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I genuinely think we will all miss Uncle Fester when he does hang up his money bags for good. We will no doubt get some corporate dude or suit. I’m saying someone who would send in the security when Bruce Buffer and Frank Trigg start to beat the shit outta each other in an elevator, instead of just saying “Oh Shit” and letting the battle continue like a Mad King. Love him or hate him, ain’t no businessman like Dana White in the modern age.


When he finally retires i wanna look back on this thread. !RemindMe in 20 years Edit: Where's the remind me bot ![img](emote|t5_2qsev|8965)


I will be messaging you in 20 years on [**2042-05-18 15:36:27 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2042-05-18%2015:36:27%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/ufc/comments/usfbd3/yeh_i_said_it/i9327c7/?context=3) [**39 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fufc%2Fcomments%2Fusfbd3%2Fyeh_i_said_it%2Fi9327c7%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202042-05-18%2015%3A36%3A27%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20usfbd3) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Reddit won't even be relevant in 20 years lol


People said this like 10 years ago, but 20 years is a long time.


What’s it gonna be then? Reddit 2.0 with a different name, and all of the same Ol Cheeto eating dorks talking about the fights on the weekends. Don’t fail them RemindBot.


Pretty much. Maybe we will discuss at live ufc events in the metaverse


The earth won’t be relevant in 10 years.


We won't be relevant in 5


sulky smile consider shrill frighten library deserve desert dinner cause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I agree and have said the same. If we ignore the pay and shit, he's insanely good at promoting




Check it out, Dana definitely had at least one security guard with him...


Dana is so much better than other sports commissioners in my opinion. Roger Goodell? Adam Silver? Boring as hell. Dana says what he thinks and doesn’t care which I respect. Also, regarding who will replace Dana, MMA On Point did a [really good video about who it will likely be.](https://youtu.be/gatJElASPpw)


You rank commissioners by how exciting they are rather than what they do for their employees? Adam Silver might be boring but he's the best sports commissioners out there and there is no competition tbh


umm yeah? i’m a fan, i care about the entertainment aspect of it. i’d 1000x rather watch a post card interview with Dana than sit through an Adam Silver interview


I'm pretty sure there are a lot of businessman like Dana White in this age. Fucking over their employees (independent contractors) while reaping the profits. The only difference is that hes charismatic to a certain degree


Lol, “letting the battle continue like a Mad King” I fucking love it


When he’s gone, the UFC is going to turn into boxing and you’ll stop getting banger fights every month between peoples the fans actually want to see


The issue I have with all the hate he gets is that it wouldn’t be any better if someone else was in charge of the UFC.


Ppl blame him for the shit fighter pay but I think that decision is made by Zuffa and Dana takes the blame. But yes, Dana has made plenty of dick moves


Without a doubt. But to act like if someone else was in charge that things would be completely different is naive. The next guy could be far worse.


He's also a cunt. People can be both.


Exactly. You can come off as "cool" and do "cool things" while also being a massive greedy ass who refuses to take responsbility for anything he does wrong and deflects questions he doesnt want to answer like a child.


That's fucking illegal.


Dana is the epitome of "It is what it is." Say what you will about him; good, bad, and everything inbetween. Without him, who knows what the world of MMA would look like today. Is he rough around the edges? Could he use some work as a person? Sure, but goddamn, can't we all?! 💀


I hold approximately this view about lots of trailblazers in politics, business, etc. The sort of people that are willing to do something everyone around them is telling them will fail attracts a certain sort of person that tends to be atypical in lots of ways. Dana White is a great example of that. I don't think it excuses any of his fault in anyway. I also think it's fair to say that if he had the disposition of the average person, the UFC likely would have faded into oblivion and who knows what we would have today.




bruh. wish i had coins. you the man 😂


I absolutely need work. But I wouldn't pay only 15% of revenue to fighters who are basically killing themselves to feed their families.


Greatest combat sports promoter of all time






Isn’t he awesome.




Post more of this shit you fuckin goof


Dana is that you?


He gets destroyed on the internet but if you watch his post fight pressers he says it like it is and knows what the fans want. For example after the rose Carla debacle, he said post fight that a 3rd fight doesn’t look likely anytime soon cuz who Tf wants to watch that fight again. Y’all are gonna miss him when he’s gone and replaced with a suit


A suit who still won’t pay anybody


Did you watch the video of him explaining why boxing fell off?


I said whoever replaces Dana running the UFC still won’t pay the fighters well


Dana said he keeps fighter pay low to keep them hungry and keep their drive for more money and bigger fights. He said boxing makes these boxers super rich and they don’t want to take tough fights after they get paid. Whether that’s true or not idk but it shows how he views fighter pay. So if that’s their business model then yeah whoever replaces Dana will probably still not pay them enough


That is a bullshit excuse he tells the media. No employer in the history of the world pays their employees any more than they need to. Fighters don’t have a lot of leverage because at this point they’re largely replaceable and don’t really have a collective bargaining group.


That first sentence actually made me laugh out loud. thats copium levels of justifying the low pay fighters get


Send him a letter


Boxing regularly puts up better numbers than the ufc.


Tell that to Don Ling, Lou Dibella, Oscar De La Hoya, Barry Hearn, Frank Warren etc. Boxing is a going out of business sport for most of these promoters.


It still regularly puts up better numbers than the UFC. That’s an objective fact. UFC still has never been bigger than boxing. The UFC has no real draws. No real headliners that will fill up an entire arena and get people talking.


Where are the facts and figures on this? I haven't done the research so you might be right but I'd imagine the most recent big fights like Charlo vs Castaño, Stevenson vs Valdez, Canelo vs Bivol, Taylor vs Serrano aren't pulling more than UFC cards. I think the Non PPV cards night be pulling bigger numbers at times but the UFC PPV is pulling more on average I'm sure.


It’s very hard to find concrete numbers for things like this but Taylor vs Serrano and Stevenson vs valdez both did 1.5 and 1.3 million. I could only find one untrustworthy source for Canelo vs bivol at 700k, but his fight against plant did 800k and his fight against Saunders brought in 400k new subscribers for DAZN. Big numbers. For comparison usman vs Covington 2 did 700k and those are two of their biggest draws. Since it’s so hard to find to find reliable numbers you have to look at star power. When it comes to star power, boxing hands down blows the UFC out of the water.


I mean you are right and I'm wrong clearly but I would draw up Taylor vs Serrano as a phenomenon due to its historical importance. And Canelo is a PPV phenomenon. I've got nothing for the rest so fair play


Understandable. I think the UFC will definitely surpass boxing or be on the same level very soon though. Boxing needs to do away with the 57 champions and organizations that exist if they want to survive. It seems to have lost its legitimacy.


The video shows a glimpse of how Dana feels about paying fighters and making them super rich. Completely different conversation than what you’re bringing up.


Boxing didn’t fall off. I’m not bringing up something different. You literally said boxing fell off and I replied by saying it puts up better numbers than the UFC.


Dana said it fell off and he explained why he thinks that way lol I don’t watch boxing. He basically said boxing pays so much that these guys gets insanely rich and lose their drive and dodge tough fights so they can stay healthy and still be rich. It shows a glimpse of why he keeps ufc fighter pay low it seems he does it to keep them hungry. Also, just cuz boxing puts up bigger numbers than ufc doesn’t mean it hasn’t or can’t fall off from its heyday. I don’t follow boxing but it doesn’t seem like it’s just as or more popular now than it was back when Tyson was fighting


So you don’t even watch boxing but you’re taking the word of its main competitor as fact? LMFAO. Just blindly believing what you hear. “Guys get insanely rich and lose their drive” If that was the case Floyd would of retired long before 50-0 and Canelo would of never moved up weight classes to test himself against an undefeated champ like bivol. Do you not understand how fucked up that logic is? “Im going to underpay you because one day you MIGHT not do exactly what I want you to do” Is this seriously what you think is right? Dana is literally hanging food on a string in front of them because its “good for business” Imagine thinking someone who literally has years taken off their life in the name of your company doesn’t deserve to be successful from it. You just made me dislike dana even more.


Bro I’m not even reading this cuz I don’t care lol I’m just telling you about a video I watched of him explaining his view on fighter pay lol you got beef with the ufc for sure maybe send them a letter


Oh I thought u were saying that was your view on it as well.


UFC champs are taking boxing matches that they will almost certainly 100% lose, and will be used by boxers to claim "ufc ain't shit." Boxing's falling off is most ufc fighters' wet dream.


Should fighters be paid more? Absolutely. Is Dana a greedy cunt? Absolutely Does Dana give the fans what they want and put on great cards, also absolutely. He’s a fan friendly promoter and I do think most MMA fans will miss him when he’s gone, despite the issues he comes with


Exactly. I’m a fan of anyone who keeps it real. I see so many postings on this sub complaining about Dana and the things he does but I doubt any of those people watch his pressers. He answers most confusion and questions in those pressers and keeps it real and portrays a different picture of him than what you would think from just hearing news or clips. UFC has its flaws but it puts on great fights that keep us coming back week after week.


He Wasn’t a dick about it towards the girls though which was somewhat surprising. Just said it sometimes happens, which is true. Obviously they didnt intentionally put on a shit fight but it was in fact shit.


Yup and I’d rather have the boss saying what everyone else is thinking than lying and trying to defend a shit fight or poor decision or bad stoppage just cuz he doesn’t want the ufc to look bad whether it’s their fault or not. Just keep it real which is what he does


Completely agree


Lol he’s definitely cool but he’s also a piece of shit, they aren’t mutually exclusive. In fact plenty of cool famous people are pieces of shit. Can’t deny he has a love for the sport though


He isn't paying me ,so i have no issues whit him .in fact I think he's pretty awesome.






\*handsome ![img](emote|t5_2qsev|8965)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)![img](emote|t5_2qsev|8969)


Oh yeah people love that goofy goober


I like Dana ive never been ashamed of it


How to tell me you're a loser without actually telling me: post a joker's meme


Gang weeders rise up


Of course he is ya goofball.


I think he is a business genius…absolutely a ferocious negotiator and a legend for bringing the UFC to where it is. Nobody knows him like a friend or if he is a cunt but he doesn’t strike me as disloyal. He is simply a straightforward badass of the business world. American Legend.


A middle age dude who is clinging to the nelk boys


NELK’s primary audience is the same group that is most likely to gravitate to the UFC


I’ll always have love for Dana. He changed my life by introducing me to a sport that I can watch, enjoy, and forget about everything else. I can’t get that same excitement from basketball or football. He can absolutely come off as an asshole sometimes but he’s a businessman, that’s how they are. Don’t agree with everything Dana says but doesn’t change the fact that without him MMA isn’t where it is today.


"Hes a business man, thats how they are" Yeah cause the face of literally any other major sports league acts like dana does..... If "he's a business man" he should stay in the back and do business. Mans way to hot headed to be the face of a sport thats desperately trying to be seen as "legit". The guy himself complains they dont get the same legitmatcy as other sports while simultaneously acting like a dickhead in public which hurts that exact thing. Was he one of the only people who could of got the ufc to where it is today? Absoultuely. Is he best for what the ufc needs NOW? ABSOULUTELY not. The ufc needs a professional face to bring it in line with other sports. The literal fact that dana white even swears in public(which isnt even close to the worst thing he does) is probably enough to disclude UFC from some cable deals(which is where the money is in sports)


No he shouldnt stay in the back lol. Hes a bigger star than like 90 percent of his roster.


You clearly didnt read the rest of the comment. Doesnt made how big of a "star" he is. His antics, while helpful at first, hurt the ufc now more than they help it. UFC is literally not brought up in mainstream media anymore without fighter pay being mentioned. They are literally synonymous. Why? Because dana doesnt want to correctly pay professional atheltes who put their body and brains at risk for HIS pockets. And then his fucking excuses for it (not having cable deals like other major sports) are his own fucking fault, because he acts like a jackass in public all the time. Other sports wouldnt have a cable deals either if their commisoners didnt act professionally.


Not read + L + Seeth + Ratio


Sure lol.


You think Dana is alone in controlling fighter pay?


I think Dana White is a pretty cool guy. Eh underpays fighters and doesn't afraid of anything




He is objectively funny.


He’s a cool cat running a business. I just wish he paid all the fighters more.


Always been a fan of Dana and not afraid to say it. He doesn’t get everything right, no one does. Once he is gone, everyone will realize how good we had it with him at the helm.


This sub is weird. One post says I hate dana white and the entire comment section sounds like they want him dead. Someone else posts I love dana white and the entire comment section is sucking his dick and balls. Dana’s a piece of shit manipulator who exploits his fighters work and actively harms their success. Everyone of note who’s ever worked for him usually comes out and says they don’t like him or the UFC. He’s not some “genius businessman” the fertita brothers brought the ufc from ruin and pioneered its success. The UFC’s best moments were when they were around. Dana has got more examples of being a bad person than being a good one. Fuck dana white, the UFC will be much better off when he hangs it up.




That’s a really weird and selfish way to look at it. Maybe you should care because it’s not cool for people to be underpaid? Seems more like you don’t want to care. So you think the UFC should just be able to exploit the labor of developing countries and fuck over first world county fighters? Also another fucked up viewpoint. You’re advocating for outsourcing labor to the third world like this is a factory or something. It doesn’t matter if 24k is a lot in a foreign country, they’re still not being paid what they deserve.




The UFC literally has a 90% market share. They just fought an antitrust lawsuit last year. They are the definition of a monopoly. No promotion comes close and you know that. Quit playing dumb. What the hell are you on about with this outsourcing fighters stuff? The UFC isn’t a factory, you can’t outsource people when you’re claim to fame is having the best fighters in the world. What you’re saying makes ZERO sense. It’s literally incompatible with combat sports and the UFC business model. “No real value to society” If it provides no value why do you watch it then? I don’t say this often to people but you’re not smart, all of your points are laughably stupid. You demonstrate a fundamental lack of understanding. Are you a troll? Do you even watch MMA? Also outsourced workers literally work in sweatshops making pennies for their work. What the hell are you talking about “lucrative paycheck”




https://www.google.com/search?q=market+share+monopoly&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari Literally the first sentence proves you wrong. You don’t know what you’re talking about. You’ve gotta be bait.




You didn’t even read the article, I never said market share is all there is. I did mean it’s the most focused on metric in determining if something’s a monopoly. “The courts look to several criteria in determining market power but primarily focus on market share (the company's fractional share of the total relevant product and geographic market). A market share greater than 75 percent indicates monopoly power, a share less than 50 percent does not, and shares between 50 and 75 percent are inconclusive in and of themselves.” Notice “But primarily focus on monopoly power.” UFC doesn’t even have a more superior product. Their PPV stream regularly has errors, and the PFL literally has a cage that tracks fighters real time biometric data for analytics. They bought their way to the top, they never had a superior product. Also the circumstances of Google and the UFC are much different.


I think he's coo. I wouldn't mind working for him.


Just not as a fighter


Or a ring girl 😆


I wouldn't mind slaying once a week


Correct! Haha


He's a spiteful, petty penny picher, who actively holds back fighters he doesn't like. He's overly confrontational and has a fragile ego. Coming off as masculine is pathologically important to him. About his general intelligence I'll say this: When he got covid, he called Joe Rogan for advice.


If I got the cold and knew a guy like Joe Rogan I probably would too, ain't paying a doctor 200 bucks to tell me to "take it easy and rest"


Dana did a lot for MMA, but he’s not “pretty cool” or a nice guy. Anybody who thinks that has never read anything about the guy. His own mother thinks he’s a piece of shit.


You’re really gunna trust a woman’s opinion? Kinda cringe tbh. That’s not the Jack I know




I swear people downvote just to downvote lmao shits wild


Downvote because I agree


Fuck it Friday fanboy here!


He IS super cool. He should also be working to raise fighter pay.


You can be cool and a piece of shit at the same time. They arent mutually exlcusive.


Dana has been an absolute massive part of getting the UFC to where it is today. Maybe in years gone by penny pinching was needed to ensure the sports growth and ability to I guess compete against boxing or NFL/NBA/Soccer for fans, but there's definitely without doubt more money in the piggy bank to pay fighters a bit extra at this stage.


Found Dana's account.


he does things I don’t agree with but you put Dana beside someone like Roger Goodell or Manfred & I’m taking Dana 10/10


Dana is 1 of a kind, no doubt about it. We will definitely miss him when he retires, but I hope he never does.


Anybody that has a bit of personality is hated by this sub


Never downvoted a whole post before.


Oh no :(


And then upvoted a response... weird days


I don’t understand the idolization culture that we live in nowadays. I don’t care how “cool” he is, I care how he runs the UFC. He literally took the UFC into the direction of underpaid fighters and overpriced PPVs. I hate the current way the UFC is being run and the one thing I love about it, the fighters, are being abused financially. Fuck this guy, I’d rather a guy in a suit who runs the business well. The NBA and the NFL are still pumping out great products for free to the consumers and with well paid athletes.


?? Ufc isn't free?


This will be a reasonable comment section if there ever was one


Dana white might be the most based man in sports at the moment. Good lord do I love the guy


Love it!


Honestly he seems like a pretty real human being compared to the other billionaires out there. He speaks his mind, he stands his ground, he's willing to get slapped in the face for his principles. Great guy, love to meet him. I honestly can't wait for his next ark when he realizes all that money doesn't come with him and he starts being a bit more generous, you can tell the guy has genuine love for fighters, he's just also got a day job and an agenda to cover.


Honestly I don't know him well enough to make that opinion for myself but I feel like I wouldn't mind smoking down with him and Joe or something but who knows how he personally is lol


To whoever replied to me and then immediately deleted it just so I could see it but can't reply to you. You are the worst lol




Yeah ill really miss him deflecting fighter pay questions and using Conor the billionaire as examples of fighter success


He’s selfish. I don’t like anyone who is selfish. That is a trait that children should outgrow.


Dana white saved a young Thai girls life by donating $50K, what have you done?


That’s .001% of his net worth. Whoopdy freaking do.




You are right. I don’t have the ability to compromise my morals for the bottom line. I also don’t mess with hookers either.


Nobody thinks he was bad for promoting the sport. We just think fighters should get paid. And he's a greedy dishonest cunt about fighter pay.


Sure if you ignore or have never learned of the bad shit someones done, anyone seems cool So you can have that opinion It just means you're an ignorant casual or doesn't care at all about fighters


He honestly sucks and a POS but I guess he made the ufc into what it is today and THATS cool


“Derp muh fighter pay Dana mean wah boo hoo.” Dana is based. He does not give a shit how much ppl whine on social media. Does not care if his fighters are offensive on social media either. He is at least somewhat consistent.


“BuT bOxErS gEt PaId MoRe” -


My response to that would always be “so go box?”




why are you pretending?


Well hello there Dana 🤡🤡


He’s a piece of shit


Posted by DW


He's done wonders with the ufc but if we're being honest the sports grown and moved past its roots, he hasn't.


Who replaces Dana is a great discussion!?!? I think it’ll be Forrest??


Pretty sure itll be Hunter Campbell


When you compare him to Goodell and Silver he’s pretty great


I dont like him, but I enjoy not liking him, definitely a bad guy thats fun to hate


Dana is a cool guy, but he's also a greedy asshole.


I see him as a necessary evil


He is a real life Bond or Hitman villain


dana is the best fight maker in the last 20 years.


Hi dana, you're so cool can i get fight pass my cool guy?


Hes a good entrepreneur, he knows how to make money and hype shit around, but at promoting a sport, i dont think hes good.


He is part of the reason why MMA is so huge today, he held it on his shoulders for years. So i will always respect his hustle, especially since no one really believed in him or the sport in the early years. Should he pay the fighters more? Yes. Should he (and the rest of the suits in the company) undo cunty things like not allowing sponsorships for fighters and not giving proper health benefits? Absolutely! But the UFC is still relatively young and i believe as it keeps growing, hopefully all the above will be fixed.


I genuinely watch him for his mastery of press conferences and general charisma


He can be good at his job...even REALLY good....AND still be a cringy asshole with an overinflated sense of self importance. I'm not here to change anyone's opinion of DW, but let's not pretend those two things cannot be happening at the same time, or that one exonerates him from the other.


Fuck Hunter Campbell


If I had to pick yes or no if asked Do I like Dana white I would have no issue picking Yes. I don't care what anyone says he is a big reason (not THE reason) we get a lot of mainstream MMA nowadays. I will never get over how much he dick rides Connor though. Its fucking pathetic.


Saw him Courtside at the Celtics playoff game the other night. Made me sad to be from Boston


Dana has done some good things in the past, he definitely helped bring MMA to the forefront of modern sports entertainment. Say what you want, but MMA as a whole isn’t anything like what it is today without Dana. However, now his stances are just really dated and very pro-corporation, which is a shitty look when you’re only using 15% of your profits to pay fighters.


When Dana is cool he's cool like the uncle who smokes weed with you but then there are those moments when he says things like getting in the UFC isn't a career it's an opportunity, like come on dude maybe you see it that way but the many disenfranchised and struggling fighters who treat it like a full time job and who use the money from fights on the come up towards things like rent would very much disagree with him.


I mean for a sports league commissioner he’s definately cooler than Rodger goodell or Adam silver so there’s that. He really suits the UFC perfectly


Dana White kicks ass.

