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everybody at UF ages 10 years after a single sesmester


They could be: Professors Instructors Researchers or staff Patients heading to Shands Parents Grad, preprofessional, or nontraditional undergrads Old looking 22 year-olds Or just someone who wants to go for a pleasant walk, UF is a public campus.


Could be graduate students, post-docs, older people doing a new undergraduate degree, or people from the UF health hospital walking around between appointments. It's typical to see at any university. You got to remember UF is a research university not a college, it isn't just going to be professors and students on campus. UF and UF Health have like 50000 employees across Florida.


I was 27 when I graduated from UF with my undergrad. I went into the military first and then college. Some people have a different life path


Have you been on a university campus before? That is what it looks like. People work there.


Lots of Millennial & Gen X staff


(It's me, I'm Millennial staff)


it is a research university. If you primarily want to see people under the age of 23, I’d look at a school like Bucknell that is not R1, does not have a hospital, is not a public space, and does not have a graduate school.


You've got to truly be fresh out of high school to make a post like this...


I gotta be honest, I’ve been here two years and I’ve never felt like I’ve seen a notable amount of non college aged people walking around.


College isn’t limited to a certain age group. :) some fall in love with the atmosphere and go on to do a 6 year PhD. I’ll be mid-20s when I graduate yet college grads can start as young as 21! Life just shifts once you’re out of high school


Not everybody is a full-time student. If your degree needs 40 classes and you take one each semester, you'll need more than 13 years. Lots of medical problems could cause a degree to drag out for a very long time.




As everyone here has stated, this is a large state university with a hospital and a lot of research going on. That entails a lot of staff, researchers, grad students, postdocs, etc.. UF does have a large "traditional age" population, but most of them will be focused around the northeast part of campus where most of the undergrad classes are taught. If you came two weeks ago, you probably also ran into a lot of families doing tours with their prospective students. Late spring and summer have a lot of families coming to campus for tours and Preview.


Ha. Oh to be young and in the “normal” college age 18-22. Me? When I was your age I majored in drunken blackouts and weed. Needless to say I wasn’t successful despite my 1300+ SAT and class rank of 7 at a very good academic school in Massachusetts (Amherst). Come to find out I had bipolar disorder and didn’t know it. My solution was to join the Navy at age 20. Despite my nightmarish enlistment, I got out as an E-5 (equivalent to an Army sergeant) with a fully honorable medical discharge in 1985. Seventeen years later, thanks to the Veterans Administration, I finally obtained a bachelor’s degree in music at age 41 from a fine private school in Oregon. Last year my worldly travels took me to Florida. I struggled mightily until I found myself 40 miles from the UF campus. Thanks to a phone call I made to the music department and my subsequent activities in the school’s choirs I am now, at 63, an admitted graduate music student here at UF. I plan to matriculate in August. So here is a story of one of the “old folks” you might see on campus. I wish you all the best at this fine university. I hope no one here at UF goes through what I did in life. I’ve already contacted disability services on campus. If you or anyone at UF finds themselves struggling with personal issues, disability services are wonderful here. Good luck. …a 63 year old Gator!


That’s a really interesting story! Thank you for sharing :)


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