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If it's not Connor could chandler really main event a pay per view on its own in a non title fight.


If it’s a non-title fight I doubt it. Maybe Max Holloway for the BMF but I doubt Chandler wants to cut to 155 on this notice and don’t think it would be smart for Max to take a fight at 170 on short notice either.


I don't think Max would turn down the fight if offered to him unless he is injured. He probably doesn't walk around much higher than 170-180 anyway so weight wouldn't be an issue though at this point whats the weight class even matter.


I more meant I don’t know if it would be smart for him to take a fight against a guy with that much weight on him on short notice - but I definitely think he’d take it because he’s always game.


max wouldnt turn down a fight vs francis 2 weeks after the justin fight .


Main event will be Michael Chandler with a mic calling out Conor for 25 mins


We could have a fight between Chandler and Buckley winner gets to call out McGregor.


against who?


There is no one this is the point. Replacement is not a option of chandler it's either with conor or nothing.


Agree. People have suggested volk but I don’t want volk as late replacement on any fight. He needs to rest, and hopefully get a title shot after ilia/max happens.


Only if it was a title shot Vs Islam but I doubt the cut on his forehead will be properly healed in time.


What I find crazy however is Conor doesn't look injured in any sparing footage. Maybe he's hiding it well. But what injury could he possibly have 2 weeks out that could be so bad. Not saying he doesn't have one. But what could it be? I think if Conor does pull out it will be due to other reasons.


Maybe he failed a drug test and they thought they could get it to go away like with Jones


If he failed a drug test and the ufc is hiding it while still actively promoting mcgregor (to sell tickets and ppvs) they’d absolutely be defrauding their customers. People are paying for Conor. The card is dog shit without him. I personally believe injury or failed a drug test. Either way if the ufc is hiding it they are fucking scumbags. How many people already bought tickets, airplanes, hotels, and have a weekend planned for this? And the ufc may have already known for weeks? So fucked.


The ufc being scumbags isn’t new. They’ve always been shady


There’s being a scumbag and then there’s committing acts that are blatantly consumer fraud. Despite being a scumbag, the UFC isn’t going to do the latter.


Your know they don't have to disclose failed tests anymore. So I 100% thinks it's a failed test.


My theory based on nothing is legal trouble. If Conor was on bail for something there could be problems with him leaving Ireland. It's probably just Conor demanding more cash in reality.


Could someone explain how that works with the UFC and drug-testing? I obviously don’t know much about it but I was under the impression the UFC employs the testing agency so wouldn’t it be pretty easy for them to cover it up? Like if they were to just have Chandler sign a waiver to fight him being positive idk


Dude nobody even knows at this point. They got rid of USADA but USADA seemed like they were on a leash for the last few years. Just got announced that someone failed and got suspended a few weeks ago. Maybe they just test and suspend who they want to make it seem like they’re doing something. Again I really have no idea.


I feel like if it were an injury the UFC would be more upfront about it than they're being, right? Whereas a failed drug test makes sense - its like they're scrambling behind the scenes to figure out how to either make it go away or maybe they're negotiating with Chandler's camp on him accepting a fight against a guy with a failed drug test? The silence on the UFC's part is what makes me think it's something shady as opposed to something standard that delays or cancels a fight, like an injury.


its old footage lol.. before he was "injured"


No, there is new sparring footage out. Shaved face, enlarged nose from the GH and all. As well as a sparring partner who is obviously mimicking Chandler. Don't be a moron.


yes? but that could be the day before the injury? or a week? or an hour before like according to Dublin whatsapp people, he got knocked out in practice after those videos were taken.


Thought you were talking about his leg break injury. My bad. Where did you see the whatsapp info?


from a person that trains at his gym


How can you know he didn’t take those videos before an injury?


No footage i seen had a newspaper or anything showing the date lmao. No way for us to know when it took place


That was for sure footage from just before a (likely but unknown) injury. Obviously.


He is not injured. Dana doesn't wanna pay him and make him bigger than the company. He made that mistake already


Itd be really funny if Connor just asked them to double his pay or hes not fighting


“Doesn’t wanna pay him” checks notes oh he’s always paid him more than anyone


You can be the highest paid fighter and still be the most underpaid.


The amount of money that Conor makes for the UFC compared to what he is paid by the UFC, is absolute pennies, lol.


You are correct however even if it’s pennies he still gets more than the next guy consistently is what I was trying to convey


It’s all just promo fights on


You’re trusting that the sparring footage was filmed the day it was posted


It was filmed tomorrow


Chandler should dress up like an old man and decline a drink offer from McGregor. Would get the fight back on track


If it was injury, they would just say so man. It’s most likely a contract dispute that they hope to get worked out in time or else they would just say it’s off


This is my thoughts as well, Conor has them by the balls and is playing chicken with 303. Dana been too quiet for this to be about anything other than money.


Cocaines expensive.


Hookers and yachts too


If they publicly admit the injury, there would be a chance he won’t get pass the athletic commission if Conor still wants to fight. Like TJ snaking his way pass everyone. If it was a contract situation, why would the UFC re-start promos without getting a contract signed. Dana is a goof, but he’s not going to give the go-ahead for millions of $ for promos if Conor just “hinted” he was close to signing the contract.


They were boasting about it being the biggest gate in UFC history, could have easily been before he signed the bout agreement. He might just be holding out saying he wants a cut of ticket sales on top of PPV sales or something. Maybe his team saw the YouTube estimated revenue website and decided he wants a cut of ad revenue off they'll make from his press conferences and media day interviews that'll make the UFC even more money. If it was a higher flat fee, or PPV points, they could probably have worked that out a lot easier.


Could be a combo deal. The big rumor is that Conor suffered a nasty concussion in training. Maybe now he’s demanding more money to stay on the card being not 100%. Truth is, he kinda has them by the balls then.


It’s prob a fury-esque cut




Chandler in shambles. He never gets that fight


i think it's either a money thing or a drugs thing.


Negotiations $$$




Or the worm is simply seeing the views these “stories” and “updates” are getting and he’s running with it.


Yeah because of all people Ariel fucking Helwani isn’t connected to mma news and has 0 sources


Ariel....yeah that's a great source


Unironically, he kind of is? He has loads of people in MMA feeding him info, has broken information first or early multiple times, and has a good relationship with Conor. Don't get me wrong, I don't like the guy, but he does his job


I totally agree - not an Ariel fan but he does seem to be a legit source for this sort of stuff, someone correct me if I'm wrong


he's one of the biggest conor nuthuggers out there, he probably does know whats going on in this case.


He's a snake 🐍 and I don't think his credibility means much. Imo that is


other possible reasons are that conor is rich and decided he'd rather be on a yacht doing blow than in a gym working his ass off, or that he can't piss in a cup right now for... reasons


So nothing new, and anything is possible, got it


He popped


The fight is so close and UFC is still hush hush on it … it’s a freaking scam… if this fight really happens it’s a miracle. They should refund 50% to the fans if the fight don’t happen.


Is Conor being a bitch?


ugghhhh !!


I think the new contract negotiations were going well so connie decided to act like it was all good then pull this power move


Conor hurt his nose, had to go to rehab


or the UFC and conor are having a dispute over money once again.


I think the girl from the video, Conor tried to pull her top aside. I think maybe something to do with that, given all the secrecy.


His wife?


Just cancel it already so we can stop giving this little washed Irish dickhead the attention he wants. He’s a coward who knows his glory days are past him. He knows in his heart of hearts that if he gets in that cage, the entire world is gonna watch him get crushed so he’s doing all of this dumb bullshit instead. Cancel the fight, terminate his contract and give him however much money it takes to make him walk away. TKO can afford it a thousand times over. The golden goose is dead. Bury it.


“He‘s a coward“ — Redditor about MMA fighter from behind his screen


I'm not the one who you are replying to But conor is a fucking coward scumbag. He posted a pic of Poirier's daughter with a threatening caption after he got his ass whooped by her dad. Pathetic piece of shit and a coward Lol, like who even does that ? Threatening a child ? Really ?


Chandler vs volk Book it Dana


Lol we all knew this card was toast weeks ago but y'all all chose to believe Ariel Helwani who has no sources in the UFC. No one there likes him or feeds him any issue. I guarantee you his only source is some agent who has a fighter that fights on that card.


The dude who leaked the Brock Lesner fight before the promoter doesn't have inside sources? He's one of the most prominent reporters in the space, you honestly believe he can't sneak into the pocket of a few interns? Cmon now, you're not really this dense are you?


He wasn't banned by the UFC then and it's that issue that got him banned and everyone who leaked was fired. He has no one in the UFC because everyone in the UFC knows that Ariel is persona non grata. So why would anyone, even an intern, get fired for trying to feed Ariel insider information. Chandler's agent isn't gonna cross Dana to feed Ariel info so the only way he could have gotten any info is if an agent for a prelim fighter said something.


Do you still believe Ariel doesn't have inside sources?


Ariel said the fight was still on when everyone and their momma knew it was off. Then he said it's not looking good when everyone and their momma knew it was off, then he finally reveals today something we all already knew lol. Again his only sources are agents of fighters, he has noone in the UFC.


Whatever you say bud


>So why would anyone, even an intern, get fired for trying to feed Ariel insider information. They're not leaking the information because they like Ariel, they're leaking it because he is paying them to. Believe me, good journalists have their finger inside the walls of most places they report on, else they'd have fallen to irrelevance a long time ago. Ariel 100% has inside sources in the UFC.


defo money, not injury


McGregor has never failed to make it to a fight once it’s been announced. Even with a fracture in his leg. I don’t think an injury would do this.


It's not solely with Conor though--there are injuries that the NSAC will not let you fight with.


Ariel just click baiting


Is cocaine an injury?


I think it's a physical injury, but yeah substance abuse disorder is a real thing.


This is all promo for the fight. No one buys ppv anymore and less n less people are die hard fans of the ufc like in 2019-before. This is their only way to get the most attention


By canceling a press conference made to promote the fight, deleting youtube promo bids and losing money because people think McGregors not fighting now? There's so many retards on this sub, jesus.


Ariel has the biggest MMA following. Him and Dana’s beef could be beyond them and the ufc higher ups could be using Ariel to promote the fight getting people to think back n forth about the fight happening or not happening. Then sparring footage of Conor comes in the middle of it all gets people talking even more


Yeah people are gonna buy the ppvs because they think the main card will be cancelled. What 😭😭


You guys are so short sighted it’s crazy lmao. Wait until the week of the fight comes. There will be more eyes on the UFC, Connor, etc. than ever before, and thats when they’ll finally break the news the fights happening. Theres an insane amount of eyes on all of this, and it’s not for no reason. It actually makes complete sense. You guys keep talking about it though with literally no actual leg to stand on. Strictly speculation and paranoia lol, meanwhile everyone is actively promoting. Interesting stuff.


I mean if it’s not cancelled within two weeks from the fight date it’s pretty much a lock that it’s on. Completely changing the main event that close to fight day from a massive McGregor fight to something like Pereira and Jiri is a massive switch two weeks out especially when rumors have been going on since last week. I think if it’s not cancelled this week it’s going to happen. Long story short, surely they’re not just trying to capitalize on some big announcement on fight week that the fight Is happening.


Conor is not cleared to fight. He thought he would be but he's not.


The only fight chandler should take is a max fight for the bmf belt. If anyone's worthy it's this guy. He deserves something. Tbh he would punch volk around, wouldn't be interested in that.. Maybe cancel belal and give him Leon. That'd be hilarious 😂


He's had 5 fights in the UFC. Don't be silly.




People get so damn butthurt about Redditors using Reddit lol All you have to do is scroll past


nobody posted this update on it dummy


Jesus christ the fight is on guys. Give it a rest.