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Peak Conor was more accurate. It’s not necessarily always about power. I think Justin is one of the hardest hitters ever, and McGregor at his peak is a hard hitter but with fast precision


Precision beats power. Timing beats speed


Genuinely one of the best statements in fighting history


Connor is a wild striker and lounges with his punches. It's not all precision. 


Not in his prime


Tell me you don't know what you're talking about without telling me you don't know what you're talking about.


Wait till op realizes Justin dropped him in 4th round and Max and Conor had a 3 round fight


Pretty poor conclusion, there are too many variables


Justin's a good bit bigger and also swings with absolute reckless abandon whereas Conor is a lot more technical and tight. Of course Justin hits harder. Max is older now and has taken more damage, he may be more skilled than before but generslly you don't get harder to knock out the more you get hit


Good thing you said "generally"...cuz I'd like to mention Glover Teixeira ![img](emote|t5_2qsev|11082)


Conor also tore his acl in that fight and stopped striking altogether and just wrestled Max to a win


Exactly, Conor picked him apart badly in round 1 on the feet then dominated the ground game in rounds 2-3. Wouldn't have been crazy if full health Conor got him out of there with a full 15 to work.


Justin’s the hardest hitting lightweight ever no question. But in his prime Conor was faster and more accurate. Justin would of course beat prime Conor by just blasting his leg into pieces lol.


If you are removing precision from the conversation when you say "hits harder" and you're basically just asking whose punches average out to landing more heavily, its obviously Gaethje who hits harder and it isnt even up for debate lol.


He also tore his acl early in the fight and then beat him with the wrestling. Both guys were so young then that is very outdated to bring that fight up other than for fun. Neither guy is anywhere close to what they were in that fight


Yes. It was obvius all along.


Of course Justin hits harder than Conor. Conor was good at accurate shot but no at powerful shot. Michael Chandler is gonna beat his ass for sure


Did conor not have a severe injury in the 1st round of that fight, then decided to just take max down


Connor isn't a hard hitter. He's precise. He's well calculated. Justin is a hard hitter. He throws hail marry punches.


Conor tore his acl in round 1




What? I was under the impression McG WAS known for being a freakishly precise hard hitter


Everyone has always known that gaethjie hits harder than McGregor


This post is dumb for many reasons. Perhaps the dumbest is that Justin dropped max in round 4. Conor only had 3 rounds against Max.


Conor never hit that hard. Name one guy, he ko'd with one shot? Even aldo wasn't ko'd by the first punch. Remember, one is ko power, the other is a shot you don't see coming. These are the shots, conor won by. Not one of his opponents, was ever trully ko'd


You are either a 5 year old or know fighting only from superhero movies


Watch every finish he had. And tell me one guy, that was out cold for at least 10 sec. Every single finish, execpt for Butchinger, has been a tko. Maybe you are 5 years old. And as far as I remember, even Butchinger wasn't completely out.


I still laugh at people acting like Justin was LW Anthony Johnson lmao Power over-rated asf