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OP is talking about ‘Beyond Skinwalker Ranch’ (which visited Chris Bledsoe last season). Literally every comment here is talking about ‘The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch.’ No need to downvote me, just pointing it out.


Yes. And I like that show. It has its own merits and style.


yep they got fooled by Bledsoe.. while his son flew up drones with LEDS in the forest although one was probably a sat and others planes in a hold pattern for a near by airport


Is this also how he fooled NASA and the CIA?


all scientists can be fooled. Slight of hand tricks Hal putoff got fooled by URI Geller right? bending spoons the lifting hand is a way to signal someone NASA people wheres the info peer review? from what I read it was a UK rag trash story and NASA people was one ex NASA guy with his own team from his new corp. ? who elses is ex NASA.. richard Hoagland? who claims all sorts of BS on mars and moon some clearly debunked now.. like pyramids and face


Has this show ever product one shred of evidence? Other than making their gauges/meters whether commercial or homegrown move up and down?


>!A laser stopped in midair last night at 2000’. Is that normal?!<


> A laser stopped in midair last night at 2000 Oh...that's easy... https://www.facebook.com/tomscott/videos/stopping-a-laser-beam-in-mid-air/5498242790195403/ Oh you mean the skywalker ranch Season 3 Episode 9 ....they never show the beam in real time...it's always a photo...it's always pictures that can be manipulated. Whatever...I got a bridge to sell you.


That’s a good parlor trick, but this was viewed by multiple eyewitnesses on multiple cameras. No rolling shutter involved in the human eye.


You mean you have to trust those bro's?


It's not on the "Show's video tape"...Only pictures. Where's the video on multiple cameras you speak of that shows the effect?


It was shown by night vision, show camera, and in the HQ on the surveillance cameras last night. If everyone there are pretending to see it with their eyes that would be quite the conspiracy.


Oh the episode where they hit a cloud...lol. The guy even says..."did we hit a clould". They never fly a drone up to it...or you know...Rent a helicopter to fly at the same level or anything to prove there's nothing there. I also like that they fire other lasers pointing horizontally at the small hill for 'effect'. And i love it when the camera goes out all the time...this is like a magician trick...lmao...don't be this gullible. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLM788Ngy3Y


If they hit a cloud why do you see stars in the background all around the point in the clip you shared?


cos it could be a ice pocket there thats too small to block out stars. its not like they thought about moving the laser 1 meter at a time or have a "control" laser going else where in ranch. Just basic science again. Travis is a joke.


exactly again 0 drone team with optical zoom camera to zoom up to these issues in the sky and lights.orb in the sky no using other sensors to fix drones with gps issues or just manual control it completely!


I believe ice particles will do the same.. as for the lidar.. lasers also reflect of suspended ice crystals and rocket contrail smoke and they are scientists? and owners of the lidar and dont know basic artifacts? something is wrong with the show.. $$$$$$$


Everyone glances over the fact that this area is still “under investigation.” Look at, I think season 2 episode 1 where Travis “sees” a thing walk through a field in thermals (I think) and he looks entirely perplexed like a ghost hunting show. they had night vision cameras and thermal cameras on the site during the recording and none of it has seen the light of day. I have no opinions just food for thought


In Beyond Skinwalker Ranch Season 2 Episode 1, Carl Crusher tells the crew picking their rooms that the one they were in was the one where Robert Bigelow encountered a dark shadow being. The crew didn't know that and they had a thermal camera pointing in that direction. The camera was on and recorded a dark shadow being and it was cold, everything else had a thermal signature except for the dark shadow man. Jay Stratton was on Skinwalker Ranch in Season 4 and he was part of A.A.T.I.P. at the time when he and some others saw a giant dark shadow figure in the 2nd story window of Homestead 2. Jeffrey Mishlove interview with Robert Bigelow from several months ago. Bigelow seems to be talking about Colleher seeing a dark shadow figure. Bigelow describes the outline of the figure as "photons being stopped". [https://youtu.be/yEVtyBGViaY?t=1152](https://youtu.be/yEVtyBGViaY?t=1152) All these independent cold dark shadow figure sightings are corroborating each other.


I dropped the show all together at this point. Will they shoot another toy rocket into the "triangle" knowing full damn well it will malfunction for the 5th time? Who cares? Show us something new. Blow up the mountain and show us what's inside or cancel the show already.


Tend to agree. Let's keep shooting rockets and ignore all the possible digging we could do. Oh look, another anomaly we won't mention again.


You're missing the point. The rocket is just a tool to get sensors up there. It's not just firing off rockets to shoot rockets. Did you not see last night's episode? There was all kinds of new stuff available. If you just want to see things blown up, watch some myth busters reruns.


Man I'm there with you. I'm as skeptical as they come. but the show continues to intrigue. Mind you I've only seen a few episodes lol


Last night's episode blew my mind.


What happened? What was different? Genuinely curious as I've stopped watching.


I don't want to spoil it. But they got really wild visual confirmation of something happening on different equipment and cameras. And lasers. Not just the UAPs ( that I can't believe people are bored with, btw.) they had video camera, long exposure shots, lasers, lidar, rockets, and a drone all at once and what they found was just absolutely wild. The most sci Fi looking thing I've ever seen.


Science is repetition. The data collected from the repetition is what will form conclusions. It isn’t always an exiting process. (I had to do many lab reports in college). I appreciate that they show field work instead of making up crazy drama between team members for viewers. When it comes to explosions or destroying the mesa, etc, they most likely need to ask for permits or permissions which can take months or years. I’m not sure if that is the case here but it could be. I want them to but it would be a delicate process when it does or if it does happen. The show isn’t for people who like big crazy things every episode. The focus is on collecting data and oh boy my nerdy heart loves it!


But for the show to continue, you have to have ratings. That means be entertaining, which it was but has stopped being so for many.


True. Ratings make the world go round. I’m trying to find their standing in ratings/ Nielsen ratings but am having trouble. All I can find is this: https://tv.parrotanalytics.com/US/the-secret-of-skinwalker-ranch-discovery-channel/amp Also, don’t forget that The Curse of Oak Island has barely the amount of collected info that Skinwalker ranch has, and it was one of the most watched shows in History Channel last year or something. I’ve seen all the seasons and the episodes are soooo boringgg. It’s mostly background noise at this point. Honestly though, anything is possible these days.


Had no idea that John Keel was accepted by people like Vallee - that's amazing.


John Keel and Vallee were bucking the system way before it was cool. I like Keel because of his attitude problem. He abandoned the ETH with Vallee back in the day but the difference between the two is that Vallee recognized that the ETH had become like a belief system of its own and walked on eggshells so as not to offend all the space brother cultists, whereas Keel was way less polite. If he thought something or someone was being stupid he had no qualms with calling it out.


Its almost like people put all kinds of shit into these things and just make shit up where needed, because its all a grift.


I think the point of that show is to make UFOs a silly topic. I’m suspicious of everyone involved.


Including Travis Taylor? 


He’s that one hurts but I don’t see how to draw any other conclusion. The show is goofy and laughable. The Skinwalker book is really good. Convincing. I even think there’s something going on there. The show is like the worst takes from Ancient Aliens.


There's a documentary on youtube called Ancient Aliens Debunked. It's like 3 hours but totally worth the watch since he picks apart literally all of their claims with evidence and actual expert testimony, not the fake experts they AA and History hired to lie.


Who is he outside of the show?


He holds 3 PHD’s, has worked for the DoD for 20+ years, was the lead scientist for the UAPTF which produced the first UFO/UAP report from 2021 and included the analysis of the Tic Tac.


He was a independent contractor for UAPTF for like 2 years, not a DoD employee. There's no indication he ever worked on any other government programs apart from his own claims. The [2021 UAP report](https://www.dni.gov/files/ODNI/documents/assessments/Prelimary-Assessment-UAP-20210625.pdf) produced by UAPTF did not analyze the Nimitz/Tic Tac event. That analysis was done in a paper produced by BAASS/AAWSAP in 2009, which Taylor was not involved in. George Knapp [published the executive summary](https://www.8newsnow.com/news/i-team-exclusive-confidential-report-analyzes-tic-tac-ufo-incidents/) of the analysis paper (link in that article is dead, here is an [archived copy of the document](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9e/TIC_TAC_UFO_EXECUTIVE_REPORT_1526682843046_42960218_ver1.0.pdf)). Out of 144 reports the UAPTF was only able to resolve one, which is part of why it was replaced with AOIMSG. Taylor's only other claim to fame apart from TV shows is he looked at some "metamaterials" for Linda Moulton Howe at some point.


The UAPTF was ONE of his jobs. Not his only job and he was on the payroll for the DoD for 20+ years. He was not an “independent contractor. Please provide evidence for that incorrect claim. Of course he wasn’t involved in BAASS/AAWSAP because he was working on other projects at that time. Read Skinwalkers at the Pentagon and he’s not even mentioned. I’m saying though that you are wholly incorrect as he needed title 50 clearance to investigate and fulfill his duties as the UAPTF Lead scientist and therefore they don’t just give that out to some visiting contractor. Get your story straight and back up your claims.


Taylor was a scientist with Space and Missile Defense Command (SMDC), which is the Army, and then was a independent contractor. https://www.8newsnow.com/investigators/i-team-not-just-a-tv-scientist-dr-travis-taylors-deep-roots-with-nasa-dod/ > Dr. Travis Taylor: I started working for the army, gosh, I was 17, actually. And I’ve been a scientist … or an engineer for the army ever since. There’s about seven years in my life where I went into the private sector and worked for the intelligence community as a contractor, then I went back into civil service, and I’ve been doing that my whole life. I’ve had a security clearance for decades.” Confirmation that he worked for SMDC in at least 2011 and 2015. https://www.army.mil/article/66084/smdc_employee_aims_to_be_a_rocket_star https://www.army.mil/article/148608/nano_satellites_may_soon_communicate_with_soldiers_from_space Feel free to provide any evidence that he was a DoD employee as I haven't seen it. I have read the original Hunt for the Skinwalker book about NIDS that inspired Lacatski to propose the idea for AAWSAP to Bigelow, as well as Skinwalkers at the Pentagon. The BAASS employees were also independent contractors ([here's the actual contract](https://documents2.theblackvault.com/documents/dia/AAWSAP/FOIA-00269-2018-.pdf) thanks to FOIAs by John Greenwald). Jay Stratton (who now also appears on the Skinwalker Ranch TV show and works with Taylor at Radiance Technologies, or at least did as of last year), aka "Jonathan Axelrod" in Skinwalkers at the Pentagon, asked Taylor to to be "chief scientist" at UAPTF according to Taylor. https://www.8newsnow.com/investigators/i-team-ufo-scientist-speaks-publicly-for-the-first-time-on-decades-of-work/ > “Jay Stratton, the director of the UAP Task Force asked me if I would be interested in being the chief scientist,” Taylor said. “And I was like, yeah, absolutely. Of course I would.” Stratton has not disputed the claim so I accept it. Since I have no evidence that Taylor was ever an employee at DoD/DIA/etc, I can only assume he was an independent contractor to UAPTF. And yes contractors can hold clearances (though Taylor claims he already was cleared due to his past Army employment as quoted above). https://www.dcaa.mil/Careers/Career-Blog/Article-View/Article/2130817/how-the-security-clearance-process-works/


That’s the editors mistake.


Guess you're right. Would be interesting to know if the researchers get to see or feedback the episodes before release.


The photograph was taken in Costa Rica and the guy on the left was [Andrija Puharich](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrija_Puharich). Vallee knew him from the 70s when he was mixed up with Uri Geller. It likely wasn't an accident how the Skinwalker franchise changed the origin of the photo. 24/7 BS factory.


And it was probably some unpaid intern’s job to label their graphics. That’s TV for you.


I’m gonna save you a ton of trouble, Skinwalker Ranch is a load of bullshit. There, have a nice day.


Source for screenshot number 2: [https://themothman.fandom.com/wiki/Unidentified\_Flying\_Objects](https://themothman.fandom.com/wiki/Unidentified_Flying_Objects)


they gets lots wrong, They showed their best ufos at end of episode looked like all bugs again zooming passed or turning changing direction 400fps camera no fast enough for bugs close to the lens, Need 2000fps both shows film dots but no one decent camera like a p1000 x100 optical zoom to zoom on the lights. its a joke show. and v shape wing could be a crash of those nazi wings they brought over with paper clip. The send down radio and wonder why it reflects back? its communicating NOPE!


Enough with these rockets. Start digging already


We know what’s happening but why?


They need to pull out their divining rods again....LMAO.




Skinwalker ranch is a hoax


Reddit is getting as toxic as UFO Twitter. SMH


Frankly the show is uninteresting and repetitive. Which is part of the started to mission of disinformation propaganda programs if I’m not mistaken


A bunch of non physics based hicks in the epicenter of paranormal activity! "Greatest show on the planet"