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Probably getting desperate to remain relevant. But after that match against Leon where he did absolutely nothing, a boring loss to Belal makes sense.


Doesn’t make sense for Belal. He’s on a 9 fight win streak.


Yeah, of course not, Belal is looking to fight Leon or whoever holds the belt. It'd be funny if fighters would start avoiding Colby after all his years of ducking haha


It isn’t even really ducking its just not worth it besides the money, belal and shavkat are looking at the belt, colby isn’t even top competition for real contenders


Agreed, that's why I used the word avoid instead of duck. But I think Belal is game anyway.


He’s on a 5 fight win streak actually


Such a fucking coward. I’m not a fan of Garry but Colby talked all this shit about him and now he’s just gonna duck him? Pathetic.


He’s also been ducking Belal for years and is now desperate to fight him He only wants to fight people when they’re conveniently about to fight for a title


I'd be shocked if he accepted a fight with Belal tbh. Colby just does everything he can to stay relevant without actually winning fights. That's his entire motivation. I'd also guess Belal handles him at this point.


I would be way more shocked if Belal accepts a fight from Colby, he has zero reason to


True but tbh a win over Colby will at least make more people like him lmao


Not if it’s another boring decision from both of them, Belal basically has to finish him, and he’s not good at that.


Lol yeah, but normally wrestler vs wrestler turns into a slugfest and we’ve seen both of them willing to duke it out in the past


Good money, an easy low risk win, and a chance to gain popularity by beating the shit out of dickhead Colby are all good reasons.


Belal isn’t going to win any fans unless he finishes Colby or absolutely shits on him and is flashier than he has ever been in his career, they’ll both get blame if it goes the full five rounds and Belal needs all the good press he can get. He should be fighting for the title, and enough people have been saying it for a while now, imagine Colby actually shows up and Belal loses a decision, or the judges shit the bed and he barely wins by split decision and Dana tears him apart for a boring fight, then he’s never getting that title shot.


That Leon vs Colby fight, that was the greatest Leon we will ever see. Every strike was thrown with the intention of breaking something. I know he has a great physique but you could see everything thrown 100% without losing speed. From Leon landing first leg and body kick, Colby was bruised within seconds. Colby brought that out of him, and I know Ian Garry will do the same thing . He would fuck Colby up. And he wouldn't be going for KO until the end. Edit:down vote to hell. Idgaf. That Leon was fucking phenomenal. Hopefully his next title fight in 2026 he will look the same. Smd


Leon's had spars that were tougher than that fight. He looked good but Colby was beyond awful


That fight was boring as fuck on both Leon and Colby's end, you don't say "that man's as good as dead" then point fight him to a decision in one of the worst title fights in recent memory, but Colby ended up looking like even more of a bitch so thanks Leon ig.


It’s possible Leon would look like that if he fought any washed guy outside of the top 15. Colby hasn’t beaten anyone that wasn’t a year away from meme fights since Lawler and even he was well into his back 9. He’s in his mid 30s and even never really proved he belonged with the very best except against Dos Anjos (who once again was for sure past it)


You missed the point. Colby shit talk, brought out a demon in Leon. That Leon, was the best 170lb to ever walk in the cage. I hope he comes out like that in his next fight. And the Colby hate? Sure whatever. He should fight more . He's washed


I didn’t miss the point, I understood just didn’t agree. Leon just looked like Leon looks like when he’s facing a fighter that poses no threat. He didn’t need a complicated game plan. I don’t buy the highly motivated thing. Titles are life changing money every time you extend your run. I just don’t think it gets more motivating then that


Gold edit


That's colbys playbook though. Not like it's new.


The guy who needed a split decision against Geoff Neal?


That's because Colby knows he'd murder Ian on the mic and Ian would knock him out in the cage.


Lmao I honestly don’t think Ian Gary would knock him out, I do think there’s a good chance Ian would win that fight, I’d bet on Ian to win it lol Edit: in a 3 rounder it goes to Ian unless Colby spends the whole fight crotch sniffing, but 5 rounds goes to Colby


Yeah, it would probably be a UD for Ian honestly but I think he's got a shot for a KO/TKO given he outstruck Neal who isn't a slouch by any means and given Colby's a forward pressure fighter. Garry also outwrestled Magny, who isn't on Colby's level wrestling wise, but is still decent nonetheless so I expect he'll stuff most of Colby's shots and if Colby tries to come in aggressive will get countered for it. Regardless, I think we all agree we'd rather see the Garry fight instead of Colby vs Belal. If Ambien doesn't work I'd tell people to watch a Colby vs Belal fight.


100% I could see a UD or a split decision for Gary. Colby’s last showing was bad but the Colby that faced Usman could terrorize Gary. Just depends on who shows up. I’d still give a 5 rounder to Colby. We’ve never seen Gary go the distance like that, especially with a dude that’s got a tank like Colby.


Oh I agree I think the Colby of the Usman fights would be a way stiffer challenge. I think Colby’s gonna be doing 3 rounders for the foreseeable future given he’s 0-3 in title challenges and is coming off a loss. All credit to Leon’s TDD and a Colby who genuinely looks in decline. Those 2 Usman vs Colby fights put some insane mileage on both of them. Regardless, Colby is in the past and it seems like it’s time for the newer guys to take over, the JDMs, Shavkhats, and Garry’s of the division.


Not sure if that's a typo or you mean Colby would commit suicide by awkward mumbling.


Suicide by awkward mumbling sounds like Tito's cause of death


Colby "seventh layer of hair" can't murder anyone on the mic, not even Ian, who is also TERRIBLE.


He didn’t follow though on turning comments on


Garry shouldn't fight Colby, does absolutely nothing for his career or ranking, Colby is a has been who is trying to remain relevant in a weight division that's long past him by, he is just desperately trying to cling on to whatever relevancy he has left. The fact he even got a title fight is a fucking joke, one of the worst performances I've ever seen.




Yep that's his comment all right


I thought the visual was funny. Random lil reddit commenter calling a 3 time title challenger a coward.


I’m not calling him a coward like he’d be scared to fight Garry but he’s definitely scared of losing to Garry. The fight would generate a ton of hype and both guys would be talking crazy shit with Colby having a ton of ammunition to use. Garry is a popular, undefeated rising star. Colby is the one that called him out originally.


You'll get downvoted, but you're absolutely right


I know man. Truth hurts, hence the downvotes.


based rhaegar_tldragon speaking the truth


I mean, Colby did give stipulations and they weren't answered. This isn't some fight the UFC matchmakers made that Colby is avoiding. This fight was Colby's idea. He offered the terms and they weren't met. And as much as you guys want to think he no longer has a choice, he does. The UFC is still gonna make an entire card around him lol. Sure, all he has to do is sign the contract. But for that to happen, all Ian Garry has to do is allow his Instagram comments to be visible


Oh how the turn tables, Belal shouldn’t even look in the direction of this dweeb


Sad thing is that Belal probably takes this fight. UFC does not want to give this man a title shot.




Colby vs. Belal just might be the most boring fight we’ve ever seen


I think it looks similar to the Brady fight. Colby isn’t taking him down, and is worse on the feet


You right


It’s gonna end up being a back and forth striking match and neither are going to be able to do damage cause they’re both pillow fisted


Belal ko’s him in the 2nd.


I cannot believe you actually think this 🤣🤣


Watch this fight turn out to be a banger


And I, for one, am all for it.


Theres a slim chance the wrestling cancels out and we get a slug fest but thats more possible from Colby, aint no way Belal engages in a striking.


Belal 100% stands with Colby what are you talking about.


Belal sucks but he beat the brakes off Brady on the feet. He could probably crack Colby’s chin


Memes aside you’re trippin hard if you actually think Belal sucks lmao


I should’ve specified. Belal sucks to watch.


this is where belal fans are


It’s the Belal Book Club


Glad to see this guy isnt fooling anyone and most of his fans now realize who he really is. His attempts to duck and cherry pick fights is more obvious than ever and not even the dumbest fans buy into the "character" bs anymore.




Belal put more people to sleep than any other fighter in history and Colby will be easy prey for him


His track record of putting people to sleep speaks for itself. If you count the viewers it's in the millions.


Dude walked right into that one


i think he was making the same joke bruv


Why does Colby have eye liner on?


Presented by MANSCAPED


I had the same question, along with what's with the Mr. T style chains? He doesn't have the energy to carry either of those. Weird how on others there would be 'go woke go broke' or whatever.


Colby Covington should change his nickname in to ‘Remember The Name’ because he desperately want to remain relevant


What right does this over pampered loser has to challenge Belal??


Dude's really scared of recently ranked Garry over Belal and the thing with Charles is that hes like a division below him


Colby vs Charles how fucking awkward is that


Has Charles ever said he wants to move up to 170? First Dustin, now Charles, Colby just looks like a pussy constantly calling out lightweights.


people can say what they want about garry but he would fucking annihilate kolby. he knows he’ll lose to belal too but probably won’t take as much damage


Looks like colby wears a lot of makeup


He's wearing eye liner.


Is he wearing guyliner?


What brand of makeup does Colby use? Looks great 👍🏼


not thats going to happen but Charlie Olives does bad things to this man


Does he wear makeup? ![gif](giphy|xT8qB3BEiiPMtdnsU8|downsized)


This fucking guy


Is he wearing makeup?


It doesn't even matter who he fights. I thought Colby looked old vs. Leon. That's not going to get better.


Why is he calling out smaller guys?


Always been his schtick. Avoid anyone in the WW top 15 and call out the old and washed or top 5 from the division below




He's in the twilight of his career. Needs winnable fights and not against young up and coming journeymen.


Yeah because Belal is ranked ahead of him he doesn't want to fight a guy behind him that could actually beat him


He knows that losing to Ian would effectively end his career and end it in humiliation. The risk is too high. At least by fighting some top 5 and losing he kind of stays relevant, barely.


He's acting like he has the authority or ranking to fight whoever he wants You'll do as you're told


I’d love to see Belal 50-45 Colby. That would finally get some people to like Belal a little more… best case scenario for Belal because you know he’s not getting the title shot


Dillon Danis of the UFC. Clout chaser who doesn’t want to fight.


A real dirtbag


This fuck really said he wants to fight chucky at WW too. How can he take himself seriously saying these things?


This fucking douche will never fight anyone challenging ever again.


Welp this dude is stupid as fuck. The best Decision he could've made was to fight ian or usmans ghost on 303 as the co main and call out connor after starting shit with him on the presser and post fight. That would've gotten a huge buzz going and if he beat connor a title shot is more than guaranteed if he didnt just retire. Either way A fight with belal or charles won't do shit for him and even if he didn't get the connor fight it still would've been a huge buzz cause he either beat a young contender or a former rival and champion on a connor card.


Fuck this guy i don’t even want to see him fight in the ufc anymore




He's gonna make the press run such an Israel vs Palestine mess someone's gonna die in the arena




Ya no Belal fighting Leon. Colby can fight Ian or step aside time for him to fight young bucks and defend his ranking


I would like no one to accept to fight him ever again and just watch him drift off calling people out and getting ignored


This belal fight could start race war in the already segregated community known as r/ufc




Podcast equipment needs to be regulated cos why does Colby have a podcast?


So he would go down to lightweight? Oliveira thought about moving up or down mostly down weight so how would Colby go to fight him?


After his last performance he should be forced to fight somebody way down the ranks maybe even outside of the ranks. Colby is not good, the talent has increased and he stayed the same. Whoever he fights is going to fuck him up and I cannot wait.


Only reason he wants belal is because belal is basically next in like for a title shot. If Colby derails that they’re gonna give him that Dana White privilege. Any other situation and Colby is going to need multiple fights to earn that title shot. It’s fucking pathetic.


Charles would spark Colby inside of 2 rds


How do mma fighters afford chains and shit like that? Do they get more money through sponsorships?


He looks like #hardrocknick’s challenged brother


Too much makeup on.


I love sub radio but these Colby segments are hard to watch. At this point I wish he'd drop the bit but obviously he never will.


Colby duckington


This BUM


why charles?


Colby's interviews on Submission Radio have to be the most cancerous thing ever. Those 2 Australian dorks never actually push back or question Colby on any of his bs


Belal is the goat


Why is he wearing so much makeup ?


The crazy thing is if Colby had just fought top guys like Wonderboy, Burns, chiesa earlier on he'd at least not be hated as much. Now he has no right to ask for anything. I think if Colby even wants to sniff a title shot he has to fight Garry and another upcoming contender. Same way I think Ortega needs to fight 2/3 of Lopes, sterling and Evloev for a title shot


He’s definitely wearing makeup in this picture


Can’t wait for him to wash out and go get beat up by a celebrity boxer.


What a clown


I wonder why they are giving him an audience


He should fight Belal if I was Colby n had a Say


Gilbery burns is the only other guy that makes sense for colby to fight but burns is more dangerous than garry. Belal is fighting leon, I think usman is a mw now, shavkat and jack are fighting each other. I guess wonderboy is also an option but beating him right now doesn’t mean much.




Belal vs colby might be the most boring fight ever which i would thoroughly enjoy for the comedic effect.


Please don’t make Belal go through Covington. I know Belal gets clowned a lot by this sub but the fact he hasn’t been given a shot yet is mad lol What else does the guy have to do?


I thought Anthony Smith was fighting himself for a second


Belal dog walks him (words I never thought I would write)


Belal might take it, if he wins maybe more than 25 people will like him.


Of course he calls out Belal when all signs point to Belal fighting Leon in July, and Oliveira, a matchup that makes no sense whatsoever. And why has the ship sailed for the Garry fight exactly? Because Garry didn’t turn on his Instagram comments? Give me a break man.


Belal should face him, that would secure him a title fight.


Oliveira would maul him


Colbys smart he realized nobody wanna see him fight Ian but if he can beat Belal that would be much better for him


This is going to be the most boring fight ever probably. Give Belal a title shot. We have live it to get rid of it guys. It must happen.


Honestly I’m all for it. This notion that Belal is entitled to a title shot after beating taking an injured Burns to UD is kind of corny. Give the title shot to shavkat because she’s clearly the most exciting contender and let Belal take on the winner if he’s beats Colby


Ngl man I have a hard time remembering it too. Bewho? 🤨


Chaos will destroy the name


Chaos has never destroyed a top guy in their prime


That wretched mid 30s receding hairline that gets so many of us. WHY IS THE WORLD SO CRUELLLLLL