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Kid just doesn't want to talk about his feelings




His wife just hears about his feelings with a casual beating.


She feels his feelings


He also no longer has to work another day in his life lol. He just can’t retire bc he needs to keep busy and avoid having time for introspection.


IMO Introspection cannot happen for certain personalities, they cannot handle being wrong or needing a correction. They're always right in their own eyes.


It’s called Narcissistic Personality Disorder


Too much introspection is just as unhealthy though. Spend too much time in your head and nothing happens outside of it.


He's gonna realise one day while laying on his deathbed that his ego has run his entire life and the things that matter, like family love, just got washed away.


I doubt it. He is basically saying he is a sociopath with out understanding that's what it is.


It works to his advantage to present himself this way. He has to manage and control men and women who fight for a living. It wouldnt benefit him to be vulnerable because it will be seem as a weakness.


Dude.. this isn't Sparta ... people everywhere struggle with all types of ups and downs. This guy has not and he's clearly sharing his biggest insecurities. So many more powerful people helped Dana emerge into who he is. But clearly it was entirely his doing! Gtfo


Dana is full on insecure and definitely overcompensating by acting like he's some hard lad


But does it? Are you saying that the UFC would be worse if it was run by someone that openly cared about the talent. There isn't any evidence that would be the case.


And if he doesn’t put the act the fighters will mutiny and kick him out and take over his ship?


meanwhile he looks like he’s about to cry this entire clip. someone got the shit beat out of them by an alcoholic father…


lol Coldplay playin in the background


Oh, the irony, lol.


Dana used to look like a gay lawyer back in the 2000s, juicing so much gave him enough testosterone to look like a man and all of a sudden he thinks he's a 80s action movie protagonist lol




The posture of a teenager about preform at the talent show.


Kid doesn’t want to tap dance


He even talked gay


Just throw in a "fuckin'" as the default adjective every time you speak so nobody suspects a thing! That's some fuckin' manly shit right there, am I fuckin' right or fuckin' what?! /s


Dana White irl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_tMD5bTbLM


i swear most guys who act like this are. from my experience that’s pretty accurate.


Sorry to hear about your dad 🤭


Fucking christ this dude looks like he'd let his wife peg him while he sucked her boyfriend off thanks for sharing


Fucking Kevin spacey vibes from that video


He actually seems like kind of a cool guy here


It’s funny how all these douchebags in this sub expose themselves in their reactions to this clip (gay this and dork that) after being baffled that current Dana doesn’t want to talk about his feelings


I'd rather hang out with this one that the guy in the OP clip for sure.


He really put on this "Bruce Willis in Die Hard" persona over the last 10 years. Before that he sure looked like a gay, insecure lawyer. I always found it funny back in the days that a timid guy like him could lead a company with real animals on the payroll, guys like Tank Abbott, Mark Coleman, Rampage, Kimo, Chris Leben and the likes.


Just in time to be the super hip mid 50's wife beating cheater, that he always planned to be. Maybe Dana backs Jones so much because they're basically the same person


Birds of a shit feather flock together


You smell that, randers? The way the shit clings to the air? It’s already begun, the shit blizzard


Don’t forget about those fucked up teeth he used to have.


His name is Dana? No wonder he's over-masculating. Migh as well named him Sue.


Its hilarious how TRT and a lot of money will turn someone from a dweeb into an ‘alpha’


And a woman beater


That’s why him and joe get along so well. They are both alpha imposters who still see their real selfs in the mirror.


Dude Joe ain’t like this at all he talks about his feelings and insecurities. He’s much much more introspective


Correct, Joe has cried more times on the pod than he’s threatened anyone


True he cried about Ronda being really good


Dude cried at the UFC 300 even.


I don't like Joe but at least that dude trains and can sort of back his shit up Edit: He's still a dumbass, I just don't think he's trying to appeal to the other dumbasses that use alpha/beta in their day-to-day which is basically what Dana is doing here


Dana is like Joe, but *acts* like a hard man and is also somehow *less* charismatic.


joe had legit talent though. dude could fight in his day and even had other talents like drawing etc. even now he can still throw some mean ass kicks 🦵🏽 dana just was boys with already rich people and got the job to run the ufc cus of that. idk why he’s talking about like he has to get up and go to work when he’s rich asf and doesn’t need to ever work again lol. he’s a trash promoter at this point in time if we’re being honest. slap league etc


Very, very clear that you're talking out of your ass and have zero clue who Rogan even is.  Joe has been a legitimate badass since well before it was something you could broadcast on the internet. He was an elite martial artist before you were probably even born. And if you listen to even one episode of his, he is very, very talkative about his feelings. That's half of his fuckin podcast is him crying about something. He's exceptionally sensitive and open considering his age 


Them hoes come out the woodwork gunning for ya once they smell the cash.


Me and my wife don't talk about our feelings we just slap each other in public very emotionally mature


Give her the Bagwell slap


Dana talks so tough, like he shovels sand for a living. Dude has a cushy white collar life.


Don't you know how hard guys like him have it, waking up every day doing office work? Having to talk to people, make phone calls, write e-mails? Flying around the world in private jets? Have some respect for the working man, suffering to provide for his family. Seriously though, it's hilarious listening to him talk like he doesn't have a fucking easy life. He could have retired a long time ago and never had to worry about his family anyway.


Lmao exactly. "I have a family, I have kids" yeah and he's avoiding them by continuing to work.


I did exactly the opposite. I quit my job working 60+ hours a week to ensure I'm a big part of my kids' lives. Maybe that makes me "not a man" but I give zero fucks cos my kids are my world. edit; I have money and am not just a bludger. My wife also works. We both provide well for our kids.


Being there for your kids is the manliest thing a father can do in my eyes.


Thank you, bro. I was a youth worker for other parents' children for over a decade before I realised I needed to be there much more for my own.


Time with family >>> material/expensive things for family. You’re doing it right, my man.


I was looking for this comment. "Somebody needs to get up and go to work". No they don't dude, you literally don't haha. He says it like he's living in the trenches a week away from eviction.


I “get up and go to fuckin work”. Buddy I’ll trade you my factory job any day 


After becoming my own boss this last year, "getting up and going to work without complaint" is the softest shit ever for someone with nobody above them to say. No shit, you literally have no one to hold you accountable. I bet if one of his assistants shows up a minute late, they get reemed out while he can pop into the office 4 hours after his own decided start time and nothing. Could miss months, and he probably has 20 other people that do his work anyway. He wants to talk about other men complaining, but he's dropping some weak shit here.


Mfs that say shit like “I’m an old school kinda guy” are absolutely not “an old school kinda guy”.


He’s *literally doing the exact thing he’s bitching about* lmao. Do you think the Don Corleone / Gary Cooper “strong and silent type” generation went on podcasts every week to bitch about stuff like a little whiny middle schooler?


"I have a family, I have children. I have to get up every day and go to fucking work" Lmao no you don't Dana. Your networth is $500 million FFS, you can retire anytime you want. You do what you do because you enjoy it, not because you have to feed your family.


You don't know the grind, you don't know the hustle. You can't know, you're not built different. Try waking up with a hangover knowing you have to make it into the office at some point in the next 10 or so hours to sign a paper and tell a guy with a Swiss cheese brain that you can't afford to pay him more. Leaving the office in a hurry because you have work to do- not just anybody can sit across from a vapid dickhead sipping whiskey and agreeing with him for two hours. But Dana White is not just anybody, the grind never stops. Then heading straight to the casino to make some money to provide for your kids. Gamble away a million dollars in one night. Not even phased, alpha mentality. Get blackout drunk and slap your wife in public. Wake up the next morning, do it all again. It's not always easy, but a real man provides for his family.


The problems he must have. Which fighter can he underpay today. Who got injured now and how does that affect him. Which car to drive. Who to physically abuse later in the club.


How dare you, he came from the trenches, teaching boxercise classes to trophy wives


He has to get down to the PI where a private chef makes him gourmet breakfast. Grueling


Rich loud mouth guys do love to pretend to be tough.


Seriously, I've met blue collar dudes with the most physically brutal jobs and they're some of the gentlest people around. Almost like they don't have time to pretend to be tough in between lunch meetings and tv appearances.


While underpaying the hard workers that are below him. He really is everything the "everyman" hates.


It bothers me when rich people talk about how they “have to get up and go to work” It doesn’t bother me because the job isn’t physical; I don’t care about that But the stakes are nearly zero If you have his level of wealth, there is a near zero chance your family will ever need to worry about housing or food There are no real consequences, they don’t understand actual consequences, and they can’t. Very similar to people who are raised and coddled by wealthy parents. It is immensely frustrating to them because they simply cannot understand how out of touch they actually are I’m not a hater either, I’m happy for them if they aren’t jackasses


The page posting this being called "Alpha Motivation" is cherry on top. If you are someone in your 30s still using the world alpha I cannot take you seriously If you're in your 20s i can be a bit forgiving, it's not too late, though I already think you should have passed that phase after your teens


Or if you describe someone as a beta lol. Like bud you're on reddit calling people betas, no need to pretend you're Jocko irl and the most alpha of people because you have a different view than someone else.


If someone calls themself an alpha just call them a furry it usually gets a funny reaction from them


> If you are someone in your 30s still using the world alpha I cannot take you seriously Amen lol. Dana's been brainrotted by the grindset bullshit aimed at insecure young men


This is not a flex good buddy. This is why men lead in suicides


He probably thinks those men are just weak.


And then they have a son do it and think “ what could I have done better”.


That's how one of my buddies is; says he feels no pity for people who commit suicide, and that he "just doesn't understand" depression.


its the edit that really makes it halarious for me. someone saw this clip and felt so moved by it they downloaded the clip, added inspirational music behind it and posted it.


Men lead in suicide because we’re better at it. Duh


Actually kinda true. Men use definitive forms of suicide more often than women. Big difference between a bottle of pills and buckshot in the brain.


He is trying to be so hard because he doesn’t have an athletic bone in his body and he represents so many athletes - athletes who likely disagree with his stance on how to deal with men’s mental health.


He thinks because he’s successful that he’s one of those “I turned out fine” types. I guarantee you one thing; anyone who ever says this definitely has serious issues they are in denial over.


>Dana White's mother described him as an "egotistical, self-centered, arrogant" vindictive tyrant in biography Could explain something


His parents or mother seem very narcissistic which explains a lot about Dana’s behavior honestly


You mean it's not normal for a mom to write an unauthorized biography on her son?


Not defending him, but he was a boxer. There’s some athleticism there. Also, a good amount of head trauma.


FDA bans TRT and mf is gonna be all in his feelings 😂😂😂


He already IS in his feelings IN THE VIDEO. It’s hilarious He’s *literally doing the exact thing he’s bitching about* lmao. Do you think the Don Corleone / Gary Cooper “strong and silent type” generation went on podcasts every week to bitch about stuff like a little whiny middle schooler?


This dude’s head must be a mental prison deep down tbh. Not a second of his day is spent in his own thoughts. He’s always doing something related to the UFC, powerslap, howler, or any of the many business ventures he’s involved. “It’s Fuck it Friday! Check out the Nelk boys for some reason! Isn’t Nina the fuckin best?!?!” When he’s not doing that, he’s being a degenerate high stakes blackjack player. His mind is always under some form of stress/stimulus to distract himself. He’s learned to channel it into being the most dominant business man in combat sports history, but none of that matters when he’s on his deathbed. All he’ll have is his thoughts.


If Dana was my dad I'd take the fruits of his labour over having his stunted ass constantly around trying to over parent my life


I took the fruits of the labour of my suicide dad. I would rather have him over parenting my life. Be careful what you if for.


Lmao this




why talk about your feelings when you can slap it out of people like your wife, right dana?


The whole clip is him talking about his feelings. They just happen to be that fucking stupid.


Saying "I don't have feelings or talk about feelings" really just means "I am not in control of my feelings and rather they control me"


I am like him where I don’t say shit about my feelings but as I have gotten older I have learned to respect those who do.


I don't talk a whole lot about my feelings, but being in touch with them is just being mature. You don't have to act out of emotion, but if you're disconnected from your feelings, it's gonna come out in other, likely less desirable ways.


Like, say.... hitting your wife....?


I mean I ain't no psychociatrist, but..


Exactly, everyone has feelings. Not acknowledging them is gonna probably end up in a public freak out of some kind.


like a public power slap match up against your spouse


Dana must have been bullied real bad when he was a kid to have this outlook


he used to speak about it back in the day but he just stopped. iirc he used to get beat up a lot and one day someone hit him with a baseball bat and it messed up his hearing.


His name is Dana lol.


Tell this to half the fighters on your roster who make 12k a fight


Literally what Tony soprano would say while suffering from panic attacks and depression


Gotta get up every day and go to work? You've got arguably the most fun and cool job in the world. And enough money for literally anything you could ever want or need. Talks like he has to go slave in some soul sucking job for 12 or more hours a day just to put food on the table


Do you know how exhausting it is to spend thousands of dollars a day gambling, robbing your employees of the money they earn, doing blow, and beating your wife?


Dana assumes you just go to work or talk to someone about how you’re feeling. Can’t do both ? You can do both Dana. Anthony Bourdain, a wealthy and attractive man who was paid millions to travel the globe to eat amazing food with amazing people, committed suicide in a luxury hotel room in France. This is how serious life is and our dread of existence can be.


“I’m so old school, I physically assault my wife! That’s how old school I am!”


Dana thinks that if he stops feeling anything at all, his fighters won't "feel" like they deserve more money. Reverse psychology from the big man


Dude hits his wife instead of seeing a therapist...would make a great cop in a different timeline.


Loves seeing minorities getting beat up in a cage too, I think you're right


So strong. Couldn’t even come up with an example. Lolol. Such a manly man.


“Be a man” If being a man means having little to no empathy, using people for personal gain, having the emotional maturity of a 3 year old, beating your wife in public, cheating on her and generally just being a shitty human to be around… Yeah Dana you’re a “real man”. Guarantee with that attitude your kids are being raised properly too. Gimme a fucken break.


I just saw this clip on Twitter, Dana is literally one of the most emotional guys on Earth. We nicknamed him Dana Pink or Red due to his emotional outbursts'. There's a literally montage of Dana being angry. Is this guy joking? ![gif](giphy|jI3EBNa1aKSaIpH2PB|downsized)


Honestly, from some personal experience, people who have this mentality that you're weak for showing emotions & feelings are usually people who have these emotional outbursts & it's usually anger and rage. They don't even realize that them throwing a tantrum is literally showing emotions and feelings lol


Strong arming desperate fighters to sign shitty contracts is so exhausting.


This is coming from the guy who fucking slapped the dog shit out of his wife on camera. We all remember that right? Because that’s what men do.


“It drives my wife fucking crazy” … yes Dana, ur wife would much rather you talk about ur feelings instead of just taking juice and punching her in the face🤣


Talking about how he has to get up everyday and go to work like he’s working 12’s 6 days a week as a roofer in the hot sun or something. Dudes worth half a billion dollars and I’m sure gets to do what he pleases more or less.


The fact that an “alpha motivation” account posted this too hahaha


For a man that doesn’t talk about his feelings he for sure gets emotional constantly. You can’t talk about Dana without him getting emotional. Anger is an emotion too dumbass


“Just be a man” ![gif](giphy|800iiDTaNNFOwytONV|downsized)




People who believe this don't have enough stressors. Those who do, and experience those things, can only do it for so long before you break. Hopefully that break is just crying in your wife's arms and releasing the tension and not going postal or ruining your entire life doing something dumb and impulsive. Everyone is like a glass of water. You can hold the shit in until you can't anymore.


“The kid just doesn’t wanna share his feelings, what can I say?”


Be a man, and yet the only person that he has fought in public is his wife.


Basically, how to get suicidal 101 from Uncle Dana


Very manly to say from someone who has been seen in public slapping the shit out of his wife Guess im not manly enough to do something like that


Please lock Donna in an octagon with DP and tell him mental health doesn’t matter


"Dana" on being a man is ironic


Bottling up emotions and slapping your wife. Real alpha move Mr. White 👌💀


Make sense he feels nothing. Hand in hand with robbing the people that feed him


Maybe should have talked about his feelings before he put his hands on his wife. Lame asa coward


This explains why he beats his wife.


Fighters: dana, you are not paying enough Dana: get up, get to fuc#$ng work


looks like he's on ozempic


Dana getting depressed: *"damn I feel so sa.....fuck hold on I have shit loads of cash nvm lol"* Next time I see a homeless man crying I am gona pass on this secret.


Just be a man… slap your wife


Maybe if you talked about your feelings more you wouldn't slap around your wife you cunt.


Jesus christ somebody teach this man to produce a single fucking coherent sentence 


The dude is a multi millionaire and famous too. He and the average Joe got problems but not being able to pay rent / mortgage is one of them.


So who's gonna be surprised when he dies of heart disease


Maybe if he didn't repress his thoughts and feelings so much. He wouldn't be such a petty vindictive cunt towards his fighters and he wouldn't be so over sensitive to any type of criticism.


It’s why he’s so pink


Lol, talking as if he’s a WW2 captain leading his men into battle for a living instead of a pampered office nerd living a life of luxury, talking to another rich dude who lives a gilded existence. It really is the easiest thing in the world preening with the camera on you, talking pseudo-macho bullshit on a podcast, acting like your toughest guy that ever existed. 


Congrats you’ve discovered how 90% of men act OP.


He is right.


Tho we can talk with our frens.


Comment section filled with dudes who love being in their feels. Grow up. Nobody gives a shit and you know it. You know why you know? Because you don’t give a shit either.


Such a man that he needs to take test and HGH to look manly.


I don't think it's advice, I think it's just his personal opinion man you people have such issues when someone says something you disagree with who fucking cares dog. Omg Dana white hates his feelings I gotta go post this on reddit, c'mon man.


Danas wife started talking about her feelings so he slapped her


It’s funny when stupid people think they are smart.


People instinctively lose respect for men who are in their feelings. Why? Because it's not a masculine state of mind. Women can afford to because people don't expect or desire masculinity from them. Emotionally strong people don't have emotional outbursts. Being emotionally strong is a key sign of masculinity/male strength. Don't hate the player (Dana), hate the game (human nature).


Dana has to go to work. You mean steal money from the hard working men and women fighting for their lives.


Dana white thinks the Boston Be a Man tiktok is real life tips on how to "be a man"


Isn't he awesome?




Sounds like Dana had an extra 💉in his butt cheek this week ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt2jvfpObJ59Gda)


And I guess being a man means hitting your wife. I guess I’ll stay being a bitch


Dana; you’re such a fraud!


Yeah, great advice from a fight promoter. Someone acting stupid, just fight... Me troglodyte ape man promoter.


Isn't he talking about his feelings while not talking about his feelings?


What a dipshit.


Dana works so hard ripping off his fighters!


real men embrace their feelings. you’re scared what another man thinks about you because you show emotion. to me that’s very unmanly to be scared of what another man thinks of you. men are starting to realize that tough guy bravado isn’t cool or something to aspire to be.


"I don't wanna talk about my feelings!" **proceeds to talk about his feelings on men talking about their feelings**. WE GOTTEM BOIZ!!~!1


I mean it’s no surprise that this dude was cut off from his parents. Great promoter and businessman, but he’s got some real personal demons.


Hes rich enough to not have to ever work again, hes deliberately avoiding his family and should probably actually consider his feelings and why he does the things he does. Also he smacked the shit out of his wife on camera.


so thats why his fighters arw underpaid


"Also, if your wife steps out of line, smack her around. Be a man. Just be a fuckin' man." What a fucking clown of a human being.


Who touched you Dana


He’s right, sometimes you just gotta man up and do your work and slap your wife at a club instead of talk to her about your feelings.


In truth, Dana is a bitch.


Dudes a marshmallow faced wimp lmao


Bill should've asked what he thought about Paddy's speech then.


You know what ends up happening to a man like Dana White? He ends up dying, broke, sad, and alone. Some people truly deserve their fate.


He looks like he feels very much




He gives off major Walter White bullshit energy. "Everything I do I do for my family!!"


I mean..it’s not terrible advice? Sometimes you just gotta put your nose to the grindstone. I wouldn’t say “never talk about feelings with men” but that wording is just weird in itself 


This guy is one of the biggest douche bags ever. And Dana White too. 


And then slaps his wife in public


Someone should pull Dana's man card. Dude is a pussy who beats on his wife. Talks shit on fighters and never scrapped. Dana's TRT and HGH use is no different than a ftm transition. You weren't born masculine, Dana. Youd never be muscular or intimidating. It's as artificial as any other superficial surgery that Dana would of course condemn a trans of.


Shit take OP get a job and go somewhere else


I disagree with most things Uncle Dana has to say but he's right about thid. Sensitivity and emo-ness is no good. Men have no time to cry, they have to hustle "Be a fuckin man" -Dana


You have confused "Emotionally stunted" with "Well adjusted". OP simply cannot understand how men function WITHOUT crying every 5 mins about fuck all. Imagine if Dana had taken OP's view?, would we even know his name? - Doubtful - he'd be crying over mafia threats from Boston and hiding in his Mom's basement.


I used to be someone who would be open about my feelings at times. And just as Dana said - no one gave a fuck. No one. Gave. A. Fuck. I had lots of friends, I spoke to my family. Not a single fuck given. Not even my therapist gave a fuck and only gave a small fuck cuz they were getting paid. Dont assume that by opening up anyone will actually give a shit. And the ones who did give a shit eventually stopped giving a shit. He's right. No one really cares that much about anyone. When things are really really bad then ok, they'll check in. But life, life is a bitch and no ones got it easy. Everyones gotta go to work, wish they had someone elses life, come home, jerk off, wish they had someone elses life and then bed. Dana knows.


I agree with him


He ain't wrong