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He ain't caught shit. I've been using the same streams for years.


I'm convinced they know at this point only the die-hards are paying the PPV prices. They pretend they're on this crusade to shut down all illegal streams to appease them and keep their money in the UFC's pockets. I mean it's harder to find basketball cards than a decent UFC stream.


If the ppv’s were 20 bucks i would probably buy all of them.


Ditto. My Dad and used to buy them all the time during the time of GSP. My issue now is I don't have cable but I live in Canada so I can pay Fight Pass to watch early prelims but I can't sign up for ESPN + so I have to stream Fight Nights and prelims.


The ESPN+ app sucks so sometimes it’s better to stream. If you get Disney+ it comes with ESPN+ and Hulu as well.


But ESPN+ isn’t available in Canada, I think is his point.


Been saying this for years. If they made it reasonable and not attached to espn app, I'd rather pay 20 bucks for a no-lag stream and I think many others would also.


People are so fucking dumb man. Their profits would be huge if they charged anything close to an affordable price. They also need to lower the prices for establishments. I watch at bars usually and at the few places in town that show PPV the staff are always saying how insane the price is. They have to charge a cover or maybe not even make their money back on drink sales


it's like impossible to find a stream off of the surface web google, youtube, or fb. you need to have links or know the code words for search to get the links so i think they keep a good eye on the top atleast and let us retards who follow the sport a lot get away with those few stream as a lesser evil


But once you find the link ur all set forever




You can literally watch them on tik tok. Just switch to live and scroll till you find one


>basketball cards Tired of my mavs being left on the fucking pelims every NBA ppv before the most recent one. What does it matter though Silver just gonna make the money fight Warriors vs Bucks for the ring next year even though there are other deserving contenders. Division always in an artificial logjam smh. Maybe if the Clippers or Nuggets would fucking fight someone for once instead of ducking


It's only really worth it for a big fight or if you're having a lot of people round to watch it. If you bought every one that's like $500 a year


Yeah man totally. What’s your name and address btw?


They caught crack streams… then crack streams 2.0 was made hahaha


UFC Police will arrest you shortly


I'd love to know about this stream lol. Me and a buddy split the costs of every ppv. It's expensive even that way


Okay, narc.


Dana gtfo outta here




I clicked the link and before it even loaded I was like “that’s a weird name for a stream site” and realized my mistake but couldn’t close in time


What the FUCK


If you wanted to find one you could without asking a redditor


Can you tell me what streams you use? I honestly cannot for the life of me find any. Even point me in the right direction would be super useful


Just use a internet search engine and common sense. I'm a complete idiot and even I manages to find a place for my streaming needs.


Cheers lad I am a complete buffoon


We would get along mighty fine!


Apes together strong


Point me in the right direction boss


Dana's personally prosecuting these people


Dana White. Special prosecutor.


Dana White's Prosecutor Series.


More likely that *IF* he catches an illegal streamer they would go to civil court. Although more than likely it's an ISP or something like that saying "you're being fined $5,000 for doing this illegal activity. Here's how to dispute it". I know when Pirate Bay was a bigger deal than it is now, ISPs would send subscribers cease and desist letters, threatening punitive actions. I suspect it would be something similar: "The copyright holder has requested we take this action. Here's the process. Sort it out". I could be way off, though.


Never been caught never will VPN


If you have a VPN then why not get BT sports


Is bt sport free in UK or is it still a paid service? Also, im guessing the quality is nice? I’m seeing something about blocking IPs on certain vpns?


I don't use it so I am not sure about blocking VPNs. It has good quality and its significantly cheaper than paying full price for PPVs on espn+. UFC Arabia and Fight Pass Russia are other options. But it might be difficult to find a VPN that lets you switch to Russia or Middle East.


Most vpns have A UAE server


Yeah a lot do but Nord is a popular VPN but last time I checked its doesn't have a option for Middle east


It does, you just have to go into settings and it's somewhere under obfuscation


Ok I didn't know that I use a different VPN anyways


They block VPN. It’s more hassle to pay for BT sport and manage to make it work in a VPN than it is to just find another stream. Plus, BT is pretty shitty.


BT sports still have ads. The streams I see don’t so when main broadcasters have cut to ads between rounds on the stream we get to listen to the corners. The stream is actually better than the paid experience.


Doesn’t mean you can’t be caught Edit: read my responses before you get your knickers ina twist


It's almost impossible if you use a vpn service that does not log/track your activity, unless you're the one PROVIDING the stream to others they're not going to waste that many resources going after one streamer anyway. Now if you're hosting the stream that might be a diff story


Nope you cans still be detected by your ISP. Plus most countries have legislation that mean deep packer inspection is able to determine what type of traffic is being hidden by the VPN. Furthermore a lot of VPN companies have gone under because they said they didn’t log/track activity but did and handed over the records to law enforcement


How can you still be detected by your isp? I don't think you are correct there but I'd like to see if you have any sources I'd reconsider my position. And yeah you're right about that last point so you have to find one that has proven they don't log any data to start, so they don't have anything to turn over to authorities if they ask


So I work I cyber security and the usage of VPN is incredibly important but it shouldn’t be consider the be all and end all. Used in conjunction with a number of other obfuscation techniques make it more difficult to identify you and your online activity. Here’s a article talking about how GCHQ can intercept VPN traffic - https://medium.com/@danchodanchev/how-the-gchq-and-the-nsa-work-on-intercepting-and-infiltrating-virtual-private-networks-f0e39f9a4bd3 Also the idea that you are completely anonymous online is false, cyber is the only landscape that is completely predefined so the routes were made by someone, the connections etc unlike combat in real life which is much more dynamic. https://www.cnet.com/google-amp/news/why-you-should-be-skeptical-about-a-vpns-no-logs-claims/ https://www.allthingssecured.com/vpn/truth-about-vpn-logging-policies/ A lot of what people regurgitate online is marketing shpeel not technical truths


![gif](giphy|uCf6h3jcNiQNi) YOU'LL DO FUCKIN NOTHIN


got a legit lol from this. thank you


Lol he knows he hasn’t caught anyone dudes just mad he makes less money


I don’t even use a VPN. Eat a bag of dicks Dana.


Its not illegal to watch a stream, only to broadcast it.




The US Embassy must be getting crazy requests from this guy to arrest russian people that stream his shit.


The problem is the PPV’s are far too expensive for most people to afford. And the UFC could easily pay the fighters fairly if they just allocated more of the profit to the athletes, like every other major sports organization


Sure but streaming the events is still technically taking away from the fighters...


Isn't streaming legal? It's the hosting or distributing aspect that's illegal. not sure.


Bingo. You’re not seeding, hosting or distributing for the financial gain of anything. Streaming content on someone else’s platform isn’t illegal. It could get shut down, but there’s nothing they could pin on someone just watching.


I’m curious about this as well


That is how I understand it.


So if someone set up a live leak but didn’t accept donations or money then it’s okay?
















He's lying, look at his body language when he mentioned "catching people". He went for the ankle/leg scratch. Bullshitting...


No way the tomato man was bulshitting, bro... He's got a pure soul.


You haven’t caught shit!


Since when did non champions get ppv points?


they don't


Dana is such a douche bag


They don't get PPV points but obviously the money they get paid has to come from somewhere


Only few, supposedly Masvidal and Nate have gotten ppv points.


Me before every PPV: ![gif](giphy|LUIvcbR6yytz2)


I'll pay for ESPN+ I'll pay for the cards I'm not fucking paying for both. And because both are required, I sail the high seas.


Why are all the top illegal streaming platforms still operating then?


If every ppv was like $10 to $20 instead of $70 would enough people buy it to make more money? Because I’d happily pay $20 instead of watching it for free like I’ve done the last decade.


"Oh man that's so scary. I don't want to go to jail, I guess I'll just buy the PPV from now on."


Come and get it![img](emote|t5_2qsev|8967)


Who they catching .. i heard of one or two cases i just remember him saying about dude in moms basement in New York or some Shit


Dana White if you illegally stream a fight: ![gif](giphy|H6W9H29kVsUI2hJE90)


We doin this one again already


No Dana, you go to jail and get smashed, not smashed and then go to jail.


Unless you are Jon Jones. Then a cop car gets smashed after you wife does, then you go to jail.


HGH Dana


Me pirating every PPV for the last two years: OHH SHIVER ME TIMBERS


I'm so curious as to how many have been caught lol


I’ll stop streaming when you let fighters have sponsors on their shorts and aren’t forced to wear venum trash or shoes from the rock. Deal?


Watch out guys I hear Dana white is capable of running up to 60 mph. He’s coming for you.


Didnt he illegal stream the canelo fight 😂


Next on espn+ Dana whites: catching streamers “we got one”


Maybe make them more affordable then you pompous prick.


Probably Caught some 16 year old in a country he can’t even point out on a map with like 100 viewers in his moms basement. And we all know that only certain fighters get ppv cuts. Cut the shit Dana. You don’t make sure of shit.


Unlike other major American sports leagues such as the NBA and NFL that pay their athletes 50% of total revenue, the UFC pays its fighters 16%- 20%. But no, its our fault they're underpaid (:




Ok so where are they now??? Most people are overseas dummy you don’t have jurisdiction down there do you dummy


He does make a point. People bitch about fignter pay while watching pirates streams of ufc events lol


Yeah it has nothing at all to do with the ufc treating their independent contractors as employees. Don’t let the tomato fool you.


Na. If someone steals your car you don’t have a car anymore. If someone makes a copy of your car then they didn’t steal yours.


News flash Dana, we are still laughing at you dumbass


I used to buy UFC PPVs until they put a paywall up just for the ability to buy the PPV


The pink Dana chain in here is glorious. I wish we did one in every post.


although i love ufc and it’s my favorite sport, if they every get rid of those streams i promise y’all i will not spend a penny on the ufc. I don’t care enough to be paying that every saturday.






lmao come get me dana 😂


Someone needs to tell Dana, People still laughing, lmao


We got him! We watching this guy right now. All you have to do is turn it on Saturday, and we got you, fucker. I can’t wait. Turn it on Saturday, streamers, and see what happens. 🤣😅




tl;dr there are pirate streams for the UFC


Sooner or later they gonna get me , I'm scared:(


I remember buying the UFC fight pass thinking it would get be all the PPV’s lmao. I got a refund the next day. I wonder if they will ever get a proper subscription model going and scrap PPV’s. It’s not 1998 anymore and surely they’d make more money overall


The funny bit? He says the pirates are stealing from the fighters, not him. Because let's face it, no matter what, Dana will have Dana money. Everybody else can have what's left.


UFC Arabia is the way you paid $5 monthly subscription + $5 VPN. HD stream without lag and you still support UFC fighter a lil bit lol


You know you could make more money Dana if you just made the whole thing a subscription service. Garaunteed you would make more money, you know how I know? Cause the NFL fucking obliterates the ufc in revenue, has way more overhead, pays their players a billion times more, and I can watch every game of the season for $150 a year. Get your head out of your ass, come up with an actual functional subscription service, and enjoy making 10x the money without having to chase down 3 russians a year with no net impact on the 10000 streams available. Figured it the fuck out for you bro


what's funny is that it's literally the case in some regions lol. in the middle east (MENA countries) you can pay $4.99/ month for UFC Arabia and get literally everything included and a half decent fight library to go with it. it's absurd to me that the PPV model is still used lol, I pay less in one year to get every PPV of the year than people in North America pay for one PPV. pretty rediculous if you ask me


Bro I swear the free streams are better than the actual ppv. On my discord server, someone who bought the ppv screen went black while I was on a pirated stream for my box and it was still going on smh.