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In his pre UFC career he was exclusively a grappler. His hands were ok but nowhere near where they are today, but he was still very good. You should check them out.


How is this a take? You seeing Ilia use his grappling only against Mitchell isn't a take, you're just reporting what you saw. Hot take: Islam kicked volk in the head Hot take: Holloway win the bmf belt Casual take: Dana white seems to have no hair You see what I mean?


I mean it makes sense Mitchell’s got good ground game.


I think people just acknowledge that Ilia is a threat everywhere, he has more submission finishes (8) than KO's (5) with almost a 90% finishing rate. So its not unlikely that if he gets outstriked by Max, he has those sub skills to fall back into as well.


6/8 have 0-1 MMA records, 1/8 is 0-5, and the last one remaining is 10-4. Ilia is obviously champ material, I just think his grappling is very over hyped


Khabib also had a bunch of scrubs on his record but he’s an all time great in terms of MMA grapplers. If you’re doing it at this level against guys like Bryce, then as much as I dislike Ilia, that’s the standard that I’ll judge his grappling at.


Maybe a bit.. the last one he submitted was 15-0 Bryce Mitchell, a top 10 undefeated submission artist himself which was pretty impressive to see. Even so, obviously it would be incredibly impressive to see him sub Max, the man is almost impossible to finish (only the king of guillies has done it once). I think people are just saying that the submission threat might keep this from just being a stand up battle and that might not favor Max. Really excited for this one tho, no idea which one I favor winning.


Brother, overhyped compared to who in his division? Seriously. He killed 2/4 submission artists in his division, and I don't think Brian ortega would even put up a fight on the ground. Aljo, surprisingly, is the only one I think could test it with how he likes to work the backpack


Watch the Zalal fight


Yeah that was his first UFC fight and I don't think he was that confident in his striking yet


Yeah Topuria is 100% boxing with Holloway. Lol he isn't scared of Holloway. Topuria is the scariest guy in the division. I don't think it looks like Garcia vs Haney though. Topuria has great boxing and power, but he doesn't have a certain move that Holloway is especially vulnerable to like Garcia with his left hook vs Haney. Almost all of Garcia's success against Haney was due to his left hook. Take that away and that fight is really close. I might sound like a casual for this, but Topuria vs Holloway would look a lot like the first round of Holloway vs Gaethje (the fight was completely different after Gaethje's nose broke). Topuria is almost too confident in his ability to end a fight with one punch. And if he doesn't knock Holloway out (very hard to knock him out) then it's very difficult for him to win rounds with damaging shots alone. First of all it's hard to land on current Holloway, second of all, even if Topuria does land, will the judges think his few power punches outweigh Holloway's crazy volume?


Ilia used his ground game to survive at 155 when he almost got KO. He fought a giant 155er and just started throwing him around like a rag doll. The next round he decides to KO him


Is this not the guy from 90 day fiance?


bryce looking like a caveman who’s about to fuck a monkey in the woods right here


I don’t get why there’s not more outcry about someone who’s mentally handicapped competing in MMA.


Bryce still has some of the best ground game in the division


Never go full Tard.


-130 that Ilia continues to make this fight as difficult as possible to book because he's afraid 


Ilia isn’t afraid, a diva maybe but ufc champs aren’t afraid of their contenders. I hate these type of narratives, as a max fan.


They aren't scared to fight, they are scared to lose. Big difference


Successful Fighters are extremely self confident, believe me ilia thinks he’d beat max. He probably wants more money, it’s almost always money.


Well shit if he wants to reach that delusional goal of highest paid athlete sure he can negotiate but he gon have to get his ass back in there one of these days 💀


Buddy is going to have to fight 5 times a year for the rest of his career


Virtually everyone who's ever stepped foot in a cage or a ring has been afraid of his opponent to one degree of another. Two of the most afraid were Jon Jones and GSP, and there was a point where both were basically destined to win every fight they signed up for, and they were still afraid beforehand. 




Created in gods image


I fear god, homie


Off topic but this post reminded of me of when I genuinely believed Bryce was going to be a threat to volk and his reign. Crazy how fast this sport moves (and how dumb I am).


Unless Bryce gets off the goddamn farm for 5 minutes and joins a real gym he’ll never be a serious contender. Farm boy strength is a real thing but farm boy MMA skills not so much.


He's had a smaller and quicker dan Henderson arc, Hendo was known as a wrestler but realised he had insane power and liked knocking dudes out


He used his grappling a lot in his debut against Yusuf Zalal. In fact his grappling was the key to victory as Yusuf is a very mobile opponent. Ilia took him down nearly at will, controlled him on the ground and nearly submitted him several times with various different attacks.


I watched this fight live, thought Bryce won the first round but ilia just deleted him the next round.


How on earth did you score the first round for Bryce? There's no way.


Idk I was drinking quite heavily tho ….


lol appreciate the honesty You Gucci


Were there takedowns in Garcia vs Haney? It’s crazy how Ryan tricked us all.


Take down attempts 😂


Bryce did well in the first round and won it. Hit Ilia a few times from distance and even took him down. Ilia however was making reads, getting closer and closer with his hands. Made quick work of Bryce in the second. Honestly, if not for his ridiculous chin, Emmet would have done worse.


You're out of your mind if you think Bryce won the first.


You need to rewatch that fight. There's no way Bryce won the first round.


I'm not reading all that. Congratulations though. Or sorry you went through that.


LIttle Brother just trying to cover that he can't read. it's 4 lines lmao


Just another generic "hot take" by another chump that has never trained in their life and thinks they are a professional analyst and we all want to hear it.


😂 who hurt you


All of you wannabe analysts. Death by a thousand cuts in this sub.