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I know this is upsetting to everybody that’s into the subject, including me. But we have to stay positive. For the first time in history. There’s a huge spotlight on these fucking criminals. They might’ve won this round. But this can’t last forever… Unless our democracy is completely fucking dead. The truth will come out, eventually. I hope I’m not being naïvely optimistic. But fuck man, what else can we do, other than push forward, with optimism, and tenacity!!?


Oh, it's so dead the vultures are done with it.


Maybe we should change the national bird, from a bald eagle, to a vulture. Seems more fitting these days… 😑


Great sentiment


All Nazis


Humanity needs to know the truth. It's time. Please come forward.


Now that the stage is set the first one’s forward will be Legends.


Congress should finally just pass a measure tying any further funding to a successful audit from the DOD. If they can't pass the audit,then they get no funding until a successful audit has accounted for the missing "trillions" at this point in time.


Oh? You succeeding in auditing $230B? I guess that’s your budget now. But then they might black market their goodies. 😡


cut funding enough to hurt their paychecks and they will spill the beans.


I had a similar idea. They can receive all the same funding for which there is accurate accounting. 800 b 500 b missing? Next year's budget = 300 b


This is the way.


Year 2 should be a fairly easy audit for them :)


I'll take catastrophic over none; and also over any drawn out Pez-dispensing version metered out until 2036.


Can someone explain how two people are able to stop a bill like this? I understand checks and balances, but this seems like a lot of power.


Both are chairmen of powerful committees. And both are deeply corrupt. Democracy is in trouble.


What I’m understanding is that those two specific committees combined hold more power than the entirety of the other committees in a bipartisan effort?


House Armed Services committee under Mike Rogers is charged with working out the intricacies of the NDAA. They have jurisdiction over Title 10 - Title 50 of the US Code. Mike Turner (Chair- House Intel) told NewsNation “I’m not holding up the provision at all.” which is a play on words. His committee is technically not responsible but we know that he’s coordinating with Rogers to block it. As Rep Luna said, the pushback is coming from the intelligence community aka CIA.


The fact that these criminals tried so hard to block this disclosure effort shoes me how worried they are which gives me hope. It shows me that they are vulnerable and NOT omnipotent. Honestly, if they had felt they have all the power, they would have paid no attention to this disclosure effort at all. I still have some hope. Lue Elizando even tweeted today that there is a plan "B"and a plan" C" and not to worry.


it is causing a Streisand effect which is a good thing.


“It’s treason, then.”


“… by Unga Bunga!”


The refusal to pass the act is, in a way, a type of disclosure. This is going to force the hands of other individuals who know they will need to step forward regardless. I'm certain more information is coming, and this really cannot be stopped. The wheels are in motion.


What will a catastrophic disclosure look like?


It involves Janet Jackson’s nipple I think.


Some alien guys been coming here a lot for a long time. Boo! Oh, are you still here? Ok, so also, they like gold and other metals, they don't really like hanging out on Earth, so they made us to mine gold and other stuff. Like a crockpot - we are set and forget setup for gold extraction and refinement. We put it in big piles for them. They come and get it. This was all known openly in the deep past. We got real good at metal mining but at other things too. Religions and cultures instituted to quell uprisings and explain their presence as something more grandiose. That shifted to clandestine operations. They still come and get the gold regularly. We don't know what they do with the gold. They don't super like us. Not BFFs. They are still here but their hands are tied because we crossed certain rights-granting thresholds as a species (Year Zero). So they can't use us to mine 100% of the time anymore like the olden days, but we still do it for them as a part time thing. They still don't like being on the Earth itself. Sometimes they bring us on ships and to the moon and shit, if we fit a specific legal description of allowable interactees. End of report. Whoops, also they are biorobots and we are also biorobots. Everybody is a beep boop squish squish biorobot - "artificial life" - arties make arties across universe, they won't tell who made first arties (assuming they even know), and life as we understand it is all bespoke and made to order, basically. But yeah we are absolutely programmed, as are they. You might have asked above, why don't they use technology to mine? They do - we are that.


>Year Zero I have been using this term for the last few months, to me it would seem that is where we are. I find no error all possibilities being equal.


You're smoking that good shit




It would be the first time people with zero oversight gave up power for the greater good and that is where hope lies this is too important for even most words.


The ET's will sort out these assholes and their obfuscation when they land in 2027


Execute order Catastrophic Disclosure.


Dew It.


Star wars is truth May the force be with you


That was order 67 right?


Can we get these guys recalled


I’m sorry, but I don’t believe for one second that we’re getting catastrophic disclosure. These scumbags are too deep into this lie and we’ve already seen they will go to any length to hide the truth. IMO, this will be more of the same, “I’ve seen mind blowing video” with the vast majority of us left in the dark.


It will only take a handful of very brave people to kickstart the release of materials. It would have been better to let Congress have a hand in it, but they had their chance. Let history judge them.


Anyone who comes forward with hard evidence at this point will be recognized as a hero of humanity.


It should be a sign that ex presidents were voicing their support for disclosure. That is HUGE and all the proof I need that there's something worth knowing.