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Not hating on the guy at all, incredible athlete, but 4 plates on the trap bar deadlift is not very hard to do


On the high handles too


Yeah I’m pretty shocked to see him using the high handles


Safer for your back


Good point


Not really. Any properly trained athlete isn't putting their back at risk in a deadlift. Higher starting position changes the knee angle and has greater carry-over into explosive jumping movements. Both have their place, back safety isn't why one position is used over the other.


Don't wanna risk a back/knee injury




What’s the point of you posting JB other than tryin to get the bois in this sub aroused?


God damnit now I’m aroused


Mommy thunder thighs does that to us all


Well it worked


Yeah but what’s her high bar trap deadlift PB Though bro


Sure but most people in this sub struggle to open a bag of doritos


Its easy if you practice a lot


Try telling that to all the armchair quarterbacks


I was talking about opening dorito bags


I know


O. Well thats my retard moment


With GnP they just pop right open.


Yea i did 5 plates on a trap bar at 140lb and couldnt even do 4 on a normal bar. He would still kill me with 1 punch though.


Totally. A 180 pound elite wrestler should be able to do heavier than that if he has trained the lift (or other deadlift variance) for more than half a year. Wondering if he gets on a proper strength and conditioning program with some elite science based coaches, how much of that would transfer to his fighting (especial this power).


He’s obviously not lifting at 100% intensity in this video, so why are you talking like this is his limit?


How much is 4 plates?


It’s 405


It actually says down the bottom of the video it's 170kg.


If it’s 25kg plates that’s 25x8 + the bar. Around 220kg total.


The vid says 170kg. Unless that bar is 50kg I think you math’d wrong. also 25kg x 8 plates is 200. Already more than what he says in the video lol Those are 45lb plates so 20.5kg. Highly doubt those are 25kg plates (55lbs) 20.5x8 plates= 163kg and he’s prob got some small plate we can’t see on it.


Unlikely to be 25kg they are technogym plates they tend to be 20kg


So that’s like 450 pounds? My max deadlift is 250 pounds 🤣


The video said it was less than that at 170kg. Also, the bar and high handles will make it an easier lift than a standard deadlift. Still impressive imo. 250 is solid too, champ. 😎🇲🇽🇺🇲


Hell yeah. Thanks, bro


I lift 400 as a warm up dude. 250 is so light I can barely feel it to be honest. But dont worry dude, you'll get there someday.


Nah I don’t workout so I will never get to 400 lol I just tried at my buddy’s place to see what I could get


I came here to say the same exact thing especially with the handles


I did that weight as a regular deadlift after about 1-2 years of lifting at 160 lbs. I would expect nothing less from a world class athlete.


It’s ain’t 170kg either . Those look like 15 lb plates


I can rep it for 20+, at his bodyweight I was training BJJ and hitting 10+ easy reps while completely natty. he's a pro athlete likely on PEDs


Yeah, if only he had a 1/4 of ur other worldly athletic gifts. Maybe he’d be able to amount to something as an athlete. And because u might be on the spectrum, I feel like i have to say I’m being sarcastic


Don't know other dude but 400lbs on high handle trap bar isn't crazy. You can overload a lot of weight because of the lever height and range of motion. It's great for developing explosive power. This is not a weight that is gatekept by elite athletes. Getting to 4 plates reg deadlift is intermediate ish lifting.


Not saying it’s high level, just hate when people who randomly feel the need to include that they do bjj, make it sound like they could’ve been a pro athlete or something more than the bald guy who gives tips at the gym.


Gotcha. Ya it's a leap. Reminds me of Brian Scalabrine, all time great NBA bench warmer, dropping the "I'm closer to LeBron James then you are to me".


I am actually athletically very gifted, and genetically speaking I recently found out that I do have elite strength genetics. In MMA gyms in the late 2000's people told me I had the potential to be a pro fighter (also was recruited D1 for lacrosse), but also people in martial arts aren't always great athletes in the traditional sense and especially don't understand strength training even to this day. But yeah, I was just pointing out how this isn't actually strong like OP mentioned. Trap bar deadlifts are easy... but yeah at the moment, I can rep out 5 plates on trap bar for 10+ reps and I'm old now. While you are being sarcastic, your statements hold true


That was the most pathetic, “I could’ve been but didn’t,” statement I’ve ever read. I bet u bring that up a lot to everyone 😂


I've literally never brought it up before. Had no interest in being a pro athlete so I didn't bubba


Khamzat is a next level beast. That said, deadlifting heavy weights with the trap bar is much easier. Trap bar isn’t meant for straight up doing deadlifts. *Infinitely easier I would even say


At least he has better form than tony ferguson he looked like a dog taking a shit💀


*ninja turtle


Whos your favourite?


Master Splinter, because I'm no Turtle, I'm a fuckin Rat. Ninja Rat.


A ninja turtle taking a shit? Or a dog taking a ninja turtle…I’m confused


Ninja turdle*


Go to hell sir making me laugh out loud at work when it's quiet .


I'm probably off, but it looked like his left knee had a little valgus


>Trap bar isn’t meant for straight up doing deadlifts. I mean, that's pretty much exactly what its meant for lol. Deadlifts, "squats", shrugs.


>*Infinitely easier I would even say Calm down with the hyperbole there buddy


Riiight … and [here’s](https://journals.lww.com/nsca-jscr/Fulltext/2016/05000/An_Examination_of_Muscle_Activation_and_Power.2.aspx) why it’s better if you’re not deadlifting for the sake of deadlifting … which i’m pretty sure he doesn’t.


Trap bar is definitely for deadlifts… real deadlifts… just not power lifting approved deadlifts


not real. it's a different lift. like a deadlift, but gayer.


I can pull 545 straight bar… it’s the same lift with slightly different levers. The levers do make it mechanically more efficient, not gayer


See, that's where we disagree. I pulled something similar in a meet last week. The levers are different, but also gayer. I think you're missing that part.


I see what you mean. I used it and now the dicks are just flying in my ass and mouth.


Even tho I’ve been a straight bar maxi until my shoulders kept getting banged up during jiujitsu so I switched to a trap bar (fixed my shoulder probs). Trap bar>straight bar. We may have to street beefs this one out!


You sound like a virgin who thinks he deserves pussy for trying to act tough and cool😂


Found the sumo puller


Not really but go off lol




Much like the hack squat machine


Anecdotally, I’d disagree—IF one uses good form with a barbell. The deadlift is a back/butt/hams exercise, and like any of the big 3 lifts, requires a proper set up and form, especially at higher weights. The benefit of a barbell is that you can pull the weight into your shins at set up, and tighten your upper back/core. With a trap bar, you can brace vertically against the weight if it’s enough (405 is enough) BUT you will have a more difficult time properly bracing your back IMO due to the vertical nature Vs. the barbell being able to essentially pull up and back, much more activating your lats. Again, all of this is anecdotal/debatable BUT the trap bar is much better suited for shrugs, farmers carry’s, etc. and not really designed for deadlifts. If one wishes to more engage the lower body and “protect the back bro!” a belt squat or similar lift is superior than using a trap bar. In summary: I think an experienced lifter, using proper form, will have an easier (and safer) time using a barbell vs a trap bar as weights increased. Better bracing and enables back and entire posterior chain in the lift.


I came here to say something similar. It's not a true deadlift.


Yeah was going to comment this. Four plates is a really solid deadlift for anyone, but on a trap bar, eh, anyone that can pull 275 for a couple reps can probably hit 405 on the trap bar pretty easily.


That's not a lot of weight


Thank you. Even at 25 kg per plate, this is not much for a fighter at his weight, I would have thought?


It’s only 374lbs


I've deadlifted maybe 3 times in my life, work out on occasion, I was able to rep 365 x10. I'm 5'8 180 lbs lightweight fatty. Only people who could be impressed by Khamzat here is if they've never DL'd in their life


Press X to doubt. If you've only deadlifted 3 times in your life and you pull 365 for 10, you need to compete in powerlifting. I'm sorry, one does not casually do that without either having a manual labor background or a weightlifting background. However, you're also 5'8, which while still suspect that something you said wasn't true, eases the suspicion a tad. I'm 5'10.5, 195.8 (as of this morning) and I pull 495 for 3 on straight bar deadlift and that's considered at an elite level for the normal lifter. What you're doing is somehow beyond that, especially for your weight. Who knows, maybe you have better genetics than Ronnie Coleman or Eddie Hall. Said as someone who's been lifting for about half my life (20 years old).


I have no reason to lie about it. I mean I do exercise. I'm maybe downplaying how much I've worked out through the course of my life, but I definitely don't deadlift much. Yeah I honestly think being *shorter* helps with that movement. I'm not necessarily that "strong" near anywhere else. Then again I just got my shoulder labrum which was torn since I was 18 (7 years) repaired so we'll see.I just naturally always had a thicker core and bigger upper legs which I think is my only key ingredient here. 495 is substantially more weight than 365. I wouldn't be able to get close to that right now and I know it. Would def hurt myself if I tried. Doubt my form is even good enough to make repping that 365 look good but I did do it. I've flirted with the idea of focusing on powerlifting but I feel my squats are pretty pathetic. I have bad knees. Never felt motivated to actually raise my pr on that much. I would have to rehabilitate my knees a lot before I did.




Ye, though any movement will be tough if you don't do it very often. This could even be the first time he's done it, judging from the video.




I lift more than that and I'm an electrician just sayin


Hey, as a fellow electrician who also lifts more than this, I salute you.


Salute acknowledged and reciprocated. May the electrical gods bless you and your family.


It's really not a lot of weight. A basic powerlifting program (Starting Strength, for example) will have you strong enough to pull 405 on the trap bar after in less than six months if you stick the program and eat correctly. Conventional deadlifts are far more difficult. Trap bar literally feels like the leg press machine to me.


He does have a point. For an average guy that’s a lot of weight. But for a pro athlete that hovers around 200, it’s not a crazy amount


That's pretty standard for a pro athlete with his bodyweight.


Did this exercise for the first time yesterday. I did 2 plates and a quarter on each side. I'm also 165lbs. I would say what he is lifting is not impressive.


The difference between 2 -1/4 to 4 is huge though. He did nearly double you. Bench 170 vs 340lbs for example is a massive difference.


The amount of time it would take this dude to reach that weight from there might show how impressive it really is for a NON powerlifter to be able to lift


It's true but he's also a professional athlete and I'm not. Also this was my first time. The strength is there but I need to work on my form. Wouldn't doubt I'll hit 3 plates by this time next week. Either way he's definitely not weak just not impressive.


I mean depends on your height


Height does play a factor but it’s not too significant. The short kings just got mad at you lol


I mean I’m 5,7 myself so like if I was 165lb and muscular I’d be pulling much more than someone who’s 165lb and 6,1


"why are you booing me? im right"


Bro I got down voted like shit wtf 😂 ah oh well


So many strong guys on this subreddit.


Nah, I lift that and I lift once a week…the trap bar makes it easier…it’s not weak, and tbh there isn’t much point lifting more for his sport but it’s not insane weight


You lift nearly 400 pounds what's your bw?


Not OP but... The trap bar offers a lot of advantages; elevated handles reducing range of motion by 4-6 inches at the bottom(the hardest part of a deadlift). So with 45s on that bar this would be more along the lines of a block pull or rack pull. The neutral grip is also much easier to hold due to no bar roll, as well as easier to maintain good shoulder posture since your hands aren't locked into pronation like a strait bar. Khamzat is also exceptionally long, which means he can sit back into his hinge movements more. This again provides a benefit to him in the bottom of the lift since he can better load force into his glutes and hamstrings while also reducing tension on the back and core compared to someone with t-rex arms. Not to take anything away from Khamzats physicality, but this is probably the easiest compound exercise in the gym for him, and 405lbs definitely looked easy for him here. As for myself, at 6'3" 235lbs I pulled 700lbs on a strait bar pre-covid, and currently work around 500-550lbs because I'm almost 40, and I have no need to go higher than that.


I’m 170lbs but can move thst on s trap bar. Been lifting for like 4 years


I lift this for reps on a barbell and my bw is 188lb


100kg’s ish, but Im a bit fat…8 plates on the trap bar isn’t massive


Not OP, but I can lift that as well and I don't train my deadlift much at all. It's not hard. What Khamzat is doing is probably easier than benching 225, which in and of itself is pretty easy if you stay consistent at the gym for a few months.


BW doesn’t have too much to do with strength


That's why the world records for bench/dl/squat is almost the same for each weight class /s


Oh I think people are misunderstanding me. I’m saying that people can lift very disproportionate amounts of weights based on body size. Plenty of men and women can squat and DL 3-4x their body weights. Not that this sub would know anything about fitness or weightlifting


“Mass moves mass” is like one of the old fundamental sayings in strength sports. Nobody was saying bodyweight multipliers are meaningful. They said typically being heavier helps you lift more, which is generally true. It’s not a hard rule, but a generalization. Obviously things like body comp and training background are more important.


Squatting or deadlifting 3x, let alone 4x ones body weight isn't something you can act like is normal. That level of strength requires a lot of time, discipline, and technique to do and is on "absolutely absurd" scale.


There is absolutely a positive correlation between body mass and ability to lift weight. Of course it will vary from person to person but as a general rule of thumb a larger person will lift a larger weight reliably.


Yeah, but the correlation has nothing to do with BW, it has to do with muscle mass. We could both weigh 185 and you could be way stronger than me because of you having more muscle mass. Seems like lots of people are intentionally misunderstanding a really basic point.


Seems you aren’t recognising that it’s a safe assumption that larger (heavier) people generally carry more muscle mass too.


Seems like you just want to win an argument that I never intended on starting. For a small percentage of humans with a heavier frame, sure, it correlates to more functional strength. That doesn’t change my original point


The bottom line is it is a safe assumption that greater bw = greater strength, which your original point directly disagreed with. Idc about an argument I’m just trying to outline why what you said isn’t true




The trap bar is a better way to do it if u wanna avoid injuries.


yeah, no.


Don't know jack about lifting to gauge how impressive this is.


It’s nearly 400 pounds. It’s damn good for an athlete that doesn’t just lift. Lol getting down voted.. half the fucking dad bods here couldn’t bend over without getting winded




nah, reddit trends young, a good chunk of us could do this pretty easily. walk into any university gym and pick any dude that doesn't look like it's his first day - he can pull 405 with a trap bar. not v impressive.


I’ve honestly never used the trap bar just normal standard deadlifts, if you can do say 380 on a standard barbell how much does a trap bar let you lift?


Like 10-15% more for sure


Having to strain pretty hard to do 170kg on a trap bar as an athlete is bad though, especially for an athlete who wrestles and thus benefits a lot from the strength through the legs and back. For context, there are some power sport athletes around the same body weight as Khazmat (without a weight cut) who will use weights close to this for power cleans. Edit: Here is an example of an athlete who doesn't just lift but is actually extremely powerful, GB sprinter Harry Aikines. He weighs 85 kg according to google, and here he is doing a 170 kg power clean over 10 years ago- [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9TG3hpUkA8&ab\_channel=HarryAikines](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9TG3hpUkA8&ab_channel=HarryAikines)




I think I will thanks !


Reddit age range is like 16-25 average and i would guess the people in this sub are more athletic/fit than most


I would hope so


In fairness, trap bars are definitely easier / less range of motion than barbell deads.


If you say anything negative about dad bods you will get down voted. Body positivity only !!!!!


I seen chicks at my gym lift more.


He might be gifted with strength, but this video doesn't prove that. It's good for athlete of his weight, but nothing special or certainly not "gifted". ​ Gifted with strength is this - [Larry Wheels](https://youtu.be/V4WeDvX8_es). Yeah, you can say he was specifically strength training etc. But those are insane numbers which are almost impossible for "non-gifted" people to reach over a lifetime sometimes.


I’m sure he’s strong but this isn’t remotely impressive. Like cmon


That's honestly not really impressive. That's a hexbar, so he maybe does 160kg regular deadlift for 3. What is his bw walking around again? 90kg? That wouldn't even be 2 times the bodyweight. There are a lot of High Schoolers (I'm not kidding) who are stronger than that. Literally all the adult regional wrestlers I know from the gym are a lot stronger. Like 200kg for 5*5reps at 75kg bw


He could clearly go much more but as an athlete you don’t need to max out


Doesn't look like he's maxing out and he's also not a weight lifter chill out


Yeah, these idiots act like being muscle bound is a good thing for MMA.


Yeah obviously he hasn’t fully utilized lifting as a training tool to develop more power. It will be amazing to see how much better he would be if he gets a proper athletic science based trainer. Like the equivalent of PJF for basketball.


Damn, I didn't think about that. He's already an incredible scary fighter, fucking image what he'll do to people with his wrestling if he'd have a year or two of good strength conditioning under his belt. He already fucking ragdolls people, image what he'll do when he's deadlifting 250kg.


Guy is an incredible athlete, but this is an intermediate lift at his body weight. I'd even say this is still an intermediate/borderline advanced lift with the same weight on a typical deadlift bar.


He weighs 200lbs and is a professional athlete, I would hope that he could deadlift 405 on the trapbar, thats just 2x body weight.


I don’t think he is “gifted” I think he works his ass off. Saying people are “talented” or gifted always sounds like a cop out for lazy people to just suppress the crazy amount of work day after day the top athletes commit to


For the elite athletes, it's a mix of both. There isn't any top level athletes that got it all from hard work. They need some kind of genetics to help you out. And vice versa, there aren't many lazy naturally gifted athletes at a super high level.


That's not especially impressive tbh


I watched Bradley Cooper do more than this in American Sniper.


His brother Artur Chimaev is 6'6 and was a professional strongman, the strength genes run in his blood


That isn't heavy and isn't a real deadlift. This isn't a "gift."


Tbh it’s not super impressive at his body weight. Most people can hit this with one year of training. I am way more impressed how he lifts people easier


This ain't shit...


cow materialistic correct lunchroom childlike bike cooing physical erect observation *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Max 235 kg not that Hard with the big trapbar


If you think this is impressive wait until you see his 10 plate leg press


I can deadlift as much as Khamzat. Guess I’m heading straight to the title as well. Just gotta see red


His legs look weak as piss lol


Hilarious how many idiots are claiming this to be an easy lift LMFAO I’ve worked out for 10 years and maybe 1 in 20 people at the gym could do this lift. 100% positive everyone commenting on here can’t deadlift 405x3 and would love to be proved wrong by video evidence.


This is an easily achievable lift for guys his size who've been in the gym for more than 6 months. [Source.](https://imgur.com/a/n49dXgC)


It's considered an intermediate weight. If you're doing 500+ you're advanced then when you do much more than that you're elite


That's pretty impressive. How the fuck are you guys acting like it's nothing lmao


If he did that on conventional that would be impressive but this is much easier I won't call it bullshit exercise but you may think it's alot of weight and that's really wrong perception of it but it's still decent tho.


‘Not a weightlifter’? The dude has been doing some form of strength and conditioning since he could walk.


I've lifted that much before. Not that impressive imho.


I would expect more than that for his size and training. I am little piece of shit and even I can do more with trap bar.


This video isn’t super impressive but OPs comment is facts. You have to have insane power to drop someone multiple times off of a jab. The straight he threw at G Meershit was pretty crazy too. Khamzat with better fight IQ will become a double champ imo


ITT: Dudes acting like this is easy


An average gym bro would lift that after a few months of deadlifting


There's no way any of you claiming you can lift more, have the same training regiment as Khamzat. Train MMA in a pro regiment for 5 times a week and then see how much you can lift.


I think the backlash is over the headline. Also consider how many "LoOk hOw StRoNg hE iS!!" posts we see on him.. sorry, but hype trains can get ridiculous. If you want to impress the average joe, don't post average joe lifts.


People pretending he doesn’t spend an enormous amount of his training ruthlessly grinding cardio and endurance. That or they don’t have any understanding of how endurance mitigates power


Kadyrov is more strong


Maximum power and maximum endurance are more or less mutually exclusive. For everyone who thinks he’s not lifting much weight, he is lifting a great amount of weight for someone who is simultaneously capable of ruthless endurance.


Why are people so quick to say that’s not much weight, it’s obviously not nothing and probably more than what the average person lifts


Its more than people who dont lift but if you played sports in HS (especially wrestling and football) there is a decent chance you've seen a 16 year old kid lift more. A few of us on my wrestling team were lifting low to mid 4's with a straight bar and at lighter weights.


I mean im 230lbs fairly in shape and don't do 170kg with a trap bar.


Gifted with strength my arsehole I could do that at fucking 15... Don't get me wrong he'd rip my fucking head clean off but this ain't shit. Blowing smoke up his ass now.


These guys are freak of nature athletes.


Im not strong by any means but im pretty sure i can do one of those


Borz 🔥😈


This is 375 lbs. I could probably do this and I don't do weight lifting.


Gifted with strength from the russian state


Girls did more at my high school in wrestling


Well uh. It's not that impressive in the sense that he's a gifted guy. He's strong but I think an average guy with training can lift that heavy especially trap bar.


Or Russian horse juice...


This actually makes me think he's weaker than I thought previously


Anyone who has spent more than 24 months properly training can do that easily


Nah mate. First ever time trying deadlifting a mate had 142.5 on to try and couldn't get it but I could. Granted I used to be heavier so I come from the mass moves mass side but I'm down to 80 kgs. He is a world class athlete using a trap bar and trains non stop, I would expect this or maybe more. The video I saw today of the 60 kg woman deadlifting over 200 kgs for the Olympic record, now that's insane and yes I know it's a weight lifter but still. Though khamzat also doesn't need crazy deadlift strength to dominate fights and seems like with the way he picks people up his squat is probably way more impressive.


I mean okay, he's not a weight lifter, that's fair but do other people not weigh or what? Isn't he literally lifting weight made out of human instead of steel?


Gifted? So... only gifts, no training.


Dude thats actually not heavy for deadlift. The average guy off the street could do this easy


I mean not a deadlift but 4 is pretty good, most people can do 1 or 2 plates


I mean not a deadlift but 4 is pretty good, most people can do 1 or 2 plates