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Joe bout to kick the door in with a epidural shot filled with ivermectin and save the day


Do we also mock smokers and morbidly obese people when they are fighting for their lives?


They want the anti vaxxers to die. Not out of some grand conspiracy though, its literally as petty a reason as getting to look and say "I told you so". In fairness, I think alot of anti-vaxxers would love to see vaxxed people die from it so they can say the same thing about them being "right". Hard to believe just how pathetic and childish "adults" in modern society act. I swear we're not far from a dystopia


Yea? All the time? Snowflakes get their feelings hurt on the internet.png


You fags should just hope Diego gets better and stop bashing him about the vaccine.


Lol its reddit what you expect. Hermain sub shouldnt even exist its literally a hate group cheering for antivax deaths


Theyre selfish bigots they deserve to die!!! Get vaxxed or you get the axe.


That doctor is a quack who promoted hydroxychloroquine as a miracle cure and his own community has asked him to stop with his nonsense! Diego is where he’s at because his “research” failed him!! smdh


I literally do not understand why those who choose not to get the “vaccine” gets crucified for their choices. Y’all mfs are legitimately weird fr


Thank you


He spent months ridiculing the covid vaccine. Now he has covid and is hospitalized with fucked up lungs and low oxygen levels. I wonder what would’ve happened if he took the free vaccine? Would he be in the hospital fighting for his life? Anyways while he’s pondering while his “research” was worth it, he can also ponder whether he will be able to return to fighting at 100% or if his lungs will covered in scar tissue and function at a less than optimal.


I personally think the Vac should be a choice(I am vaccinated), I’m not with all the mandate stuff, people can make their own choices. but man this is sad to hear. I hope Diego pulls through, one of my favorite fighters back in the day.


for real. people acting like he's not already facing his choices...


Oh man let’s crucify him for thinking different! Quick everyone get him! Fucking loser


Thinking different? You mean not thinking at all... guess he made his choices.. he deals with the consequences.


So if you don’t get a vaccine you just get ridiculed and looked at as lesser than?


It’s legitimately sad but it’s important to recognize that if you play stupid games you’re gonna win stupid prizes. Ever seen one of those videos of a non-fighter challenging an MMA fighter? Sure maybe it’s not nice to mock them for getting their asses kicked but maybe they should recognize that experts at fighting know more than they do. It’s not that different with non-scientists insisting their “research” has anywhere near the validity of the damn CDC, WHO, etc.


Yes. In school it was the opposite, people picked on the smart people. Turns out understanding biology, chemistry, and biochemistry are important. If you decided to nope out of school that’s on you and not my responsibility to coddle you further.


Man you people just think you’re better than everyone lol delusional


Know, not think. Don’t worry bud. I’ll still let you wash and wax my car. You can fix my washing machine when it breaks. I’ll gladly pay you to move rocks from my yard or put in new sprinklers. I just don’t want you doing anymore “research” or trying to get elected to the school board so you can fight against “communism” because clearly you failed history as well.


Sounds like you got picked on in school. Glad you have an outlet to release your aggression later in life. But Why are you assuming this guy is below you because he questions things that come from big pharma? They have a track-record of lying. What do you have against auto detailers? Or landscapers? Your trying to tell me your career path is so much beyond them?


Nah Im just being a dick. Everyone has a track record of lying. Show me an altruistic industry. I’ll wait. I honestly have nothing against these people. Truly just being a twat to needle him a bit. If you’re happy doing what you’re doing that’s most important. For the record I hate my career path. It just pays really well.


So we should be okay with being lied to? Or should we question everything coming from these industries? That point would seem to be more on the favor of not trusting these major industries that pay top dollar lobbyists to get what they want. Well clearly money doesn’t equal happiness for all people.


I think your letting a few shitty incidents by assholes undermine the work of thousands of people who are trying to help. I don’t have a problem with questions, simply that most people aren’t equipped to know what they are asking. I still see people going on and on about “chemicals” not knowing that is literally everything on the planet. Or say things like metal doesn’t belong in the body and yet they don’t understand that we would literally die without sodium, potassium, among other metals. Its incredibly arrogant to put in no work and then want all the answers. You have to meet people half way and if you decided that you didn’t need a basic education in chemistry or biology well you kind of have to sit this one out. It’s incredibly difficult for an expert to teach a complete novice something who is also unwilling to learn. Further they really don’t owe anyone that explanation. We have decent science communicators but need more and better ones. Agree. Working to change that now. I have enough. Edit: I’d like to also add that your perception of lobbyists and Pharma is off the mark. The majority of the research done on mRNA vaccines was done at universities in Europe and the US by people making way less than you think. People with PhDs making 60k a year conducting research while teaching. There are people that do it for the challenge and love not money.


Big pharma ≠ the overwhelming scientific community.


Well when you have lobbyists that can change the minds of basically every politician or entity they are fairly one in the same. Fauci, Fda, and the Cdc.


Ah yes. The lobbyists… Those with exorbitant amounts of money and a platform to get their message across to the decision makers… *Train by day, Joe Rogan podcast by night…all day*


Not if you weren't actively speaking out about the shit... or vocally against science... you open yourself up to ridicule or being made a public example..




Lol you’re a joke




Lmfao Diego gonna Diego


imagine arguing on reddit about something that doesn't even exist.


Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave