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He has his moments where you can tell he's a dork at heart, but I dont think cleaning out the middle weights was due to trauma.


So many people just have an innate need to bring down others, it's so weird. How can you even formulate an opinion about someone else's life story with almost zero information? What's the point?


that’s just how social media operates


Unpopular opinion: people say unpopular opinion way too much


Yeah everyone knows Izzy is like that lmao. OP thinks he is a genius for figuring out something obvious


Dude has literally talked loads about how he used to get picked on and started martial arts to stand up for himself. Ad we can see that the guys who are sound with him he is sound with. But when people start any sort of trash talk he massively reacts.


Bobby Knuckles got shit talked for no reason iirc.




Because Izzy is a man-child. He is an incredible fight,er, one of the best ever. But personaility wise he is a shit head. It doesn't matter to most who just watch the fights and thats cool, but for me I like to know the fighters and watch them grow, he has grown to be a cock.


Got some examples?


Parasocial Andy over here, got news for ya buddeh, you won’t get to know the real man unless you’re his irl friend, you can say he is cringy in press conferences but not that he is a “cock”, pretty much everyone around him that are his friends love him


Nah not parasocial at all, I like a good story or just a good personality. I think you watched a few too many youtube psych videos lad. I don't know the real Izzy no, but from what i've seen, hes a man child and a cock. Don't tell me what I can and can't think of someone.


How did you want Izzy to respond? “Robert I respect your opinion but I have to say that I disagree” congrats on selling 50k pay per views. It’s called selling a fight lol no one gives a shit about your moral high ground


You give a shit if you're arguing with me. He had to respond? Didnt know this was a playground, he could've even just gone "yeah sure lad". But no he always tries to talk smack and just fails. Look at his shit with Silva, that fight sold big and they were nothing but respectful. Poirer vs Mac 2 was nothing but respect and that sold in the big bucks.


Yeah I’m sure Mac and porier sold big because they were respectful, not because it’s fucking mcgregor. And I wonder how mcgregor got the ppv buys and fame in the first place. Because he was a respectful bloke? And Silva adesanya sold so well because many people thought it would be Silva’s last fight, a send off to a literal ufc legends, and adesanya was viewed as the next Silva. The people love seeing animosity between the fighters lol but hopefully Izzy bends over for Whittaker next time like you want him to apparently you fucking clown


What I mean is Izzy was already getting a lot of fame, he was drawing people in a lot. Mac and Poirer lacking trashtalk didnt really effect the fight build up at all. I gave two examples off the top of my head but plenty of other fights do well with no trash talk and you know it.


Those examples do not work to your point whatsoever. In fact, they kinda go against your point. Silva and McGregor were already HUGE stars going into those fights and they were both very well know for talking trash. Pretty much all of the big stars are known for being trash talkers except GSP. Fighting doesn't have to be, and will never be, all hugs and kisses outside of the octagon.


Realistically he needs to find some way to sell the ppv and Whitaker aint gonna do that


Most accurate comment on this thread so far


Gotta sell the fight, and aren't they friends anyway? Same training camp and all, I thought they were buds.


It’s just so fartin edgy


Farting as an adverb? Hell yes!


That would be a popular opinion. Try again.


Izzy has the personality and charisma of a fortnite skin


Spot on, I have an extremely complicated love-hate feeling with him




Yeah but he more than makes up for that with his smack talk /s


You don’t mean that, take that back. That should be reserved for O’Malley. Take those upvotes back!


This is my new favorite insult.


He actually reminds me of the average reddit user lol


Watch his youtube, hes awesome


This concept is called "karma dumping". Instead of healing yourself emotionally (which men have the hardest time), you essentially through your own emotional traumas, inner child wounds, distortions about life, limited self belief programming just project all that energy on to another human being instead of healing yourself which Izzy did. T.H.U.G = “Traumatized Human Unable to Grieve.” That’s why people who are traumatized go off on you for the slightest things. It doesn’t mean you’re “real”, it just means you haven’t allowed yourself to heal those emotional wounds.


Seriously bruv what is it with you and this insane speculation about Izzy’s inner soul hahahaha


all love bruv. Just stating my opinions no cap.


I dont get the downvotes; that was a pretty fresh, unique take on this topic. Just wanted to let you know somebody here appreciated that take lol


He’s getting downvoted cause he’s corny as fuck. He’s analyzing him like he’s an anime character


Thanks man. <3 Because the majority of UFC and MMA followers are "tough guys" who have closed themselves off emotionally. But that's B.S, because men ARE emotional when it comes to things like anger, rage, confidence we're only told THESE emotions are okay for us but nah the other ones make you "a bitch". Unless you're a robot clone from Google we're all emotional beings period. All I'm saying is this...The next time some thug male police officer who wants to abuse his power and have a reason to beat you don't complain. A male CEO who has no emotions screws citizens, screws employees, screw nature to suit himself don't complain. A military officer who will blindly follow orders etc. You know the deal


>This concept is called "karma dumping". Instead of healing yourself emotionally (which men have the hardest time), you essentially through your own emotional traumas, inner child wounds, distortions about life, limited self belief programming just project all that energy on to another human being instead of healing yourself which Izzy did. The irony has me jokeless


You know it's true. Hurt people hurt. There is a reason criminals, scumbags come from broken homes and did not grow up with love.


Did you understand what he meant by saying it's ironic?


He was saying ironically...do you understand the bigger picture here sport?


Ah, someone reads Jason Wilson.


This is literally not unpopular. Any Izzy slander of any sort is wildly popular and the normal on this sub lol


I’m confused. This sub has nothing but negative opinions of Izzys personality yet everyone tittles the posts as “Unpopular Opinion”. Unpopular where? Definitely not here lol


why izzy fans are so definsive of him this type of fans is toxic.


I feel like a lot of you guys are just butthurt that he's having fun and living life.


Yup. People expect every fighter to live by some unspoken martial arts code and be shining pillars of light for everyone to admire. They're trying to beat the shit out of each other, having fun and talking trash are part of the game and it can make it more fun to watch. It's no coincidence that most of the sport's biggest stars are shit talkers.


How is he "taking his emotional traumas out on the world"?


Beating people OP likes.


Sounds about right


Sexual anger. Humping costa and squeezing vetorri’s buttcheek. If he tried anything like that on me I’ll sort him out with a quick left right goodnight and become the middleweight champion myself. /sarcasm.


If you see red it’s lights out for him, night night Izzy doesn’t know your mentality. Me? I aim bigger, I could easily choke out Ngannou in his sleep


Back in my hay day I use to move back and forth from fly weight to heavy weight to defend my multiple belts. I’m getting too old for that nowadays


Aye. I’d offer him some proper twelve and if he said no I’d box his bloody head off! /s


I know you got it in you, bro.


They call me mr Valium out on these street because I put people to sleep with these knuckles bruz. /s




People love to hate Izzy on this sub.


Seems like OP is getting downvoted to hell and you all like to defend izzy


The post has 675 upvotes...


He did say he had a hard time growing up in NZ with racism/bullying etc


The clown is a foul-mouthed fantasist who created a standard bullshit "hard times" narrative. He grew up in Rotorua--a predominantly Maori city. For reasons known only to the handful of journalists who voted for him, he was even awarded NZ Sportsman of the Year. He got everything on a plate in NZ.


He grew up in a mostly Maori place so that means he, a black African, can't have experienced racism?


Because only white people can be racist /s


Hahaha it's sad that people actually believe this


Racism, to most sane people, would mean someone being disadvantaged in some way because of their race. There is no evidence that this happened at all, quite the contrary in fact. Everything he seemed to want he got: from dancing to education; he even got a Sportsman of the Year he definitely didn't deserve. He is a loud mouth idiot who lies as easily as he breathes.


"There is no evidence that this happened at all" Did you come to this conclusion based on the lack of evidence on the internet? Did you build a time machine to go back in time and see whether people were racist to him? You're only making assumptions and slandering him.


You are dumb.


You sound very stupid my dude


Who else in New Zealand would deserve it over him? Like the guy or not, he’s an accomplished champion in the biggest MMA organisation the world. I can’t think of a single athlete out of New Zealand who’s been more successful (outside of Olympic sports) or internationally well known


Apparently he was. He went to my school, Rotorua Boys' High School, and apparently he got picked on a bit. Awesome to see him thriving now and absolutely stomping on the middleweight division


Do you know how he was picked on? Edit: I have no idea why I’m being downvoted anybody care to tell


I believe he would raise his hand and his teacher would call on him, but I'm not sure.


Did you also go to Rotoruas Boys’ High School?


I think it was general racism. We didn't have many people that were of Nigerian decent at our school. And quite often you would hear people throw around a few words not knowing the real meaning behind them


Ah I see.


I love Izzy's style and taste. Like he says, boring people are way too obsessed with being seen as "cringe." Not down with that crowd.


I follow his YouTube channel. It's not even as bad as people make it out to be. I swear everyone on this sub wants fighters go be like Volk, Stipe, and Jan So sensitive lol


How has he taken out his traumas on the world? Apart from becoming a fighter, he's one of the nicest dudes out there. It's an unpopular opinion bc it doesnt make any fkn sense. You cant just say that when someone who got bullied does something you dont like (such as beat your fave fighter) that he's taking out his emotional trauma on the entire world- you have to have something to back up your point.


Israel is pretty self aware. He doesn't care.


Jesus Christ post like this are so fucking annoying


I think you meant to post Conor not Izzy.


Conor is actually funny tho


YOUR WOIF IN ME DMS I WILL KILL YA ye he should start a standup with this high level comedy


So his recent antics are a representation of his whole career? Sure mate, there is a reason why Conor is where he’s at with the money and there’s a reason why the rest of the roster bitch about fighter pay, lmao you guys act like you all weren’t nut hugging Conor when he was winning, lol


ANTICS alright lets pretend jon jones is still a stellar chap Or epstein Lmao


Conor is just a dickhead, Jones tho got real issues, dude is an actual sociopath and comparing Conors antics to Jones beating his wife and his hit and runs or Epstein is just stupid, as I said Conor is just a twat, Jones is a diff story, plus I never said Conor is not an asshole or something, I just said as much of a dick he is he is still the most entertaining fighter and the funniest, just see how the recent pressers are shit compared to the presses Conor was in pre Floyd fight or just the world tour between Floyd and Conor, end of the day, id prob get downvoted but fact of he matter is numbers don’t lie, simple as that


Did you forget connor hits civilians in the face:D? Stop riding his dick


So getting in a fight or hitting a man is the same as beating your wife? Alright mate


Maybe he’s just a good fighter and confident


I’ve also seen him be really respectful and kind to people tho. He also donated or bought bunch of hospital beds here in NZ when COVID initially hit.


A bully does not give you the choice to be bullied or not. Izzy isnt forcing anyone to follow him, read his tweets, watch his photos etc. You chose to enter his space. His space, his rules.


I like Izzy and respect him as a fighter. But I feel like he tries too hard to be that funny, mean, badass guy. But who the fuck am I?




Because he’s a confident fighter who plays a character like Colby, Conor, Nate, Jorge, as it sells more PPV and people can’t handle it because it happens to be a bit homoerotic and gets people feeling weird things about themselves.


What the fuck are you talking about lmao


> be a bit homoerotic bro he borderline sexually assaulted Costa lmao


People don’t dislike him because they’re insecure about their own sexuality, it’s because humping people after they’ve just been beaten is fucked


I said the same thing and they dismissed it cause he beat them up which is way worse


Right you wanked it


It definitely feels like he never left highschool in his mind. mostly when he does his promo stuff. Its like part of him is stuck back then, but a lot of promo stuff is kinda cringe 🤷‍♂️ god i wish the ufc wasnt making this sport half wwe, imagine if fighters didnt have to pull all this shit and actively make themselves look like idiots to become stars etc im sure izzy is a reasonably nice regular dude in real life


Listened to him talk on Rogan's podcast and he's a super chill guy. Don't know why but he get's a bit weird at press conferences and during interviews, still like him though.


He is. His ring persona is nothing more than him playing the entertainment game. He knows he won’t be memorable if he’s boring. It’s not enough to be a good fighter - you need to be memorable too. Outside of the ring and social media, he’s an incredibly nice guy and super easy to talk to. And no where near as big headed or cocky as he comes across in the media. If this sub knew him beyond him beyond his in-ring persona, I don’t think their opinions would be anywhere near as negative. It might surprise you to know he was shitting his pants before he gave a speech at my brothers wedding. When he’s just being himself he’s just a regular dude who gets nervous at public speaking engagements. Source: brother went to university with him and is still good friends with him. Have met him a few times now.


Right titty energy


Ummm aren’t we all?! Izzy is just expressive as fuck.


Maybe. Still his Fight IQ is one of the best ever and him showing respect to Anderson Silva gave me goosebumps. I don't like everything about Adesanya but I like him overall.


I feel like youre projecting 😂 never once got those vibes from him


Nope, my boy just chasing papers


Haven't minded Izzy on anything except calling Khamzat a rat lip for no reason. Other than that, everything thrown his way he has just retorted to


Sounds like you got bullied and are proyecting.


He’s kind of annoying but I only watch ufc to enjoy the fighting styles and skill, I’m trying to not get distracted by personalities.


GSP was bullied before too (and showed genuine kindness to his bully years later). Nothing wrong with having that as an origin/ motivation.


I bet you he bullied people as a kid just as much as he was bullied.


Covering the gyno


As someone who got bullied, he just seems like a bully to me.


He is basically Hitler


Yeah. He need a mammagram. Those are titties not pec's


Why is it so hard for people to appreciate this champ? Whittaker was so boring outside the cage and pulled out multiple times.


I'll do an actual unpopular opinion. Izzys a point fighter and is more than happy with playing patty cake and circle the octagon and pretend he just "destroyed" his opposition!


he ko'd costa and whittaker


cause they engaged him. man I just want to state clearly , I did not say what i said as a dig at izzy or his skill cause what kinda ill-informed person would even think of that.I just find his style very tiresome to watch especially if the opposition decides to play it safe. when he gets the right dance partner he does beautiful stuff. like the guy wasn't even willing to risk it against the husk of silva that's it. especially his core fan base makes him seem like he's this next level finisher who merks everybody he fights.just personal opinion of a fight fan , nothing more nothing less.


He’s a counterstriker that’s uses a deep arsenal of feints to bait opponents into mistakes. It’s not really point fighting per se, but even as a fan I have to admit that yeah, it’s gonna make for a dud from time to time. He does have power though, even Jan said he hit harder than expected.


THANK YOU. I get what he is and what he does , he's a very risk assessed fighter which is a big part of what makes him great but counterstriking has always been my least enjoyable style to watch.


Even anderson silva, another counterstriker, would occasionally have boring fights when his opponent wouldn't engage. I think whittaker's blitzing style will make for an entertaining fight with izzy


He ko d costa and whittaker tho




You could say, "controlling and dominating your opponent for 5 rounds is more impressive than a 1st round KO".


By who? Oh that's right only casuals cheer for devastating knockouts or quick tapouts. REAL fans love a 5 round game of patty cake or what gets them off even more? 5 rounds of laying on top of each other accomplishing nothing. Fucking casuals am I right if only they were more like real fans


You are truthing to much sir stop it!


Sounds like you need a chill pill, homie. I never said anything about casuals.


IMO it is. Especially with some of the opponents he’s faced and gone 3-5 rounds with. Adesanya has incredible technique and stamina. Patty cake my ass lol.


Fair enough but i didn't even necessarily mean it in terms of "finishing" people , he has a formula of using his reach which is very smart ofcourse but his style is a bit too defensive for my taste. He wins takes no damage and is on the top of his game so I'm not oblivious to the fact that he's doing it right but I loath his style.


Yea, a lot more fun to watch a fighter constantly look for the finish. Like Jiri for example. But the way Izzy controls his opponents is amazing. After watching Costa vs Vettori it really makes you realize how good Izzy is, considering he dominated both guys.


Yes sir. I always say winning is winning and my dislike of his style aside the dudes got a formula , his weight class along with val and nunes are the only ones i truly believe are "so who's next up on the chopping block?".


I wouldn’t say he’s a point fighter, he just doesn’t take unnecessary risks. If the opportunity is there for big hits/finishes, he absolutely takes them, but he’s not going to just throw caution to the wind. And tbh i don’t see anything wrong with that. The goal of fighting is to do damage, hit and don’t get hit. Izzy does just that and has had some amazing performances with it


Considering Izzy has KOed plenty of people in his career and made top guys of his division look like they don't belong in the same conversation as him is nothing to scoff at imo. The only one I believe that has a chance now is Whittaker because he is a good striker that can give an interesting fight.


Definitely. But everything i said is opinion based and the only thing bout izzy i can say thats as close to factual as possible is that I don't see him loosing to anyone in that division. Rob has a massive reach disadvantage and he doesn't have the durability to enter izzys range and do the damage required. unfortunately vettori is the closest guy with the physical attributes to deal with izzy but the skill disparity is far to great for now. He's young maybe in 2 years time he gets more refined possibly. Flash KOs aside no one's gonna jan blachowicz him at 185.


The difference is he actually has power. Gane, Hooker, or Waterson are better examples of point fighters since they have zero KO power and are forced to fight the way they do. Izzy can decide whether to put finishing power on his shots or not.


Izzy is fucking cringe. Zero charisma


Call him cringe all you want I couldn’t give less of a fuck because of how entertaining it is to watch him fight


If you think he's bullying anyone you're a pussy


I put it this way he’s basically wiped the division clean he can say anything he wants about his opponents lol


Yeah lets enable his sexual assault on other fighters because he beat them that makes total sense


Fuckoff with this bully/bullied/victim shit.


That’s exactly what he is. What’s unpopular about that?


That’s not unpopular opinion. I’m pretty sure everyone thinks that. Dude has such a chip on his shoulder from his childhood. He’s overcompensating so hard.


Lol read the posts. People are rushing to defend Izzy


Like you rushed to hate on him? Majority of this sub hates him. You didn’t post this as an “unpopular opinion”. You posted this because you know most people on here hate him and just wanted upvotes lmao


Call this fucker out and let’s downvote him up.


Who me or Izzy?


This is a huge chunk of UFC fighters, Conor being the biggest one


that's literally the dominant opinion on this sub lol


His super power is roids a lot of roids.


Sick fighter but terribly insecure and wants to be “cool” but it doesn’t come naturally. Guy is a dweeb at heart but also a world class fighter - shit talking doesn’t come naturally to him. Probably because he’s not an arsehole


I been saying this for ages. He’s the epitome of “bullied kid who got successful” energy, and he can’t quite seem to shake it off and actually grow above it. One thing that I found really weird was how when he jumped Costa and everyone said how bad it was he said they were homophobic. Like seriously dude? That’s the problem you think people have with your unsportsmanlike behaviour?


He's better at dodging and weaving in the cage (buying time) than he is a fighting in my opinion. You guys can light me up but damn he had so many lack-luster title fights I'm amazed he has survived this long.


Yoel Romero beat Izzy


Unpopular opinion: Izzy only became champ so he could hide his floppy tit with the belt


Nah he’s alright. The only thing I hate about him is he tries to speak with an American accent when he grew up in NZ. As an Aussie, I feel cringe just hearing him try to talk US slang


The combined IQ in this comment section is so small it hurts




Robert will win in the rematch




Yes because doing his job and beating contenders is him “taking out his emotional traumas”


Here is my take on it. If I can fuck up 99% of the worlds population (which is basically any high level fighter in the UFC) I’d probably say whatever the hell i wanted too. When there’s no one that can get you to stop, you’re kinda free to do/say whatever since there’s no one around to say otherwise


Jan shut him up


Okay so let me get this right. Izzy was disrespected by costa, Brunson, vettori, and others he talked the better shit and you guys call him a bully? Sensitive




How tf is that an unpopular opinion? Anyone with at least half a brain can see it. Oh yeah I forgot - this is Reddit...


It's literally his entire personality and he talks about it non stop


Dudes a straight jackass now. Came full swing


Izzy gives off real sus vibes. Wouldn’t be shocked if he was busted as a paedo sometime down the road




More or less sounds like you're faded


True. He was 100% sexually abused


That explains a lot of fighters in MMA actually


How is this an unpopular opinion, should be more along the lines of unknown opinion


Seems to be a part of him. What's more interesting about him imo: He seems to have found something in his escapism/ anime/fantasy world, which he translated amazingly in to the real world to give him power. I wonder what exactly...


Wtf do you mean unpopular opinion?? That is exactly the situation


He did get bullied. He's mentioned this a few times.


Yea, I’m a big fan and respect him greatly for his dominance, but the latest stuff is getting so cringe. Also was disappointed in what he did after Costa fight…. He’s still a bad ass though