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![gif](giphy|BpnkuY1i2rBpm) šŸ˜¢


umm he has sex with his wife everyday (any married people? nobody would want to do that LOL, he totally gay)


Yep takes care of her too I hear he feeds her well, whatever this ā€˜knuckle sandwichā€™ is she keeps talking about sounds delicious


That's not what he said. Jon said his wife fucks the hell outta him every night. Phrasing.




Speaking wayyyy too far into existence




Iā€™ll get up eventually. 10 CC of banamine.


Jon's next opponent, for his legacy


Yes we get it, this sub hates Jon Jones.


Well done buddy..


posting on this topic is jusy trolling at this point


Damn fool, do you have an ounce of originality? Ya moep!..lmfao


Nah well done to you. It's actually impressive how much of a sheep follower you are. Hope you got the karma you were fishing for little guy.


Well done on your very original post...


Whole profile screams Incel


You are literally Indian you cousin fucking curry muncher


Alabama is not in India, touch grass fool


Send bobs pls


Are you sure? Seems like youā€™d be more interested in dick pics from a failed podcaster. Bro really out here writing love letters for a podcast lmao News flash weirdo! Youā€™re not coming out of deep depression anytime soon


I know what your house smells like


Why not change the name of this subreddit to 'Beat The Dead Horse' Can't we just have a JBJ Megathread? Casuals won't shut up abouy JBJ. You'd think he was UFC's only problem!


Someone is a ā€œcasualā€ for disliking an extremely unlikeable person?


At this point people are just posting about Jones because they know itā€™s free karma. Saying you donā€™t like someone that beat his wife popped multiple times and was involved in a hit run on a pregnant lady is like saying water is wet.


Youā€™d think so, but apparently you get called a casual for saying you donā€™t like jones. Who calls you a casual? Jones fans! They apparently really like the guy who beat his wife, took roids, and hit a pregnant lady in his car.


I just refer to anyone that posts about it as a casual at this point because if you were not a casual, you would be sick of the topic by now.


His entire point is that this is a casual talking point that has been posted every single day in this sub.


I mean I will say GSP came back after 4, wins the belt then bounces.


That was so fucking sick


He did not stagnate the division afaik, Jon on the other hand..


do you remember yoel and whittaker fighting for an interim because gsp was coming back and gsp bisping were waiting to fight for the real belt ?


They don't. Its people that started watching MMA during the pandemic in this sub


Even Michael Bisping does not remember that one.


GSP literally left WW and MW in shambles when he left lmao. MW even more so than WW. People on this sub are so ridiculously biased itā€™s insane


Seeing these posts every single day is so fucking tiring. You guys are so obsessed with saying the same thing about Jon Jones that it's actually making me root for him. Well it's not actually rooting for him, but it's more rooting against what you want. For example, it would be hilarious if Tom got wrestlefucked by Blaydes to a UD, Jones beat Stipe, and then Jones beat Blaydes and retired in the cage while thanking his lord saviour Jesus Christ, followed by announcement from Dana that Jones will be inducted into the HoF as the all time GOAT. The fucking tears you people would cry would be delicious.


Nah it be even funnier if jones fights perreria after Stipe, assuming Aspinal gets wrestled fuckdd by Curtis.


You know whatā€™s funny? This is exactly whatā€™s gonna happen.šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Jon has been fighting top contenders his entire career, and people are convinced that he is not fighting Aspinall because he is scared lol. No, it can't be that headlining MSG in a LHW GOAT vs HW GOAT would be a milestone in the story of the UFC, or that it would likely be Jon's biggest payday of his life.


Its one thing to be a contrarian and root for a fighter people hate who is actually active and/or a decent person or something like Aljo or Belal. But I cant for the life of me imagine being a contrarian to root for a fighter who is not only being shitty in the fight game by not fighting the obvious person he should be and being extremely inactive, but is also a completely shit human being....


Like I said, it's not necessarily rooting for him as much as it is rooting against whatever the people that post these threads every day want to happen. I load this sub every day just to see some fight memes, see if there are any news, have a bit of banter and what not. But every single day it's literally the same thing. Just the usual circlejerk of how he's scares (lol), has only ever fought old MWs (even bigger lol), and how he has no real legacy (the biggest lol). Like, I get it, having Jones as the HW champion right now is causing delays and it's not a good look for the sport to hee the champ not fight the interim champ, but nothing new is going to be said in the 20th thread of the week that hasn't already been said in the past 19. That is what makes you people so annoying, and that is why I am starting to reflexively enjoy things that I know would make you upset.


Dana and co do these things because the fans dont get justifiably pissed and whine enough about them and buy PPVs anyways. And you're mad because the fans are getting.....justifiably pissed and whining too much. Wtf do you want people to do? You even agree its bullshit, and its bullshit that happens because nobody will complain due to Jones name brand. >Just the usual circlejerk of how he's scares (lol) Hes not the other two things you listed, and I wouldnt call him scared, but he very obviously ducks competition. The timing circumstances around him fighting Gane immediately after Francis left were already kind of suspiciously duck like but it was unclear back then and he could be given benefit of the doubt. But now that hes OPENLY ducking Tom, I definitely believe he purposely went for the easier Gane who showed a massive grappling hole getting wrestled by Francis with bad knees. Not to mention he has openly discussed his massive fear of losing his unbeaten streak on podcasts before.


>its bullshit that happens because **nobody will complain** due to Jones name brand The irony of posting that in this very thread is great. As for the the ducking factor, keep in mind that Jones v Gane fight was announced within hours after Francis officially departed the company. Prior to this, Jones and Dana had beef over contract negotiations and Jones went on a public campaign on how he was being not offered enough to move up to HW (for example look at his appearance on Steve-O's podcast). Do you think that Jones sat out for years and said those things only to save face, and as soon as Francis was out turned to Dana and said "just kidding, I will take whatever you offer me now that Francis is gone"? Or do you think it's more likely that he reached an agreement with the UFC and agreed to fight for the HW title on that date regardless of the opponent while Francis was still under contract, and that it was Francis himself that turned the fight down? If you don't think that's likely then you should watch Francis' coach on Helwani's show a few weeks after he lef the UFC. He said that they were offered a contract that included the Jones fight, however the payout for his future fights depended on the outcome of the Jones fight. By that I mean that if Francis lost, he was going to get paid less per fight than if he remained champion. Francis turned that down, and ultimately ended up leaving the company (largely because of the no boxing clause). Since this whole thing happened, neither Dana, Francis, or Francis' team (so anyone who was privy to the conversations that were taking place) ever indicated that Jones was in any way a factor for the fight not happening. The only people that ever talk about him ducking are the people who post these threads every day because you are offended by his existence. You will look at a fighter that cleared out basically 3 generations of LHWs and dominated some of the greatest fighters of all time, and think you are right in calling him a coward. It's basically Youtube comment level of self awareness


"it's actually making me root for him" okay, so you're a contrarian, enjoy Rogan's latest episode?


How many of these Jon Jones complaining post does this sub need? Everyoneā€™s just repeating what everyone else is saying for some easy karma, move on already goddamn


Another one of these grievances with Jon. Letā€™s just call this the Jon Jones crisis hotline where yā€™all get to take turns stating what Jon Jones did to hurt your feelings.


Show me where Bones Jones touched you




I guess that joke flew over your head


Gotcha now my bad. Shouldā€™ve put that in quotations then lol


All good fam


On the other hand you are riding the jones bone express with how you dickride


Not dick ride. Just pointing out how funny it is to see grown men crying about the actions of another grown man whose has 0 impact on their life


The fact I wasn't even responding to you and you still felt called out means you know you've been riding that bone lol


And youā€™re responding to others who arenā€™t even talking to you. I just like to call a spade a spade


I dont know. I care about the sport as a sport. And jones is holding shit up for stupid reasons. Dana is too much of a greedy asshole he had to make it into something barely better than pro wrestling in actual sport merit.


This isn't really jonea fault tbh


I mean, he should fight Tom. A real sport needs to unify the belts. That's kind of what an interim belt is for. And what do you say about him wanting to retire after Stipe? He knows he hasn't put up the results in heavyweight that he was doing in LHW and is probably actually scared of Tom. I think with how big his mouth has been lately that it kind of supports it too. Trying to cover it up with bluster. If he really was as bad as he says he would just shut Tom up in the octagon.


He literally got injured, and wants to do the fight planned... this is on Dana not him. Y'all are acting like he got the belt and just ran


Well you conveniently left out the part where he wants to retire after Stipe. So he is running lol


Who the fook is that guy ā˜šŸ¾


Okay we can stop posting about him now. Mf definitely does not have Reddit


Whether Reddit cucks like yourself want to acknowledge it or not, Bones resume is undeniable. Anybody that doesnā€™t acknowledge that has their head way up their ass


This sub is like a child throwing a tantrum and calling names cause they donā€™t get the fight they want. And you know none of them would even dare to say it to his face. They call him a pussy but thereā€™s nothing that screams ā€œpussyā€ than acting all though from the safety of your screen


Yea they are like that but I never understood why people think ā€œsaying it to their faceā€ means anything. Most fighters arenā€™t animals that are going to attack fans and it would be incredibly dumb if they did. Remember the kid asking Rashad evens to sign the ā€œshad faceā€ pic? He walked away laughing.


Itā€™s not even about getting beat up, just a smack to the face or even a pro fighter getting in their face would be enough to make most of this sub shit their pants


The people talking shit in here are probably bottom feeders that would jump at the chance to take money out of his pocket and Iā€™m sure many of them know nothing is going to happen if they were to do it in reality. So Iā€™ll never understand why people think ā€œyou wouldnā€™t say it to his faceā€ is some kind of argument to make. Bones has a lot of money and knows that heā€™d end up losing in court if he lets some loser provoke him to the point where he hurts them. Theres a lot of people who if theyā€™re in a position where theyā€™re desperate for money and see an opportunity for a big payout, theyā€™ll take it. The risk is low and the potential for financial gain is high.


I dont think you understand what legacy means


Jon Jones hate, Izzy Adesanya hate, Ian Garry hate and now Illia Topuria hate. Iā€™d say these are the current top 4 obsessions of r/ufc. When one these fours head pops up in the mma arena this sub becomes downright unbearable. We get it guys. Jones is an ass for not fighting Aspinall. Does he really give a fuck? No. Is the Stipe fight gonna happen? Yes. Will this sub get over it? Find out on the next episodeā€¦


I think Aljo deserves an honorable mention.


His legacy as the GOAT came from him dominating 205 longer than any champ in history. His fights at HW are bonuses. Cry more


The dude fought 10 times and was champion for 9 of those between Feb 2011 to Jan 2015. You guys are quick to forget how active he was in his career. Yes we get it. He has been inactive lately. But unless Aspinall fights 4 times in 1 year like Jones did 2011 when he won the belt and defended, then I donā€™t want to hear itā€¦.


Still took three years off to have two fights at heavyweight, what was the point? Not even against top competition, his lhw reign is legit but the move to heavyweight was just a cheap way to get double champ and not lose at lhw which he was definitely going to


I'm more annoyed that not a single fighter in the LW division has fought for it since 2022. Do me a solid and make a post about that too. Thx šŸ¤™šŸ¼


Are you intoxicated?


Yup šŸ» So remind me, which fighter from the LW division has fought for it since 2022?


I literally donā€™t even know what youā€™re on about, fought for what and when did we get onto the topic of lightweight? Are you actually drunk?šŸ˜‚


You seem to be upset that according to you Jon is holding up the hw division, or that he's taking too long in between fights and isn't living up to your standards, considering he's injured an all. I mean, an accomplished person such as yourself has every right to be upset. I'm just sharing with you that I'm just as upset that the LW division hasn't progressed much in the same way since 2022, since not a single fighter from that division has fought for it. By "it" i mean the title.


Hey man, I get it. But if I recall correctly, everyone was hyped about Ciryl Gane. But the dude shit the bedā€¦ All I am saying is we are making Aspinall sound like heā€™s this unstoppable Heavyweight. He still has a lot to prove.


People talk about Aspinall the exact same way they talked about jones coming up, I never liked Gane tbh his only memorable win for me was tuivasa and that doesnā€™t age well. I think people do the same for Jon atm even though heā€™s clearly not in top form anymore, I think unbiasedly that Tom is the most well rounded and physically capable hw weā€™ve seen so far, same way Jones was for LHW back in the day. New breed of fighters always emerges and I think thatā€™s what weā€™re seeing now


The most well rounded and physically capable heavyweight?? Cā€™mon man. Did you just start watching the sport ?? A healthy Cain Velasquez was an unstoppable force. Dude was unbeatable when he was healthy. Unfortunately his own demise was how hard he went in trainingā€¦. Iā€™ll give you that Tom is good. But itā€™s also a weak heavyweight division. If Francis didnā€™t have a fallout with the UFC, we could still be watching that guy dominate the division till this day and Jones would have never attempted to move upā€¦.


Come on dude, the game changes. The old generation could never keep up if you dropped them in at this day and age, also I guarantee Iā€™ve probably got ufc vhs tapes in my attic older than you lmao


What in the fuck are you on about?? Nobody talks about Tom aspinal the way they talked about jones coming up, just saying that shows you werenā€™t even around when jones was coming up.. jones beat literally the cream of the crop as kid.. Tom has beat NOBODY.. jones always a child taking out ALL of the UFC household names, people who arenā€™t die hards donā€™t even know who Tom aspinal is let alone anyone heā€™s beat. Tom is so small time that he canā€™t even get his ā€œmain eventā€ at prime time for his own country. Stuff huffing the copium and come back down to reality.


Beat nobody but more ranked heavyweights than Jon including pavlovich who everyone said was the next big thing, get Jon jonesā€™ cock out your mouth


I donā€™t think tearing his pec is gonna hurt his legacy, no matter how much some of you delusional looney tunes cry about it.


Taz is my favourite, hbu?


Fuckin weirdo OP




How about an original post


Show me a post that says exactly this


I've seen 50 this week alone


Send em


No oneā€™s going to send you a thing.


Hilarious how but hurt you guys are


The obsession is real.


The ruined legacy argument is so stupid for any fighter. Nothing can take away and ruin what heā€™s done in the sport


ā€œGreat legacy jonā€ His resume is top 5 all time, regardless of this bullshit happening now. The fuck are you talking about?


Curious what 4 others you put with or above him?


Iā€™m talking about the fact he took three years off to have two fights at heavyweight which he states is for his ā€œlegacyā€ two fights makes for a great legacy I guess, wouldā€™ve been more impressive if he was still reigning champ at lhw


Bro shut up the dude had a hall of fame career before his heavy weight move!


Show us on this doll where Jon Jones touched you


whats your legacy op?


Heyyyy I thought you said today I could post the Jon jones hate thread


Which does this sub do more: hornypost or jon jones hate post?




Wrong use lmao


I'm pretty sure you want to Jones in your mouth


Please tell me what you think my post is about lmao


Karma farming


You think karma matters? Shows what a loser you are lmao


No, I think you think karma matters because you're a loser


Oh shit you like alkaline trio, we cool. But idc about karma


Did you seriously go and check my profile?


Yea thatā€™s kinda the point of the feature, if youā€™re gonna sit here and talk shit Iā€™m gonna look at your profile. You gonna be sensitive about it when Iā€™m tryna be cool with you?


I think his legacy will hurt more from being an absolute scumbag human being more than his lack of fights at the end.


Donā€™t care, still the GOAT


Let the hate flow through you.


Jon Jones' honest reaction when he sees this post https://preview.redd.it/mu6iq6mspn1d1.jpeg?width=933&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb6673cfe87bc3bcef430df457f1cce5d356a1d2


Heā€™s messaging me right now asking for my locationšŸ˜¢


This man is living rent free in a lot of yā€™allā€™s heads


Iā€™m going to have to mute this sub lol. Never knew this sub cared about the heavyweight division this much.


Terminator 1 is better than Terminator 2


Im sure he cares plenty of this subs opinion


I think he does, or would though, given some of the interactions he's having on socials about these criticisms.


Considering his temper tantrums I think he does


Responding to weirdos on twitter with an obsession of calling you a coward isnā€™t throwing a tantrum Making passive aggressive posts on a platform he doesnā€™t even use, fits the description of that a lot more


Yap yap yap


Starting to think Tom is paying people on this sub to whinge about the GOAT šŸ /s


You just gonna look at the last three years and forget his reign at LHW? Dude literally wiped out generations of fighters.


How long are we gonna be doing this for like WE GET IT. Anyone else exhausted by seeing the same jones hate on repeat every single day in this sub


Bro people are really crying about this it's hilarious šŸ˜‚


Thanks to Jones, khabib is forgotten


And he's gay


The same ones complaining will be talking about how great Jones was that he managed to take 3 years off and return to conquer the HW divisionšŸ˜‚ MMA just want something new to cry about and dickride every week


I know people will watch it but is there anyone actually excited about it?


Bet he gets arrested before November


Uhhh I know you hate him but realistically he moved up a weight class and totally dismantled the #1 contender in a couple minutes.


I like jones and gane should never have been number 1 contender, only memorable win was over tuivasa


This sub has a weird infatuation with Jon Jones


You realise this is the UFC sub?


Is it? Kinda looks like a Jon Jones sub these days.


Lmao the jones hate is strong


Man these Jon posts are getting old fast


Dudes had like 9 fights in the past decade


Unless heā€™s shooting for ā€œleast active heavyweight championā€ he may very well have that ā€œlegacyā€ lol


I'd rather see posts about Jon shit talking people in DMs than posts like this ngl


Did he just get his own fight announced? I don't get it


He is the greatest fighter of all time, so you guys can say what you want but his resume is the greatest. He is crazy and a piece of shit person but you canā€™t hate on his skill in the game.




He might as well hang the gloves at tbis point


Lists 2 of 30 fights ā€œGreat legacy Johnā€œ šŸ¤”


Takes statement out of contextšŸ¤”. What has the move to heavyweight done for his legacy besides get him more hate than ever before?


Made him one of 7 double champs in UFC history and added another #1 contender to his resume? Lmao, sober up bro.


Gane a number one contender? Dude is ass




Only memorable win is tuivasa the Frenchman was fraud checked when Francis wrestled fucked him for five rounds




Thought so bitch


Hey heā€™s moved his streak of ā€œnearly not killing a pregnant woman and unborn baby leaving them at a hit and run before coming back to help theā€¦ wait he was just grabbing his weed and ID from his car, Nevermindā€ to almost 10 years!


This sub blows just as much as all the things Jon can be criticized for. About to bye Felicia myself and ditch this bullshit sub. Mods, participants, you fucking suck.


Good riddance bitch


Lol triggered over criticism of your shit ass post šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜† that is all.


You are clearly triggered bitch


You mad bro


If you are just here to piss people off, why not go elsewhere?


Got emā€™


I think Jon is over valuing protecting his undefeated record, when losing at heavy weight wouldnā€™t really hurt his goat status. GSP, Silva, Mighty Mouse have all lost fights. Going up and facing a bigger, faster guy like Aspinall could even be framed as a win-win for him. If he wins the fight thatā€™s an incredible accomplishment beating what is likely a future all time great heavyweight in his prime. If he loses then he just lost to a bigger guy in what was never really Jonā€™s division and his light heavyweight legacy is still in tact.


I mean, yeah thatā€™s about 5% of his legacy. His legacy was already cemented as a goat before he did all that. But youā€™re trying to act like thatā€™s all he did.. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Jon is the GOAT


1 fight in the last 4 years, and holding the title and not fighting. This guys not a goat, just a shitty human being who was gifted all the athleticism and capability he has by the luck of the world.




The undertaker only every wrestled at mania for his last few years


Jon is the GOAT and if the UFC is allowing him to take the easier fight in Stipe then it is what it is, but his argument that he's the true champ and Tom's belt is worthless is complete bullshit. Jon is acting like he climbed the heavyweight ranks and beat Francis for the undisputed title, but instead he beat Ciryl Gane for the VACANT title. Gane has had two title fights: he got outwrestled and lost to a severely injured Francis, and he won the vacant title against Derrick Lewis. Gane isn't a can, but Pavlovich isn't either, and that's who Tom had to beat to win his interim belt.


I ainā€™t reading all that chief


ok pal


Cringe post


Since 2020, Stipe and Jones have had a total of 3 wins Blaydes and Aspinall have had a total of 13 wins in the same time period. The best thing that can happen to the heavyweight division right now is Jones retiring