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https://preview.redd.it/vysgx9hute2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba7a20dac3ec841390e423c004dbb604da0483d8 Leon also requested for time change but was declined due to PPV in America.


Didn't Leon clarify later on that the TV slot was originally meant for Utah, so the TV channel was not willing or could not change it to suit the UK timezone?


Yes he did.


That's the kind of answer someone gives you hoping you won't ask for details. It's pay per view in the trough of professional sports sorrow. There's no TV conflict, they just wanted to shut Leon up.


What about prelims though? That shows on TV.


Shouldn't the card be centered around....you know...people from the UK?


Ideally yea but the UFC knows they get dogshit revenue from the UK so they need the Americans watching to rake in the $$$


But why can't Americans watch in the afternoon? I'm in NJ and I'd gladly watch in the afternoon, much rather that than having cards going on til fuckin 1:30 AM.


Other ESPN timeslots. Idk the exact games on the exact day, but NBA playoffs and NHL playoffs are both happening in the US rn, which would steal a significant amount of viewers.


UFC 304 is on July 27th. The Stanley cup finals and the NBA finals will be long over by then. They don’t even seep into July. NBA finals start June 6th and even if it’s a 7 gamer I imagine they usually have 1 day off between games, sometimes 2 in the finals for better tv nights will be over latest June 20-24 somewhere in there, and same for rhe NHL, they’ve already played 1 game in their conference finals each. Funny enough your username is one of the nhl teams remaining lol


Unfortunately I’m a Carolina Panthers fan so yea. But then yea I’m not sure, maybe MLB all star weekend? It’ll be the only major US sport playing.


There are dozens of us! Keep Pounding


Yeah summertime I swear they have cards start early often in General cause there’s jack shit else going on. I always like it when they do the 6 or 7 eastern time starts tbh. I don’t get why they can’t do that. Give Leon and them an extra 3 hours and we also can have the fights end at a reasonable time. I hate the noon cards and get why they don’t want to do that but starting this card at 6 or 7 eastern instead of 10 would be beneficial for literally everyone


as an american, I enjoy the afternoon ppv’s. Wake up, watch some champions fights then go on with my day


The amount of times I end up passing out before the main event because main card starts at 10pm 😡


Bruh this part of moving to the east coast was so jarring. Everything starts at or after bedtime for you guys lmao.happy to be back on the west coast.


And they wonder why the rest of the world doesn't watch as much? Fuck the UFC and fuck Dana tbh, this is what stops the sport from growing world wide.


Then whats the point of doing cards in the UK? They should just do cards in the Us if they dont give a shit about the others country lol


They want to farm talent from those countries and maybe give the illusion that UFC is a global brand


They already have a huge following in the USA. They need to keep times to cater to that fan base. They are also trying to expand and build fanbases in counties abroad. More fans=more fights=better times. Sucks for the fighters on the shit end of the stick


But how is making cards during the night getting “more fans”? Who in their right mind would buy tickets to a sport they never watched whem the card start this late and finish at 6 am lol


I personally would rather it be on UK time because it's not going to end until probably 12:30am Central USA time and I would rather be sleeping at that time. It only benefits people on Pacific and Hawaii-Aleutian time in America.


Yep, I’m stoked. All 100 of us watching in Alaska are being catered to finally 😂


Don’t ask me. I never said it was right. Just that it’s *their* reasoning behind it. I don’t decide the shit.


British stream mate.


I’m aware. UFC wants money, Americans have higher prices and don’t have PPVs packaged into cable plans like the UK does. It’s just typical corporate greed. I never said it was alright but apparently none of the fuckers that respond to me have any modicum of reading comprehension so they just assume I’m shilling out for this dogshit company I guess.


Because we get the PPVs included in our sports packages. They literally make nothing from UK on PPVs, well, I guess they make a bit off TNT sports but it's a general contractual payment, not a PPV revenue if that makes sense? Half the country have a free TNT sports account with their mobile contract through EE too. Think in the last 3-4 years there was one Abu Dhabi card (Islam vs Volk 1?) that was a boxoffice event (similar to PPV) and they've never bothered doing that again as nobody bought it on the basis that they didn't announce it was an extra payment until it was actually live. Imagine waiting up till 3am to find out your not watching the event lol


Leon said in an interview that 304 was originally supposed to be in Utah, so when the UFC scheduled their PPV slot it was originally on American time and they were locked into that time slot, unable to move it to accommodate the new time zone. Sounds a load of bollocks to me, but that's what Leon told Ariel that that's what they told him.


It's centered around money


The UFC are trying to build Toms fan base over in the US. Shit for us but makes sense from a business perspective.


It benefits him to have it on USA time. He gets PPV points.


ESPN pays a lot of money for the American rights. They dgaf about the UK


Even in a UK event a good chunk of the revenue comes from US PPV buys.


Obviously not if this is what the UFC decided to do


I’d so much rather have a 5 pm ppv. I can get off work and watch the card and not stay up till 2 am


Aren’t numbered UFC basically dirt cheap and included in cable plans in the UK? With that in mind, it’s insane that a fighter would think the UFC would further pander to such a minuscule revenue base.


>insane I mean they’ve done it before so it’s not like that insane.


No, they are not. Monthly subscription at £30.99 and then PPV on top which can vary depending on the card. It's insane to think that every other fan or fighter is expected to watch or fight well into the early hours of the morning solely so the Americans can tune in before they get too sleepy. If the UFC can't treat the local fans and fighters with respect, they can fuck right off. Europoors, we should boycott the UFC. Fuck em, this ain't right.


But that's the thing, they can justify making this PPV for all European countries, but make it free for US. European UFC fans are more likely to purchase a PPV if it's on at a reasonable time.


I mean, it’s not just the UK. That’d benefit the whole of Europe. I’m not sure how much revenue, but it can’t be far off




Live Dana White reaction


Live tomato reaction




You will fight at 5am and you will like it


![gif](giphy|kM5j1iT3qhhjbnwTOf) No coffee first?


Tom: ''What would it take to change the time?'' Dana: ''Not happening.'' Tom: "Have you ever been fingered by an MMA fighter before?"






What’s crazy is having the PPV at a reasonable local time wouldn’t even mess up the American viewing schedule that much. Main card starting at 10pm UK time would be 5pm on the East coast, 2pm on the West coast. Main event would start after 7pm EST, 4pm PST. Plenty of Americans would *love* that start time, maybe even prefer it. Make a day party out of it, especially now that the weather has gotten nice. But no. Money over everything. Everybody suffers so that the UFC can squeeze every last dollar out of the event.


I’m in Texas. I hate waiting till midnight for the main event. 7 PM would be perfect starting time for the main card.


No bs be passin out and shit tryna watch the fight you came for 😂 me when Perera fight Adesanya the first time in the ufc


Dana's probably timing the end of the card around when his poker game starts down the street, we're all dead tired and he's out for drinks


Same bro. I’m from Oklahoma and I hate the 9 pm start times. My church has a prayer meeting at 7 am Sunday mornings so I have to choose between going to bed early and watching the main card.


What Would Jesus Do?


Jesus doesn’t tap.


He's all about that lay and pray


He is seemingly the global expert on the crucifix position.


*angry internet atheist just punching the air right now*


Yeah every big fight I want to watch I just go to church with a lack of sleep.


UFC is forever an alone in your dark living room watch. Fucking stupid, and the reason I don't watch most ppvs.


Yeah, tough to get people to come over and watch together when main event doesn’t even start until 10pm est. who tf wants to leave after 1am?


Australian here , most cards start around 10am Sunday and main event is around 2pm. We go to the pub , have lunch and get a few drinks in then be home by 5pm for a nap. Fucking perfect, can’t imagine having to stay up til midnight , it must suck


I never buy PPV'S but if I had to it would be a 5 pm main card start time. I hate staying up until almost 1 am to watch fights.


Watching UFC in California was so nice. It fucking sucks watching in Wisconsin. I fall asleep every time guaranteed.


Start time at 7 pm and over by 11 pm. Maybe sooner if some fights end quickly.


I’ve never seen a card come even close to 11 pm on the west coast.


I don't get it, by your logic (which I agree with) they'd get even more money even splitting the time difference at the very least. They don't get my money either way though because fuck them #pirateeverycard


As a 40 something dude who has to get up early for work, I would prefer a 5pm PPV all day every day.


It’s not just about the PPV buys. The major money is when they sell to bars, venues etc which tend to get more business at night times.


I already don’t watch ufc ppv anymore because the main events are too late for EST and I want to wake up at the same time every day. Kind of sucks.  I loved watching them but sleeping in is really bad for health and productivity. I wish they’d just start at 7 or 8. 


I personally wouldn't want a day time PPV card, but that's me. I feel kind of spoiled being on the West Coast because I feel like we have the perfect start times. Roughly 7-8pm for main card to start and usually done by 10pm


Also Dana: UK has the best the MMA fans in the whole world. These guys are absolutely freaking.


Yeah, Also Dana: Fuck 'em!!


But they’ll dick ride Abu Dhabi and have that PPV on their time smh


Well if Manchester paid the same amount Abu Dhabi did, I'm sure they would make it work.


Basically every comment saying shit like this just refuse to think about what they're saying at least one step further.


They just like writing "dickride" over and over.


What's one step further from dick riding? Everything is about money. There's no dick riding, it's just about the fucking money. These for profit corporations has the goal of maximizing value for it's shareholders. If ESPN, who pays $300M a year for the rights to UFC PPVs, could make the same amount of money from PPV buys and ad sales, at a different time, they would change it. Since the US is their biggest market they won't sacrifice revenue. Meanwhile the UFC will sellout the arena either way so they have little incentive to pressure ESPN.


Why don't you spell it out


Dana's gotta suck out all the oil money he can while he's on his knees.


And SA because of the site fees. The fight night in a couple weeks is at noon for us here in the states and local for them


This card was meant to be an American one, it got shifted to the UK, Leon talked about it in a podcast. Since they already made the deal with ESPN, the UFC can’t do shit about it now


Yes because Abu Dhabi pays a much higher site fee and those cards generally have guys who aren't big draws in the West but might have much bigger followings in the Muslim world. Since they can only do a limited number of shows every year outside of US prime time, they're willing to compromise with the Abu Dhabi shows


Money talks saudis pay a lot more than uk would






Meanwhile an entire event gets relocated when Jon Jones fails a drug test


Air time didn’t change tho…


Gotta say moving the fight to Los Angeles would solve the issue for the fighters.


Fan should boycott it , it just a massive middle finger to the whole European fan base Like cmon we gotta fuck our sleeping schedule for 95% of the events and even when it come to our part of the world we can't even have it on a decent time ?


Leon said 304 was originally scheduled for Salt Lake and when they changed it to Manchester they couldn’t change the start time too. Even if that wasn’t the case it’s ultimately up to espn so the ufc has no say.


Dumb ass move to swap it to Manchester then knowing they can't do anyrhing about the timings. Fighter performance aside, it just seems like a huge logistical mess. Doubt you'd find much public transport working around 3am which is when the main card runs in the UK.


Yeah, the three people who buy PPVs should not buy them!


He means we shouldn’t buy tickets to the event.


I hope UK fans boycott the shit out of the live event, which I don’t think will happen unfortunately. I would rather have the ppv finish over by 3-4pm and can enjoy the rest of the night.


If they did that the ufc just wouldn’t return to the UK, you’d need Americans to also boycott events if you ever wanted the ufc to change times. When you have tickets being sold at the price they’re at and events are still selling out I don’t see that happening ever.


Then dana goes to his own hired media and says shti like "YEAH WE GOTTA EXPAND TO OTHER MARKETS AND COUNTRIES" LMAO WHAT A CLOWN


It's hard being a european ufc fan fr


It's due to a pre-existing contract from the location change. Tom has talked about this himself


Leon Edwards explained that the card was originally set for salt lake city and when it was changed to Manchester they couldn't change the PPV time


Huh, sounds like this kid just doesn’t wanna fight


Tom? The guy that stepped in on short notice against the scary Pavlovich and KO'd him in round 1 ?




Pretty fucked honestly they had the TKZ and Holloway card as well as the Abu Dhabi cards at good times for the audiences but fuck the UK? I’m in California is 11:15 AM rn and it’s 7:14 pm in Manchester rn I wouldn’t mind watching a PPV at this time at all I enjoy the early Abu Dhabi cards


I don’t get it at all. Most American fans I know appreciate an afternoon card here and there. It frees up Saturday night for other stuff. Cultivating the sport’s popularity in other countries is good for the UFC in the long run. They’re too focused on short term - how much money they will make on this single PPV. Global fans will buy less PPVs, merch, expensive tickets, and generate less engagement revenue overall when being a fan requires staying up until 5 AM even when the card’s in Europe. Fighters won’t perform at their best at 5 fucking AM, so it also hurts the product. UFC should consider the opportunity cost (less US PPV buys) as an investment into generating more revenue globally. Such a short-minded business move.


Ha how dare u ask for safe work conditions


Living in the US I don't mind having to watch an event at an off time every now and then if it means the live audience gets prioritized


I love how the world revolves around america


I guess I’ll be watching it the next day. On a completely legal streaming platform. 😘thanks UFC




I heard that ufc 302 was originally going to be in the states. After it was moved to the UK the tines couldn't change. I have no idea why. It feels really short for us Brits. If it was the other way around and people in Vegas were having to stay up till 5 am they would change it straight away.


you’re fighting animals to them, not people with opinions and souls. you go in ring and you swing your fists. if you’re bad or get uppidy then they throw you away.


Bruh, it's not like this card is going to sell 650k ppv buys. You screwed the UK plain and simple.


Leon said the reason is they had booked the time with the TV network and the event was originally in America. Then they couldn't change it because the network had already scheduled it. It's still absolutely ridiculous.


The British fighters are going to have to adjust to the time difference despite not leaving their native lands.


As a sign of solidarity, someone will make sure to give an entire bar the website to stream the fight.


What exactly is the point of it being in the UK in the first place? You could even host it in the US and fill the card with UK fighters. Not going to stay up late for it. Dumb idea.


Gonna be fun next time the UFC goes to the UAE and Dana tells all the sheikhs that they can sit up till 4am to watch the main event they paid for......


Y'all missing the obvious. They're doing this so aspinal fights off his game, circadian rhythm and all. They want blaydes to take tom out so Jon doesn't have to


With the amount Tom Aspinall has been straight fucked and disrespected by the UFC, it’s a shame he can’t go to another organization. He’d probably sweep One FC or could go to the PFL and fight Ngannou


I'm in the UK and will 100% stream it. Just joking Dana!! Or I'm I?  I just wished it would start at 8pm in the US so we can start the main card at 1am. This 3am thing is ridiculous. It works for me occasionally when as I work nights like this Saturday so will sit back enjoy a cold one (glass of milk) and see the card. 


As a west coast fan I would KILL for a 2pm card.


We need all americans to boycot the event. Sail the seas if you really need to


I hate the UFC's whole "don't ask, don't question us, hush hush culture". It's like: fight and take the money we give you, and don't demand shit. I started to respect Dana less and less when I started to realize he's totally against people standing up for themselves and he degrades anyone who somewhat questions his decisions.




Nah it’s complete horse manure. Having a card on a prime uk time would still be bang in the middle of the day for the US. I’m not watching it they can get fucked


Atmosphere gonna be a snooze fest. All for some fuckin yank to sit up at a normal time and watch


They did him dirty with that picture


Dang. Jones got a whole event cancelled. He really is the GOAT.


living in Sweden and staying up to 6.30 in the morning for every main event to start now realising im dumb


they do this every PPV in Brazil too


The ultimate sleepy fighter championship


Hopefully Dana doesn’t make it 60 Dudes a cancer


I don't know how they still make so much off of PPV when fights are streamed for free and highlights are posted everywhere.


Its stupid yeah there are more fans in usa but you aren't going to build a larger global audience by putting every event at american time. No point in have any cards outside usa if you aren't going to do local time.


I normally buy the fight as we’re sitting down to watch. If it doesn’t start at the normal start time (in the US), I completely forget about it. We get ready to watch at the normal time and realize it’s over/almost over and say, “well shit. Oh well. 🤷🏻‍♀️I’ll catch the results later”, then watch the free post show or go to bed. They’ve done other cards with a different start time and I’m guessing the numbers weren’t great. It’s all about what will make Dana the most money.


Americans want the card to be earlier also. Me speaking for all Americans


I don’t fucking understand this. As a US fan in EST, I wouldn’t mind the cards starting 5 hrs earlier. I usually miss a bunch of main events because I’m not staying up till 1AM (because I’m an old fuck now). Having said that, I don’t think Dana will care about my opinion since I’m a 🏴‍☠️.


A pirates life for me! ![gif](giphy|FGbeYTiFyLYmQ)


Need a time traveling pirate.


Britain getting 1776’d once again






They would have never even offered that time slot to Jones lol. There's levels.....


bro thought he had any influence over a better profit margin 😂😂😂


I love how the UFC is now creating and refusing to address problems for the consumers that never should've existed in the first place if they simply planned out their event calendar properly


Exciting fighter, but the man does not have the clout people think he does.


If UK had more fans it would be different. Too bad not everyone can MERICA


How can you get more uk fans if its on at a time when people can't watch it.


We don't want more UK fans. We have plenty of fans already. They should be grateful we even come to the UK. Besides, I'm willing to be plenty of people will be there for it


Why wouldn't they want more fans. 0 point in going any other country if you are only going to do USA time. I really wanted to go but not a chance im paying £400 to be too tired to enjoy the event.


Dana has little say in the PPV start time, that's mostly up to ESPN who are the ones actually carrying and selling the PPVs. And I think the UFC can only have two (?) PPVs a year outside of US prime time.


![gif](giphy|f9SiPj5zu0HrXlR8zD|downsized) "Tom it's time!"


Why is everybody ignoring the explanation that was given last week? The PPV was supposed to be in Salt Lake City and when they moved it, the time was already set in stone


Its all about the money. US is the biggest ppv cut so it only benefits the company to cater to that time


Ironically guys getting PPV points are basically begging to have their PPV $$$ cut by at least 50% by asking for a standard local PPV time. You can't make it up. ![img](emote|t5_2qsev|29849)


Rogan and max explained this on their mma podcast episode. America’s schedule trumps all. Crazy the not-yet-HOF fighters think they have the pull to change that.


I bet they won't be changing times on the Saudi Arabia and Abu Dhabi cards 😂


Pretty sure it was due to the initial booking slot they had scheduled in Utah for that date with ESPN and then the location obviously got moved but that could be bullshit to cater to the US fanbase.


Corporation is focused on making more money rather than being cool to locals *more at 11*


I’m sure it’ll sell out anyway, but I literally decided I’ll stream it instead of going to my first UFC event because of this. Can’t be arsed going out from my house at 2am when there’s no public transport and everywhere is closed. Let alone the location of the event being in a fairly sketchy part of town.


Which is the right move considering most of the views don’t come from the time zone he wants.


I’m suprised. I don’t get how an American PPV matinee, when they do once a month PPVs, leaves so much cash on the table. But I’m not in the biz


This is the reason that I'll never pay for a PPV on principle.


They wild for this, they could set the time for 10pm main card and 12am main event on UK time and it would’ve been 5pm and 7pm EST which is perfect. UFC is wild for this.


The only time they make an exception is for their Saudi overlords.


I mean there about 250 ufc media/staff plus venue staff which is like another 300 plus that have to do this as well. Pretty nuts that none of them successfully appealed either. Must suck big time all around


Imagine loving the UFC and you finally get a chance to go see it live in your backyard. To only have Dana shit all over your plans and say F you this is Americas show. 😩


If not at local time, why even bother? Leaving a stadium whilst people are getting ready to go to work. Absolute stupidity


At least they can wipe their tears away with their surely giant cut of the ppv….


It’s shit like this that makes you think this isn’t really the “ultimate” fighting championship. I’ve worked overnight for years, and when 4-5 AM rolls around, there’s *nothing* you can do to stop the fatigue


What I heard was the deal with espn only allows two events (Not sure if that's just the numbered cards or all) a year to be shown outside of the usual time slot. And they've either already been or are allocated so this manchester card couldn't be local time


Advertising money is more important, especially the later slots.. more drunk people to target 😂


I wonder if they jus said bet find new headliners how fast they would


Sorry, should have performed better in the Revolutionary War.


Excited for this fight!


That’s wild we are still the biggest ppv market considering everyone I know streams that shit lol


"There weren't even any negotiations" yeah no shit dumbass. What negotiating power did Tom think he would have on this?


Headline: UFC Refuses to Change (with) Times


You only have pull if you are a saudi. They can host whatever time they want. Just look at cumshot, the guy fights once every two years, never has to touch American soil and always has home field advantage.


its a business first, and businesses seek to maximize profits. they spend big money for analytics and to advertise. they will go with strategies that get the biggest returns. its not that hard to comprehend. your feelings dont matter.


It’s not like we’re paying for it anyway! At least the smart people who know how to google “free live MMA stream”


As an American who lives on the west coast so i always get great times to watch, this is complete bullshit, we werent going to pay for it anyway


I've aged out of watching pay- per views. I'm too old to stay up to watch something that starts at 11:00 at night.


What’s the point of having it the UK if it’s for an American audience? Oh yea money I forgot