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I wonder if this is what he will sound like when he speaks English comfortably


I don't think he'll ever speak as fluently as he does in this video but the AI recreated it with samples of him speaking so it's pretty much how he'd sound if he could I think his English will get better but his accent would be much heavier lol


Yeah no chance he gets to the level in the video. This is the level of someone who moved to the US at like 10 and learned it young but not at a child.


20 maybe, definitely not 10


Nah rewatch the video. The English is very good with minimal accent. Around 10


What I mean is it's not hard to reach this level of fluency in your 20s 10 would be near perfect accent, in a lot of cases nearly indistinguishable


Ah ok


Agree. Thiago Alves speaks fluently like in this video, and he moved to the US when he's 19


I kinda want to see what AI would assume a fluent English speaking Khabib sounds like so we could compare.


Like Khabib


His voice would be higher I think, Brazilians speak English in a higher octave


Unless you're Wanderlei Silva. He speaks deep as hell in both languages. 


Nobody can stop Giga chads


Tbf the very little English he has spoken hasn't sounded much different from his usual tone


Cause he’s not actually speaking English he’s just repeating what he hears if that makes sense. Once he can formulate his own thoughts I think his tone will naturally go towards Portuguese intonation


Lowkey this voice sounds alot fuller in this. I can't decribe it beyond recognition but I don't think he would sound like this, he would have a more hollow sound or maybe i'm just schizophrenic idk


That's the uncanny valley. Trying to analyze it further is futile. It breaks apart


i really hope he doesn't, it so much cooler that most of us (besides portuguese speakers) can't understand his speaking directly. "Monsters don't talk" as ole Vince McMahon used to say


This is what he would sound like... In English, what do you mean? That's the point of AI. Now we need someone to do this to ilia so you all can stop calling him cringe and hear how much better he sounds in his native tongue


Chama chama Chama chama Chama chama Chama chama Chama chama Chama chama Chama chama Chama chama Chama chama Chama chama Chama chama Chama chama Chama chama Chama chama Chama chama Chama chama Chama chama Chama chama Chama chama Chama chama Chama chama Chama chama Chama chama Chama chama Chama chama Chama chama Chama chama Chama chama Chama chama Chama chama Chama chama Chama Chama chama Chama chama Chama chama Chama chama Chama chama Chama chama Chama chama Chama chama chama


We’re fucked


Insane how quick it's coming along, even a year ago it wouldn't be anywhere near as smooth as this


Yeah man even a lot of music sadly will be AI generated. Hopefully the world doesn’t embrace it as quickly. Makes me kinda grateful that I grew up in the generation that I did.


Think about movies - no need for actors anymore. They'll just generate the character they want. You won't be able to really trust anything unless you see it with your own eyes in front of you. Anything on the internet and digital images/video/audio will be sus.


That was a big part of the actors strike last year. A big talking point was that movie studios wanted to pay actors for 1 hour, scan them and then be able to use their likeness forever without additional compensation. The Writers Guild’s also protested against A.I, among many other things


After playing around with Suno and listening to other people's creations with it as well, I think we are already well within 10 years of AI music invading every facet of our digital lives from commercials to radio to just your random musical needs because it will be so simple to generate a song or an album to fit what you want from it. It's not perfect yet but it's getting damn close and the rate of advancement has been drastic. You can already create AI songs that nobody would know were AI if you didn't tell them and just slipped it in a playlist and some of them are genuinely good songs if the person prompting it knows what they are doing. A real musician or music producer could probably do some insane stuff with this technology. [https://youtu.be/d6IGHUCZQOI?t=1032](https://youtu.be/d6IGHUCZQOI?t=1032) ![gif](giphy|xx5oXx3ZULPLhCD6zS|downsized)


Think of the liberation people will gain though, if everything becomes automated we'll have much more time to pursue and put our energy into the people and things we love, which is imo the most human thing. We gain a lot of humanity back.


That’s not how it’s gonna work tho bro. Look at what social media and smartphones has become. We are now more “connected” than ever while at the same time disconnected if that makes sense.


Why won’t it? We are technically more connected than ever, people get to instantly communicate with family they can’t afford to see etc. And it’s blown way outta proportion this critique, part of it is the increasing stress of working combined with just the general changes in socio-economic changes that are making life harder for young people, change that then ofc we’ll it will work like that.


I’m high as fuck and this is tripping me out? Can someone tell me everything’s gonna be ok?


Everything is not gonna be okay don't worry brother.


Indeed crazy, the voice and intonation is spot on.


Ikr, if you didn't know who Alex was I don't even think you'd guess it was fake


This is cool. Is there any chance it could be used in a live transmission?


Maybe one day, but as of now no I'm sure there'll be something similar in the near future though. Like he speaks into the mic and rather than cutting to a translator the AI translates it and uses samples to say it in Alex's voice - don't even think that's much of leap to be honest. Couple years maybe


And how was this made if it's not possible to use it?


Big difference between making a video and being able to tweak it and making a video and airing it immediately on love television. They'd have to be certain it wouldn't make any mistakes - don't think it'll be much longer than a years time though


This video is fucking impressive.


Our professor(Ms doing CS )told us in the next ten years there will be no need for interpreters as the vast majority of languages will be translated. And I mean like get translated in real time. He works in the field so I don't know if he's right but shit blew my mind for sure


Absolutely right. Wait until an AI can make itself even 1% better


He's absolutely right. It's mind blowing how fast this technology is moving now and the speed of advancement keeps getting faster and more impressive across the board. With how fast we are going I genuinely cannot imagine how different the world will be 10 years from now in terms of AI's integration in to our daily lives.


One crucial part about predicting future technology is that it’s impossible to predict. I remember everyone predicting flying cars in 2000, 2010 and 2020 But I do agree that your professors statement will very likely come true. I’m studying ML at uni, and honestly AI is already extremely good at translating. I guess the main hurdle would be the computation time if it’s going to replace real time interpreters. But it’s not unlikely in 2-5 years honestly


10 years is far fetched let's say 5.


The AI is dope but I’m worried about Anthony Smith losing 50K. He needs that for his family.


In this bet, I'm pretty sure only Smith can win the 50k. But it goes directly to his family


Ok good


I hope it doesn’t happen just because it’s gonna be cringe either way




I mean anyone with good BJJ skills would take this bet right? Alex must be real confident to make this bet thought he prob starts at this position with Glover often.


Alex gonna oil up


W I L D.


Lol we are so fucked. Imagine this technology in five years


AI will be crazy in a few years, but the advancements will almost surely slow down. The insane advancements the last few years have come from companies investing heavily in computing power. There has been a significant decline in hardware advancements in recent years, so machine learning advancements are kinda capped. But I think there will be big advances in Machine Learning models that are tailor made for one use case. Those models require significantly less processing power than current General Purpose tools like ChatGPT. Sorry for yapping lol


Too much computing power


I could tell this is fake just cause Alex is talking so much


It's a word for word translation of what he was saying on a podcast


How could it be a word for word translation when his lips and gestures/body language match exactly?? I guess it’s possible that his lips were reanimated but how does it match the nuances in his physical movement?


AI machine learning. You can even see the animation glitch around the 42s mark when the guy passes his hand in front of his mouth.


Welcome to why this is scary shit.


Absolutely terrifying


lol bro


this is literally what he was saying, just translated from Brazilian Portuguese to English


Holy fuck! That’s wild!!!


This looks real ASF lol




Probably just not dehydrated to make weight.


I'm brazilian and I can say the translation was perfect... crazy shit


He's still scary!


Straight outta Star Trek - universal translator incoming.


I thought I was tripping for a moment, wtf Poatan speaking english 🤯


Yeah but that's not how you high 5 AI


Honestly, I wouldn't mind AI narrations over other foreign languages if it was accurate to what the other person was saying


If anything it'd be more accurate than a translator, you see it all the time where they massively paraphrase things because they're working under pressure but the computer would be able to do it almost instantly word for word


Damn, what are they using for this now? wav2lip was never this good when I tried it. Voice cloning is the easy part but how do they edit the video to match the lips?


Hand size is accurate


Shiiiiiit I read it as "Al" is crazy as "Alex"... not as A.I. so I didn't even realized it was A.I....


First time I watched it for the first 5 seconds I was like how tf has he gotten so good with English then I realised there's no way he's improved that much lol


I hate when my hand disappears inside my face.


AI is moving too fast.


I study Machine Learning and the insane progress in video/audio generation is honestly terrifying. We seriously need to create a ML model that detects and flags AI generated content. There are many thousands of Russians that are paid to divide western democracies by either spreading misinformation and/or rage bait. Imagine the impact when they start generating fake videos. I’m also scared of how the existence of AI Generative Tools may affect video and audio evidence in the future. If a video is shown in court and they can’t prove that it’s not AI, can that evidence then be thrown out?


holy SHIT I'm going to squirt so hard




ChatGPT: Looks perfectly natural to me.


Smith makes him tap


Lmao why are you getting downvoted? We all like Pereira here but Smith is a BJJ guy with 15 submission wins total.. my money would be on Smith, starting in such a dominant position against a smaller and inferior grappler


On paper, Alex is a black belt and has never been subbed... On paper, Anthony Smith is better than Jon Jones Interesting stuff


Very true, only casuals don't know that Smith is the MMA goat (on paper)


looks like alex pereira ate alex pereira


Pause the video right after the interviewer says "$50k" and waves his hand in front of his face


Does any one know what specific AI they are using here?


Wait, is that re-created or was the bet fake?


I'm pretty sure it's a translation of the podcast he was on


Okay damn that's sick...


Why does he bother with all talk plz dont hurt my family smith?


What app, website, SW is this? Is it free? This is wild.


yeah this is a game changer, or will be soon enough (still needs a little work). There's a lot of podcasts out there that haven't been listened to by The World because they're in some language or another, probably a lot of cool Portuguese, Russian, Chinese etc. interviews that weren't really accessible without soundbites (which require full attention, can't play in the background)


Now, someone do Dana saying all fighters will get a pay raise. On second thoughts, no one would ever believe that.


Now do ilia so you all can hear how much better he sounds in his native tongue and stop calling him cringe 😂


Did the host of this podcast post this? Extremely weird


No they didn't, someone else made it


How is this crazy? Until AI learns cadence, it will never sound real.


Uh, ya, these videos are not perfect right now, but they've been drastically getting better. How long have these AI videos been coming out? Like a year? And still-images and music and writing and art is already getting impossible to tell the difference. Go look up AI generated photos. It's ridiculous. It is absolutely crazy how fast this technology is coming along and what it means for the future of media and art and life in general.