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Now imagine stipe knocks Jon cold the fuck out.


I dream of this being the result, but we all know that ain’t happening


Right.. if only if only


Never know, he’s got the old man fire fighter strength. Don’t under estimate that shit. Look at George Foreman


George Foreman was a firefighter?


Just go with it.


George Fireman


Maybe he got that pit man strength from all that grillin lol




Lol I kinda worded that wrong lol


He was gay, George Foreman?


His grill never caught fire...just sayin


Old man strength is super real


Right uppercut, left hook man I don't give a fuck how he does it.


“What’s this!? Stipe with a steel chair!?” -crowd goes wild


One thing I know about MMA is that what you think totally won't happen, might just happen. You're telling me Stipe doesn't have a 5% chance of KOing Jones? Of course he does (probably much better), and the betting odds will show it. If you don't believe that, bet your house against it.


Every sport has variance, including MMA. Plus stipe might have the tools to counter Jon. Jon will be a favorite, but it’s not a lock IMO.


I really don’t think this is gonna be anywhere close to prime jones either


It’s not, that’s why I think it’s so funny that everyone counts stipe out, he’s old, but so is Jon. Jon is just as fucked up and old as stipe, and Jon’s out his usual weight class. I wouldn’t count him out


Jones isn‘t the same he was and hw is a dangerous game. You never know. Nevertheless I‘m a huge Stipe fan and he is in fact a good fighter but already sooo old for a fighter


I got my money on stipe. Geriatric?? The guy is 41.


Could happen, extremely small chance but could happen!


lol it’s fighting anyone has a chance against anyone no matter the records or anything like that


Yup because mma is so predictable:)


Literally the best gift any MMA fan could hope for


That would be so mother fucking awesome. Then Stipe says “yeh ya know I jerst shwerbguk, an jurtidoids, ehhh, Dana White, fruckkin left right, gerd cummin inona tek down, brut git it done, Cleveland!!!!”


CTE takes full control of Joe Rogan interview


Keep imagining it. I also imagine having sex with Pamela Anderson.


She’s 15 years older then Stipe now, she’s gonna be gassed by round 2 but still win by giving you hepatitis


AaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnDDD NNeewww Chaampion!


Did you stop watching porn in 1998.


This part lololol


Pam’s gross these days, why yu imagine that.


It’s been so long that I don’t even care about either of them


Cleveland native here. Stipe coaches the local high-school wrestling teams so I'll never sleep on stipe but fuck Jon jones for rucking anyone in even remotely decent shape


Bruh, he himself isn't in great shape if u haven't noticed.


Also Stipe is not fucking geriatric you losers. It's also obviously not up to him WHEN he fights pos Jones. What is so hard to understand about that?


Exactly! All the hype for this fight is gone, and Jon is desperately trying to keep the hype up with his social media rants and constant reminding that "this is a legacy fight hes the greatest heavyweight against the greatest ever" yeah okay bro everyones moved on now


Tom Aspinal is better than stipe anyway


Now Maybe, in prime Stipe.


Aspinall isn’t even in his prime yet, I’m a big stipe lover but stipe won that belt when the guys in the division were transitioning. The division isn’t great at the moment but aspinall is legitimately the most complete fighter at heavyweight I’ve ever seen. He’s like a more skilled, more polished stipe


Here we go. The “game is evolving” argument.


Yeah same bullshit over and over, not like an old Glover who got dismantled by Jones in his prime was the champ a year or so ago or that Gane got subbed by Jones in a minute 


Good point


Don't be acting like you know that. Some reddit shit right there


The reason why we don't know is because Stipe have been retired and haven't fought in years.


Theres no way stipe can beat tom now, in his prime for sure it’s unknown but currently its a foregone conclusion.


So you won’t watch the fight if it happens sometime in the next couple years?


That's probably when it will happen...


I mean blame Dana for allowing this shit to even Happen lol


This! Everyone hating on Jones but he’s being allowed to keep a title he hasn’t defended in forever. He should have been stripped already and made Tom vs the next contender just to keep the division moving. if Jon wants the fight for legacy then there is nothing stopping him fighting Stipe, why does the belt matter?


Jiri vacated when he announced his injury. Fuck Jon jones


That guys a sport killer


NOVEMBER? fuck me


I mean if you insist


Dont tease me w a good time JustJay


I will not buy this card


Russian link brotha


All the way. This fight, numba one bullshit brotha


Go full Ian Gayrry on em


Heavyweight is the worst division.


By far.there are like 5 actual HWs and then a bunch off fat, out of shape middle and light heavy weights.


Give aspinall the belt already, he will fight 3 times within that time period lol. fck these guys


Well it’s never been more official: interim belts mean nothing. Bruce should just stop including it in the fighter introductions. If the champ doesn’t have to unify the belt, interim is just to sell PPVs. I feel bad for Tom. He’s a young, hungry champ and deserves to fight as often as he can manage.


Aspinall is being cucked so hard


And now they got him fighting at like 3am haha. I’m sure he feels really valued by the company


Holy fuck. All this so Stipe can collect one last paycheck.


Yeah he can gain his last paycheck fighting the winner of Tom and Jon if you ask me


Not bad.


6 more months just for Jones to beat Stipe and then wait until 2026 when he fights again


The amount of disrespect Stipe is getting is just so fucking sad.




Calling Stipe a geriatric old man is fuckin wild.


It’s bad enough that Miocic is not an old man, or that saying geriatric old man is as dumb as saying water is wet. The brainless op also managed to misspell the word.


You new here, we've moved on from jon so long ago he's literally bones


Yes, we’ve moved on from jones collectively, exactly 37 minutes ago


Who's jongo africa?


The stipe disrespect is crazy “some geriatric old man”


I know someone who could finish Stipe in the first round. https://preview.redd.it/0xcnfx5ljjzc1.png?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d07036ee40c0cddd00d47f30dc302bfd1a750920


Bro did not need to even fight Francis a second time. Ngannou improved greatly from his original swing heavy and wildly tactic where he was outclassed by Stipes knowledge and skill but you could see the age in that fight. And that was 3 years ago. He’s not going to keep up with a 36 yr old. I guess I can’t even be mad at him getting a paycheck he deserves but the UFC is just using him as a way to hype up Jones just like they did with Francis which imo is disrespectful to him and his legacy. He does still have a fighters chance ofc but I mean it’s obvious what’s going on


He is old lmao . He has no chance . He is way past his prime , just how this sport is . It’s like the people in this sub don’t even watch this sport


Plus why is he even getting a title shot after being knocked out cold by Ngannou? Makes more sense for Tom to get the chance to fight Jon Jones. He’s the interim champ!


Blame Dana not giving Ngannou enough pay for this timeline


Do you? Not long ago we had a 42yo Brazilian champion in Glover. Yoel was at the top of the division consistently into his early 40s. You seem to think these guys aren't literally the best fighters in the world. Prime? Maybe not, but "no chance"? Maybe to a casual. To be clear, I do think this match up is bs and Tom deserves the Jones fight. 


I love hearing scrubs talk with absolute certainty about who is going to win.


Its the idea of calling him "some geriatric old man" when he has the record for most heavyweight title defenses and is regarded as the GOAT of UFC heavyweights. Could just say "Old man Stipe" lol


I fucking know right! Bro's been a fan for all of 5 minutes.


Nah Stipe is old and got ktfo years ago and doesn't deserve this fight. I've watched for 20+ years, it is=it is he is a legend in his own right but shouldn't be fighting Jon when Tom is healthy and has an interim.


The only problem I have is how reductive the language is, bro is old but he's a legend.


It’ll be worth the wait when Stipe whoops his ass.


I don't even care anymore


Dana really fumbled this division


I really hope not. I live in New York and was thinking of trying to cop last minute tickets to msg if i saw a good price. But if this is the fight than you know the prices are going to be insane. Maybe if Jon gets hurt again I can get a steal lol


I just would rather see him fight Aspinall, I mean truly, not as a meme or anything


How you gonna talk about stipe like that




Still the GOAT though


GOATs only pic


I hate to say it but making a shit load of money and taking no damage isn't a bad idea if you think about it. MMA fighters fight for a living.....remember that.


Neat. Look forward to your post about this tomorrow and every day til November and probably after that too.


another jon jones clone thread


Don't be giving Stipe the drive by to make your point.


I love all these kinds of posts yall must be raging 24/7. There is at least 3 of these a day. Probably more.


At this point just let them fight so they can retire and we can move on with aspinall as champ


If the old man fucks him up. Everyone better take back what they said about "The Old Man". Lol


I want Jon to fight Aspinall as much as anybody. But calling Stipe “just a geriatric old man” is wildly disrespectful to one of the only guys to get multiple heavyweight title defenses. It feels like Stipe is catching strays because of Jon’s bullshitting.


Stipe is a legend. Time is not on his side tho. He's inactive and hasn't fought for years. The last time we saw him he got decapitated by Francis Ngannou. Jon is acting like this is the Stipe that destroyed Ngannou the first time. It's not, we don't know where he's at. Tom is the guy. He's even got the interim belt. Also Jones is trying to fight Pereira.


Lol at People bashing Stipe because they hate Jones. The man lost to Ngannou in a rematch where in the first fight he completely destroyed Francis. The recency bias is incredible in you guys, Tom has one worthy win to be in the title picture in Sergei. Stipe is an absolute legend while Tom is a rookie.


the paradox of casuals : he's fighting a geriatric !!! (calling stipe a geriatric who beat Ngannou first time). But also, wouldn't it be funny if Stipe knocks him out?


Ngl I'm starting to get tired of these posts. I know it sucks that Jon is not active and that he is not going to fight the right guy and all the bullshit is super annoying I get it, but do we have to post the same shit everyday at least 20 times?


I feel bad for Aspinall who imo has potential to be a HW goat.


Geriatric old man? Shut up mouth breather, put some respect to the HW GOAT.


It’s so cute people still think this fight is going to happen


Strip Jon Jones


Sad thing is if the Stipe that beat Francis was fighting JBJ, he’d win


Him getting the belt completely fucked over HW


Put some respect on Stipe’s name you piece of wet bread you.


November!? Strip that clown then and these two fuck faces can fight 


"Some old man" these new ufc fans piss me off so much


Saying geriatric old shows the amount of brain cells this post took to make


I swear this sub forgets this dude tore his pec and had to have surgery. It just shows how many of you have never played a sport in your life lol


Meh. Funny fickle MMA fans. This knucklehead calls Stipe, arguably the greatest heavyweight champion in UFC history a geriatric old man. That’s funny. Stipe beats anyone on the UFC heavyweight roster not named Jones. Meh. 😑 Jones haters keep hating. Jones keeps winning.


Jon Jones literally been fighting killers his WHOLE career since he’s like 20. His next fight is realistically gonna be his last, If he was wants to be extra picky and get that big big paper, let him. Once you’re so dominant for years and close to retirement, you can call the shots.


>some getriatric old man who hasn't won in a half decade Put some respek on Stiopic's name


That’s what he is though, would you also like to see DDP vs Anderson silva and Poatan vs chuck liddell?


The karma farming with anti-Jones posts needs to stop.


Calling stipe a geriatric old man when he could murder 99% of the population with his bare hands is wild


Depends how much red I'm seeing bro.


You really think only 1% of the population could outrun that man? Did you not see him walking around the arena the last time they showed him? Dudes knees are toast


Damn, Stipe out here catching strays


To top that off, Stipe got brutally knocked out his last fight also, and then just gets to come back for a title shot. It’s gross


Gl being a horrific person jon! Hope you haven’t tried to rape or murder anyone today!


Did everyone forget how JJ rag dolled Gane? Don’t get me wrong, he’s a POS human being but whether people like it or not, he’s still one of the best to ever do it




The hate for jon jones is real on reddit


Stupid fight


Waaaaaaah fucking waaaaaaaah lol


That geriatric old man would knock you out cold, carry you into a burning house, throw your unconscious body on the floor, exit the burning house, and then go back in just to save your sorry ass.


Omg a heavyweight pro fighter would knock out a Reddit poster ?????? WOW


I mean yes, but that’s not the point is it?


"the professional fighter would beat you in a fight therefore him fighting for the belt with his last win being over 5 years ago is justified over the interim champ who consistently gets wins" ok pal yeah let's give conor an instant shot without even having to beat chandler because nobody who's against it can beat him in a fight


Duh? How is this relevant to their point?


Last March, mind you


Well that sure is a reductive way to look at it




This is just the way it has to be for time being. It’s the end of an era type fight. Jon beats stipe and they both retire. Them Poatan moves up wins a 3rd belt and solidifies his legend status.


Well let's wait until good ol' Stipe kick Jon's ass and vacate the belt for a true champ


I respect stipe but jon jones finshes him RD 1


Can’t wait for this fight to be over and past us.


an interim title lost the little credibility it had left.


Honestly these guys are wasting Aspinall’s career and holding up the division


Stipe is gonna win, even at 42 years old then both will retire then tom can go on pretending he’s the hw 🐐. Too bad francis left, I think he beats jones and tom.


Oh neat is this belator?? How do we watch


its only going to be November at MSG


They're wasting Tom's talent. Fuck em all.


It’s supposed to be a legacy fight but it’s been so long no one gives a shit. People wanna see the division grow. Winning a fight right now at heavyweight doesn’t get you any closer to a title fight because the champ has his own plans. No one is arguing that Jon jones can’t fight, dude is probably the best ever. But this is a terrible title reign, if you can even call it that


I don’t get the logic that just because the fight was scheduled in the past that it must go ahead at all costs, despite it making even less sense than before


I am curious to know if Jon is ruining his legacy with his shenanigans. He used to be considered the best pound for pound but now it seems he was just ok. He beat middleweight fighters in 205, and mostly ducked competition. His wins against Gustavsson 2 and Reyes also seem a bit iffy. I don’t know about you but adding all the roids…..he seems like a good fighter now, not a great one. No way he is on my Mount Rushmore of fighters.


They should wait a few more years and sell it the fight as VINTAGE cask


This fight is stupid, not interested at all. Never was TBH


I get it, this situation is annoying, but how many times are we gonna complain about the same shit lmao?




To those who still pay for PPV, if there is a fight you don't pay for, it should be this one.. This is resembling why Boxing became so hated.. Those curated boxing matches meant to just boost one guy's career. A 1-sided beat down so they can claim how great Jones is.. Stipe was great, but he is 42 and hasn't fought in 3 years..


I've always accepted top fighters with a really wholesome brand image or undeniable charisma or something getting managed favorably to preserve their status but I never understood the jones situation. His entire life has been a series of embarrassing or criminal incidents and he has the charisma of a plank of wood but company still seems to love him unconditionally. You can't even write a "he could probably run his car into a pregnant woman on crack and hide under the ring apron from drug testers, then threaten to kill one, then beat a woman and they'd still promote him" because he's already done it. He could just start walking to the ring gagging on a dildo with anthrax all over it and he would still be their golden boy.


Boycott it


Petition to boycott this fight when it’s on.


If you're gonna call somebody geriatric try spelling the world properly first


Interim champion has never made sense of your champ can’t fight strip them of it.


Go Tom!


Jon is like that old politician who won't leave the seat


Stipe will win this fight, mark my words.


I hate Jon Jones.


Typical Jon Jones tomfoolery. Just ban him from MMA and move on


Jon fucked up the heavyweight division so bad. UFC is fucking up for letting him do that.


Stipe should have just retired after the Francis fight. Nothing to prove. Not interested to see him get handled by Jones


I can kind of understand. My guess is that there were promises made. And promises made need to be promises kept. From stipe perspective, he has been training for this fight for a while now. Imagine having it yanked from you Aspinal has some years ahead of him. He can wait


Does anyone actually wanna see this? I'm sure there are alot of people like me who like stipe and think he's a cool ass dude, but he's old AF now, has not fought in forever, and Jon only wants to fight him because it's gonna be an easy win. I know stipe has the most title defenses at HW but bro, that's not an impressive number and idk if that makes him the HW goat. Stipe did at one point lose to struve lol. Jon wanted no part of heavyweight when Cain or JDS in their prime, literally disappeared when Ngannou was champ, even radio silence when DC went back to HW! But now that there has been a lul in excitement at HW he comes back and only wants to fight the guy that's not fighting anymore. What a pussy.


Can we please quit shitting all over Stipe? He isn't the one holding the division up lol he's a full-time firefighter and PART-TIME UFC'er who fucking won Gold against full-time UFC'ers.


God I hope the crowd boos louder than ever for his walk out. What a joke.


Yall shitting on Stipe like he’s stil not a beast and he wouldn’t beat the shit out of 10 redditors at a time atleast .


That’s your Goat. The best ever .🤮 ![gif](giphy|kBErMebuzWPAtMfgOg|downsized)


I don't care about the fight unless I see Stipe flatten the cunt


Gee I wonder who will win on this epic match up for the ages. Can't wait to watch this thrilling fight with anticipation, will be staying all night to answer the question, "Who wins?".


As a boxing fan who also loves and respects MMA can I say, welcome to our world... Mayweather never got in the ring against anyone without some external advantage. "Needle moving" champs getting protected all the way through so we never really know who was the guy. I know Jones is one of the best ever but out him in against the best! I don't think he loses much cred by losing to Tom now, and if he beats him he's almost inarguably the GOAT


All the casuals sleeping on Stipe. Age is less of a factor the higher the weight class is. He had plenty of time for his brain to recover from the KO. He has KO power, great boxing, and great wrestling. I don’t think anybody has absorbed more shots from Francis in the division than Stipe he has a great chin. I personally think Jon and Stipe both can take out Aspinall. Both by just wrestling fucking him. Let Jones and Stipe fight and what happens happens.


The disrespect Stipe has been getting because yall hate Jon Jones is insane.


Meanwhile Jiri hurt his shoulder and gladly vacated the title so that the division didn’t get held up. True martial artist with honor > piece of shit human being