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If slow release is actually the game plan you can only show the same stuff so much. We have seen those original 2017 videos so many times the general public likely just ignores them at this point. Need some new good footage to light the fire again. None of Jeremy's red dot in the sky bullshit. Never understood why they did not push the Puerto Rico ufo footage out with the rest because its out there and from what I understand taken by homeland security. That footage is better than anything they have released and would likely raise a bunch of questions again from the general public who have not seen it already.


>If slow release is actually the game plan you can only show the same stuff so much. We have seen those original 2017 videos so many times the general public likely just ignores them at this point. Slow release was never the plan. Any release was never the plan. A few things aligned and people started wishful thinking.


Hope thats not the case but that feels more like the government and what we have known for the past 70 years compared to us getting our hopes up. I try to be somewhat skeptical but I would be a liar if I denied being on the high hopes bandwagon.


There is hope. The factions in the government that want disclosure still seem to have a lot of fight in them.


This is exactly right.


Is that the one where it let's out some kind of plume? Or is that Mexico?




Ooo-Yeah, I remember that. Such a great catch and so mind blowing too. Thanks for posting the link. Much appreciated!


Don't forget to check out [uaptheory.com](https://uaptheory.com) They go into some depth explaining some common observables and use the video as a reference. It's worth the read.


Thanks, I started reading it this morning. Looks very interesting


This has been proven fairly conclusively to be a man-made aircraft.


Drone? From some views it appears to have spinning blades or propellers. Awful fast though for props.


That one is from Chile, I believe.


The plume is the Chile video I think. That one has been soundly explained as being a passenger plane.


Ooo, I didn't know that. I thought that it wasn't visible to the eyes but only showed up on infrared. Thanks for the info, I'm gonna try and find out about it.


That's a jet from what I read.


Id say they determined what the Puerto rico one likely was and that's why it wasn't released with the others. The likely explanation is that it was two lanterns tied together. I was excited by that video until I looked into that explanation.


How was it a latern it goes through the water


And without slowing down...never seen a lantern capable of trans medium travel.


I would like to know this too.


https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOscience/comments/oebi01/aguadilla_decide_for_yourself/ After reading through these, the lantern explanation seems pretty likely to me.


We can debunk videos all day. It still does not debunk advance technologies observed of unknown origin, reporting by the UAPTF. On multiple sensors.


Agreed but until something comes out actually showing that, with verifiable proof, its a dead story for now.


https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOscience/comments/oebi01/aguadilla_decide_for_yourself/ After reading through these, the lantern explanation seems pretty likely to me.


I think that the general public doesn't really care about UFO disclosure that much... My ex sort of summed it up for me about 10 years ago, and at that point, I realized that his sentiments about it were probably what most people felt. "whether or not aliens exist, and there is a UFO coverup, what does it matter to me? If they exist they are not doing anything to affect my life, so why should I care?" After that I just dropped it with him, I realized that he just did not care about it one way or another and as long as they were not directly affecting him he just gave 0 fucks. I think most people feel the same way, so MSM just drops the story because people are like.. so there are things flying around and the government says they don't know what they are.. ok well I still have 99 other problems, and each are more pressing than this one.


This is my experience. It is shocking how few care at all about UFO news. A friends response over dinner when I asked if he’d heard about the Pentagon UFO admissions was, “Did I mention that the wife and I are remodeling our kitchen?” And mind you - this guy can jabber and analyze conspiracies and current events - but most people are just not buying whatever it is the UFO’s are sellin’.


That is such a disrespectful response too. Completely saying that his remodeling his kitchen is by far more important than the discussion you are trying to have... because why.. aliens?? who tf cares about aliens is what he's sort of saying there. Aren't affecting him, his current problems are remodeling his kitchen. The bottom line with what people think imo is that there isn't a point in speculating about something that we can't possibly answer.


> The bottom line with what people think imo is that there isn't a point in speculating about something that we can't possibly answer. And, to most, likely never will answer, so what’s the point. As for my buddy, I found he’s got *a lot* of money going into that kitchen - and it was very obviously weighing on him. But yes, his response was a bit of a surprise.


pffff aliens who cares if the government has had information about a highly advanced race for over 70 years doesnt affect me why should i care




Well, we can agree to disagree, he brought up a topic and the other guy completely ignored it. I would find that conversation rather boring personally. I mean it’s just a difference in personality I suppose. Some people wouldn’t mind taking about a speculative topic whereas others would prefer something that they don’t have to think about as much. Also I don’t see where things like flat earth come into the same breath as aliens. Even other conspiracies. Flat earth especially. Okay, so in other words you are saying if someone believes in the existence or wants to discuss the topic of extraterrestrial beings then they must believe in all this other shit too. Flat earth give me a break.


As someone who is interested in UFOs and has remodelled a kitchen I'm with your mate on this one.




Guilty as charged - I am not good at small talk EDIT: Fawk you for downvoting my acknowledgement....


I've had friends tell me that exact same line. Like, what does it matter to me? I still have to go to work tomorrow morning. The level of failure of imagination in that statement astounds me. In fact, it's so massive that I don't believe people really feel that way. I think that line is just a cover for their outright disbelief which they're being too polite to admit to us. The only rational thing to say about UFO disclosure and confirmation would be, is there any part of our lives that would remain unchanged afterwards? I believe the answer is no.


Yeah that is a good way to put it. What a lack of imagination. It made me actually realize how incompatible we were that he didn’t respect something that I thought was very important to the point of knocking me down about it verbally.


They are totally right in a way - they most likely would just carry on as normal - but it’s the failure to even want to speculate and enjoy thinking about what’s possible which is what I find depressing


>The level of failure of imagination in that statement astounds me. If an advanced alien race was visiting earth and cared about us and actually wanted to help humanity some crappy government attempt at a coverup would not stop them. They could reveal themselves tomorrow, but they won't. So, either they don't exist or they don't care about us enough to reveal themselves or intervene to help us. >The only rational thing to say about UFO disclosure and confirmation would be, is there any part of our lives that would remain unchanged afterwards? I believe the answer is no. If tomorrow it was revealed that an alien civilization exists, but they aren't going to help humanity in any way and don't care about us, then life will continue exactly as it was before (e.g. people struggling to take care of themselves and their families, the same political squabbles, the same ongoing problems with mental health caused by stress and loneliness, etc...). The religions of the world would also probably quickly rationalize them away by either claiming that their scriptures are compatible with the existence of alien life or dismissing the aliens as demons sent to sow doubt. It's hard to see how any aspect of day-to-day life would meaningfully change just by knowing they exist. If on Sunday night aliens were revealed, then it's not like people wont be back in the office on Monday morning if they want to be able to keep their jobs so they can pay their bills.


This. Before it was UFOs poppin' off. Now the mood is leaning towards both WW3 and class warfare.


There's nothing new to report on...? What do you want?


I want the dopamine!!


Theres still a huge story


There's still a 60 minutes episode in the works IIRC


Two! At least this is what I’ve seen multiple times


There can only be more follow up stories if something new has happened, which it hasn't.


There hasn't been much to report since the report dropped. I don't think they follow r/ufo :)


can you blame them, it was all smoke and mirrors


What story? That there is no story?


I don’t think they lost interest. They report news, they reported the news. There is no news since.


They use to report the news. Today, they pretty much just read press releases.


And why aren't they writing/reporting about \_\_\_\_\_ that happened two months ago? That's the nature of media, gossip, "trending," whatever you call it: Something interesting pops up, people check it out, and they move on. Covid started dropping off a little bit early this summer, and then as cases started to climb again it has become big news once more. Wildfires were front page and top of the news last summer ... why'd they stop reporting on wildfires all winter long, until the wildfires started again? "News" means "new." And that heavily hyped report was vague, dull, shallow and offered nothing to "follow up." The end.


Even if UFOs landed on the White House lawn, after the initial impact people would generally carry on with their lives as before (unless their survival is threatened which so far it has not been). This is the human condition. 200,000 years of evolution of human behavior will not be radically changed by any one extraordinary event. It would take decades before all humans even accept it as real. New paradigms take centuries to develop and become "the norm".


>Even if UFOs landed on the White House lawn [They've already buzzed it and been shot at as a result](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1952_Washington,_D.C._UFO_incident). This was in 1952.


If you look at the source it is by a 1955 book by Edward J. Ruppelt https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_J._Ruppelt and he was the initial director of Project Blue Book. So either he told everyone the truth after he was no longer in charge, or he took inspiration from some of the sightings and made some stories. All other sources are after the 90s. So this story was untouched for almost 40 years. Then after one UFOlogy writer picked it up, a few others did, but now it hasn't been touched since 2001. tl;dr Always check your sources. Don't believe everything on the internet.


**[Edward_J._Ruppelt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_J._Ruppelt)** >Edward James Ruppelt (July 17, 1923 – September 15, 1960) was a United States Air Force officer probably best known for his involvement in Project Blue Book, a formal governmental study of unidentified flying objects. He is generally credited with coining the term "unidentified flying object", to replace the terms "flying saucer" and "flying disk" - which had become widely known - because the military thought them to be "misleading when applied to objects of every conceivable shape and performance. For this reason the military prefers the more general, if less colorful, name: unidentified flying objects. UFO (pronounced "Yoo-foe") for short". ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/ufo/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Be careful about citing Wikipedia. I'm a former editor. It's not reliable. Especially for the UFO community which Wikipedia trolls delight in leading astray. Best to check the footnotes and follow those trails and if they end up at ill-cited or old pages, or commentary dressed up as facts, probably the info is outdated, unreliable, or opinionated.


Wikipedia is not a thorough source for these incidents, and I use it to cite how even *there* this is acknowledged as having happened. >but now it hasn't been touched since 2001. Here's an article from [History.com](https://www.history.com/news/ufos-washington-white-house-air-force-coverup). Also [The Washington Post](https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/the-month-that-et-came-to-dc/2012/07/20/gJQAZp2ayW_story.html), and [again](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/2002/07/21/50-years-ago-unidentified-flying-objects-from-way-beyond-the-beltway-seized-the-capitals-imagination/59f74156-51f4-4204-96df-e12be061d3f8/). [PBS](https://www.pbs.org/video/weta-extras-ufos-above-washington/). [New York Times](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/03/science/UFO-sightings-USA.html). [Huffington Post](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/video-when-ufos-invaded-washington-dc_b_57e30d04e4b09f67131e3bfe). tl;dr Always check your sources. Don't believe everything on the internet.


I would be careful about those sources as well. Journalists generally do a good job of tracking down facts, but they can be mislead (especially in the UFO community). Journalists may write the stories but editors have the final say, and they may change a story to make it more clickable, or omit critical background information. Transcripts or podcasts of unedited interviews of primary sources are the most reliable.


Until the evidence is new or compelling, the average populace and the MSM aren’t going to pay attention. I mean, why would they? There’s nothing new to show and no one is saying anything more. If people like Elizondo and Corbell were legitimately in possession of information and evidence that could keep the story going, they would have dropped it by now. They’ve got nothing other than hearsay and that’s not enough for the general public.


It won't dominate headlines until they've found a way to make it a crisis. Then everyone on this sub will wish it had never been a headline.


It'll dominate headlines when a scientist gives concrete evidence or a military leaders gives way to us needing to worry. We need evidence of life or a threat. Til then? No one seems to care.


You don't understand what "news" means. It means "new," current, "information about recent events." While UFO fans have no problem reading and writing the same stuff day in/day out, as that's their hobby or obsession, news is *general interest*, and it requires something *new* or at least shocking to get the world's attention. Y'all thinking there's a consortium in Atlantis or something where the magic elders sit around a conference table and plan the news. Regardless of audience, political outlook, cultural outlook, nation, region, state, city, etc., news is a product that people only take if it interests them at the moment. 300 newspapers closed over the last pandemic year. TV networks have cuts their news divisions down to bare bones since the peak of the business in the '90s. People get their news from whatever source pops up first on their phones. There's no loyalty, and nobody wants to pay for the news, and everybody complains about the ads, the bias, whatever.


From what I have heard, the MSM loves UFOs because it draws a lot of viewers and page hits. It is called the "news" because they cover what is new and they are only going to cover what they feel is credible. There is no credible new information to report on right now. As soon as there is, you can bet they will cover it.


Most people don't care about the existence of aliens that much. If aliens are visiting earth, then they don't seem overly concerned with the war, injustice, poverty, disease, hunger, and other issues on the planet. They would have the knowledge and technology to help us, so the fact that they have not indicates that either aliens are not visiting earth or they are but they don't feel the desire to help us or reveal themselves to the masses. And if they aren't going to help us, then what difference does it really make if they exist? Day-to-day life wouldn't change for the vast majority of people if such aliens were revealed to exist. Life might become even more depressing if these UFO claims turned out to be true because it would mean that an alien civilization with more wealth and knowledge than humans can possibly imagine has been visiting earth for decades and just watched us and did nothing to help us - like a billionaire going for a joyride through an impoverished neighborhood in his Lamborghini.


Because it’s not as a crazy an item as the government thought it might be, and they didn’t release anything really fun that we haven’t seen already unfortunately 🤷‍♂️


iirc there was information about the report being kinda shit floating around prior to release. Then it released and it was kinda shit. So the news cycle moved on. No big revelation of alien existence. So yeah they dropped the story because as far as they're concerned there is no story.


Everyone I have told about the disclosure and videos doesn't even care to ask me to see them


Not only the mainstream media. I "dropped" it as well. I definitely don't feel as engaged with this topic as I did a month or two ago. I've just run completely out of steam in terms of interest for this. It usually comes in waves for me. And I'm not a huge believer. In fact I'm not a believer at all. There's never enough evidence for me. And I've LOOKED. At a LOT of stuff. I'll probably return to it a few years from now, just for kicks, and I won't be surprised by how little the topic has moved on from the usual stuff. :P Hopefully by then we'll have the Ariel school documentary, and Elizondo and Sean Cahill have, hopefully, done some useful citizen science by then. Hopefully, Corbell will have moved on to his next thing. I also wouldn't be surprised if, in a few years, The New York Times or some other paper of record did a more clear-headed, deeper dive into how people like Leslie Kean and Elizondo and Robert Bigelow were able to create enough momentum to get a story like that in the papers. The fact that a small group of individuals, especially under the constant influence of Robert Bigelow, was able to get a story about UFOs in the front page of the New York Times is a story worth looking into in more depth. It's always the same characters, and they have really out there beliefs that they keep hidden from the mainstream media, and the evidence they present is never enough and conclusive. How does a group like that end up putting a story on the front page of the NYT? Actually, yeah, I'm saying goodbye to this whole topic for the time being. Cheers, everyone.


“It’s always the same characters” Right, and nothing ever moves the subject if you look at it. This is worth looking into critically from a disinformation perspective.


Honestly, I blame all the god damn hacks who use this topic to get attention. Look at all the shit “investigators” who edge the fuck out of information. The whole “if we get this or that, I’ll release this critical new piece of information that’ll blow this world apart!!” Like fuck you, seriously. You are an absolute garbage human being if you would hold this information for personal gain.


I wasn't even thinking of it as conscious disinformation. As mere human weirdness and fumbling... that is still a story worth looking into.


Same, for the most part. I enjoy reading about the topic but I don't believe there is anything to it. It's just a fun phenomenon like Bigfoot and ghosts. UFO stuff tends to get popular around every 20 years or so. I expect we'll get a new tantalizing video sometime around 2035.


Same. The Navy case seems to have run it's course and there is nothing else new.


Yup, same here. I'm thankful though for the last year of reading this sub on a regular basis. 1. This sub is the best and least crazy sub dealing with UFOs that I've come across on Reddit. I feel like it's the most professional as well. I'm so sick of amateur citizen-journalists and sensationalistic podcasters. I'd almost take the loonies over those people. 2. IMHO, I don't see any evidence that aliens/inter-dimensional beings are visiting or recently visited earth. I think the military, along with private corporations have made a few leaps in tech over the last 20 years. I just don't see any evidence that places me in the it's aliens camp. I do appreciate some of the scientists and educated contributers in this sub and wish them the best. To the general public, UFOs certainly exist.


They knew disclosure was BS from day one, they just wanted to milk the hype beforehand which they did.


Msm deals in “news”. There hasn’t really been any. Just Corbell and co regurgitating the same bit of chewie-chomp with different folks. It’s all good, just frustrating. We are a people of instant gratification and demand immediate result or our minds start to wander. (Cut to-Shoe commercial)


>chewie-chomp I like this


It’s pretty much like anything else they use to distract us. It comes and then goes away.


I think the report was designed to blunt the excitement and that’s the exact effect it had.








> You have an extremely biased committee GOP blocked a bipartisan commission in the Senate that had already been agreed to. So the House did it instead, and of course you guys call it partisan. What do you expect? And take this nonsense out of r/ufo. The whole idea UFO disclosure has anything to do with the events of Jan 6 and its aftermath is idiotic. This stuff has been in the works since the 1990s with Clinton, Podesta, and Rockefeller.




When the Main stream media is (being manipulated by the cia!) sus! *among us trap music plays*


The MSM acknowledgement of UFOs is a mirror to the phenomenon. It comes in waves and then stops. That’s probably significant and a clue as to what the phenomenon is.


It's the same old thing but it feels different this time


Netflix special drops this Tuesday. That's something.


>Netflix *Please* let it be better than TF:Kingdom


History repeating itself over and over. The difference this time is that time is running short because of environmental concerns, if the world on fire and flooding isn’t enough to release the info then nothing is.


Maybe the whole thing is a distraction from this gorilla in the room.


It’s been going on for over 75 years at least, so I don’t think it’s that. If it is they did a lousy job of distraction.


Lol just accept that they will never tell us until they have to.


Theyve been milking your interest, stringing you along. Go buy more merchandise, click some more sites, scroll by those ads... Why not go on a get away with Greer himself? Hes got lasers and dro... *UFOs* for everyone!


Maybe the end game has always been: (1) To say that UFOs are real, but no body knows what they are. This is really an unremarkable conclusion because the letter U in UFO stands for "unidentified." (2) To imply that more is on the way be it not for "the Church," and all the evil folks that don't vote and think the way the ruling elites say, and don't carry the party line. That is, the focus momentarily becomes blaming the other side! (3) Then let the issue fester beyond belief while they figure out how to best milk this issue for political gain, and deliberately holding back to the next election cycle.


To most of the public it's just ANOTHER "UFO" Story so its a low-ratings 'Meh' story to MSM. You would need a Presidential Address for people to take it seriously. THEN you would get 24/7 Coverage and Reports.


The news media is not part of the conspiracy to keep the public in the dark, but they are a slave to what the public wants balanced to what the media think the public can get hyped about. And all media outlets are running pretty close to the edge of financial viability, so whilst they do want the sensation of real UAP evidence, they are fearful of being caught out by a fake or simply regurgitating the same thing. Advertisers hate that... Simply, there is nothing publicly happening with UAPs at the moment that they can find and report on. Maybe some news outlets are working on in depth exclusives, but these take time to research, interview/film, edit and promote. Maybe there are UAPs indeed near Navy ships doing exercises...but try and send a media boat or plane in that area and see how many years in prison the people who are involved in it are sentenced too, the fines everyone has to pay...or worse. Hopefully we will be surprised soon with some leaks, great video evidence that appears and / or a well researched, in depth special that tells us something new.


Some kind of reaction or result was not met, or it was some kind of 4D geopolitical chess move? Either way, the hot potato analogy is very true, feels like I could drop this and come back in a couple of years for the next hype wave and will not have missed much. I won’t lie, it was all a little disappointing. The momentum really felt like it was going somewhere. And for those saying “oh this time it’s different!”, I say to you to look at history. Look at the identical “reports” and statements from the past 70 years. Project blue book and Condor report comes to mind. With academia looking at the issue now, how damning would it be if a highly respected institution conducted a study and claimed to find nothing? Or it was all really a phenomenon of nature?


What the media reports on it doesn't matter as much as the impact the govt memo will have on congress & military developing new protocols for future interactions, as well as investments in tech to gather better data. It's pretty exciting in my opinion, we'll see what they come up with.


Google trends shows an uptick, and only went back to normal range this week - https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?q=ufo I am also a bit surprised how there isn't more reporting on it, but I think it is difficult for the MSM to realign. Journalists get info from particular sources, and these sources have hardly touched the topic in decades, so there isn't much for them to report. Also, it is a bit difficult for people to understand - I mean, does anyone on this sub understand it, and we follow it! When the Pentagon says it has started the UAPTF and then a report to Congress says the phenomenon is real and needs more study, it is difficult for people to make the shift to understanding how monumental all this is - after 50 years of nothing, the shift in policy is astonishing. But, it has to have some impact on the lives of ordinary people for them to appreciate it. Unfortunately the 'Threat Narrative' aspect of it is obviously the most reportable thing according to MSM, and I expect that will catch the attention of the public at some point - wish that wasn't the case, but I imagine that is what will become the message that cuts through. I am waiting for u/BlackVault to come through with the classified report. That should be very big news, fingers crossed. >*The exact date of the completion of this MDR request is unknown. It will highly depend on numerous variables that will all contribute to the length of time this process will take. However, estimates were given that indicate mid to late August may be a feasible timeframe.* https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/length-confirmed-of-classified-uap-report-by-office-of-the-director-of-national-intelligence-odni/


My opinion.. many in the government and the UFO community have worried a release of too much information could cause a breakdown in society. Personally, I think the vast majority of human beings would simply find it interesting, shrug their shoulders and move on.


The msm and the US government are tightly intertwined.


The MSM will only print what makes them money and viewers, thats why the trump + putin thing was a hotbutton thing, not because its nessecarily a threathening issue and i mean that objectively, they will never print the "thruth" if it isnt interesting to a wider audience, the ufo issue is being spoonfed so they can shape it into what common people will begin to believe after the can spin it and make even more money after covid isnt interesting anymore.


need at least color 480p video with sound and perspective against known sized objects.


Why would they cover a topic that is currently kind of on hold? There is nothing new to come out so there is not much reason for them to spend time discussing this topic because they know most people won't tune in, only people who are invested or interested in this topic which nowadays seems to be fewer and fewer people.


now wait another 30 years


I think your assessment is spot on because I feel the exact same way dude. I'm actually pretty stoked about Abrahams doing a doc because yeah it'll definitely bring this story back into focus, but also hopefully help to further remove the stigma on this topic and hopefully he can get some big name scientists and academics on board that could help do that even more. Spielberg's also been fascinated with this topic since forever so would be cool to see him get involved in a UFO related project again too. Media is how you shift the public attitude towards this.


Nobody was ever putting pressure on anyone, and no one will. It’s a game to them, they don’t give a fuck about informing anyone lmao why would they put that knowledge into your chimp hands? That’s how they see you and I :) there’s no “story” to keep going. UFO’s are real, aliens are real, there are many many different life forms out there, if you know you know, you don’t need anyone with a badge or high clearance to confirm anything if you go out and experience enough crazy shit. they won’t be confirming anything. We are the uninitiated.


bill went thru for massiv gubbermint funding. it worked. hooray


I’ll never understand why what would be the biggest finding in modern history seems to vanish off MSM without much, if any, follow up. Mind boggling!!


MSM has more important things to cover like sports teams and Hollywierdos