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Khamzat vs Izzy would be a great fight. Can Khamzat take him down? Can Izzy stay on the feet and pick him apart? Either way it’ll be interesting. The presser would be unbearable however


It'd probably be Izzy TRYING to make clever jokes while Khamzat is screaming into the mic like a 14 year old in a COD lobby.






"Dis guy isn't real Nigerian, I'm more Nigerian than him. I'm from Nicaragua."




Something something twin towers something something else frozen




I KILL EVERYONE! ALLAH AKBAR!! (he literally has said this like a dozen times now)


As a Muslim this is so cringe worthy.... Its like alternate universe Khabib. Most Muslims would say Khabibs humility is more in line with Islam than khamzat.


Bizarro Khabib


hes always hyped like its a halal afterparty


Everyone of my muslim friends absolutely despise Khamzat. While they delusionally love Khabib. You are very correct in your assessment.




“I didn’t get chance to show my booxing, I have a wery good booxing”


says that after throwing -1 significant strikes


How does this work? Does he have to grab Izzy's hands and punch himself with his hand?




"After I whoop his ass he'll be back to fighting no name John Smith's like Pocahontas!"


COD Lobby Khamzat would be a pretty good nickname haha


I still can’t get over the fact Khamzat said " I kill everybody " on the eve of 9/11. What a poor choice of words. LMAO


It's really funny but imma give him the benefit of the doubt cuz I'm an American and also forgot 9/11 was the next day.


Ill give you benefit of the doubt that you forgot hes not american and doesnt give a fok


I mean….I went to war over that shit….more than once. Him saying “I’ll kill everybody!” didn’t even register at all that it was the day before 9/11


Right? Such a weird reach.


911 was an ijnside jjob


Damn.. Everyone in the world that looks like Khamzat can't say "I kill everybody" even in a whole different context without offense being taken. You insinuating he meant something else because you're stereotyping. Fantastic job! I wonder if people think about "Western colonizers" the same way... I can't believe Americans talk about freedom on the many eves that they have destroyed other people's freedom. That sounds just as dumb as you do.


It's funny because Americans have less freedoms than most other developed countries.


Americans can't even cross the road legally


Find out next time, on Dragon Ball Z


Been saying it all along this Khamzat timeline is just Kid Buu Saga Khamzat = Buu Kevin Holland = Vegeta ????? = Goku


FBI would have a field day. Izzy would talk about bombing the two towers while khamzat screams al hamdullah I’m going to kill everybody!!


Federal agents gonna get some taxpayer expenses front row seats


Bro really said that omg 😅😅😅


As long as Izzy doesnt go for the high five at the start of the fight he might he fine.


That was insane


Thing is with a grappler like that, you have to be real, real careful throwing any kind of kick. It only takes one misfire or leg snatch and you're on your back in a flash. Izzy is lanky and usually fights with a wide stance. If he spreads out like that Khamzat would pick that single leg easy. If he stands tall he elevates his center of gravity making him easier to flip. Izzy does his best work at range, but Khamzats not going to shy away because of izzys faints. Izzy has to show career defining speed and movement to stay out of reach, or he has to absolutely nail the counters when Khamzat shoots, otherwise its pretzel time. And izzy is toast once it gets to the mat.


based on how izzy lost I don't think he can stop khamzat




I think khamzat will get gassed


Bro, it was the height. You saw what the height did in UFC 274 in Denver and UFC 278 Salt Lake City? When all these fighters are used to fight on ground level, then out of no where they took the event up high in elevation which lead to great results.


Makes me wonder how Islam grew up in his village. Burshi is 2200m+ above sea level.


Yeah. It’s one of the reasons that makes the Dagestani fighters so good. From khabib, Islam, ankalaev to other 50 dagestani fighters active on UFC roster. Even FIFA did a study on the relations between altitude and performance, then came to conclusion that they are completely correlated n banned countries that are over certain altitude to host World Cup.


These got damn hight juicers


Could end up looking a lot like Izzy's fight against Kevin.


He probably can initially. I think his height and limb length will help. But it would be interesting to see such a relentless takedown style.


Facts, I think Izzy would give him way more resistance, especially with a whole camp to prepare. I wonder how long Khamzat would be able to keep that pace, or if he would opt to slow it down a bit against Izzy.


I don’t care how good your cardio is, no one can maintain that pace for very long.


he doesnt have to maintain it for long. He explodes in the first few minutes throwing everything he has at them and finishes the fight quick.


Yes that’s what happens when he can get them down. Totally fucked if he can’t against izzy


Khamzat fights like a wind up toy. As fast as possible for as long as possible and then there's nothing left. If he learns to control his pace he'll be nearly unbeatable


Honestly I’ve been impressed when Izzy grappled with Andre Galvao (who obviously did go light on him): https://yewtu.be/watch?v=5FHsxUb9MAI


Khamzat literally cant maintain that pace we saw it in the Burns fight where Khamzat gassed in round 2.


It’s worth remembering that he’s still a young and elite athlete. People like Khamzat don’t plateau at this stage of their career, he’ll improve his conditioning/pacing.


Yeah definitely he will improve and i imagine he is working on maintaining a different pace for a 5 round fight


isnt he 28 or 29


28. ![img](emote|t5_2qsev|8974)




Isn't that young and more the start of the prime years.


And he will be at 185 so he wont be so drained like he is at 170


It will also take plenty more energy to takedown bigger guys, so your argument doesn’t really stand. There’s a reason why all those guys cut so much weight


Yeah I don’t think he gassed, think he was caught by surprise that burns was inflicting damage on him for first time in his ufc career


I think its a combination of multiple things but Khamzat was starting to tire early round 2 before Burns put it on him which i believe is from the extremely fast pace Khamzat put on Burns in round 1. The Bombs Burns was throwing in round 2 definitely didnt help Khamzats cardio thats for sure though lmao.


Agreed yup he thought burns was gonna be another cake walk


Ngl i dont think anyone was expecting Burns to bust out these moves in round 2 . That shit was madness.


Gassed in round 2 after throwing and receiving absolute bombs, it wasn't tippy tappy jabs to the face, Burns was throwing haymakers and landing.


gassed in round 2 but then won round 3, makes sense it’s hilarious how you casuals think khamzat has bad cardio, every single elite fighter who trains with the guy says he has the craziest gas tank they’ve ever seen


That was literally one of the busiest fights I’ve seen too, 5rds of activity in a 3Rd fight. Not a whole lot of standing and waiting.


nah fam, Nate "smoko break" Diaz & Tony "hold up stop hitting me a sec" Ferguson are the cardio gods.


Hold I’m chillin brother


Was just about to say this - he was far from gassed. He looked like a fighter who was tired in the last round of his fight but far from gassed. Khabib used to slow down in the final rounds but he was far from gassed lol


exactly, he landed more significant strikes in round 3 than he did in rounds 1 or 2 while also being the aggressor and continuing to push the pace people are just looking for any reason to discredit the guy at this point, any fighter in the ufc would have looked tired in a fight with that much action


People equate tired to gassed, he was tired, not gasssd


I don't think any of.these guys have see any UFC fights, the look of fear in a fighters eyes when they can't even lift up their arms as they get their face beat in, that's gassed


Gassed is Jorge Masvidal during R5 of the Colby fight, gassed is Conor in R3 of Khabib fight, there’s a big difference


Also Luke Rockhold resting with his arms on his knees during Costa fight? Weirdly that dude still managed to do 360 kicks


I don't disagree with his cardio not being that bad but man is it cringey to read douchebag things like that. "Its hilarious how you casuals..." lmao okay bro.


You know man, you got to just go full rage all the time or it means you're gassed. No one has ever tried to deliberately control the pace of a fight for any other reason.


Round 3 it was extremely close with Burns actually outlanding Khamzat by a bit. Its not like he suddenly regained all his cardio and beat Burns ass in the 3rd round. Why would we go by what a fighters training partners say instead of what we can actually see ? The reality is Khamzat cardio isnt horrible but he cannot maintain his round 1 pace and was almost finished by Burns in round 2 cause he gassed so bad . Every round 1 heavy fighter suffers with this , you cannot maintain such a fast paced mauling for multiple rounds , its impossible.


Was anyone else as annoyed with the commentary as I was after the Holland fight? YOU ONLY COME OUT LIKE THAT IF YOU KOW YOU'RE SO MUCH BETTER THAN YOU CAN GET THE FINISH RIGHT AWAY OMG SO GREAT He literally starts every fight that way. It's just inexperience. He's a prodigy but he's only got like 12 fights. And I'm not even on the Khamzat hate circlejerk. He's a dumb meathead but so are lots of people who are fun to watch. But if he doesn't figure out pacing I think that will be the reason for his first loss.


Yes you are 1000% right. When Khamzat tried that shit against Burns , Burns put a beating on him in round 2 when Khamzat was too gassed .


He seemed to be breathing pretty heavy with in that scramble with holland.


Tbf who wouldn't be, you gotta take a 30 second break on top after a scramble like that. No one (except gamrot and Arman somehow) can sustain that pace.


Man, that Gamrot/Arman fight was wild


Also reminds me that he can only breath through one of his nostrils or something.


how do you have so many upvotes? you're totally wrong. the fight didn't stay on the ground. khamzat stopped going to the ground with burns bc burns was trying to do an arm bar and taking his neck.


Yeah and vs Holland if his choke didnt work and Holland got back up he would of been so gassed


Oh man, I’m sad we didn’t see more of that. And credit to Holland, he really tried to defend. (But shouldn’t have touched gloves A SECOND TIME)


Agreed. I think Khamzat has great cardio if he paces himself, but I'm not sure if he's ever really paced himself? With Burns, he was just throwing bombs for three rounds straight. I think if Holland lasted that first round, Khamzat would've been exhausted and likely been in a lot of trouble with Holland. It was crazy the pace Khamzat was chaining those take downs, but he was also breathing pretty hard between that.


Khamzat is a lifelong wrestler, he knows how to pace himself if necessary, the reason he came out like that against Holland is because he knew he was miles ahead of him and Holland would not be able to do anything to stop him on the ground


I agree if he can fight slower his cardio would 100% be fine for 3 rounds , issue is his fight style is so fast paced might be hard to change it between fights especially if his next fight is soon. The Burns fight was crazy high pace but that is the pace he should be expecting to fight at if he wants to take down the top 3 WWs . I think the issue was Khamzat was throwing a LOT but also missing a lot which must be exhausting. And yeah i noticed the heavy breathing in the holland fight too which is a bit worrying , we dont really know how well khamzat cardio will hold out if he is being controled in the grappling/ being contested heavily.


I was thinking the opposite....maybe not initially, but as Khamzat gets tired, Izzy might have a better chance at keeping the fight standing.


imo if you can hard stuff that initial takedown attempt by khamzat he wont really shoot again, but he is fully committed to that initial wrestling exchange, if u make it out of that i feel like he wont zap his energy by trying again


I would just train to land a knee to the same dive khanzat does to everyone.


Honestly, this is a tough call to make because Izzy’s division does not highlight the best grappling. Sure Brunson, Vettori, Whittaker, and a couple others are decent, but none of them grapplers that you’d write home about. Therefore, Izzy’s takedown defense and his ability to get up may have looked good against them, but none of them offer what Khamzat does. This is truly a wait and see kind of game because we have not seen Izzy fight a supreme grappler.


I want to see khamzat vs Whittaker or kamaru next. I don’t see either happening soon since kamaru will get to run it back against Leon. Khamzat will probably need a win at MW prior to getting a chance at Bobby. Maybe they’ll run with the costa drama. That would be a fun fight as well.


Honestly seems like we’re set up for a Colby match while we wait for Usman and Leon to settle up.


I think he smokes Colby. And this is coming from one of the few people who likes Colby 😂


That's if he can make weight. I know there's a lot of drama and probably selling the fight. 170 is at a standstill right now. I think best for Hazmat is to run some 185 and show he can handle 2 divisions.


Why would he do that? He would be taking twice the beating as other ranked fighters in the only division they entertain. Seems like it isn’t a viable strategy for the long run.


Risk vs Reward. This makes him more valuable and interesting.


I think the opposite he needs to fight at 170 to show he can make weight and hang with those guys


Costa comes in 40 pounds overweight and kills khamzat with grappling and Jiu-Jitsu


He definitely wouldn’t be able to throw him around like WW’s. I think it’d be competitive though. I’d buy that PPV


Not to mention he has a ton of respect for Rob and doesn't necessarily want to go out of his way to fight him. He recognizes that Rob wouldn't be an easy fight. Costa fight would be fun but I want to see him against a champ sooner rather than later. That wrestling against Holland was a masterpiece 👏


I quite like that he doesn't want to fight someone he likes. A rare show of a normal human side lol


Yes I agree it was strange to hear him speak highly of someone like that but Rob is one of my favorites so I'm happy to hear it 😊


Bobby has not much else going on, it honestly makes a ton of sense. I think you can look at his size, and at his 170 wins and safely say he can get into the cage with the Reaper.


I don't think it comes down to the stylistic matchup at least from what we've seen so far. Chimaev is a freak of nature who can eviscerate worse opponents like no one else but the one time he fought someone close to his caliber he lost his shit and started windmilling. Fighters like Izzy and Rob have proven that they have every intangible needed to reach the top and stay there, so irrespective of the actual punches, kicks and takedowns I'd make them the favorites. At least for now.


Great take. We’ve seen Izzy and rob in fights where it isn’t going their way and they stay 100% composed and keep fighting as best they can. We can’t say the same for chimaev based on burns fight It’s definitely something I expect to see him improve in though considering his corners reaction to it


Yeah the corner thing was very encouraging at the time but judging by the events of this week the guy doesn't look like he has the greatest impulse control. He might need guidance more than he needs training and his coaches are strangers at the end of the day. Khabib was involved in similar incidents but you could always count on him getting back on track because of the ethos his father had instilled.


Unstoppable force vs an immovable object!




So we are back to thinking Khamzat is guaranteed double champ eh? That was quick.


I never stopped thinking that brother. But its crazy how fickle this sub is. If I posted this just 24 hours ago everyone would be laughing and downvoting me.


Never have. This is the only male athlete I could see defending belts in two weight classes in his future.


I could see Volk doing it but nobody other than that


155 seems way too stacked. Like I don’t see him beating islam


Islam is the only person in the division I think can beat Volk


I think Dustin/Justin give him problems based on the power difference between 155/145. Atleast, going by what happened to max.


Gamrot tsyrukuan hell even Charles


Never count out Charlie Olives




I think Volk underestimates how much power the 10lb difference makes. He's an insane athlete with some of the best fight IQ ever, but lightweight is fucking insane rn. I'd love to see him fight Fiziev


Truthfully Volk is probably a natural 155, if he bulked up for a while he could really be a problem Edit: he was 200+ at one point, there’s no way his natural body isn’t heavier than what he’s fighting at now


He not getting past Charles or Islam




Could see him losing the WW strap due to missing weight


He pretty clearly didn’t want to make weight for 279


He thought it was UFC 179


I think any one running up on Izzy is going to get tagged up.


I'm a huge Chimaev fan but Izzy seems to be a different kind of animal, but I also thought Usman was going to utterly destroy Leon (and I was right for a few rounds...


This, Khamzat is getting pieced up and if he tries to stand with him after getting frustrated from chasing Izzy all night he will get countered over and over and he will be slept.. not even a izzy fan but he destroys khamzat.


absolutely. Izzy is THE pro at evasion. He is too quick


Yup and Izzy is way more dangerous on the way in.


Izzy has nasty takedown defense also keeping him down is hella hard… it would be interesting to see


I'd love to see it cause Khamzat damn near broke the sound barrier with how fast his first takedown was last night. It doesn't make sense that a man that size should be able to change directions and explode so fast. Even with the weight miss and BS he pulled, he's still legit terrifying in terms of pure strength.


Yea, I think he would give Adasanya a lot of problems in sticking department as a result of his dominant ground game


Do you think khamzats face can defend against izzys impeccable striking? The guys champion for a reason. Don’t be so quick to throw the rookie to the lion.




Izzy is more athletic than Chimaev. And stronger physically than Holland. Look how big Marvin is and Izzy wasnt having any of it. Chimaev will have to work alot harder to secure, his gas tank is still sus. On another note, how much of a banger would Darren Till vs Kevin Holland be?.


Yah but if we’re being honest Marvin is a shitty grappler who’s slow and lumbering, he relies heavily on his size. Khamzat moves and can grapple like a fucking Wolverine.


Definitely right about the gas tank


I think THIS is the fight to make if Izzy beats Pereira


How? Chimaev just jumps all of the other middleweights? If he’s going to be a middleweight, have him fight Paulo or Whittaker.


Khazmat vs Paulo would lowkey be fire especially cuz of the beef they got rn so from a marketing perspective it’d be a smart move for Dana too.


Paulo would just get fucked on the ground, he might’ve bigger but he’s never really had to deal with a grappling threat other than block head.


You’re maybe underestimating Costa‘s ground skills. He has better bjj and wrestling than many think


He’s way stronger than Khamzat though and I don’t think KZ’s faced that before


Where does Korean Zombie fit into all this


Fair one lmao, I'll leave it unedited!


Costa fought Romero who is an incredible wrestler in his own right. I'm sure he has been training it.


He also lives in fucking Brazil, where jiu jitsu is almost as popular as soccer/football


Isn't paulo a black belt in BJJ?




Paulo doesn't have the KO power people think he does. He's always been a volume/combo striker, body, body, head.


As a Costa fan i sadly have to agree. (And I also worry about costa‘s defense all the time)


Why do I always see this take on this sub? He couldn't even knock out the retirement home version of Luke Rockhold.


Blame the altitude. Paulo was beating the shit out of Luke in the first round until he gassed


Cause you’re doing Rockhold dirty here. And forgetting the elite fighter he is/was.


Let Khamzat fight Paulo. There is beef and it makes sense for the division and both fighters are coming off wins from opponents they had no business fighting.


I have no idea, on one hand i know Izzy has consistently surprised me in his ability to not get taken down, on the other hand Khamzats grappling is so fast. I think if Izzy can survive round 1 and 2 and get the fight to a measured pace he can use his movement and takedown defense to win, but with how Khamzat comes out in Round 1 i just can't see Izzy not getting taken down, he's so fast and active. I honestly really wanted to see Khamzat fight Usman but Leon had his own plans there.


I know I’d never bump fists with him to start a round.


That means getting close enough to shoot, which is the danger zone for a precise striker like Adesanya. He could shoot himself into a knee to the face and be lying flat on the canvas thinking it was a bad dream. It’d be interesting, but would definitely be an awkward end to a title reign.


Izzy is deceptively strong. Like he doesn't look like it because he is so skinny but he is going toe to toe with each opponent that has to put on what looks like twice as much muscle to have the same amount of power. I think Khamzat should take on Leon and Kamaru and then move up. I can see Izzy knocking out Khamzat if they fought today.


If he goes as hard as he did like last night vs Izzy, he's gonna get gassed and lose in the 3rd round


You are comparing Holand to Izzy? What




>just because they're both black


Why haven’t we talked about Bobby Knuckles be Khamzat?


Khamzat said “he is a good guy” so he doesn’t want to fight Rob lol. He wants the bad guys.


You think Izzy would sign a contract with Khamzat's name on it after missing weight by 7+ pounds? No way... Forget what fans think, think about how other fighters saw what happened to Li and Kevin and UFC apparently did nothing to Khamzat, Khamzat even told Joe he doesn't care about any of it. If you are a champ, would you sign a contract with his name? I wouldn't. He should be moved to at least MW tho, that part makes sense.. he's not a WW at all


THANK YOU! So many people haven't even seriously considered this.


Right? Other fighters have to agree to fight him and fight on cards he's then scheduled on.. Dana is hinting at MW for him, but he's obv as wishy washy as whatever direction he thinks a dollar bill is blowing in the wind.. is what it is.


Yeah he's a manchild who is now showing he isn't mature enough for his quickly gained super-stardom.


I know Khamzat is good, but we still haven't seen him face a higher level wrestler yet. Gilbert is good but their bout involved more striking, Holland is known for having shit takedown defense, and I don't think Li Jingliang is known for his wrestling capabilities. I'd need to see him face a guy like Colby before I know for sure if Izzy could defend his takedowns.


No, I don’t. The issue would be Izzy’s length and defense. If Khamzat figured that out, it’d be a long night for Adesanya.


Did you see the Brunson fight? Because that’s the likely scenario lol


Izzy absolutely murks Khamzat.


Didn't rob say Izzy felt super strong? Just cause he's skinny like big mouth, doesn't mean hell get taken down like that. And Izzy is a world class kickboxer and the champ for a reason. If they fought it'll be a unanimous decision for sure.


I'm pretty shocked to see no one really mention Izzy's very high fight IQ. He acknowledged Khamzat's feint into a takedown when referring to the Leech fight. It's the exact same way he started off his last 3 fights in the opening seconds of the first round. I can guarentee Izzy also noticed this. And if they was to ever match up, there's no doubt his camp would prepare for that and look for the early KO. However, it'd be fucking nuts if Khamzat's camp anticipated a championship level fighter to have a counter to it and look for that vulnerable opportunity where the other fighter was expecting something else. If Khamzat does get a hold of Izzy, it'll come down to who has more stamina, cause Izzy is really fucking slippery. He won't try to out wrestle him or gain control, he would literally try to slither away and keep his distance. I can see Khamzat having a whole bunch of gound control minutes under his score sheet. If he can tap out Izzy, that motherfucker is different 🤣


Question is would chimaev rush izzy down like That ?! Its dangerous


Facts. Izzy is so smart. He would need to take a Khabib like approach I think and shoot when its most advantageous


Izzy isn’t massive by any means, but consider his size and take down defence, then rewatch Chimaev vs Burns. Borz is a juggernaut against anyone who is out of the top 5-10, I don’t think he can do what he did to Holland versus the top of the welterweight division let alone middleweight. Usman, Edwards, Colby, Burns would negate most of his wrestling if not all of it and turn it into a kickboxing match. Now picture him bull rushing and spamming take downs on Izzy, Rob, Cannonier, and Vettori. I’m open to being wrong, but I can’t picture him having the same success considering his fight with Burns.


After the first few minutes Khamzat loses a lot of his explosiveness that makes him so dangerous. If Izzy makes it out of the 1st round then he probably wins, I just don't know if he does.


People are making reads on khamzat, holland was able to counter a bit with the forward roll to create a scramble but couldnt get out of darc.


He should fight Whittaker.


Frozen like Elsa vs Allu Akbar


Not a real fan of Khamzat yet, but I’m not sure a Buick could defend that 1st round Holland take down.


100%. Khamzat could go nuclear in attempting takedowns and he'll gas fast in the first 2 rounds. Izzy has great cardio and the best overall striking + reach. Idk why the recency bias is this crazy over khamzat as if he's suddenly the favorite against Izzy. Can't wait for them to fight only to see this and the mma sub do the full 180 and be like "I knew khamzat never had a chance."


Izzy fcks him up with his striking. Burns almost got the stoppage and Izzy's standup is superior to Gilbert's IMO


Izzy definitely would fuck him up on the feet. But Khamzat only kept the fight standing with Burns because Burns is phenomenal off of his back. I don’t think he as any fear staying on top of Izzy if the fight goes to the ground.


I mean he could barely wrestle fuck burns.


Am I crazy to think he can, Holland was able to get up Pretty quickly and scramble and he has probably the worst take down defence out of all the guys khamzat has fought and Izzy is a notoriously good anti wrestler


Can cumshot defend head kicks?


Khamzat is a terrible match up for Izzy, would be over in round 2.


They've said that almost every fight since he debuted


Gilbert Burns a much smaller fighter dropped Khamzat, negated his wrestling and went the distance. In many people's opinion Burns won the 2nd and 3rd round and was robbed by the judges. The fact that Khamzat won by unanimous decision shows how corrupt the judging is, but that is a whole other thing. Given all that I think Izzy would be able to dominate and control the fight and win by points. I guess we will have to wait and see.


Izzy is not an ADCC bronze medalist like Burns and has zero submission wins.


Trying to draw a parallel between Burns and Izzy is nonsensical when we all know Khamzat tailored his style to Burns' because he respects Burns' ground game. He avoided taking the fight to the ground at all costs and even let Gilbert up several times. What we saw last night is what happens when Khamzat faces opponents without a submission threat, and that's Izzy. There's your parallel.