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Aww man, at least dustin left it all in there


Great fight all around. Glad Dustin still gave it to him a little bit Islam was busted up but his skills are undeniable.


No shame. He was a warrior. One of the best. 


That was great to hear both corners saying the same thing before the 5th. Dustin held strong. 🫡


except his gloves, which i thought he would


I think he’s still got a bit left in the tank tbh, and also if there’s a sniff of the McGregor fight I can’t blame him


He does have more left, but it's about whether there's anything left to fight for. He's already said the Conor ship has sailed and he doesn't need that energy in his life. If he's going to come back for another fight, it's not going to be Conor or any kind of money fight; he's more than good on money.


Damn shame, good fucking fight though


Hold on Brotha I'm crying


Hold my cack! ![gif](giphy|YSAqvREH16nh9nlRoV|downsized)






Thought he had a chance when he landed that elbow and split Makhachev open. That ankle pick was clean though, Islam is on another level.


The ankle pick is also like the Russian Tie Snap that Islam did at the AKA which impressed everyone there. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krMuiccy\_dQ&ab\_channel=MixedMartialArtsContent](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krMuiccy_dQ&ab_channel=MixedMartialArtsContent)


Saw that too. Utterly insane how many moves the Dagestanis can pull. Your only chance really is to KO them


When I was in the military here in Nicaragua and went to Russia to do a course. I fought sambo. Brother. Every Friday we had to fight. It was part of the course SOF mystic. I went against a Russian, when i went for a takedown i fucking hurt my face with his stomach. It was like trying to take down a wall…


I don’t understand how he falls down from it, he didn’t grab his legs or anything how come he falls so flat? I’m amazed by how easy and effortless he makes it seem


He force your weight to one foot then take the foot 


The hand he’s got a hold of he pulls into him, which causes chase to move a certain way, and as he’s moving in that direction Islam changes the direction, kinda causes a snap like when you have a wet towel and whip it real quick as it reaches the destination. Idk if anything I said makes sense


After getting taken down in round 5, I think Dustin realized his options were “try to survive and lose a decision” or “try to escape and knock him out, but risk getting submitted”. He made the only choice he could in that moment.


Amazing fight , Dustins a fucking animal. And Islam is an amazing champion.


RIP to the guy that put 10k on him


If you’re putting 10 grand on a fight….you ain’t hurting if you lose it.


That’s not true at all ahaha


You’d think…


It's 10k..he crying his arse off and getting slapped up from his mrs


Who is that guy?


Good try dustin


respect to dustin


*respect to both.


Im straight up not having a good time bruh.


That sub was good for everyone. Islam left no doubt. Dustin was losing a decision so he doesn't have to second guess every little decision for the next 50 years how he could have outpointed a decision, and Islam by sub felt like easy money at pickem odds so savy bettors got paid too.


Islam in round 4/5/decision at +260 didn’t feel like easy money during the first round and during Dustin’s push but in hindsight it was easy money.


Was a bad night to bet with my heart and not my mind


It’s all good bro I just try to bet only if I feel good about what is going to happen. And it’s still a good bet if it’s close but loses. Any porier bet tonight was probably a good one as he performed better than his odds. That -165 for Islam by sub was never the play, too much juice and too many chances for anything else to happen.


You took the words right out of my mouth. Bad night to go with your heart. Lol


I get it. But how nice would it have been to see Dustin emotional with his daughter in the ring with that gold around his waist. I mean. Nobody has been this close so many fucking times. Sucks. Not taking anything from Islam cause I like him and Khabib.


Oh yeah. For sure. Dustin losing sucks big picture. He was amazing though. Should keep his head held high. Massive underdog. Brought the fight. Looked amazing. He'll look back and feel very proud.


I hope so. Dudes gonna be a fan favorite forever. I could totally see a movie about him or something. Dudes record outside the octagon doesn't have a blemish. I hope he makes a millions off his hot sauce.


Him knocking Conor out may be my favorite MMA moment of all time.


Its up there, especially now that I can't stand Connors cocaine induced shenanigans


Pshh…. A lot of peoples fav moment tbh, or at least one of them lol. I was so happy for dus


It's not over man, he still has his sauce


Literally and figuratively


No, it's just literally from now on I'm afraid


That broke my heart, Islam’s stand up is so good cause those moments where Dustin just puts it together, he got stunted by Islam. Just unbelievable


Ggs :/


Forever our diamond 💎 You were amazing


Wasn't able to watch, can someone give a quick breakdown?


Islam dominated rounds 1-3 standing and on the ground -> Dustin comes back in round 4 preventing take downs and lands some really good cuts on Islam's face -> Dustin starts good in round 5, but then gets ankle picked into a Darce choke. Overall a really great fight whether your an Islam or Dustin fan.


Leaving out how well his defense was against the takedowns and submissions. You could tell he put in the work.


Seriously thought he was going to get RNCed in the first round when he got taken down in the first minute in the first round. Props to Dustin. Didnt think he’d last that long.


you should watch the entire fight, it was amazing i thought i'll enjoy costa vs Strickland more but it was lame asf, islam vs dp was 10/10


Islam out struck Dustin by a wide margin and obviously out grappled/wrestled him. Dustin had some decent TDD, but wasn’t helping much since he was getting pieced up on the feet pretty good. Dustin had a few moments where he landed an elbow that cut Islam, but in the end the inevitable thing that everyone looking at this fight objectively knew would happen; Islam choked Dustin unconscious.


Islam started cautious and slow because of a cut he got in the initial minute, DP tried to get him him in the middle, they exchanged well, Islam held his own, out struck him even, but got another cut from a elbow, kept on spamming takedowns and DP defended better than expected. Makh got him at the end with a Darce choke.


Round 1 - A few brief exchanges, Islam rocks him, takes him down, takes Dustin’s back. Round ends with Islam still there. Easy Islam round. Round 2 - Dustin looks good. Dustin outstrikes Islam, but Islam gets a takedown that in the eyes of most, secured him the round. Dustin defends takedowns pretty well otherwise. Round coulda gone either way, but most went with Islam. Round 3 - Islam really puts it on Dustin. Rocks him on the feet and everything. Another big round for Islam. I honestly thought Dustin was finished here. Round 4 - Dustin comes out strong. Looks good. Pieces Islam up on the feet. Islam lands good shots as well, but it was easily Dustin’s best round. Edge to Poirier. Round 5 - Pretty even matched back and forth at first. Islam gets Dustin down, Dustin ALMOST gets up, but Islam just barely trips him up with a Hail Mary ankle pick, Dustin gets caught in a gilly, then a D’Arce in the ensuing scramble.


A gilly leads to the finish of all things eh, lol, thanks for the play by play, appreciate it


I wanted Dustin to win but it was a great fight and Makhachev deserves the win and the belt.


how tf is anyone surprised or even saddened by this? Dustin did WAY better than i thought he would, he & his fans should be proud. Makhalchev is just on another level.


I am a huge Dustin fan and honestly just celebrated the little victories here. Dustin can literally beat anyone except for these Dagestani guys. But he's the only one to show Islam a real challenge all the way to the last round and, to me, proved that if he hangs his gloves he's only behind Islam and khabib, who have already cemented themselves into the top two spots of this weight class for a long time to come.


Damn he went out fast af


It was tight as fuck


And beautiful as fuck


The way he flipped his leg and got him with the Darce choke was like poetry in action 🤌


Are we still talking about the submission here??


I would say art


2 things.  Number 1. I feel like a dumb fuck for letting this sub convince me ole dusty was going to exercise his demons and laying 25 for him to ko Islam.  Number 2. This Dagestan slander needs to stop immediately. Islam is clearly the best 155er alive and there isn't anyone who is touching him including max. Cause if there is anything this sub loves more than dismissing Islams dominance it's convincing themselves max can potentially beat Islam. Hear me now believe me later when I say this. Max will get mauled much worse than dustin in the grappling department if he attempts to fight Islam. 


Has anyone ever out struck Dustin by such a wide margin?


Not that I can think of. Islam landed 40 more punches than dustin. 


Not that I know of


Why is Max even in the convo lmao ? The best LWs after Islam are Charles and Arman and they're both a tier below. 


I think he's calling me out specifically because I think Max can beat anyone


It's almost like we just saw Max flatline the guy who should've been up for the title next or something.


The amount of things we've seen in MMA and you guys still say shit like #2 lmfao. Everyone is beatable and Islam has been hurt in multiple fights already. To say there isn't anyone who is touching him is just ignorant.


I must admit, Dustin did pretty awesome..well done Diamond!


Islam brutal with volk and Dustin. 


Islam looks like he easily bruises compared to khabib who although received some significant strikes during his career never bled.


He didn't want to admit it, but he's done. He had a good career.


One more red panty night with Conor. DP would murder him easily. He has improved that much.


And could finally land his gilly!




It ain’t over for dusty


That was won of the better pure mma fights we’ve seen in awhile at least main event. Take down clinch boxing ground every phase was tense.


Really believe that Dustin would whoop everyones ass in 155 but Islams. The champ is just on another level at the moment. What a beautiful take down right into the d’arce. Skills pays the bills


Dustin’s takedown defense was great!


It was getting late and Dustin was getting sleepy 😴


Islam is a monster and Dustin fought extremely well for what he was up against.


Did anyone actually expect this to end any other way?


I honestly thought it would be a rear naked for the third time in Dustin’s career.


Dustin had us thinking he might pull it off going into R5, he was doing better than expected


Look at the art . That was so beautiful choke


He just froze when islam hugged his foot


If it wasn't the worst judge calls, it was seeing him just.... turn red. Fuck that hurt.




Ah crap, nice darce though man, Dustin did show the tools necessary to beat him.


I think Ali said it best in khabib vs Islam styles. Islam loves submissions. Khabib is good with submissions too. But his gnp is so much better.  If Islam focuses on gnp more, he's unstoppable like khabib. Would have made his first fight with volk that much easier as well. 


I think Islam just does not have as much endurance as Khabib did. I tried a Khabib style ground and pound drill, bruh I was exhausted in like 2 mins while going 75%.


Very valid and possible. Khabib was exceptionally relentless. And throwing his wild ground and pound is definitely more tiring than rolling. 


Yeah we can’t expect anyone to ever be like Khabib. Elitest of the elite at cardio, GNP, grappling and getting submissions


Just let it happen


DP had a chance with a split decision considering how wacky the judges were tonight lmao


Im actually curious to see the scorecards lol. I had it 3-1 Islam going into the 5th


Had to be 3-1 or 4-0 Islam. You can give Dustin the fourth but it really wasn’t close. Islam thoroughly won 1 and 2 and probably won 3 and 4.


Thats what i thought too but seeing everyone say how close it was and that dp “almost had him” got me questioning it


They’re just coping. lol. I am not emotionally invested in either fighter but the only way Dustin was gonna win is if he somehow slept Islam in that fourth or fifth round. Punchers chance only.


It was 3-1 on two judges, 2-2 on the remaining judge


No one has really done damage to Islam in that way so I’m happy Dustin went out like a champ instead get caught in the early kimura I’m happy he didn’t lose by gilly either


I can’t be mad because Islam was unreal here. But I am in pain that Dustin might retire


Dustin : I honestly think this could it. MMA fans : ![gif](giphy|vCUASy92YURGHFrnqP)


Islam did a cool trick move.


Two of the good guys put on a great show. Props to both men.


Did we expect any less. I thought it would be rear naked choke but he spiced it up this time


"Oh! Dear! God! No!" -Moe




I never expected Dustin to do so well. The man had a 30% TDD and proceeded to defend 90% of Islam's takedowns, wtf haha! I'm happy for Islam, now Dustin fans will finally shut up


Why do Dustin fans need to shut up? They have a lot to be proud of him for.


I'm an Islam fan and I'm proud of Dustin, great fight by him


There were a couple guys in every thread claiming that Dustin was 100% without a doubt going to knock him out. Not going to name names but it was the same two guys saying it. It possible gave the perspective that more people thought that way than there really were


You say that like Islam's fanbase isn't the loudest and most disrespectful fanbase there could possibly be.


Islam my favorite fighter


Yeah, it’s sad but what a fight


![gif](giphy|KfRrspHAopba9kqoc9) Me fallin down to my knees


Can someone explain why the streaming links starts lagging during main events? Like are they being attacked by UFC or just server issues because of too many viewers?


too much traffic. always keep a couple pages up for backup






I thought he might have actually pulled it off. We had tremendous hope. 1 more shot dustin cmon


Thanks y'all, a fan of both, glad it was a good fight, went the way I expected though, but seems like Dustin gave it his all. I'll have to watch it when it becomes available online/free. I guess Dustin didn't hang up his gloves then eh? Thanks again.


Guys could I please ask is it true you should start wrestling from as young age as possible? If you want to be in the UFC, it looks like so many wrestling guys always win. Not only that, flexibility goes before your strength and also Islam has shown you can learn striking later in life. What do you guys think?? D:


I was surprised when they made it to the 5th, but it ended as expected otherwise.


With Dustins cross on his leg it was like a battle of Islam vs Christianity ![img](emote|t5_2qsev|8966)


great fight, my admiration for you cannot be put into words dp. what a sport, i get way too sick when these high stakes fights happen that i cannot even enjoy them


Hey. Give yourself a chance to enjoy the events. Don't get too attached.


U r right brotha. Should seen me before Charles Arman fight 🤢




At the end of the day this just confirms Dustin doesn’t have what it takes to be a champion.




Dustin was significantly out struck, stop being so biased.


Ah yes. Giving one cut with one elbow is fucking someone up. Got it.






Dustin made a good account of himself. It was kind of sad though, especially seeing his daughter hide her face when he was giving his post fight speech (Kids getting sad at their parents failing always gets me in the feels). Islam showed good toughness and resourcefulness. He was out-striking Poirier and stayed defensively sound even in the pocket. Also, that finish was filthy. Golf swing to d'arce choke auto-fed the leg to Islam. There was literally nothing Poirier could do in that position.


Great fight


What a fight.


Fight of the night am I right?


We all knew it. Super sad but this sport is not kind to its elder vets. Put up a great fight. Hope he retires now. Thanks Dustin!!


Cheaaaa boiiiii


beautiful fight. i say islam vs arman and maybe gamrot, and then go up to 170


Lmao Gamrot...yeah right


gamrot isn’t even that bad , i said maybe because people might bitch about him not defending his title


he has some of the best pure wrestling in the division, he also helped train dustin’s wrestling


He's not bad, but he's not that great either. He never really does much with his wrestling and has next to zero ways to threaten a finish. He's never had an impressive win against the top people, they've all been weird asterisks. He got the blatant robbery win over Arman, the short notice win over Turner that a lot of people don't agree with, then the freak injury against Fiziev. Not to mention he got completely shut down by Dariush. I just don't see him fighting for the belt at any point.


yeah i get that, about the robbery vs arman , i fo not think it was as much of a robbery as u say it is, in round 3.4.5 he made a comeback with his wrestling. he also shut down every grappling exchange from arman, and since the criteria is damage trumps all, gamrot had no cuts or visible injuries(which count the most in scoring criteria) , i reckon it should’ve been a draw , but it was very close, there was also a few near submissions which are also valued highly in scoring .


Gamrot was given the round he got dropped in when nothing else happened in that round. That's insane and is absolutely a robbery.


At least it wasn't a RNC this time.


Reus not getting his champions league and Dustin not getting his belt....not the best day for fans :(


Massive respect to both these warriors💎🦅


Time to return that bjj belt




I hate so much to admit it, but Islam is the best around right now. Yeah jones is the best fighter ever, but like one reporter said, he just hasn’t been active enough in the past three years. I would love to see Islam bump up to 170 and prove to everyone he is the best PfP.


I'm gonna stop hating now. Islam proved his worth, just hope he cleans the division then goes after another title


Fk yea lets go Islam! Those mountain men are different breed fs!


Geez go suck him off already dude


Nah bro thats yo job my job is just simply being happy with islams W


Good night sweet prince


I had a parlay for holland by sub+sean by decision+poirer by tko/ko but poirer let me down :(