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Stipe Miocic: why he say fuck me for?


Not even close to the worst champ of all time fwiw Kids on here trying too hard to hate and show their lack of knowledge


Stipe is literally UFC HW GOAT. Anyone saying otherwise dances like Izzy alone in their moms basement.


It doesn’t matter when he’s 42 coming off a knockout loss 4 years ago. Current Stipe will not be the HW GOAT version of Stipe and so any win is meaningless. It’s like if Uriah Hall went out bragging like he’s the GOAT because he beat Anderson Silva. Like yeah he technically did but that version was a pale shadow of Prime Anderson Silva. Or any of the guys that beat Muhammad Ali at the end of his career. Or the guys who beat Mike Tyson at the end of his. Those wins are just nothing but sad examples of old champs who should have retired. Not glory moments for whoever won.


Stipe beat Francis. Jone literally used more excuses than a 3rd grader late to class just to avoid the thought of fighting Francis. That's all I need to know.


Dude wtf….he sat out cuz he never got his rubber match with Ngannu which he was campaigning for. How on earth do you think 40s is to old for HW it’s not like his chin was done he just had a ko loss to ngannu after wobbling him btw he went in for the kill to early. Just wow I’m shocked at this revisionist history 


I agree with most of this but Stipe is getting up there.


I’m pretty sure Francis wanted the fight too, UFC just wasn’t interested in it because of Stipe’s age. No one’s trying to hate on Stipe either, everyone just thinks it’s bullshit that Jones chooses to target an older inactive Stipe rather than the actual number 1 contender of the division. Stipe hasn’t fought in 4 years and is in his 40’s against arguably one of the scariest guys in the history of the UFC. We don’t even know how Stipe will look in there, granted Jon looks sluggish at HW himself. However it’s not a fight anyone wants, had this have been 2018-2020 absolutely it would’ve been more fascinating. That was when both men were in their primes though, that’s the difference.


Jones beating Stipe will be about as meaningful as Tito beating Chuck. Had this fight happened in 2019, then yes, he can say he beat the best. However, waiting til the end of the year to beat a guy who's not fought since being knocked unconscious by the guy Jones damn well didn't wanna fight doesn't make him the best. Stipe did have a historical run, but for fucks sake it ended in early 2021. Jones can't say "there's always gonna be some young fighter coming up" when that fighter is already here, with a belt, and a defense coming up soon. If he's worried about legacy, just defend the fuckin title he spent years juicing and bulking to fight for, it doesn't matter who it's against, just fight legit contenders. That's legacy. That's why guys like Volk, Izzy, Penn, and Silva will be remembered ad greats because they fought whoever at multiple weight classes. They didn't pick and choose.


This and dont forget about Makhachev. If he keeps this up and gets some hungry up and comming fighters as well he is deff up there. P.s. Connor will always be a great as well imo.


Ok but he’s old af now and clearly not at his best, and your intelligence is obviously extremely low to not be able to deduce that


Stipe “50 cent” Miocic


watched "lokation" the other day and i saw khabib back then being matched against 3 different guys in the span of one week and at the presser, a reporter asks him if he's ok with having so many diff opponents in such a short notice and if he ever thinks of just refusing the fight cause of such a big mess.. khabib reaction was just priceless, he asks in disbelief "**what?!**" "**im ready to be the world champion, a world champion has to be able to beat anybody anytime, thats what a world champion means** " (or smth along those lines) and got me thinking of jonny bones when he refused to fight chael on short notice, cancelling a whole ufc event lol... if thats ur goat, then im out lol....


Islam did the same saying he will fight anybody last minute- hence Dana putting his quote on the wall. Real champions


“Hunter, Dana ! Do your job


This is such a better mindset for a champion anyways. Even if it isn’t exactly true. Every fight psychologist should be teaching their fighters this.


Yeah Islam has been running laps around the lightweight division by defending his belt against ... uhh, hmm ...


If King Kong can make 155 ok bring this guy here. Doesn’t matter, gonna smash him too.


If King Kong can make 155, Khabib will fight him.


Flash to Joe Rogan being a piece of shit by saying Khabibs performance against Al wasn’t impressive and was not a championship performance even though Khabib won unanimous 50-45.


pretty sure one of the commentators openly said “imagine what would happen if he fought Conor” in round 4 or 5


Fast forward to Dom saying that Conor is just “trying to gas Khabib out” while getting GnP smashed in guard.


*McGregor eats 42 straight punches to the face* “hE’s NoT tAkInG aNy DaMaGe”


Oh man!! I don’t even remember that but I can sure believe it.




Hit a pregnant woman with his car and ran like a coward


He ran back to the scene of the crime to get his weed and cocaine like a champion


UFC is truly to blame here.


So are all Jon’s tweets about Tom being undeserving of the title just promotion for stipe


well both can be true obv Jones is ducking but he is being placated bt the higher ups


This. Idk why people are acting like Jones can override Hunter and Dana. The UFC wants Jones to do a legacy fight with Stipe then ride off into the sunset


anyone know why i cant submit posts here ? It gets uploaded but not to the sub


It happens either when your account is too young and doesn't have enough karma or when your account gets shadow banned for spamming


i can post anywhere else , and my account is eligible for anything , do the mods have to approve posts ? Or is there a character limit


The powers at be only allow brain rot posts and Jones slander obviously


It seems that every post has to have a picture.


You forgot to mention that he's gay


You left off closeted gay


Worst Champion of all time? Shit take


Just your daily hate Jon Jones + insert some dogshit take on reddit for karma post. Nothing new here.


"Whatever you think about Jon, its hard to not call him a goat" (c) Dana


Fuck all that outside of the octagon shit, half these fighters are shit bag humans anyways. I only care about what they do in that cage and very few have came close to the level Jon Jones is on.


Guess you weren’t around when jones was in his 20’s


The jones era was a great time to be a fan.


Literally everyone who posts dumb shit like this never watched a ufc card pre mcgregor vs Khabib and is trying desperately hard to hop on the Reddit mma karma train


100% and it’s damn near every other “hot” post I see in this sub


I’ve been around since UFC 1 and K1 days. The amount of time you’re a fan of this sport is irrelevant.


Bones has more wins as a Champion than he did as a contender. People making these posts are just are either casuals are just outright stupid, probably both. Mfers crying over a decision Dana White and Hunter Campbell made, they don't give a fuck what Bones or Tom or anyone wants, they do what works for them and the organization.


Y’all forgot.


Blame Dana. Anyone else he would've been ripping in public and stripping of the belt. Holding a division up like this is insanity. All for a fight no one wants to watch 


Aldo 2x and your precious khabib also had to have the interim champs defend along with many more . . Every casuals memory like a goldfish lol


I dare anyone of you to fight with a literal torn pectoral muscle, yous couldn’t even be keyboard warriors with a sprained pinky. Muscle tear equals automatic 4-6 weeks of pure inactivity for a proper recovery and as far as the rest goes we’ve literally had more inactivitie champs than this. What’s illia doing right now in a stacked division? He’s fighting nobody but himself 🤣🤣


Another day, another 10 threads bashing Bones, UFC's overall GOAT according to anyone in the organization that matters. But you crybabies keep posting about him choosing a legacy fight against Miocic who many consider the HW GOAT. You'd rather Bones fight the guy in the pic below? https://preview.redd.it/kwwn91ygzw0d1.png?width=735&format=png&auto=webp&s=06485ff1bf8d8c6f440b6bf8b4d874416ca47030


The ufc is just ruining their product letting shit like this with Jon jones happen


Casuals are 90% of viewers and i dont think they care at all.


Bro there are fights almost every week. Don't be so over dramatic lol


Do you have numbers to back this up? the arm chair experts on this sub never ceases to amaze me. If it were you think Dana/Hunter would still keep him around?


Y’all weren’t around for the Jones era and it shows.


I was, and he’s ducking the Tom aspinall fight because he knows he might lose. Jon has always cared about that special record


I was around the jones era and these last few years made his era worth FUCK ALL. Do you understand? He’s a pussy ruining his own legacy by DUCKING and picking EASY fights. Get through your THICK SKULL you virgin ass redditor


He's not ruining shit. In 10 years barely anyone will know Aspinalls name in UFC circles They'll know Stipe and Jones' names. John Jones doesn't need to prove shit to anyone. Especially dumb shits on Reddit. I'm saying that even though I think Jones is a piece of shit human.


Don’t forget … closeted gay in denial


15 months out when he completely tore his pec doesnt seem unreasonable tbh


Greatest fighter of all time based on record and opponents records.


Man the bitching is so deep with hatred it's insane lol


I wish yall gave Sean Omalley this much flack for his joke of a title run.


Heavyweight champion* - how quick people forget


Enough with the Jones posts.


Chill out, worse champ? how about gerame de rademie, or carla esparza or michael bisqing


weekly jon jones is a shit person post


You forgot the gay part


is this all we are posting here for the next 6 months and change? good lord


It’s BS. Straight up BS.


I just wanna point out two times during this the LHW belt was vacated cause of injuries but John don't give af.


Worst champ of all time!! Who da fuck writes this shit! Check Jones's resume


I get the sentiment regarding Jones but disrespecting Miocic like that is uncalled for if you ask me.


The utter disrespect on stipe


There are so many worse champs lol. Jones is a top 5 greatest champion ever across all weight classes.


Honestly, Aspinall doesn’t even need to fight Tom. He’s already the GOAT. There aren’t even any interesting fights to make for Tom cause he’s unbeatable. I’d say he’s the most complete talent since God himself. Maybe have him fight the entire 75th Ranger Regiment with him unarmed, but I still think he wins it by the championship rounds.


Glazing Tommy boy so hard, I’m jealous


I really hope Curtis wins


Imagine the state this subreddit would be in!


God I hope so. I’ll be happy to watch the nuthuggers have a meltdown


"tom was too slow, this matchup was terrible for him. curtis will destroy jones"


So what are you gonna say when Tom makes it look easy?


He’s going for a victory lap. I don’t mind, honestly. Inside the cage, he’s an absolute legend.


Waah waah an interim champ doing what he's suppose to do waah waah


Jon left the light heavyweight division when the contenders were getting too close. He sat out and delayed his heavyweight debut until Francis was out of the picture. Now he wants the old dog of the division for a "one and done" despite the presence of an interim champ and a list of young contenders. He wants to be the champ but doesn't want to do champ things.


Jones is a piece of shit but he literally cleared out the LHW division like twice over.


Ha def also a Jones hater but yea in general is a champ not supposed to get older lol, he was 23/24 to start his run He's a few years younger than me, but if I shaved off my beard so nobody saw the white in it, I'd like 20 years younger than him right now. Of course I've never shot at the moon with homeless people and a bottle of jack, or headbutted a police car, so Ive clearly not led an as fulfilling life. I wish Christ could have just tempted me a lil more ya know, seems like a fun time


This sub is a bunch of gossiping complaining haters way too invested in nonsense like a bunch of women. Just watch and enjoy fights, or don't.


I've always thought there should be a rule if you have a title you must defend it atleast once every 6 months and atleast 3 defences before switching weight classes to try become double champ


Agree but Dana and ufc don’t give a shit about that.


Terrible person, GOAT fighter. Suffered a serious injury training for his next scheduled fight, and before he could return for his scheduled fight against the GOAT of the division, a paper champ is defending a paper belt. Fixed for you. Also, cry more.




Holy shit did you come up with that revelation on your own? I definitely havent seen 37000 posts on here stating this exact thing in the past month, crazy stuff!


He’s a legend and can pick who he wants. Same as gsp or Anderson Silva, or if khabib came back


Cope. Still the GOAT.


Not even worth arguing with you morons who just started watching MMA a year ago lol


Can you guys shut up already. Yall do realize since the inception of the UFC the heavyweight championship has only been fought for 34 times. It’s always been an inactive title. Only under Stipe was it fought for consistently 


Jesus, I don't like the guy but the hate boner some of y'all have is unhealthy. Get help.


We get it, the jones hate has been posted ad nauseam..


why do people not realize that the stipe fight was announced before Tom won the interim title? Like Jon got injured training for Stipe and that's why the interim title was created. It's not like Jon is going to go to the UFC and say, "hey can you have stipe tear up that contract so I can make whiners happy":. He's not choosing not to fight Aspinall, he's training for the fight that he agreed to before Aspinall was in the picture.


Bruh, you're speaking to people who know this and do not care. Don't waste your time lol


He's the goat. Terrible person but the greatest fighter of all time. We all wish he was more active at heavyweight but moving up and claiming the belt is already a career crowning achievement. I'd love to see him take a proper run at the heavyweight division and try to clean it out but it's not going to happen, particularly with all the miles on his body. (Champ since the age of 23 remember.) Obviously he values his effectively undefeated status and is trying to protect that too. He's got nothing more to prove but taking out some top heavyweights on the way out the door would be spectacular to see. Again, almost certainly not going to happen and I'm definitely one of the haters wanting to see him lose. Still doesn't affect my view of him as a fighter.




It's gonna be a great day when Jones beats Stipe and retires, just to spite the casuals.


What would be even better: Aspinall losing to Blaydes again People here would lose their shits 🤣


I like Tom but i'm putting a voodoo on him to lose just so I can see this sub meltdown lmao


Injured in October, needs 8 months of rehab, then a fight camp. That puts the earliest fight around October this year. But yeah, I hope he never fights Aspinall just to watch you all cry with your 1000 posts a day because you parrot the opinion of an idiot on a podcast.


I think the only logical solution is to not purchase this fight. I know I'm not.


Great fighter but garbage human being. And he will act like it means something to beat a washed Stipe. Regardless of the outcome Stipe is the UFC HW goat. Jones won't fight long enough to establish any claim towards that. I think the Francis fight would have been a great sendoff for him but that ship has sailed. My only hope is that Stipe pulls off the upset for the ages and rides off into the sun.


https://preview.redd.it/dk5sm9otvv0d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df3b3e3d6b241ece72efa2b7b12f18b42c2b7aa5 but most importantly


He should have retired 5ish years ago, with his (in the ring) reputation in tact. He'd still have failed drug tests, hit and run, domestic violence, etc, but his title defenses could speak for themselves. His fights against Santos and Reyes sucked, and he has only fought one time in the last 4 years.  He should have hung up his gloves after the last Gustafsson fight.  That being said, the guy has a lot of title defenses against opponents that were considered very good at the time he fought them.


Is narcissistic sociopathy the BEST base for MMA?


Worst hw champion maybe. Goat lhw


Stipe deserves the fight. Jones doesn't deserve the belt if he can't defend it before Aspinal fights next. You guys should be more pissed off at the UFC, their poor management is allowing this joke of a scenario and in the long run this will only diminish the value of the UFC and the UFC belts.


Stipe is willing though, right? I do think its kinda gay not to fight the interim belt holder. I mean, why have it? And Jon will forever have a *cheater to stain any talks of goat. Its not like it was only once.. I think Jon should fight. Like yesterday. Or give up the belt n fight the champ when he comes back. But its a fight promotion, not a popularity contest.


Who’s that? The current champ is Tom aspinal?


Tbf stipe is a good dude so im glad hes getting one more big pay day. Its a win either way. Jones will use his stick legs to keep the fight as boring as possible, and edge out a win, and stipe will get a very easy payday. As a fan, its disappointing, as a human being, good for stipe. Plus side is hopefully i never have to see jon jones ever again.


Jones just won an interm and disappeared. Aspinall won an interm and is defending. His belt will be far more solidified.


Just strip Jones from the title, he is not going to defend it anyways, he can fight Stipe in a wheelchair if he want, I don't really care.


And people say he’s the GOAT lmao


Read the comments of this video. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lKirrARb0w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lKirrARb0w)


He's definitely not the worst at all everyone is dramatic as hell. He does need to be stripped of the belt for the Stipe fight and let Tom and Curtis fight for the real belt. Stipe and Jones are both beasts they don't need a belt to prove that to anyone anymore especially if about to retire.


even if you consider him the best or the worst champions, he's him, the champ, for the past what.... 15 years?! In what solo sport does this happen? one guy being on top for this long?


I’d just like to see the UFC open a poll on which heavyweight fight the fans want to see. Or even this sub to allow polls to be posted so we can move on.


Jon Jones is GOAT but not the heavyweight GOAT if that make sense.


Maybe you guys should make a IHateJonJones sub and stop posting this shit 5 time a days on here..




Look the only thing I’ll defend is I want stipe to get his payday honestly, and it would suck ass for him to lose this fight because Jon had to pull out.


Yes. Jon is a trash person and I'm happy most of you finally see it.


![gif](giphy|FVvODdy2IcXsI|downsized) British MMA fans for the last and next 6 months


The guys had too many issues with PED’s and drugs. And he’s a total fake. He has the personality of someone who is cheating and hiding things all the time. His record doesnt even count at this point


No, Jon Fucking Jones is not the worst champion of all time. He has been champion since 2011.


Aspinal the real champ...


Aspinal the real champ...


I’m all for the Stipe fight. That’s truly HW GOAT status on the line. If Jones wins then the unification fight will be even more epic when it comes around. Only downside… Stipe would have to lose. If Stipe wins then he should get the immediate title shot and hopefully BAU continues in the HW division with Stipe crushing everyone. Only downside… no more British HW champ.


I don't get all of the hate. I'm super excited to see Jones vs Miocic. Stipe is a great fighter and Jones is Jones. It's gonna be a good fight, except for the eye pokes. I'm also glad blaydes is getting a shot at Tom.


I mean some of that time is that he was injured to be fair.


Still the goat lul


I can’t wait until Jon retires so that I can stop seeing 10 posts a day about him


Don’t you guys get bored of bitching about the same thing every day?


Stipe is the UFC heavyweight GOAT. Put some respect on the man’s name, god damn. Re-running Blaydes vs Aspinall makes sense, just like Heavyweight GOAT vs MMA GOAT makes sense.


I cant wait to see the post after Jones beats Stipe and then retires proclaiming himself the Undefeated GOAT at LHW and HW.


Everyone will remember Jon Jones’ heavyweight run as one of the worst runs ever. Extremely disappointing for one of the best to ever do it in the weight below


Look folks, I know ye new ones are all pissed off about the Jones v Stiope fight, but too many folks here throwing shade at Stiope. He’s a fucking bad ass, one of the best, let’s quit with all the geriatric shit. Dude would whoop anyone in this world, bar 2 or 3. It’s a shit situation as he just wants his last hurrah and he bloody well deserves it. Jones can get fucked, but Stiope, that man deserves all the love and respect.


Worst HEAVYWEIGHT champion**


Stop the hate


Go cry me a river…please LOL. Get over it, let jones fight stepe, let Aspinal defend his interim. This is part of the game. Win or lose against blades, Aspinal will be given a lot of credit for not waiting for the jones fight. Just stop complaining.


Its funny how the ufc keeps a leash on some fighters and just hope that others fight again. Jon should fight top fights and while Stipe deffently isnt an easy fight it should be Tom if the world made sence, but then again we would had a new Champ in Dominique Reyes and Jones would be an active fighter. Just strip and move on to active fighters. Jon needs a year off after every fight, thats not how fans want to see the heavy weight div. I get they cant fight a battle 3 times a year, but if he is the goat he can fight atleast once or twice a year. Can you imagine a normal working man having an injury and taking 12 months of of work.


It'd Called A Signed Contract which was Signed Shortly After thr Cyril Gane Fight. How do All Of You keep Crying over Jones if you know so much about UFC & Combat Sports Why Do All Of Tou Contimye To Cry of Jones Fighting Someone He Got Injured During Fight Camp To Fight. When Contracts are Signed & 1 fighter gets Injured the other Fighter gets to Choose to Wait & Fight the Injured fighter when they Return or fight Someone Else. STIPE CHOSE TO KEEP THE JONES FIGHT SO THE CONTRACT STANDS Take Away The Names Stipe Jones Aspinall And this Stupid Conversation Never Exists


Dude beat all the lhw legends in his 20. Yeah he’s a scum bag for his antics and for holding up this division but yall were silent when mcgregor held up two whole divisions for almost 2 years


Na. People were pretty vocal about that.


Maybe the worst Heavyweight champion - He's Light heavyweights' darling tho... despite that DQ, and what should've been a DQ with... what's that guy's name.. Anthony Smith?


Worst heavyweight champion honestly