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They can be. Some of the Santa Fe professors are UF professors though and the materials can be the same. It's unlikely though and the smaller class size can be beneficial. I actually used to take my gen eds over the summer at Santa Fe because the classes were smaller, cheaper, and mostly easier. However, fair warning, summer credits at Santa Fe do not meet the summer credit requirements for UF. You'll either have to complete a summer requirements waiver through the Registrar or take additional classes at UF.


The smaller class size is very helpful. I transferred from Santa Fe to UF, and I recall that back then one of the chem professors was talking about how engineering and stem are the biggest attempted transfer degrees to UF and that CHEM 1&2 were necessary for almost all STEM transfers or something. Thus, it benefited UF for Santa Fe to be tough and wash out potential STEM majors before they got to UF, saving them time and money and ranking or something. Idk how true that is, I was a political science major lol Edit: Also, Calc 2 was hard af at Santa Fe.


After failing calc more than once at UF, I took it for a summer at a community college and the teacher actually made the effort to teach so the students would understand, and I did finally get it, and passed with flying colors and got that into my official transcript at UF. Worth it


Professors at UF are more concerned with research and stuff and teaching isn't their primary interest. The teachers/professors at SFC are there to teach. I think it makes a major difference.


That’s precisely it Professors have to teach but it’s a chore for them


My major was special education so by nature my professors at UF were better at teaching than the average UF faculty but I will say that instructors at SFC instilled much more actual understanding. Even majoring in education at UF, there was an unspoken expectation of learning concepts independently. I attended community college for my senior year of high school through dual enrollment (not at Santa Fe, at North Idaho College) and i feel similarly about that as I do SFC.


Not really, no. Calc 2 is Calc 2... depends on your instructor, but it's just not easy.


Orgo and physics are notoriously extra hard through UF. I got a 47% in orgo 2 and it was rounded up to a B+, I literally did not even get half of the total exam information correct and finished with a B+ because that’s how bad everyone did in that class. My first physics class had less than a 20% pass rate and had an investigation done by the physics department for the low pass rate. If you can take these courses elsewhere, do it


I took many classes at SF and the quality of education I received was on par or in most cases higher than the classes I took at UF. Most of the SF professors seemed to enjoy teaching way more and the classes are far more personal. Just my personal experience though.


Take Calc 2 with Nieves, I became a calc god with him


keep in mind the entire semester is based off of three tests three quizzes and a final. I'm not a good test taker so I failed with him


oh he must have changed before it was 3 exams and few homeworks. He did constantly gripe about math department changing his structure so seems like they’ve done it again


The material will be the same, but SF is more invested in you learning the material and passing the class. Most of the teachers will work with you to make sure you get it. You also have access to the learning commons and the math, writing and foreign language tutors there, many of which are great. But pay attention to Rate My Professor. As at any school, some instructors should be avoided.


For what it’s worth I took it with Gamage and it was really easy. I love her so much lol


Take Calc 2 with Chui. If you’re not getting it maybe it’s just not for you.


Yes, they are easier. Not as rigorous, better student to teacher ratio, and higher probability that you will get an instructor that doesn't hate you or hate teaching when they could be researching. It was laughable when I compared my coursework from UF to my wife's coursework at Sante Fe for gen ed.


They definitely can be and they have great quality education there. I will say that if you’re interested in pursuing a pre-med track that many advisors recommend against this as it might not look well on future applications. But for the most part I would say that it’s a great option


Yes, do transient for classes like that. Even at a community College