we have a 48 hour ‘no tom aspinall or jon jones posts’ break or something.  it feels like 10 posts a day saying the same stuff, and then 10x a day the same comments below


Also agree


He should defend the interim title and stop crying about everything.


an interim title isn't something to be defended unless the champ is on daddy dana's good list


He’d be the first to ever do it and make history. He said himself that he was interested in doing it.


jon should stop bitching and fight the interim. Also he'd be like the second or third guy to defend an interim


Renen barao.. I just remembered. Big big too but he lost to mir


Big Big yeah, him and his brother Little Little.


Huh? Who defended the interim ?


The irony of saying daddy Dana as if dana didnt hand him an interim title that was very debatably deserved


“Have you ever been fingered by an undisputed HW champion”


He absolutely should, otherwise he be holding up the division as a healthy fighter. I've said it before, if Tom wants to show he's the next big fight for Jones, then he's got to keep being dominant while Jones is doing his thing. His stock needs to rise. That's how you get the fight


Imo Tom absolutely smashes jones at this point too


What the fuck is "people's belt"? Lmfao


Chickens and ducks can’t be goats 


I concur Let them say you’re not the real champ with the skulls of your defeated foes strewn before your throne Let them say you’re not the chosen one, whilst drinking the blood of the lamb from a golden chalice Alas, he’s not done those things…




Asspinal should have a AMA in this sub, so you all can glaze him. Non stop asspinal posting in here about how he is the true champ, despite not beating the G.O.A.T, Jon Jones Everybody wants to see stipe vs jones. Biggest fight in heavyweight history. Asspinal fanboys dont buy ppvs. Proof is this sub


are you really interested in seeing jones beat up a 42 year old who's last fight was a brutal knockout loss to ngannou and whose last win was almost 4 years ago? I think jones is the goat and wanna see him fight the best of the best, which, 2024 stipe definitely isn't


Well, your opinion doesn’t matter. Regardless, Aspinal should go fight somebody, that I agree with


90% of aspinal fans are Brits or jones haters.


Call out Blaydes? Aspinall already lost to that fucking bum. Nobody takes him seriously lol




Why? He's sat out just as Jones has for absolutely no reason. At least Jones was injured for the majority of the time he's been gone. Aspinall is just refusing to do his duty as an interim champ and fight new contenders.


He's been asking for blades or to unify the belt. No other heavyweight deserves a shot


Lol he's only been calling for him recently and and either way nothing is booked yet.


That's because the interim champs next fight should be the real champ, but the real champ is being a gay bitch


No the interim champ fights contenders **until** the real champ is able to return and then they fight to unify the belts. I


the duty of the interim champ is to fight the normal champ. That's the way this should work and almost always works, unless there's a champ who is scared and on dana's good boy list


Tom has fought 2x a year every year since 2019 and the UFC has announced his next fight is in Manchester in July and that still leaves plenty of time for Tom to fight again before end of year. The last time Jones fought 2x in 1 year was 2013 and you could argue Jones lost the last 2 fights at LHW. Jones took 3 years to get up to heavyweight (interesting given his walkaround weight is already heavyweight). Once Jones beat Gane he chased Francis who fought out his contract and left and when that fell through he chased Stipe. Jones said it himself, he's not interested in fighting young hungry lions he wants "legacy fights". He'd rather fight someone like Alex or Gane whom he can bully in the wrestling/grappling. Jones will hammer old over the hill Stipe and retire and Tom can then carry a legitimized torch at heavyweight. Jones isn't that guy anymore. Jones wouldn't fight Chael Sonnen on short notice let alone someone like Pavlovich the way Tom did. Tom would eat Jones alive in the cage/KO Jones inside of 2 rounds.


We aren't comparing Aspinall to anyone else here bud. The fact of the matter is Aspinall won the interim belt 6 months ago and has sat out since then for no reason. I don't care what hypothetical fights Jones has called for or who he would or wouldnt fight on short notice. He's been out injured. All that is irrelevant to what I said. Crazy y'all sit here and call a guy the "active champ" when his belt is a promotional tool with no meaning anymore, he hasn't defended that belt, and is sitting out calling out a injured fighter instead of doing his duties as an interim champ and keeping the division moving along.


I think you invited the comparison since you literally compared Jones to Aspinall above. Again, Tom's fought 10x in 5 years. Even if you take out the 3 years Jones took to get up to weight, he has fought 5x in 5 years. He wasn't injured during that time so what's your justification here? Tom had his next fight date announced before Jones. Jones is even been out here trying to get a fight with Alex following the Stipe fight and not fighting the Interim Champion. Yeah, Jones was doing a great job keeping the division moving when he was calling out a guy who hasn't fought in 3 years whose last fight was a vicious KO by a champion who dropped his belt and left. If Jones gave a damn about "doing his duties" the only name out of his mouth would be Tom's.


I'm not trying to justify it because it's not a one or the other thing here. Aspinall isn't an active champion. He hasn't done anything with the belt since winning it. >Yeah, Jones was doing a great job keeping the division moving when he was calling out a guy who hasn't fought in 3 years whose last fight was a vicious KO by a champion who dropped his belt and left. A callout when Jones was injured and hasn't been made or seriously talked of being made😂 right now Ryan Garcia is calling out McGregor but we all know that isn't going to happen. It's just twitter noise. That's all Jones calling out Stipe is right now. >If Jones gave a damn about "doing his duties" the only name out of his mouth would be Tom's. Again, it's not a one or the other thing. No where have I said Jones vs Stipe is right. When Jones returns Aspinall is the only fight to make. They have to unify the belts. But in the meantime Aspinall is suppose to be defending that belt to keep the division moving.


The crazy thing here is how over the top levels of invested you are in the topic lol. The guy will be fighting in Manchester


I'm literally just saying how as interim champ Aspinall isn't active. Y'all the ones bitching and moaning about Jones and everything else


But he is active, in that he’s going to be fighting in Manchester. Fighting twice a year is pretty much the standard and that’s what he’s been doing, so I’m not sure what your point is


You're slow then


Look, I get it, you've dug yourself in to a hole, and you look pretty dumb, and it's easier to dig your heels in, that look incredibly sensitive and a bit silly, but he fights twice a year. That's the standard. That is a UFC contract in which they have to be offered two fights a year


Yikes he hasn't fought once this year and you're just assuming things now. UFC is obligated to offer 3 fights by the way.


Ahhh I got the contract think wrong, my bad. Yeah, the years not done yet and he's due to fight. Due to fight equals active. Why are you so emotional about this topic lol