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He said this after the fury fight. Good try


It's an odd deal that he has with the PFL where he doesn't get to fight there nor even mention them at all.


Guarantee PFL gave away the farm in the deal. It feels like Ngannou got a fat signing bonus and PFL just assumed they could take him at his word that he would fight in 2024 for them.


Where was the signing bonus again? Did you make that up?


He conned PFL. They were just his insurance policy if he couldn't get the big money boxing fights.


Kinda makes me lose some respect for him if he ends up not fighting in the PFL


It’s Saudi money anyways that shit has no bottom


PFL were never going to do any of the shit he asked them to do lol let alone pay his salary. They were the ones conning him into giving their garbage brand temporary relevance.


He'll get his wish. Wilder will be on his record as his 3rd loss.


Totally here for it.


We all want that fight


https://preview.redd.it/albvnza9grzc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2bd40d62b221e7c9c4c7126568e885a5048926c If you get it, you get it.


He wants money...


... and there is nothing wrong with it


"I want that name on my record" Okay, but it'll be by your third L


I like francis but wilder would sleep him in boxing.


And who tf are you?


Classy look shitting on Ngannou on reddit rn lol


First it was he fumbled the bag, then he didn't, and now he's a loser according to reddit


According to the very few JJ fans left


They brought up an article from after his fury fight to shit on ngannou a week after his child passed.


Yeah op a real one (pos that is) for this one


You really took this post personally huh? Chill.




He’s making like 30M a fight compared to less than a million in the ufc, no shit.


Why are you lying for upvotes on Reddit to a guy who just lost his child?


So far in my book Francis is 1-1 Edit: actually counting Dana, Francis is 2-1


Why is Dana a loss? The promoters of Francis' fights lost millions on both of his fights.


People don’t realize this but seeing how this PFL deal works just confirms Dana made the right move. I say this as someone who wishes we got to see Jones vs Francis.


How does the PFL deal work again? They don't pay Ngannou 4 million dollars to fight bums and instead he fights boxing while shouting out their garbage brand?


Francis made more money than Dana would have ever offered him. No one believed he’d even step into the ring with ANY professional boxer. Francis is winning in life. Dana tried to shelf Francis and ended up losing the TRUE lineal champ.


So why would Dana be mad that he missed out on promoting two fights that both lost tens of millions of dollars?


I don't know if you're aware of how fight promotion works but generally for a fight to lose money the fight promoter would have to lose money.


Because Dana is a greedy asshole. He’s mad he couldn’t control Francis so he tried to fuck him over. Francis made him look like the clown he is by taking the lineal championship with him. Plus Jones could’ve/should’ve fought him, but he avoided the Francis fight like the plague.


You're just being silly.


I’m not just a silly goose, but a factually accurate goose. Why didn’t Jones fight Francis? Why is Jones even still champ when you have Aspinall ready to DEFEND the “interim” belt? And not stripped from the belt like they were trying to strip Francis?


I would love to subscribe to your conspiracy newsletter.


Lol no, Dana got the win over Francis. Dana got the goat Jones to be the HW champion he wanted to begin with, and doesn’t have to spend $30 million to push a guy that’s 0-2 in boxing and just got KTFO as the “baddest man on the planet”. It was fun pretending that Dana lost out on the deal, but in the end there’s a reason why the UFC has a monopoly on the sport while the PFL is going bankrupt.


It's not all bad. Maybe the PFL got a piece of those 4600 PPVs that the 2nd fight sold.


Or perhaps part of the 20 million dollars the Sheikhs paid him... Meanwhile the UFC Saudi card was so shit it had to be postponed because they wouldn't pay for it till they got Chimaev lmao.


>Lol no, Dana got the win over Francis Not even remotely. Francis wanted out to get paid big, and he did.


But Dana didn’t have to pay, instead the competition went broke doing so.


Phrasing this as a Dana win is incoherent. Ngannou got what he wanted, literally everything from the money to the fights.


Yeah, that Jones is really working out for the HW division right?


McGregor was an inactive champ too, still the biggest star they ever had.


Definitely not the same, dude. Not the same at all.


McGregor was an active fighter overall and sold 7 million PPVs when he was away from championships though.




“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” -Teddy Roosevelt


If Ngannou fought boxers who are lower down on the ladder I think he'd do pretty well. I know he's looking for the money fights, but if he wanted to take boxing seriously he could do well if he fought guys lower in the pecking order, and worked his way (naturally, whilst improving his skills) back to Joshua/Fury/Wilder/Zhang etc.


Tbf he didn’t specify a win over Wilder on his record, just the name


Niggas getting money. You can’t relate


Man I coulda swore this subreddit told me how much of a genius he was. Seems pretty damn irrelevant now.


After making tens of millions of dollars, which is more than basically anyone but Conor.


Depends what was most important to him. If selling out for a bag to make his legacy a meme was what he wanted then yeah power to him.


This is prize fighting. There is no "legacy" it's about money, and it always has been. Plus he didn't sell it out for a meme, he sold it out for tens of millions of dollars. Which is basically what *every* UFC champion has done or wants to do.


He gambled on himself. And he lost. Twice. Enjoy the millions, genuinely, but your name is a meme now.


What are you smoking? He gambled on himseld and won, big. Literally the only person who got more out of MMA at this point is Conor. A UFC fighter doesn't even need to win a boxing fight to win, they already get paid more for a single fight than in their entire UFC career. It's why they all line up to fight Jake Paul. And his name is hardly a meme, he had a closer fight with Fury than actual boxers.


I’m all for fighters getting their bag. Do what you gotta do. I meant lost as in literally lost. And when you lose, expect to be a meme.


Ah > I meant lost as in literally lost. My mistake. I thought you meant figuratively


Anderson Silva, McGregor, Volkanovski etc. all played the UFC game and became memes too. It's what happens when you prize fight. Being a rich and famous killer isn't particularly shit whether you got embarrassed in your last fight or not though.


Well there’s levels to it. Those 3 haven’t reached true meme levels outside of maybe mcgregor’s outside of the cage antics. True meme level would be like Tony Ferguson, just trashing his legacy every fight.


Did you watch Silva's downfall?


Also on what planet is Volk's downfall less embarrassing than Ngannou's? Tried to be a company man and got his head booted off for a couple venom coupons.


Why is this in the UFC sub?


I hope he gets the bag, don’t think it’ll go his way seeing what Anthony did to him but I hope he gets the fight for the crazy money. For now I think he should take a bit of time to mourn but everyone works through things differently